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Some mods that may be interesting


DungeonSiege 2 mods by LeisureBeing, 2011

1) Mod-StorageVault22x28-Beta4.ds2res
A modified version of KillerGremal's StorageVault mod, it displays all party members' inventory item counts
when opening the stash. It is very useful when pets with multi-page inventory are in your team.

2) Mod-ResetSkills.ds2res
A new reset-skill button is added to the databar. Press this button to reset skill points of the selected
character and then rebuild him/her with another profession.

3) Mod-PackMules25Pages.ds2res
All mules have 25 pages of inventory. Poor mules.... Smile

4) Mod-NewIK.ds2res
All nercomancers can now act as innkeepers. Talk to them to hire your party members. This saves a lot of time
or not much time for walking between inns and town teleporters.

5) Mod-MultiInv1366.ds2res
When more than 3 members are in your party, the multi-inventory(press "V" key) interface will be scaled
down to 60% in size. This mod does NOT scale it down, but a screen resolution >= 1366x768 is required.

6) Mod-RenameCharacter.ds2res
Rename your party members. Click on your team member's name in the inventory interface(press "I" key)
and change it to your desire.

7) Mod-TimeReminder.ds2res
Everytime when openning the inventory interface, a reminder will tell you how long you have played the
game this time. So take care of the health yourself. :]

8﴿ Mod-MultiPageMI.ds2res
Page Up/Down buttons are added to the multi-inventory interface so that you can scroll the pets'
inventory without closing the interface first.

mod categories: 


The party members item count isn't accounting for equipped items. I suggest an accuracy code fix below.
For ListItem call we need to tag the search to include EQUIPPED item via the true switch.
hand_1 and hand_2 are not passed to the list probably because of the unique handling for dual wield and shield. The end code change handles their enumeration.
(Note: ListItem (IL_ALL) - will list the spells within an equipped spellbook but not the equipped spellbook. This behavior would be undesired since we are enumerating the spellbook from the EQUIPED switch(true). )

cut and paste over(replace) into the section added by CSDDAb not the similar instance of Killergremals original code. use 'find' > "CSDDAb".

member$.Inventory.ListItems(IL_MAIN, AIQuery.TempGopColl1, true);
numItems$ = AIQuery.TempGopColl1.Size();
numSubItems$ = 0;
i$ = 0;
report$ = "";
temp$ = "";
while(i$ < numItems$)
Go item$ = AIQuery.TempGopColl1.Get(i$) ;
if (item$ != NULL)
if (numItems$ == 1 && item$.HasCommon)
if (item$.HasInventory()) // FOR SPELL BOOKS OR MAYBE BACK-PACKS ONCE:
eInventoryLocation inv_loc$ = (item$.HasGui && item$.Gui.IsSpellBook) ? IL_ALL_SPELLS : IL_MAIN ;
item$.Inventory.ListItems(inv_loc$, AIQuery.TempGopColl2, false);
numSubItems$ += AIQuery.TempGopColl2.size();
i$ += 1;
if (member$.Inventory.GetItem( il_hand_1 ) != NULL)
numSubItems$ += 1;
if (member$.Inventory.GetItem( il_hand_2 ) != NULL)
numSubItems$ += 1;
numItems$ += numSubItems$;

i think an even better improvement/feature wud be to code in an error msg or flash the char portrait of the relevant char if it picks up items past the 255 item limit.

even better like in your other post, add in a check that stops the picking up of loot past 255 items and display a message saying inventory is full (255 items) even tho there may still be space to carry more items.

also, the code that checks spellbooks for spells shud also be able to cycle through multiple spellbooks in the GO's inventory to check for spells inside and add them to the item limit counter as well.

e.g. i had a playing friend who had too many spells inside multiple spellbooks and this caused smart heap library errors when he tried to load his char.

Lady Femme wrote:
i think an even better improvement/feature wud be to code in an error msg or flash the char portrait of the relevant char if it picks up items past the 255 item limit.
even better like in your other post, add in a check that stops the picking up of loot past 255 items and display a message saying inventory is full (255 items) even tho there may still be space to carry more items.

Too difficult of a task for me. You are welcome to try it, good luck with all the hardcoded functions.

Lady Femme wrote:
also, the code that checks spellbooks for spells shud also be able to cycle through multiple spellbooks in the GO's inventory to check for spells inside and add them to the item limit counter as well.

My code snippet below will enumerates everything; including the special spellbook and spells of pets if you got killergremals arannalegacy alpha3H mod. He added the 'hidden' spellbook in base_pet.gas . KG's & CSDDAb's original code enumerated only spellbook spells in the main inventory since its original purpose was to just yell you the stash inventory count(no equipment component to the stash).

