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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

sigofmugmort wrote:
. . .
The Great Sledge says lvl 50 and Overbear of 5 to equip but my lvl53 fighter with Overbear of 12 cannot equip. Did a Strength minimum get left off?
This may be a 2H-Sledge I've added once. Indeed it would also require strength (due to its sheer size), not sure why it's not mentioned. However I can check this.


iryan wrote:
sigofmugmort wrote:
Sorry, I forgot to say this was what It looks like if you want both maps and that the first choice is the old map Sad

Yes the new version needs a new name, especially if you add KillerGremal's version so you could have 3 Utraean Peninsulas!
. . .
Well, I could rename my map too in order to avoid confusions. 'Utrea - the early ages'? ...early stages? ... Puzzled

Two Sledges.

Here are the Two Sledges.

The Chant Scrolls are nice, particularly the fact you can keep clicking on them until you get a Chant you do not have. But, it can get tedious and time-consuming if you already have most of the Chants. Is there anyway to speed that up?

sigofmugmort wrote:
The Chant Scrolls are nice, particularly the fact you can keep clicking on them until you get a Chant you do not have. But, it can get tedious and time-consuming if you already have most of the Chants. Is there anyway to speed that up?
Interesting catch! Smile / Sad

But this rather looks like a 'stupidly repetitive feature' - if you find something like this in one of my mods it's rather a bug than an intented behaviour - so I think I should fix this sooner or later... :o

Of course I can understand the issue that players don't want to find chants they already have. But there is no way to avoid it so far. It only would work with a chant comparison of the chants the player already has with all chants in the game, combined with an individual/level-depending drop chance for each chant the player hasn't yet - that's all possible in theory (and in skrit, for chants at least) but such sophisticated code simply doesn't exist (yet).

However thanks for the Great Sledge pics, there's something wrong with the requirement formula.

Thanks, even thou this is the first time doing Beta testing on a commercial computer game, The standard test measures are the same and I had forgotten how much fun looking for things can be :woot:

Utrean Penninsula(new map)

These pools that block missile fire but can be run through are annoying.

An unbreakable box in the rooms before descending to face the Queen, there were a couple in Her room as well..
The compass map shows an incantation shrine, but none on the map..
This popped up while wandering around the exit from Hovarth's Folly.
But only when looking/traveling in a couple of specific directions(I blame my graphics card).


What's with all the Phoenix Feathers? From Crystwind to Merin HALF the Reagents I have found have been Phoenix Feathers (18 so far). Is there anyplace other then Eladim with a Reagent seller?

Item overload is becoming a problem as it is getting hard to find specific items, particularly if you like using the recipes to make things.

sigofmugmort wrote:
Item overload is becoming a problem as it is getting hard to find specific items, particularly if you like using the recipes to make things.

Rather than item overload, it's more like pcontent imbalance, especially with the reagents. The Legendary Mod actually doesn't touch the reagent system at all. That's a specific DS2 problem.

I can influence the range of what reagents may appear in the shops in each of the maps and I will revise that but I can't influence what drops through the loot system. That's not a part of what the mod is about. There's a mod around that revises and fixes some bugs in the reagent system and DS2BW Adepts includes that mod. I haven't checked but wouldn't be surprised if KillerGremal also includes fixes & revises the reagents in the Hotfix or Arrana Legacy mods. Check them out.

sigofmugmort wrote:
Utrean Penninsula(new map)
These pools that block missile fire but can be run through are annoying.
An unbreakable box in the rooms before descending to face the Queen, there were a couple in Her room as well.
The compass map shows an incantation shrine, but none on the map.
This popped up while wandering around the exit from Hovarth's Folly.
But only when looking/traveling in a couple of specific directions(I blame my graphics card).


It's never been reported before that there were problems with the pools. I'm surprised that bare_elf has never noticed this as she primarily uses archers.

The boxes should be easy enough to fix. There were heaps of them in the alpha versions but have gradually been fixed.

Obviously a bug with radar icons as those aren't appropriate places to place incantation shrines anyhow.

You'll be happy to know that there's no problem with your video card as the phantom walls are a commonly reported problem. The fix is to have a low value for the see far hack in the launcher or tureen that feature off. Still I've noticed that the phantom walls will still appear if you use the nearby session portal to quickly resume playing from there with a new game. I'll investigate what to do with this one, either fix it or remove it.

>> misplaced radar icons:
Radar images most probably can overlap the same way as region do. This will also misplace attached radar icons.
It seems the larger frustum/fog ranges are, the greater the probability will be that (stitched) regions/radars will overlap too.

>> reagent aquisition:
It's a bit strange that one reagent has a clear prevalence. Usually the level of dropped reagents (they have a level, internally) will/should approximately match to your level within a 'bandwidth' of ~10 levels. Shops often provide a larger bandwidth, however for balancing reasons rather downwards than upwards.
Besides of Elddim also Quillrabe and Grescal should have reagent sellers, and at Fallraen there should be an item enchanter who sells reagents as well.

