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Hello, was wondering....

if it would be possable for some one to make a mod to beable to move the UI windows in game.i know nothing about modding what so ever.and not sure how hard it would be to do this progect.but just asking. got inventory mod and causeing my windows to over lap same with inn keeper where ya store your chacters. as of right now i can see the window on inn keeper but over laps character inventory and not usable.


Sharkull's picture

Firstly, welcome kool26. Smile

I highly suspect that the inventory mod you are using requires a certain screen resolution (it should say in it's readme file). If your computer can handle it, try increasing your desktop and DS2 in-game resolution to (at least) 1024x768. Your desktop resolution can be found by right-clicking the desktop, go to Properties, and look on the Settings tab. In game resolution settings can be found by opening up the Options menu, and looking on the Video tab. Your Windows desktop resolution must be greater than or equal to any resolution you want to use in-game.

To answer your question directly, the answer is "probably yes", the game UI should be able to be moved by mods (I think... I'm not 100% sure), but it is not easy to do, and it would really need to be done for each and every possible screen resolution. 8O (Translation: it probably isn't going to happen).

Tip: Instead of an inventory mod, I use 2-3 matured pack mules for storage (three tabs)... dismissing them to the Inn when I'm not moving stuff around. This keeps my stash and inventory clear for when I'm adventuring... no mods needed. Wink

I was wondering what the best weapon is in Dungeon Siege 2 is
Thank You.

Sharkull's picture

It all depends on your character level, class, and strategies (2h melee vs. 1h, bow/xbow ranger vs thrown...). Do you have a character build in mind?

(BTW, welcome to siegetheday Smile )