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Digging up old treasures...

LoneKnight's picture

Okay, I remember a long time ago, back in the days of SiegeTheDay's prime, Iryan had a topic devoted to some monsters that he had found buried in Dungeon Siege. These monsters had been made by GPG, but were never finished. Some of them looked truely amazing.

I was wondering a few things:

1. Is this topic still around, or has it been swallowed up?
2. Did Iryan ever release a mod of the edited monsters?
3. Would anyone be interested in helping me restore these monsters?

I am afraid the topic is gone. It got lost in one of the many accidents..

LoneKnight's picture

You know if Iryan ever finished this project, or if he is still in the community so I can get a hold of him?

I don't know if he finished it. And he left the community when he moved, but last I heard he might be back again in the future. You should ask bare_elf (Lili), she knows more.

LoneKnight wrote:
Okay, I remember a long time ago, back in the days of SiegeTheDay's prime, Iryan had a topic devoted to some monsters that he had found buried in Dungeon Siege. These monsters had been made by GPG, but were never finished. Some of them looked truely amazing.

I was wondering a few things:

1. Is this topic still around, or has it been swallowed up?
2. Did Iryan ever release a mod of the edited monsters?
3. Would anyone be interested in helping me restore these monsters?

He did have a monster mod, but sadly the only location that I know of that had it was SiegeNetwok. He did put in some new monsters in Legends of Utrae.

LoneKnight's picture

Alright, I'll talk to Sjr about that mod, and find more info if I can from Bare.

Just in-case you haven't read DE's post about this, here's the link to

Yes, thank you for reminding me Lord Claw.

The link given for Iryan 's monster mod at SN is broken. I made my original comment several weeks ago, went over the past weekend and tried to download the mod. 404 error. Sad

I recall looking into the "hidden" meshes at the time. If I recall correctly, there was a minotaur, and some other beast. Unfortunately, there were no animations for either of them, and the skeletons did not appear to match any other creatures, so they would have needed a lot of work to make them usable.

Compared to building a new monster from scratch, I'd have saved one step out of about 100, and that wasn't the biggest one.

If you have Abstraction, the Satyr mob is not too different from the minotaur (Goat horns instead of Bull ones) so that's about as close as anything got to being used.

I think all the unused skins have surfaced, and there weren't any interesting nodes or item meshes to dig out.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

I recall also seeing a reaper and a phasm creature, and I think that the slime creature in britannia is based on the phasm.

Well, to me it sounds like this could turn into one HUGE project!

I might be able to help with ideas and concepts, but I'm no good when it comes to coding and/or drawing...

firebat's picture

ghastley wrote:
I recall looking into the "hidden" meshes at the time. If I recall correctly, there was a minotaur, and some other beast. Unfortunately, there were no animations for either of them, and the skeletons did not appear to match any other creatures, so they would have needed a lot of work to make them usable.

I think, but it has been a long time that it can use the animations of the kell creature.. Not sure if it's a kell, but it's one of those creatures that walk around in the crypts near the last town in UP...

The kell had no legs, it was half snake. Got re-skinned as the slithermage in LoA.