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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

I always liked the quest in Legends of Utrae, however since there are no back packs in DS2 inventory packing around the three items is really a waste of space. So I guess I would leave it as is in DS2 and if you want the original quest play Legends of Utrae 3.2. I always have a legends game active and a party in the same general area as my ds2 party when testing the Utraean Peninsula Map. Just so I can refer to things and see the changes.


sigofmugmort wrote:
Monster notes. Technically, all the ants should be the same color. Needs Bone Minions }:) . Black scorpions are not from sandy desserts and from PERSONAL experience there sting is not that bad. The Iraca from DS2 would make a good tough scorpion.

There's actually nothing very much technical with the Mod. Most things are just for aesthetics and fun. If two things are equal and one's technically superior and the other's aesthetically superior, the second will win every time.

Yes you've mentioned bone minions before and I'll oblige. Some monsters do summon them in the mod but that's not the same. The way GPG implemented them is like how the phrak are spawned from some crates in the Mod, a statistical chance of one appearing from certain containers, mostly found in the Azunite Desert. It's quite low and sometimes you may not find one at all.

How I would like to spawn them is have a random chance of one appearing from a pile of bones or something similar, as the player walked by. Would be just like the containers but of course they wouldn't be containers, just objects. I'm not sure how much coding that would require to implement. I believe this would be more realistic than having something pop out of a container. The mimics are fantastic because they are meant to mimic chests. The same for skeletons popping out of sarcophaguses in LOA. How bone minions get themselves stuffed into containers is beyond me.

The Black scorpions are meant as fillers to make it a little more interesting in the desert around Grescal as in the original map there were no monsters at all. In LOU I first added monsters and they were a mix of scorpions and undead drakes. Since the drakes are found in the LOA map I didn't use them here (as is the case for all LOA monsters that were found in LOU, they've mostly been replaced with DS2 monsters instead).

Still Iracas would make good substitutes as well as some of the other DS2 desert critters. I know black scorpions mightn't have a strong sting but have you ever been stung by one that was as big as yourself?

bare_elf wrote:
I always liked the quest in Legends of Utrae, however since there are no back packs in DS2 inventory packing around the three items is really a waste of space. So I guess I would leave it as is in DS2 and if you want the original quest play Legends of Utrae 3.2. I always have a legends game active and a party in the same general area as my ds2 party when testing the Utraean Peninsula Map. Just so I can refer to things and see the changes.


Then again DS2 has the town portal spell and the stash chest to store things in. DS2 itself certainly had a number of collectible items that had to be kept until used, for instance the scavenger hunt and the items needed to access the secret dungeon.

In the mod I certainly store the town stones in the stash until they are ready to be used.

The original multiplayer map was annoying as two of the objects had to be obtained in the Kingdom of Ehb singleplayer game first and kept with your character in multiplayer. Remember that there was no backpack with the original DS1 and while the knife was small enough, the eye took 2x2 spaces.

Still unless there's a lot of demand for change I'll keep things as they are. No point in fixing what's not broken.

@Iryan: Considering the 'drop chance' rats could be it indeed, but they were part of the Utrea release since 2010, so I think there would have been more stability complaints. And changes since then are marginal.
The stats rats have I can recheck - actually I think I already did this...!?

Concerning the (in)compatibility between Adepts and Aranna Legacy, there are too many overlapping skrit files right now so the game probably won't run stable anymore.

Now that you speak about rats i don't remember seeing those pop up from barrels during our play tests with hardless. However the mosquitoes do. Since the crashes are random i vote for rats being the problem too, but i can be wrong.

Since several mods affect barrels, it would be interesting if stability problems could be reproduced with a minimum of mods, just to get an rough impression where to start searching.


HardLess wrote:
There is something in the Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10q.ds2res file that modify barrels and make the client crash in multi-player games randomly when he or the host break a barrel.

I have made a lot of test in order to know if it was my Ancient Gift mod or the Arrana Legacy but it happens that the file creating this bug is the DS1Content-Alpha10q added for the beta 24 of the mod.

. . .

If you still play on with the Aranna Legacy mod, rats and respawning barrels are also part of the of this mod (same components as in Utrea), so you should experience stability in Multiplayer when hitting barrels with this mod alone too (besides of other instabilities perhaps - which I wouldn't exclude, but due to the lack of a addon-compatible toolkit efficient debugging in v2.3 is not really possible).

Lady Femme has a Monsters Improved Mod for DS2 that among other things increases the chance of Bone minions, maybe that could be addapted.

