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Modelling question

Hey guys, im new to the whole modding situation, so pretty much im a newb at it, could someone tell me how I can add Mesh files into DS2 Siegeeditor, im tired of the old armor and would like to upload some versions i made but have no idea where to go for the tools

thanks for any help :P

Sharkull's picture

I split this post into it's own thread, since it didn't really pertain to the New Item Slots discussion...

I'm not the person to help on this subject, but if you're completely new to DS/DS2 modding, then Siege University is a good place to start:

Strider978's picture

Not really clear on what the question is here, maybe you could re-explain it differently?



No im not new to Ds1 modding just new to ds2 ive played Ds2 since it came out taking note on what I wnated changed and all, but when the tool finally came out alot changed so was wondering what tools I would need to pull this off

And thanks for the link when I get home from school today ill read up on the university thing :P thanks for the help :P Wink

For new armor models I think you need an art pack for ds2. I think it was ghastly who mentioned you could use the skeleton from ds1 from the artpacks made for gmax that will work with the fg animations. You could probably use ornaments to attach to the current armor meshes for another look. It is unclear to me what you want to do.

hehe thanks man!
this is working out great, ill try that, btw gonna Hijack this for a sec, Dose anyone know where I can find the maxlevel maxstats files? i cant seem to find them, wanting to make max level 500 so a person can have all the skills yet keep it balanced at the same time, any suggestions would rock!

In formulas.gas

Thanks man, Cant say how much I appriciate this help ha,

If you want the DS2 figures to wear differently shaped armors (body, helmet, boots, gloves) then you have to provide a submesh for that portion of the figure with a skin modifier that weights the vertices to the same skeleton as the base figure. Not an equivalent skeleton, the SAME skeleton. This is why the art packs are so important.

You'll need male and female versions of your new armor mesh, as the two skeletons are different. The same texture must be mapped onto each. No change from DS1, except less skeletons needed (no dwarves yet, and no PC skellie)

I was able to check that farmboy/girl use the same skeletons as DS1, (and the other races use the same body models, even if the heads are different) so you can use the DS1 artpacks to provide the skeletons for DS2. We don't yet know if the expansion dwarves will use the DS1 dwarf skeleton. The UV maps were changed between DS1 and DS2, but they could make the same change for the dwarf so they could use the same armors.

There are some other changes from DS1 to watch for. Boots replace the lower calf, not just the foot, and there is support for stitching hands and feet instead of just the neck. So if you do a new body armor (where you have to include the bare head, hands and feet as part of the new mesh), you need to set the same amount of the mesh as replaceable, or the existing gloves, helms and boots won't work right. You may get parts of the body mesh poking through the armor, because it wasn't removed.

Texture maps for the new body armors have to have all the skin variations - if no skin shows, then they're identical, but they all have to be there. Boots and gloves are total coverage, helmets get the character's face applied as one of the two maps, so they're a special case and behave just like DS1.

okay, that sounds easy O.o

i tried Dling old armor packs from Ds1 from GPG but it says I need to have Ds1 Siegethingy, is their anyway around this?

You may need to get the DS1 plugin for gmax to be able to use the old stuff, but DS2 is backward compatible - any meshes and animations for DS1 will work in DS2. Texture maps have changed, but SiegeMax uses the "source" .psd format rather than .raw or .dds, so that makes no difference.

I'm using the DS1 SiegeMax for all my DS2 stuff.

Hehe Gas, i hate to act like a newb and ask you this, well wait no i dont i lub being a newb, neways where can i find these Ds 1 Files and Siegemax, :?

Sharkull's picture the DSTK. If you don't have GMax yet, you can find it on FilePlanet. With GMax installed, then install SiegeMax (part of the DSTK).

hmmm I Dled the the Gax and armor packs but the armor packs wont open up Gah!, this is harder than i thought, i think i bit off more than I can chew =/

Sharkull's picture

Do you have SiegeMax installed too... (part of the Dungeon Siege Tool Kit)?

hmm well i have SE2 and I see Siegemax in the folder, but no program...
all i have in tools is SE2, Tank Extractor, Tankcreator, TankViewer, and that 3dmax thing that i have no clue how to use lol