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Animating water

Can anybody here tell me how to get the water animating properly in a custom region? Apologies if there's already info here about this but I haven't been able to find a thing.


If I'm recalling right, the animated water pieces have a built-in direction of flow, and it's just a question of using the right doors to connect the sections.

If the flow is conditional, such as in the water puzzles, then the flowing water section is raised and lowered to give the impression of varying depth, which is an elevator mechanism moving the water from one door to another. All the connected sections of water are moved by a single elevator, so you need to make sure there's an end to the chain!

I wasn't clear enough before but the water wasn't animating at all. Nothing to do with direction, it was just like a plane of frosted glass. Even placing the large curved section of water didn't work. The original section of water still animated but the new sections didn't even though they were connected to the original.

Not sure what the reason was for this behaviour but later on I extended the map which meant I had to delete the water to make room. I wasn't going to use any water but then I decided to try again and this time it all worked (even though there's now two distinct and separate areas of water).

Thanks for the tip though as I see that where the tiles are connected does change the direction of the water flow.