So out of this modpackage, I just put the Mod-ResetSkills.ds2res in my resources directory. However there seems to be a problem.
I just can't find the reset button in game! I don't know what you mean with the 'databar' and I've checked pretty much every tab in game. Does this mod conflict with the Hotfix Mod or the mods for playing DSI maps on DS2BW?

I would like to reset my skill points so I can chose different paths in the skill tree. This is because I'm playing Kingdom of Ehb on DS2BW (on a high difficulty) and having a decent skill tree gives a better advantage, which is needed if you play on a very high difficulty. Also Kingdom of Ehb doesn't have any NPCs that are able to reset skills (not that I know of).

Help would be appretiated, anyone!

Here's a picture of my installed mods, maybe one is conflicting with the Mod-ResetSkills.ds2res. However this seems very unlikely. Perhaps the button is there, but I just can't find it.

@Anonymous: This may be a mod conflict indeed, and it seems you have to switch the map temporarily.

If Valdis is defeated then you could go to Vireni on the BW map. And on the Utraean Peninsula map (since you have this mod installed already) you could visit Erasira next to the windmill at Elddim.

As presented in your tiny pic, ArrannaLegacyAlpha3H has priority because of the file dates.

Redownload this package( so the file date of ResetSkills is the newest.
Once you have reset the skills, remove the ResetSkills mod to restore KG's ArrannaLegacyAlpha3H data_bar layout.

Has this been updated?
it be nice if this could be updated. It be nice to be able add another mod in this selection that modify's the character inventory pages, for easy removal when needed access to the inn or possibly even smaller mods. Also if these mods can be updated for 1080p screen resolutions.
Anyone no about being able to open mods and edit them, if so and how, I am also on windows 7 x64. am i going to have issues. i'd love to learn how to mod.

A few years has passed since this modset had been made, while I was told by some mystical powers to come here again and see what's going on about it. Since I don't always keep monitoring on something I've sent to Internet, more and less it may cause troubles both to someone else and me. Here I will fix something if it is possible for me, beginning from the problems caused by grammar or skirt-terms. :P

To whomisold : My DS2 game was crashed after I'd applied the StorageVault22x28-Beta4 mod and put too many items from the stash into the inventory of a mule. So I'd to made some changes to avoid crash again. Since we only need to worry about the overlimit glitch on multi-page inventory characters, like the mules, we don't need to count the equipped items because these characters don't equip items. Here I think the only necessary correction to this problem is to change the description line from "it displays all party members' item counts" to "it displays all party members' inventory item counts". Laughing out loud

To Lady Femme : If too many checks of the item counts are added into the game, it may be redundant for burning the CPU only. The overlimit glitch is needed to be worried about only when mod is in used, so modders and users must keep the item counts in mind too because that's their responsibilities. Personally I consider that a reminder message shows up the counts is enough to so.

To Anonymous and KillerGremal : This problem was caused by the file timestamp of the mod, whomisold's advise should solve it. 'databar' is a term used in the skirt codes, means the game interface on the bottom(usually). Alternatively, you could follow KG's instructions to visit Erasira in order to reset the skills by paying some gold as I could remember.

To kdawg : This set of mods works perfectly on my game, so I don't know how to update it to your requests. I made these mods because I wanted to play the game smoothly and efficiently, indeed, I've finished the game twice without a single error with only these mods installed.

kdawg wrote:
It be nice to be able add another mod in this selection that modify's the character inventory pages, for easy removal when needed access to the inn or possibly even smaller mods
I don't understand what you meant entirely, I guess you were trying to mention about the "StorageVault22x28-Beta4" mod, which was made by KillerGremal. I made some changes to this single mod because it made my game fell into a potential game crash, which was caused by a glitch of game-engine-hard-coded limitation. I posted this at 2011-07-23 02:32 on KillerGremal's Hotfix Mod thread.
kdawg wrote:
Also if these mods can be updated for 1080p screen resolutions.
These mods were made under a 1366x768 screen resolutions and there should be no problem under 1920x1080. Just post a screenshot here if something goes wrong, I will fix it in case that's fixable.

Hi, so.. where is the download button!? Sad

Hi Toxman89, The Mod pack might not be currently available also, the site is in transition so a lot of links are broken.

Try sending a PM to(Mistress after god :P :goofy: :silly: ) Bare_Elf

:lightning: Dwarf

The mods listed in this forum thread where never on the site. Most of them do exist on KillerGremal's Site "Dungeon Siege II - Outpost" See Project Sites List. A majority of the functions of the listed mods are sub elements of the Hot Fix / Aranna Legacy mods. Check this forum for the Aranna Legacy and Hot Fix mods here on siege the day. the links here should work.
