Need Testers For Fire Nova, a New Spell
Submitted by Dulac on Fri, 2012-11-30 15:27 | ||
Hey all. I need feedback on Fire Nova. Is it too powerful or weak? Etc. Please provide me feedback here. Testers will be given credit for testing. Thanks! It should not conflict with any mods and will work DS 2 and DS 2 Broken World. There are four versions of the spell Lesser etc. You can buy them from DS2 vendors. Atm it shares the Firespray icon. Download link: Video of an early version of the spell (has been more balanced): forums: |
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Download the file and will test just a soon as I have a free moment tomorrow.
very interesting spell, not what i was expecting given the name, very affected by range like a shotgun with exploding buckshot, are the explosions with the spells hits just cosmetic or do they add damage? i couldn't tell when i was using it, cause if they do i'd suggest weakening the spell a bit since it's more crowd control oriented, but great fun mod i'll definatly be keeping that in my game.
Thanks. The explosions themselves are cosmetic. I considered having them do damage, but I think it would make the spell too overpowered. Thanks for your feedback. The spell will probably get another nerf to its damage. I'm glad you're having fun with it. I enjoy the spell too, but I wasn't sure if it was too strong. I was testing it with a lvl 40 cmage who focuses on fire. What kind of character did you test it with?
Darkelf suggested lowering its casting range. I may test out casting range 8 (it's 10 atm). Maybe I should rename it to Fire Buckshot? It reminds me of Diablo II's Poison Nova (shot poison missiles in all directions).
More fun spells should be on there way. Thanks to Gremal, I know how to get spells to launch from the sky, which means we can have fire rain and meteor types of spells.
. I also have a version of the spell that shoots 180 degrees rather than the full 360.
Initially I had thought the spell was going to be under powered, but the damage is per missile so it is more powerful as long as the shots connect. Tested as a level 32 lightning mage and it is a very cool spell.
Only thing is all the missiles and explosions cause a small amount of lag on lower end machines (Play with a 1.8 ghz processor and 1G RAM). May want to look into lowering the alpha of the spell.
honestly i'd be more geared towards using the 180 degree version than the 360 one, halve the mana cost and as crowd control it be far more controllable and practical since i very rarely found myself with a need to cover both my front and rear at the same time.
i tested with a combat/nature mage using rending aura magician, it was a lower level around level eight since it was the only save file i had at the time with the monster adjustment mod, when i wasn't drinking mana pots like i lived off them i was tearing through enemies with your spell i did a side by side compassion to grave beam as thy got closer the gap between grave beam and nova grew much larger left everything in the dust... well save fore hell bolt and laser beam on a bridge but situations will always vary results, i'll try a few different combat magic builds to get better rounded results at varying levels when i get the time.
oooh and if your gonna be making other spells can i ask if you could make a death magic oriented one, i've been looking everywhere but i've yet to actually see any spell mods for death magic, and it's defiantly my favorite sub class right up there with blood assasin.
of course this is your mod i'd just figure you asked for it i'd give ya my opinion
I like the spell but I do believe I would limit the attack to between 33 and 45 degrees, more or less within the line of sight of the caster. However that is really up to you.
I'm going to have two different spells. This one that goes 360 and one that goes 180. The player will be able to choose which one they like more
. I will have the one that goes 180 cost less mana. Thanks for your feedback.
I can see it causing lag on lower end machines. I could try to make a version that doesn't take up as much resources. Perhaps I can cut it down to 30 missiles and change the hit effect (a lot more costly than Firespray's hit effect). The mana cost could be reduced to make up for less missiles. I had higher end machines in mind while creating Fire Nova. I wouldn't mind making a smaller budget version. I can also reduce the particles per missile.
Death magic seems to be lacking in interesting spells (aside from debuffs). I think creating new death magic spells is a good idea. I'm a huge fan of blood assassins btw. I haven't tried Gremal's multiple arrows mod, but that seems like a good idea to me. I think I'll try to make a spell for them that rains arrows down from the sky.
Edit: I'm traveling for about a week, so my internet access will be limited.