Is anyone else disappointed...
Submitted by Trax on Mon, 2006-05-29 11:49 | ||
With the overall level of content in DS2? Three cities, the merchants don't rotate their stock, sure theres a lot of side quests but jeeze.... And I've beaten it twice now on the Mercenary difficulty, on two seperate characters starting from scratch -- On my own. DS1 really held my interest a lot better than this, anyone have advice on how to keep myself going? I play by myself usually, mostly because I see no point in playing with more than one player as its sort of overkill. Yeah, bit of a rant, but I really am disappointed... ~Trax |
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(Actually the merchants do rotate most of their stock... only some items are static).
- keep going into Vet. and Elite... (how about collecting all the sets and uniques?)
- try playing using a different player class (melee / ranged / NM / CM) and / or different sub-classes (2handers / dual-wield / sheild, bow / thrown, ice / summoning / healing, fire / death / lightning).
- try different party compositions (different pets / NPC's...)
- mod the game.
Well you could always start modding DS2.
A new minimap would be a great start.![Smile](
edit: Aww, I got snaked. :P
To me modding is more fun than playing the game itself, even though I enjoy that as well.
You could try out Sharkull's map for inspiration or some of the other mods that are available here.
:hmm: I used to mod my char's a bit in DS1, but I was under the impression that there are no tank viewers or creators anymore, due to legal issues.
That was an issue between the Beta and the game's release, but no longer... TV2 is part of the DS2TK, and SE2 creates tanks quite well... (there is even a TC2 around if you look for it).
You won't be able to edit your characters directly using these tools because save games are now stored in a binary format, but you can absolutely mod the game.
Oh! Well this is good news indeed:), I must have been reading old posts as well as not reading them well enough.
Ones and zeros, sweet... Bah! I was hoping I could change the race of my CM from a Dryad to an Elf male, to ease the confusion when I tell the group I have to AFK to call my girlfriend (On the rare occasions I play with a group, anyway).
Yeah, GPG didn't do as much as we all hoped they'd work for DSII.
Welcome to SiegeTheDay, btw!!
what i think its missing that ds1 had is the exploration aspect for instance , this might sound cheesy but i loved it the first time someone took me to the chicken world , because it was like a secret way to get there and took a while to learn the way then you could pass the way onto someone else
so basically i think that ds2 is missing the exploration aspect of ds1 where you would travel for ages not knowing where you were going and you could find a cool place like in the sand dunes at grescal ^^
Yeah... the lack of a large explorable map is a common complaint about DS2.
I hope the xpack will be less linear (with more than just a few small side paths), but I highly suspect that it won't even come close to the UP's sheer size. Perhaps some community members can help fill the void... ![Smile](
ye well i just started with siege university now , i can make a tiny map consisting of a house a couple of trees and land :P. but ill be practicing alot with my free time and hopefully get to map with some of you guys in the future then maybe we could fill the void![Smile](
edit : I also have an idea , if we make a kind of add on to the map for example open up the original ds2 map and lets say made a kinda of chicken world for ds2 but not chickens , but it would be VERY hard to locate and it could be a cave with VERY strong monsters but good drops. and the first guy to find it will get a special item of some sort?. just an idea ^^
Well, we all have to start somewhere.
Glad to see more people picking up the reins that Xaa and Witness dropped for us.
That's wishful thinking, but I'd like to see actual siegelets coming out for DS2, to show we haven't given up on that. Just about every siegelet planned for DS2 has given up, so maybe we'll see a first?
Excellent term, one of my favorite aspects of DS1 was getting to actually run a group down if I joined a game late, tracking them to find where they were... all you have to do is follow the beaten path in DS2 though..
ye hopefully ill be able to release a small minimap sometime soon, im learning the basics quite easily also having fun at the same time ( which is the most important part
Good to hear. Maybe it'll get some things moving. If you need any help with mapping or modding anything, I have an entire team of about 20 who are pro's at modding DS and DSII. Don't hesitate to ask.
sounds cool i definetly wont hesitate , well im happy at the moment because ive had no major problems , only minor ones by not reading properly :P