>> teleportation + region fading matters:
Region fading data evidentially won't be stored in DS2 (DS1 did!?), hence possible fadings must be re-applied with a manually placed trigger in/nearby the landing zone.
For example, if a teleporter or a custom portal is placed underground (right) after a dungon entrance, then there usually must be a fade trigger to re-apply the surface fading as it most probably happend when entering the dungeon.
This may be painful, but also GPG had to do it, weird examples are a1_02_02_jngfalls/0x06100118 or a2_08_02_castledun/0x08d00273 for the teleporter stations there.

>> strange things on the map:
To help debugging: Open your inventory, left-click on a health potion while keeping Ctrl+Alt keys pressed.
This will show the current node as potion label, knowing this makes it some easier to examine what's wrong there.

The problem with the pools occurs in the Underground River in DS1 but seems to be with the smaller pools

Limiting the amount of each reagent might help. Example, instead of 5 of one reagent limit to 1 or 2 of any type. I wonder if a shop mod that adds pages would help. Like Lady Femme's BW shop mod.

The Pit of Despair, is it supposed to be an uninhabited maze? I am told in the original it was full of nasty critters. And what are the colored pots you can buy for?

sigofmugmort wrote:
The Pit of Despair, is it supposed to be an uninhabited maze? I am told in the original it was full of nasty critters. And what are the colored pots you can buy for?

In the original map you had to rescue the Skelly from all the bad things in the maze then make him one of your party members so that he could go on to play DS2 (well that is what he said.) In the DS2 version of the map the quest completes as soon as you find the pit of Despair. At the present time the pit is empty of monsters, original quest was a bit pointless since there where no good treasures and the maze was like really impossible. Also there where a lot of major issues with the map and the primary quests and the characters that needed to be repaired first. Once the mod has reached the end of the Beta cycle (all major issues fixed and most of the minor ones). I am sure one of us will find the time to populate the maze with something of interest. But until then it will remain empty.


sigofmugmort wrote:
The problem with the pools occurs in the Underground River in DS1 but seems to be with the smaller pools

I have never encountered the pool problem you reported sigofmugmort with either the original DS1 map or the DS2 Map.
Most of the time my party is 50% ranger and 50% combat mage. I will look into it with a nature mage and melee fighter next time through.


sigofmugmort wrote:
. . .
And what are the colored pots you can buy for?
When you drop them they will leave a color stain on the ground (and a dot on the radar map, for 30 minutes).
This can be helpful in regions there you don't have any other landmarks, for example in the desert or in the Pit of Despair actually.

The feature is not perfect though, right now extensive color scribbling in towns won't be punished in any way... Wink

I've installed this mod and I've got all the required files in the resource folder, but where are the maps?

JB wrote:
I've installed this mod and I've got all the required files in the resource folder, but where are the maps?

First hello and welcome. Second you may wish to register as when you post without registering the only ones that see your post are the staff, and we are not always here to move your posts to the desired forum. Third please answer the following questions for us.

1 Did you use the installer or did you download the files manually. The reason I ask this is that the installer automatically converts the required ds1 and loa files for you.
2 if you used the installer there is a small batch file to rename ds1_objects to objects_ds1
3 if you downloaded the files one at a time you must also convert the required DS1 files using KillerGremals file conversion program.

I would recommend that you read the entire readme file from start to finish.

Anyway welcome to the site.
Elf Site Admin

bare_elf wrote:
sigofmugmort wrote:
The Pit of Despair, is it supposed to be an uninhabited maze? I am told in the original it was full of nasty critters. And what are the colored pots you can buy for?

In the original map you had to rescue the Skelly from all the bad things in the maze then make him one of your party members so that he could go on to play DS2 (well that is what he said.) In the DS2 version of the map the quest completes as soon as you find the pit of Despair. At the present time the pit is empty of monsters, original quest was a bit pointless since there where no good treasures and the maze was like really impossible. Also there where a lot of major issues with the map and the primary quests and the characters that needed to be repaired first. Once the mod has reached the end of the Beta cycle (all major issues fixed and most of the minor ones). I am sure one of us will find the time to populate the maze with something of interest. But until then it will remain empty.


Bare_elf is indeed correct. In the original Multiplayer only Utraean Peninsula, the Pit of Despair was empty of any monsters and very, very dark. There was several very high level chests in it that provided some incentive to explore it but apart from bragging rights for completing it, it didn't really offer anything extraordinary.

As bare_elf mentioned, with the singleplayer adaptation, Legends of Utraea, I populated the Pit of Despair with my favourite monsters, doppelgangers with maybe a few other monsters, a special recruitable character and more chests as well as making it a bit lighter for easy exploring. This is the version you are refering to.

With the DS2 version I debated about doing something similar to LOU but eventually decided to leave it as it was. However if there's enough demand for it I'll happily adapt it in a similar vein to the LOU version. I certainly have enough ideas to make it interesting.

