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Manholes of Japan

I wish the manholes in my town looked as nice... Smile

Sharkull's picture

Manholes? What are manholes? All we have here are "maintenance holes" (after being visited by "politically correct" fanaticism long ago). Laughing out loud

Nice link Sol... I know I'd probably smile if I ran into something like that unexpectantly. Smile

Pery SPiffy

I saw this nice target at 5 meters took aim squeezed a round (7.62x39 mm SKS) and CLANG
It waS a freeking Manhole way out in the woods

Dang KMD, don't shoot until you know what you are aiming at. Laughing out loud

Yea i know thats how i got a kidlet and luckily shes a keeper Laughing out loud

LOL! I'll try that approach someday. Laughing out loud

They certainly are pretty - bit of civic pride there, methinks! Laughing out loud

You used to see the old original cast-iron covers in Manchester and places, but they are quite rare nowadays, I believe...

One could call them "human" holes, but perhaps that would be vulgar....quite possibly very vulgar.... Wink

Sharkull wrote:
Manholes? What are manholes? All we have here are "maintenance holes" (after being visited by "politically correct" fanaticism long ago). Laughing out loud

Nice link Sol... I know I'd probably smile if I ran into something like that unexpectantly. Smile

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Some of those Manholes look good enough to be unique shields in DS Cool

mmmmmm......the clanging of a sword hitting a magic shield. :roll: