Hotfix Mod / Aranna Legacy Mod
Submitted by KillerGremal on Mon, 2009-11-02 06:04
I hope nobody has something against when i'm opening here a thread about the Hotfix Mod resp. Aranna Legacy Mod, but GPG's garage forum has widely lost its clearness and reliability due the flood of spam there.
So this thread here is rather intended to catch (rescue?) all GPG 'fugitives' than to start a new modding offensive. So many years have passed since the game was released and personal priorities have changed since then partially too - however, for the time being smaller bugs or lacks (probably) still will be fixed.
Mod download:
Hotfix Mod, Beta 5p (22.3MB, for DS2 base version, ReadMe) Aranna Legacy Mod, Alpha 4a (25.5MB, for DS2 Broken World addon, ReadMe)
Note maybe:
- The Aranna Legacy mod is basically the same as the Hotfix mod, but the Aranna Legacy mod
contains some additional fixes and tunings specially for the Broken World addon (v2.3/BW).
- If you don't like to read the entire ReadMe file right now, there's also a shorter overview online. |
Actually the two recent problems posted here I haven't experienced myself so far - at least in v2.2.
However I wouldn't say there are not matters, for example there seems to be a strange party movement behaviour after moving members autonomously in Wait mode.
If older versions really would help to find bugs, I don't know, and if people would stick with older versions for some reasons it would help to make this mod better generally.
So I guess everybody will understand that mirrors have no priority at the moment.
Thanks for the responses, everyone! I love that the community here is pretty active.
Killer, for your reference, my friend and I decided to roll back to just DS2 and use the 2.2 patch, but it suffers from the same problem I described earlier; the secondary player's party members don't follow/attack on rampage mode. Again, mirror mode seems to work fine.
If you would like, I can try to fraps a video and upload it to YouTube for you to view. Just let me know!
Thanks, again, all!
Do anyone have an old "stable" Version of the hotfix like "W" or so, that she/he can send me per email (adress is )? The current version of the hotfix is unplayable for me. About 80% of all power uses ends in an 30 second or longer monsterlag for the character who activate the power. In this time, that time of activating the power until the power is finally activated, the char is COMPLETE freezed (no movement no cast). In normal gameplay it means either no poweractivation or all mobs are dead after the actvitation the activating char is also dead and my other 2 chars MUST survive. Both solutions are just about ok. But in fights against act end bosses or the last rounds of the amanlu arena this is a nogo (especially if the Boss have healingpowers like the Miniboss at end of Act 3 Capter 1).
The only solution here is to delete the Mod for that fights. My group has 3 members, my char skilled to multisummons and a little bit of Deathmage (Charlevel 34), Taar skilled to multisummons only and Lothar skilled to be a tank. This skillings are without Hotfix quite weak. So an old stable Version of the Mod should be a much better solution ^^
There's another release online, it contains a fix and a work-around two older matters (that possibly increased other time). So the main matters should be widely solved, hopefully.
New version tryed but no change for my problem.
The behavior isn´t always the same. Sometimes Poweractivation works normal. Sometimes the
Power resolves two times and in the gap of this two resolves the activating char is freezed
(no movement noch cast only drink works), duration of this gap is between 30 and up to 50
seconds. The third possibility is that the power not resolves after activating it, then
comes a gap of about 30 up to 50 seconds. In this duration the activating char is freezed
(only drinking works, movement or casting not). Then the power resolves. In both cases
after the power resolves the char isn´t freezed anymore.
To show it a little bit better i made a few screenies how it looks when possibility 2 (two
times resolving Power) happens.
This screenie is about 5 seconds after activating the aether explosion of my char. The
explosion kills all the enimies, that´s the reason of the little progress for the next
activation of a power. My char freezes.
This screenie is about 5 to 10 seconds after screenie one. My char is still freezed (incl
my three summoned rhinocks). You can see that my rhinock nr 2 has a duration of 873
Third screenie is about 15 seconds after the second one. My char (and his three rhinocks)
are still freezed.
Last screenie, the Explosion resolves the second time. The second resolving consumes the
little bit progress in the powerregeneration. You can see that duration of my rhinock 2 is
843 second. this means that between screenie 2 and 4 are 30 seconds of freezing time. The
hole freeze time was about 45 seconds.
The next two activations were ok, i went back to kalrathia an teleport to kalderak mines. The next activation were buggy again. I made three screens.
Directly before the activation (you see 19 gold on the floor)
Directly after resolving. My char freezes again (the 19 gold still on the floor)
Here the power resolves again. Between the first and the last screenie are round about 30 seconds this time.
