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..a bridge too far?

- You must've seen this one before..
- Just how am I to reach that door?
- That's the question, I implore
- A clue a hint, and nothing more..

(left-click image to enlarge)
- I know it involves something invisible, but I just can't see the solution!! :silly:


shall I do that again?

(left-click image to enlarge)

- sorry 'bout that!

Strider978's picture

What skill can you use to fix this bridge? Also what materials look like they're needed

(its a very weak hint but heck I'm not even completely sure if I remeber the correct combination)

Sharkull's picture

IIRC, every SP Pooka should be able to fix this (or any other broken) bridge... Wink

Not every Pooka has enough Mundane skill to mend bridges, but that just takes a lot of practice. She'll get there eventually.

Actually, attempting to fix bridges is quite a reasonable way to increase your mundane skill, as you can't lose the pieces when you fail. They're just too big to be destoyed by a botch.

These are my stats - after 64 hours of gameplay..

..are they high enough, yet?

Sharkull's picture


BTW (AFAIK), mundane 18 is enough to do anything in the game related to that attribute (with a bit of Luck Wink ).

Checking your inventory, you're not going to need anything you don't have. You do need to do one step before the bridge fixing.