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Amusing Things

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Use this thread to post things that are amusing, funny, etc.....
To save on bandwidth, please limit 2 images per "page" :roll:

This is a funny thing that i made out of an old screenshot.
It involves a certain black dragon known as sol77 :P

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

LoneKnight wrote:
No, I think it's incredibly funny and clever however you managed to make that.

And my links to the credit card pranks are not? :?

LoneKnight's picture


Sharkull's picture

Templarian Arch Sorcerer wrote:
LoneKnight wrote:
No, I think it's incredibly funny and clever however you managed to make that.

And my links to the credit card pranks are not? :?

Yes... or should I say no (making a double negative)? :P They're OK, but I've seen them before... and why should it matter? Do you share for the purpose of sharing, or to get attention for yourself? I saw the links, but didn't think them worthy of responding (IMO). Should I post something just to say... nothing? :roll:

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Sharkull wrote:
Templarian Arch Sorcerer wrote:
LoneKnight wrote:
No, I think it's incredibly funny and clever however you managed to make that.

And my links to the credit card pranks are not? :?

Yes... or should I say no (making a double negative)? :P They're OK, but I've seen them before... and why should it matter? Do you share for the purpose of sharing, or to get attention for yourself? I saw the links, but didn't think them worthy of responding (IMO). Should I post something just to say... nothing? :roll:

Just making sure that there isnt some glitch that makes my posts not appear to anyone else.... Laughing out loud

Sharkull's picture

I've never heard of a problem like that... but when I want to see if something looks different for others I just visit the site as a guest (i.e. without logging on, sometimes using a different browser).

- how about "pigs in space..."

- heh, heh! Wink

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Okay, so here is the deal.

I was looking around for warez...... (who would actually pay 20$ for a SPACE SHOOTER)
And of cource, i get a virus.
Effects :

Unable to connect to any internet or LAN
No Sys Restore

I did the usual things that i do, check for any new processes, check if its not one of my "caged" viruses that i made, etc.

Solution, Vigilate them.
I hunted down the problematic files and used a file shredder on them (deletes them, then writes over them with random data, then deletes that)

Instantly, the network connection error on the taskbar goes away.

Now its time for a little payback.

I did the "usual" to them!

I got out one of my "CagedWarDog13.exe"(third most powerful i have) viruses, adapted it to the enviroment i would release it into, then *hack* *hack* *hack*, insert virus, rinse and repeat.

Effects of a CagedWarDog13:

CPU speed drain - programmed to run hidden and not show up in task manager, yet cut the useable bandwidth in half.

Prevents access to their chief server

Changes the wallpaper to fuzzy koalas

Infects the desktop, makes all files become useless data

Makes copys of itself and infects all major folders, to prevent a simple vigilante method of removal.

After that, i went into one of the more important systems of that foul company, and i inserted a "CagedGoldDragon42.exe" virus. A much more potent version of the one above.

They hack me, they shall get hacked back, as some of their computers would say! Evil


LoneKnight wrote:
No, I think it's incredibly funny and clever however you managed to make that.

Thanks, LK. It was just something that happened, looked funny and I pressed pause and took a screenshot. Smile (it was in the siegelet Legends of Utrae)

TAS, your posts are fun, but I don't think you should get offended if folks don't comment on them the way you think they ought to..... :?

Sharkull's picture

Templarian Arch Sorcerer wrote:
Okay, so here is the deal.

I was looking around for warez......
And of cource, i get a virus.

Good. Maybe that will help teach you that stealing software is wrong... and that you get what you pay for. Wink

BTW, you were not hacked, you used downloaded software that you should have known would contain a virus. IMO you caused your own problem. :roll:

Also note: Discussion of warez on StheD is a violation of site rules.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Sharkull wrote:
Templarian Arch Sorcerer wrote:
Okay, so here is the deal.

I was looking around for warez......
And of cource, i get a virus.

Good. Maybe that will help teach you that stealing software is wrong... and that you get what you pay for. Wink

BTW, you were not hacked, you used downloaded software that you should have known would contain a virus. IMO you caused your own problem. :roll:

Also note: Discussion of warez on StheD is a violation of site rules.

nobody cares about my devious retaliation?
also, the p2p program was claimed to have no spyware or virus
I would have thought that surely somebody would be impressed with my virus-making skills? Sad

firebat's picture

Templarian Arch Sorcerer wrote:

Sounds to me like it's all your own fault...

But of course you can always blame LR :P

EDIT: And your post was one of the most amusing things in this topic Smile

LoneKnight's picture

Sharky wrote:
BTW, you were not hacked, you used downloaded software that you should have known would contain a virus. IMO you caused your own problem.

Hmm. I agree in the fact that downloading stuff like that when it's free usually has a virus or two tagged on to it. So, who did you retaliate against? The company that made the game, or the person/place you got it from. The company had really no control over people who get viruses from pirated versions of their game. SpaceSims are also quite fun. Freespace 2 being the best one out there, even though it is over 5 years old.

EDIT: Here's a pic from Freespace 2. /EDIT

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

LoneKnight wrote:
Sharky wrote:
BTW, you were not hacked, you used downloaded software that you should have known would contain a virus. IMO you caused your own problem.