All screens are made with version 5b.
@Data: Are your sure you have no conflicting mods else installed (or former mod releases)!?
Basically, if actors don't move for 1 or 10 or 100 seconds - this doesn't matter, it's not good at all.
But thanks too for the screen shots and the descriptions, nonetheless I rather would need a simple procedure to reproduce your bug(s), with a minimum of party members and actions. Otherwise it gets very difficult to identify the piece(s) of code responisble for it - even after half a minute of battle an extreme amount of the game code was already active...
And so far I guess this bug is has multiple causes, causes that possibly crept in over time until they had the 'critical mass' the conseqeunces you can see now.
However I'm not really happy with this release neither. The current preventions against this strange bug possibly rather harm than they are good for anything (e.g. too dominant AI to ensure that actors back to work).
Also the 'rampage work-around' added is not really satisfying, the 'party_rampage_free' doesn't work anymore for example...
Providing KillerGermal and the rest of us with a bit more data Data. It would be I am sure very useful to know the following.
1. Do you have any other mods or maps installed?
2. Are you or are you not using Elys' All Saves or Succubus Manager
3. Your computer's configuration like the amount of memory, hard disk size and free space.
The more information outside of the mod itself can be useful for debugging problems
Ok lots to say, i try to answer in timeorder.
I uses only 2 mods the hotfixmod and the inventarymod of zhixalom for my resolution (1920x1080) and i think this two mods should not have any conflicting problems. I tryed also to the game without the hotfixmod and there anything works fine so i thing the inventarymod don´t makes problems.
To reproduce my "bugs" is hard because of the different ways the game reacts. Yesterday the first 3 activations are fine then two times the power resolves two times with freezing between, then ne time all things are ok then about a hour taar and my char resolves two times by each activation but lothars provoke works fine. Then lothars provoke makes problems too. And so on and so on.
Edit says:
OK i made a few tests. Following expiration: Load the game, release Taar and Lothar to the inn, teleport to lower calderak mines (that one just before the darkmages), and began to fight. When the freezes i quit the game without saving and make the same procedure again, and again and so on^^. Ten times i made this. The Results are:
-one time the char freezes by the first activation of aether explosion. The Explosion does NOT resolve immediately. About 30 seconds later the explosion resolves, the freezing stops.
-4 times the char freezes after the second activation. 2 times the explosion resolves one time (like above explained) the other two times the explosion resolves two times (like explained in the earlier post from me). In all 4 cases the freezing ends after the last resolving.
-5 times the char freezes after the third activation. One time the explosion resolves one time the other 4 times two times
i also tested if the hotfix is the only reason for that behaviour. without any mods alltings work fine with inventary mod too. But after installing the hotfix the freezes are here, whether the inventarymod is installed or not.
1. mods only the inventarymod of zhixalom and the hotfix maps no one
2. i use elys all save i use not the succubus manager
3. configuration is i5 3750k no overclocking, 8 GB G Skill TridentX F3-2400C10-4GTXRAM pc 2400 which is running as pc 1600, 120gb samsung ssd pro840 about 30% diskspace is free and 7% are not used, xfx radeon hd6850 with 1 gb vram 24 inch asus tft first monitor and an old 15 inch tft as secondary monitor (game runs on he asus tft) no heat problems because of using a very good watercooling system.
1. open the place you place the Hotfix MOD in an explorer window
2. Open start>all programs>accessories>right click 'command prompt' select 'run as administer' | click 'yes' to popup dialog
3. right click the hotfix MOD | click properties | highlight the entire 'location:' PATH > right click highlighted text >select copy
4. select the command prompt window > type 'cd ' (no quote marks but must have the ending 'space') >in command prompt window: right click and select paste
5. press 'enter key' >> command prompt path should have changed
6. type 'dir>temp.txt' no quote marks | press 'enter key'
7. The explorer window should now have a new file named 'temp.txt'
8. open temp.txt and copy its contents to your next forum post
9. you should delete the temp.txt as its no longer needed
I gather KG can stipulate a 'dir' option change if he needs more info. Like a dir listing from 'My Games' folder.
Wonders if anyone still uses this ancient command prompt thing anymore. I gave powershell a try but my old brain didn't like it.
