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Editor 1 & 2

may be a dumb question but i dont no---is there a way to combine the stuff from editor 1 so that i can get it to work in editor 2-(such as skelotons and other creatures) or is this not gonna be possible----or is it just the dumbest question youse have ever herd--LOL -----

Sharkull's picture

No this is not a dumb question at all... quite common actually. The short answer is that some stuff will work (after a conversion process you would have to figure out for yourself, because there are no instructions...), and some stuff will not (again, nobody knows exactly what will and won't work...).

You might find this thread from over at the GPGarage to be an interesting read:

Good luck. :thumbup:

LoneKnight's picture

sharkull wrote:
you would have to figure out for yourself, because there are no instructions

This is what we need the guys who know how to do this to do. They need to share the knowledge.

Sharkull's picture

The problem is that nobody knows... not even GPG I bet (DS2 was made as an end product, not a platform for DS1 content).

There are people with extensive DS1 knowledge that probably have skills which would lend well to being able to figure out how to convert some stuff, but this would be a process with no guarantees of success.

The best chances of getting information about this stuff is to ask specific questions (converting one type of thing at a time, like a terrain node, a monster template...), not general ones ("tell me how to do everything...").

They need to share the knowledge.

Nobody "needs" to do anything, but it sure would be nice if people shared what knowledge they can... Smile

Oi, I can only answer specific questions, since this is not a desire of mine. I know the ffx system and code has changed, so you will have to convert that if you have code knowledge. For monsters just look at existing ones and edit them with the new graphics. You will also have to add entries in the nnk for terrain, bitmaps, and meshes. The weapon grip offsets have changed, and that will require knowledge on weapon grips.