Hmm. I agree in the fact that downloading stuff like that when it's free usually has a virus or two tagged on to it. So, who did you retaliate against? The company that made the game, or the person/place you got it from. The company had really no control over people who get viruses from pirated versions of their game. SpaceSims are also quite fun. Freespace 2 being the best one out there, even though it is over 5 years old.

I retaliated against the p2p company, sence the virus came tagged with their p2p program

Most likely it would never reach them, and even if it did, someone would have to run it to get it to do anything. I am sure a p2p outfit has seen most all forms of attacks, at least their webhost has.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

sjr wrote:
Most likely it would never reach them, and even if it did, someone would have to run it to get it to do anything. I am sure a p2p outfit has seen most all forms of attacks, at least their webhost has.

Oh well, I tried. thats more than most people who just take it. :?

Maybe i should just send them an emial saying how satisfied i am with their product. As an attachment, a picture of how happy i am! When they open the pic, BOOM!

hmm, just a funny thought :P

Strider978's picture

I should point out that bragging about yourself on the internet gets about the same response as it does in real life. Among mature adults if one starts bragging about his job, or his possessions, the group of listeners nods politely till he stops talking, then change the subject usually without commenting, or with a "That's nice" . In the same way on the internet, when someone makes a post bragging about something, either the response is met with silence or a topic change (we all politely nodded while reading the post, or we post "That’s nice" and change the topic.

..and you've totally ignored the little piggies' attempt to colonise the galaxy.. :hmm:

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

blondin's ghost.. wrote:
..and you've totally ignored the little piggies' attempt to colonise the galaxy.. :hmm:

You may have read a couple pages back about me saying my posts are ignored, just read what people say to it. we just have no comment. Cool

.. you know, spam is mostly made of piggies...!! Laughing out loud

I like Bacon!! :twisted:

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

aim4it wrote:
I like Bacon!! :twisted:



What do you got then?

Oh, theres egg and bacon, egg sausage and bacon, egg and spam, egg bacon and spam, egg bacon sausage and spam, spam bacon sausage and spam, spam egg spam spam bacon and spam, spam spam spam egg and spam, spam spam spam spam spam spam baked beans spam spam spam and spam, or lobster theridor au crevet with a mornay sause garnished with a truffle pate brandy and fried egg on top and spam.

Have you got anything without spam in it?

Oh, spam egg sausage and spam, not much spam in it

I dont want any spam!

Why cant you have egg bacon spam and sausage?

Thats got spam in it!

Not as much as Spam bacon sausage and spam.

Look, could i have, egg bacon spam and sausage without the spam?


What do you mean Ewwwww? I dont like SPAM!!!!!

LoneKnight's picture

Haven't I seen that video while on a trek through a different thread?

Okay. Here's a question inwhich I will pay the person who answers it correctly 1000 SiegeTheDay dollars. Please actually answer if you know it.

The question is:

"In what game does your character begin in an Insane Asylum, inwhich you can hear the warden say over the loudspeaker: "Achtung, patients..."? This is so noticeable, infact, if you've ever played the game before, you should know it.

*edit* sorry. LK, are you talking about a map for Dungeon Siege or something to do with another game?

blondin's ghost.. wrote:
..and you've totally ignored the little piggies' attempt to colonise the galaxy.. :hmm:


Is there a bit of this going on ? :yankchain:


Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

:? ??? :?

LoneKnight's picture

It's not from Dungeon's a different game. Good luck!

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

LoneKnight wrote:
It's not from Dungeon's a different game. Good luck!

Evil Dead : Regeneration

LoneKnight's picture

Great job, TAS!

*Gives TAS 1,000$$$ in SiegeTheDay currency*

First someone mentioned the Teletubbies in the shoutbox at Herena Forge, then Lili (Bare_elf) said she wasn't sure what a Teletubby was. So, naturally I did kind of a silly blog entry re: the Teletubbies. Lili posts a comment in my blog with this picture and this is (in my humble opinion...) very amusing, so I thought I would share it. With everyone and especially you folks who don't patronize the Forge (and you know who you are!!! Wink Smile )

I think Lili made this picture with Photoshop or something like it.... Laughing out loud

Oh noes, it's the Tubbies! Look away!

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

kathycf wrote:
First someone mentioned the Teletubbies in the shoutbox at Herena Forge, then Lili (Bare_elf) said she wasn't sure what a Teletubby was. So, naturally I did kind of a silly blog entry re: the Teletubbies. Lili posts a comment in my blog with this picture and this is (in my humble opinion...) very amusing, so I thought I would share it. With everyone and especially you folks who don't patronize the Forge (and you know who you are!!! Wink Smile )

I think Lili made this picture with Photoshop or something like it.... Laughing out loud

Oh noes, it's the Tubbies! Look away!

HA HA HA!! Kill the ugly fuzzy aliens! :P

They are rather nasty critters, aren't they.... *shudders* My best friend's daughter (who is turning 4 this comng Tuesday Laughing out loud ) is finally moving on from her "Teletubby" phase. I know some people don't think they are all that bad, but I think they are harbingers of doom...
Laughing out loud