PS: watercooling is great if the thermal bond is working. what are the current temperture ranges via monitor software or BIOS at idle/ stipulate in Celsius please so no confusion arise >>> not likely the cause but since you mentioned it...even 6month old computers can get shaken badly during transport and develop a problem later as result
ok Step 1 to 5 is no problem but DIR makes no new files it tries only to list files. Next question is WHAT should i copy in the txt.file? only the path of the mod (this is the ressourcesfolder of dungeon siege 2 of course^^)or a list of all files that are in the ressourcesfolder?
pps. i forgot to say my job. i´m working as a self-employed system and network administrator and have a own little pc service. So believe me, my Arctic silver 5 works fine^^.
Temps at this moment is 27 degree in my town about 24 degree in my room. cpu temps are 41 degrees with running prime in stress test since about 15 minutes. GPU temps when i play DSII are about 46 degrees. No thermal problems i think^^
And surely no transport damage^^.
step 2 did you have the option to run as administer? step 6 wont work unless you have admin priveleges
step 3 was implied you switched to the explorer window to get data from it.
dir>temp.txt not dir > temp.txt (no spaces)
Since your a techy geek then you should know a method of listing directory files with full names, file sizes & etc that can be cut and pasted into a forum post. Use powershell if that is more comfortable.
this ends my non-help
Step 2 yes of course
Step 3 yes o course
for the dir>temp.txt i must make an apologize. i read to fast and thought that the ">" was a tiping error. Clearly my fault^^ here is the info:
Datentr„ger in Laufwerk E: ist Volume
Volumeseriennummer: D67E-EB87
Verzeichnis von E:\Spiele\Dungeon Siege II\Resources
21.07.2013 13:37 .
21.07.2013 13:37 ..
10.01.2002 20:39 2.825.084 language.ds2res
16.09.2005 11:12 8.201.612 Logic.ds2res
20.07.2013 02:35 19.027.060 Mod-Hotfix-Beta5b.ds2res
16.09.2005 11:06 407.850.352 Movies1.ds2res
16.07.2005 05:21 335.021.768 Movies2.ds2res
16.09.2005 11:04 253.485.288 Objects.ds2res
16.09.2005 11:08 372.936.868 Sound1.ds2res
16.09.2005 11:09 74.783.360 Sound2.ds2res
21.07.2013 13:37 0 temp.txt
16.09.2005 11:00 469.455.976 Terrain.ds2res
16.07.2005 05:24 261.615.876 Voices.ds2res
06.07.2013 01:58 61.640 ZhixalomsDS2Inventory1920x1080Unsafe.ds2res
12 Datei(en), Bytes
2 Verzeichnis(se), Bytes frei
@Data: As long as your PC is stable also with other games then let's assume it's stable for DS2 too. Just take care that there always some free memory left while the game is running.
It could have unpleasant consequences if the game tries to create a new/temporary data collection although there is no memory left to allocate (a counter-check would be possible though, but often it doesn't exist).
So far I only made minor changes on the (party) AI and the job/guard routines. Inprobable however that the old code was responsible for all your matters - nor that the update will solve it, sadly.
If you find a general way to cause a problem then please post it, herhaps/hopefully me or somebody else can reproduce it and then we can see on.
By the they, Mod-Hotfix-Beta5b.ds2res should have a size of 19'027'060 bytes (displayed on my mod homepage if you hold the mouse about the 'MB' notation), the current MD5 check-sum is 8A3FCAEEEC38CFC5527236679B2A65FA if you need to know or any (paranoia) reasons.
I will retry this. So 'Aether Blast' is the only power you have used? With multiple summons!?
Tell us if you have adjusted the speed valves at the prison area in Eirulan.
If you have adjusted any Dungeon Siege 2 INI options then you should post a copy of the INI file text.
If you have received any 'crash to desktop' since installing hotfix mod, then look in the Log folder and let KillerGremal know in case he wants a look.
Zhixaloms Mod is unlikely to cause this problem but be aware it can corrupt saves if you exceed the 254 item limit of the stash or party member inventory. The smaller 10x18 member and 15x17 stash is just as pretty at HD resolution and less likely to corrupt the saves. Though a little modding for safety features is still recommended.
You have probably lost out on KGs enchantment store boost for good items(2x3) & great items(3x3) since your party is close to qualifying for exceptional quality enchantables. Also, the Inn rehire panel probably doesn't have the release button enabled for humanoid members.
If your not a hoarder like me, using 300%+++ magic find, you could probably live with the standard layouts.
Hy Gremal,
the pc is rockstable. There is always enough free Memory (about 3 to 4 GB) if dsII is running. Siof the hotfix is correct.I made the tests only with aetherblast (and muttliple summons) but the problems are also by other powers (like provoke of the summons or energy orb). Sometimes lothar also freezes when he uses his provoke, but this happens very rare.