Also I've been debating about changing the Uhn in the Crystwind Mines to Duergar like in LOU. In LOU the dwarves delved too deep searching for gold and unleashed a magical power which transformed them into Duergar. Even the quest in Crystwind were you are tasked in finding out the reason for the dwarven miners disappearance could be linked to this.

sigofmugmort wrote:
Limiting the amount of each reagent might help. Example, instead of 5 of one reagent limit to 1 or 2 of any type. I wonder if a shop mod that adds pages would help. Like Lady Femme's BW shop mod.

Comparing the tables in the maps, the level of reagents are a lot lower than in DS2. So I've adapted all 4 maps to follow the pattern of the DS2 map. For example the highest level of reagent a shopkeeper would sell before was 60. Now it's 90.

I don't think I'll change the number of reagent stores. There's 4 in each map except for Yesterhaven when there's three (but Yesterhaven is a lot smaller). Remember in the Utraean Peninsula you can zip between towns using the Utraean Basilicas. However I can add a special reagent seller like in the secret town in DS2BW Adepts, that will sell all reagents, if there's enough interest in the idea.

Duergar sounds good to me. The screenshot I posted with the arrows stuck in air was one of the smaller ones where you had water dripping down, the arrows stick where the dropping water is falling. Any way to add Bone Minions to some of the breakable pots?

I am now Dragon hunting in Quillrab Dwarf

sigofmugmort wrote:
Utrean Penninsula(new map)

These pools that block missile fire but can be run through are annoying.

The waterdrips are generated by an emt_generic gizmo. The efct_emitter block contains the script which produces the water drops.

Looking in SE2 I couldn't see anything in the pools other than the emitter which could be causing the issue. You can't see the emitter in-game but can in the Editor and all emitters (emitters, triggers, etc) are suppose to be non blocking to both path finding and objects.

Maybe under certain circumstances either the emitter gizmo or the waterdrips effects react with ranged objects or the effects attached to them. It would be interesting to know if this occurred with all ranged weapons (i.e. throwing weapons, projectiles from crossbows, etc) and effects attached to them or was only specific to the effect attached to the arrows in the screenshot.

Maybe KillerGremal or somebody else may be able to help with a possible cause as KillerGremal knows far more than I do about effects and emitters.

I read 100% of every read-me that came with it. Maybe it was the late hour of the morning that did it but I somehow missed out on updating to 2.2. Thanks for the response and I may be back, I may not.

bare_elf wrote:

First hello and welcome. Second you may wish to register as when you post without registering the only ones that see your post are the staff, and we are not always here to move your posts to the desired forum. Third please answer the following questions for us.

Anyway welcome to the site.
Elf Site Admin

I registered. Thank you very much for the reply. I think I already made another post saying this but either way all I had to do was update to 2.2 and I was then able to select the maps. This mod works great and is plenty fun.

Had a minor crash, running windows 8 64bit, that I think I caused accidentally while alt-tabbing. Other than that it's smooth sailing.



I registered. Thank you very much for the reply. I think I already made another post saying this but either way all I had to do was update to 2.2 and I was then able to select the maps. This mod works great and is plenty fun.

Had a minor crash, running windows 8 64bit, that I think I caused accidentally while alt-tabbing. Other than that it's smooth sailing.


Happy that your enjoying the mod. Happy you joined us by registering. I am pleased that it was just the 2.2 patch that was missing, that caused your problem. If you find any issues with the maps of the mod please report them to us so that we can look into what is causing the problem.


After all the warnings against going in, could it be made impossible to get out of until an item is found or a boss is killed? Or simply a secret exit to find? (Getting out again becoming a Quest)

First thought was for the lever at the bottom of the elevator to be missing its handle, which would be in one of the chests, but then if you sent down only the tougher members of the party to deal with any monsters waiting at the bottom, then either the characters left at the top would be able to bring the leaders back, or if you made the elevator initially one-way (like the roof to the swamp temple in Ehb that caves in) then the ones at the top wouldn't be able to follow the leaders down to reunite the party. Perhaps a NIS so that if anyone goes in, all go in, as with Gom's throne-room?

I know I've a nerve suggesting anything when I'm not the one doing any of the work! not even play-testing.

Just a note that I've updated the links to KillerGremals Mods on the main thread.

Diabloish is now Beta02 (actually updated last month) and DS1 Content Pack Alpha10q (15.4Mb) (17.5Mb)

Still working on the next release of the main Mod. Most issues reported here have been addressed and in addition skill trainers have been added to Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula and Legends of Aranna.

To do is to combine the armor pack and a few new additions, replacing the Uhn in Crystwind Mines with Duergar and possibly populating the Pit of Despair and making it a bit more navigable.

I would also like to be able to get the characters show more audible interactions like KillerGremal has done with Return to Arhok and what was done in the original Legends of Aranna. I believe it adds a lot to the immersion in the gameplay.

It blocked Firebolt and Ice bolt but not penetrating spell like Grave beam and frost beam

The Pit of Despair would be a good place to drop a Lorebook on how the Half-Giants were actually cursed (too bad Throne of agony is Playstation not PC it sounds like it was fun)
