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Winders 8?

techiem2's picture

Has anyone tried to get DS1 and DS2 running under Win8 yet?
I'm about to upgrade my laptop drives and I'm trying to decide if I should bite the bullet and start learning 8 since I'm starting to have to support it, but I want to know if I'll be able to run DS1 and DS2 under it and how painful they will be to get working.

the only compelling reason to get win8 while upgrading laptop drives is for >2tb boot drive support. but since the largest size laptop drive is still 1tb, it makes upgrading to win8 rather moot.

also, i heard win7 x64 has problems saving chars in ds2. darkelf is affected by this bug. not sure if it carried over to win8 but its sure going to be a killjoy...

i suggest u just install win8 on one laptop that u dont use often and just use it for learning win8 and light work.

I have had no problems with DS1 or DS2 running win8, LoA however will not install properly.

techiem2's picture

Interesting. I guess I'll have to give it a shot and see what happens.
I guess DS2/BW is the more important one at this point anyway what with the DS1->DS2 conversion and such going on. hehe.

I installed ds1 and loa on a windows 8 machine and it was a 50/50 proposition if it would run, though if i kept trying it would eventually. For some reason when I installed the abstraction siegelet I was able to get it to run everytime. For all versions I could get error messages when starting but if you clicked ok/continue a couple times it would then either start or do nothing and have to start over.