A general way is quite hard to say. Its always the same for me, loading the game and the problems began, something right after loading sometimes only a little bit later. If i continue the game it can happen that 2 or 3 activations works fine again and then 2 or 3 makes problems. I can send you the savegame if you want. Then you can try to reproduce my problems.
A question, can you send me the t,u,v,w,x version of the mod, so that i can test from when the problems occur.
No i don´t changed the game speed.
Here is the content of my .ini
driver_description = AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series
width = 1920
height = 1080
bpp = 32
sp_last_saved_party = Data
optout = true
buff_limit = 3
regrequest_sp = true
sp_active_party = Data
i changed only the resolution and the buff limit manually.
i don´t used the enchantment store until yet, but i don´t have the release button for humanoid members. one question, why i don´t have this button active?
ähm i had the smaller inventary mod before, i changed to the bigger inventary, because i´m a item messi^^, but i will try to use a smaller inventary and test with this one
zhix's layout or killergremal's new functions. cant have both without modding them together.
I will keep trying to breed your illness -> clock allowing.
Attached is a MODlet that includes Killergremals Enchanter store and Inns formatted for Zhix's 10x18 and 11x22 layouts. There is going to be a 30~60 pixel gap between the character display since they are from my own custom layout which has other size changes gong on.
Also contained is a cracked stash MOD that is 20x24 and has an item counting feature use the question mark(top left) and 'entry' key to view problematic situations. Sell or exchange items until everyone is not critical before final save point creations or disbanding. (Cracked stash because of minor graphical glitch >I'm too lazy too fix it)
The stash is much like the one found in the Mod section but already has the improved coding. It requires a minimum 1600x900 resolution to not interfer with bottom bar and radar view.
Attachment didn't work so I uploaded in the MOD section
Title = LargeInventoryFixKGHotfix
Edit by Bare_Elf
hope you do not mind.
thanks but i don´t find our upload in the mod section. Further i can DEFINITIVELY say, that my Problem belongs ONLY to the hotfix mod. Yesterday i deinstalled dungeon siege, then installed again (other directory) installed only the hotfixmod an started a new career. Skilled my human that he has access to energy orb invited lothar to my party and walk to western greylin jungle, about 10 minutes later my char freezes the first time after activating the energy orbs. without hotfixmod after about 2 hours of playing there was no freezing
Data the mod called LargeInventoryFixKGHotfix.ds2res is located here http://www.siegetheday.org/?q=node/2647
There is a conflict just as whomisold noted in his post. I do not have time to post the relevent code, but I did see the problem both mods are modifying how the inventory is being handled, because they do this differently they are in conflict. That means either mod alone will work (which I tested) but they will not work together i.e. a conflict without using the mod that whomisold posted on the link listed above.
@ bare_elf: Thanks for the assist.
Someone with a German language file please check the file date/size against posted DIR and ingame if its a 'Translate' unresolved error being generated somewhere.
I cant contribute further as I have exhausted by ideas.
Hy together,
after a large testing procedure i have some good new infos for you i think.
I was going to get to the last Darkmage and from the last Teleporter i must deinstall the mod, because the freezes began to get longer and longer (especially TAAR freezes quipt often and LONG record was about 2 minutes) and there was no way to get through that groups of enemys without dying. Complete the mercenary mode inkl mysterious quest without the hotfix was no problem through the testing for the freezes i made some extralevel, which means that i was quite a little overpowered without hotfix :-D.
After i had completed the mysterious quest i take deru eva and amren to my party to minimize the tavernbug (sarten kiernan finala and rix keep staying in the tavern), then i saved the game quit dsII and started BW and convert the savegame to play bw in merc difficulty incl hotfix.
I´m right before completing Act one yet. And until yet i only had TWO freezes, both by my own char. And both freezes had the same reason i think. DIRECTLY before the first freeze i see that my char was trying to summon the second Rhinock, as i clicked the aether explosion my char freezed. After the freezing ends the explosion resolves and DIRECTLY after this, my char autocast the other 2 Rhinocks. The second time my char freezes it was the same, one of my summons died, my char tryed to cast a new one i activate the explosion and my char freezed. After freeze ends the explosion resolves and directly after that my char cast the third rhinock.
My first thought was, that the casting of the summon conflicts with the activation of a power which works with the summons.
Something to think about:
Being it was a new profile I suspect you didn't have a summons(combat or nature). I could make the same assumption with Lothar(tank) very rare 'provoke' freezing based on the screen shots lack of summons(combat) and resurrection scrolls(no/low nature level).
This is the type of info that KG needs not another listing of instances of how often it froze or didn't.
