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Amusing Things

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Use this thread to post things that are amusing, funny, etc.....
To save on bandwidth, please limit 2 images per "page" :roll:

This is a funny thing that i made out of an old screenshot.
It involves a certain black dragon known as sol77 :P

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture


Loup_Ombrage's picture

I found where Sol's secret hideout is...


Aha! sol has a ranch in sunny Mexico. I know where I will be visiting this January instead of shovelling snow all month... :P

Or maybe we should drop in on Loup. I hear January is a nice month in the Southern Hemisphere. Wink

Loup_Ombrage's picture

Ah, Feburary is the hottest, Janurary and December can be quite mild sometimes. It's nice, though, because our summer holidays include Christmas and New Year's.


Want to hear something funny? I injured my wrist while flapping my arms around yelling at the dog for barking at the cat. So I have not been online as much as I would normally because of that. Just in case anybody misses me... Wink :P

What kind of bird are you exactly? Can you fly? Do you molt? :P

The North American Katbird can be recognized by it's bright plumage.


current desktop..

(left-click image to enlarge..)

- is that old Balders down at the front there, leaning on his axe? Laughing out loud

BTW: message received about the batty bot boys.. cheers, Miss K! Wink

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

8O That hand flapping incident has to be the funniest thing that i have ever heard.....

I can just imagine it in my head now.... Laughing out loud

*cough* Well, don't imagine too hard, you may make me seem even more silly than I really am. :P

Heh, yea those bots sure can give you a run for your money. Wink Your desktop looks very "Dungeon Siege-ish" Smile ( I use Ad-Aware too, plus Spybot search and destroy)

..bots, spybots - I don't know!!
..what is the world coming to?!!
- it's like an episode of Dr Who..

/Blondin235 - pauses to think up horribly obvious link.. :P

..speaking of which, here's some comedy takes on the subject..
(requires Real player...) Wink

- not so much amusing, as awe-inspiring..
this photo was taken by a French photographer as the space shuttle passed
in front of the sun whilst docking with the ISS, the other day..

- Commander Brent Jett and crew are doing a fine job.. more info here
I particularly recommend the Nasa - LiveTV feature, it's pretty amazing stuff!! Cool

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Tête, épaules, genoux, et pied, genoux et pieds!

Tête, épaules, genoux, et pied, genoux et pieds!

La bouche, le nez, les yeux, les oreilles!

Tête, épaules, genoux, et pieds,

Genoux, et pieds! :woot:

I am taking french.... Wink

Loup_Ombrage's picture

Heh. I can speak two words in french that aren't numbers or place names :wink:. Three guesses what they are, and the first two don't count :P.

Sharkull's picture

Oui and Non? :P

Je parle un peu de francais, mais ce n'est pas tres bien. J'etude la dans l'ecole pour huit ans... mais j'ai oublier beaucoup de la vocabulaire.

(Some of the spelling may be off, but I remembered this much... I'm actually quite surprised as it's been over 15 years since I gave it up).

And TAS, it should be "orteils" instead of "pieds"... Wink

Zut alors!
..mais, c'est manifique

- Bon chance, mon ami.. Wink

there's some beautiful examples of stop-frame animations here..
(QuickTime required)

- Karel Zeman's are very good..
- so much invention to amuse..!! Laughing out loud

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Sharkull wrote:
Je parle un peu de francais, mais ce n'est pas tres bien. J'etude la dans l'ecole pour huit ans... mais j'ai oublier beaucoup de la vocabulaire.

From what i can gather, you can't speak french very well anymore....and something about vocabulary.... Wink

Blondin235 wrote:
there's some beautiful examples of stop-frame animations here..
(QuickTime required)

- Karel Zeman's are very good..
- so much invention to amuse..!! Laughing out loud

A style I am not used to, but very skillfully done.

Sharkull's picture

Templarian Arch Sorcerer wrote:
Sharkull wrote:
Je parle un peu de francais, mais ce n'est pas tres bien. J'etude la dans l'ecole pour huit ans... mais j'ai oublier beaucoup de la vocabulaire.

From what i can gather, you can't speak french very well anymore....and something about vocabulary.... Wink

Very good:
I speak a bit of french, but not very well. I studied it in school for eight years (grade 3-11)... but I forget lots of vocabulary.

I took Spanish classes for several years (I even got an award for it) and all I can seem to muster up is "Esta Susanna en casa? Si, esta con una amiga." And that isn't even techinically correct because a question is supposed to be preceded by an upside down question mark. :roll:


firebat's picture

French is not something I would call "amusing". :roll:

Sharkull's picture

Hehe. You tell him Sharkull! Smile

French is a very amusing language. Just watch Taxi.

ha, ha..!!
love that Steve Martin.. he's a wild and crazy guy..!! Laughing out loud
he parodies Sellers, parodying the French language..'s a double parody - brilliant! Cool

- this is a funny one.. things overheard in the office..

Heh, I will have to bookmark that page.

Dad: What are birds made of?
Little girl: Chicken?

505 Broadway
Scottsbluff, Nebraska

Overheard by: Chicken soup

Loup_Ombrage's picture

It seems a certain demilich we all know is taking over the forums- or at least, my modem :P

Free Image Hosting at <a" />

EDIT: Ack! It seems you're going to have to click it to see it properly.

I'm not sure how you can work with a desktop so unorganized TAS. Mine is pretty messy though. I dump what I'm woking on in my desktop then move it into my project partition or my garbage folder.

Site Owner of Siegecore a new Dungeon Siege 1 & 2 fansite.

oooh, pretty background.

Thx, it's only there so my guests are not like "why does he have the default blue background". I just got it last month.

Site Owner of Siegecore a new Dungeon Siege 1 & 2 fansite.