Im done with attempting to duplicate the problem.
I care not if you utilize the modlet/ It was to enjoy the full scope of the Hotfix and provide you with safety feature for 2 of Zhix's mods.
I will assume (ancient joke attached to this word) your fully capable of troubleshooting the issues alone being more expert(ancient joke) then me.
You showed the problem is also in your BW EXE version; I can only wonder why it hasn't reared its ugly head and caused a storm of complaints from other users.
It took some days but finally I was able to reproduce this/one bug a few times, too few however to say something concrete about how many origins or ways there really may be to cause it.
However there is currently a small chance that a (unselected) party member will not move anymore when a power is activated while casting an auto-castable spell that doesn't need an target actor to get casted.
It can be caused (for example) when activating a summoning-related power while the caster is summoning his first monster (but the time frame to cause this is rather small, less than half a second).
Of course I did some corresponding checks, and for some types of powers there really is a native lack in the power casting job (a common safety timer to exit is missing).
But beyond this I only can speculate (too painful to examine this more exactly), it seems however that this lack was bypassed by the interrupted (but finishing) auto-casting job. Now due to several auto-casting revisions in this mod (AI related, to tune the hiding/revealing of weapons while casting, etc.) this kind of auxiliary 'cooperation' between the jobs didn't work anymore and so the party member could be caught in the power casting job (a job which can't be interrupted manually anymore after the player pushed the power button once).
I'm testing now a work-around (besides of the additional safety timer, but nobody likes to wait for it I guess), however if somebody should see an immobile actor not in context with powers then please make a post.
While examining this matter I've also found (and widely fixed) some other odd things (at least in v2.2), some powers (still) can execute twice in sequence, the buff casting sometimes ignores the custom weapon enchantment spells, and some native game functions can't distingish living from dead monsters - which is rather unpleasant when the AI (continously) orders to attack but the actor refuses it and waits because the target is already dead.
that is interesting cuz i've been trying to fix that gpg bug with dead bodies which is causing my auto engage mod to not work on occasion. care to share how u fixed that and mind if i "borrow" it for use in my mod? lol :mrgreen:
Sometimes, very rarely, it is difficult for humanoids to distinguish living from dead.
I assure you all them prairie dogs are dead, despite them standing up and moving a bit in place. Probably would not have noticed them if the 'evil' twins weren't trying to kick my party into early graves. Eventually, usually, the cleanup scripts fix this kind of stuff so when I came back later, with a victorious party, there weren't any signs of even normal corpus.
This 'animated dead' stuff happens very rarely almost anywhere at an instance of great activity like getting creamed by monsters or when I cream them.
Most probably its my system since no one else notices this stuff. I can live with it, its a bit of levity to see these things. Maybe my system is developing a sense of humor and is actively seeking to entertain me via its unique AI.
@whomisold: Strange, but I can take a look at the Prarie dogs once.
I've tried out several different setups in v2.2, but everytime I've got a dead actor returned here and then.
One rough approach to solve this matter would be to remove dead monsters from the map (immediate expiration, self-deleting by triggers/components, ...), but this also would disable features/spells like resurection or corpse transmutation.
So a custom area scan with GetVisibleEnemies() or GetAliveActorsInSphere() with some additional checks should be more accurate, however this quickly can become extensive, currently I play around with GetVitalAggro$() that considers a bit more than just the aggro value (as GetHighestVisibleAggro() probably does) because aggro values between two opponents only will be assigned after the first combat action.
Don't bother this has happened since Alpha3g many differing places and differing monsters.
currently using A3n
more of an overwhelmed process handler
usually cleans up, taking all effected corpus out of play, when the area becomes inactive
don't recall it ever happening when outside, even when the corpse count was waist high on the path to snowbrook
@whomisold: well, i think for me those are animation bugs. monsters die standing up but i dont notice them moving. i also get party members still standing up when they are unconscious. these are the bugs i see with the unmodded game.
@killer gremal: well, that stuff about skrit functions is very enlightening. in that case, i think the buggy GetHighestVisibleAggro() function can also return an actor's own summoned creature as an enemy. i think thats what breaks the auto engage when using summons.
i think combining the GetVisibleEnemies() function and GetAliveActorsInSphere() function to create a filter that only targets alive enemies shud work (hopefully?) to fix the summon creature + dead body bug.
double hire helm that persists after hire
fixes itself after save/reload
plus her robe changes (restrictions and AC) after the reload > from ac:34? to AC:10; probable other equipment changes since she goes from AC:81 overall to AC:45 overall