And on a training maneuver a couple of us fell into a nest and received a couple dozen stings

Here is the whole story and how we came up with the idea that something was wrong with legendary pack b24.

Last week end we've installed the legendary pack B24 to run some play tests with our own Ancient gift mod (still in progress but very close to release) as we always do. This way we can give some feedback to iryan about the mod and test our own things.
Our basic mods are : Aranna legacy (latest version), legendary Pack (latest version) and Ancient Gifts. Nothing more.
We then started a game in LOA. We first saw the big barrel just outside the town and were pleased with that since we thought it was a new feature. But as soon as we attacked the barrel the game crashed (client side). So we decided to stop hitting big barrels and only working with the small ones (new feature maybe not fully functional). But the bug came back with the small barrel after a few minutes. So first we thought that our Ancient Gift was the problem because we never experienced such a bug. We tired a lot of things with our mod to try to fix the issue but nothing solved the problem.
Because of compatibility issues with Aranna legacy and Ancient gift we tried to remove Aranna legacy and see how it goes. Same result, game crashed. We then tried to play some other maps of Legendary Pack, mainly Ehb and Untraen P. Same result. So we tried DS2 map and the the game was still crashing.

After all the play test we were pretty sure that our own mod was causing the bug since it happened with and withou Aranna Legacy and in any maps we played.

After hours trying to find in the Acient gift what was causing the bug we gave up and and try somthing new. We came back to older version of Legendary Pack (B22 i think) and without Aranna legacy. And then no bug. We reinstalled Aranna legacy and no bug could be found. We then re-installed Acient Gift and every thing was fine.
We can now play and hit as many barrel we want.

That's how we came up with the idea that something was wrong with the latest version of Legendary. Believe me we have spend hours testing that.
Hope it helps

@Mantella: Thanks for your report. However if your time allows it, try once to do a counter-check when you think it's a specific mod, possibly with a minimum mods generally.

Sometimes problems are not by a single mod, often problems are caused by a conflict between mods.

KillerGremal wrote:
@Mantella: Thanks for your report. However if your time allows it, try once to do a counter-check when you think it's a specific mod, possibly with a minimum mods generally.

Sometimes problems are not by a single mod, often problems are caused by a conflict between mods.

I think Mantella and Hardless have already done that. It seems pretty clear that there's a problem with the latest version of the mod.

Keep in mind that the latest version of the Legendary is dependent on Mod_DS1_Content.ds2res and won't run properly without it. Version 22 of the Legendary Mod which wasn't dependent on Mod_DS1_Content.ds2res causes no issue.

There wasn't anything added to version 24 but instead a lot of redundant files were removed to prevent conflicts with Mod_DS1_Content.ds2res and a lot of files modified to make them work with Mod_DS1_Content.ds2res, primarily npcs.

The fact that the issue even occurs in DS2 is significant. Mod_DS1_Content.ds2res does modify some base DS2 files, for example effect_hit.skrit

One test that I can think of is to remove all the Legendary Mod files except for Mod_DS1_Content.ds2res and DS1_Mod_Terrain.ds2res or use KillerGremal's version of the Terrain resources.

Then try KillerGremal's version of the Utraean Peninsula found here; to see if the problem replicates there. You could also try Return to Arhok as well.

I recently got back into Dungeon Siege, as did my brother.
In the process of trying to get Dungeon Siege 1 to run on his Windows 8 Laptop. I came across this mod. So, after getting DS2 installed and working on his computer, he installed this and tried to run the AllSaves Launcher and after clicking launch it came up with an error saying: "Cannot load DS2 All*Saves (DS2 wrong version?)" along with a windows error message saying Protection Stub has stopped working.

Confused, I tried to install it on my own Windows 7 PC and I've encountered problems as well. While I can get the game started the main menu's text font is Arial I believe, all I know for sure is that it isn't right, and once I launch into the any map, I find that left clicking ellicits the "can't do that" sound, but, I can right click on barrels and my character will run over to them and break them as usual. Also, in all of the non DS2 maps the sky is completely red. Meanwhile, in the bottom left of the screen I am being spammed with death messages using my character's name.

I am using Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World, he is using Dungeon Siege 2 v2.2.
Anyway know the solutions to either of these problems?

McBeanie wrote:
I recently got back into Dungeon Siege, as did my brother.
In the process of trying to get Dungeon Siege 1 to run on his Windows 8 Laptop. I came across this mod. So, after getting DS2 installed and working on his computer, he installed this and tried to run the AllSaves Launcher and after clicking launch it came up with an error saying: "Cannot load DS2 All*Saves (DS2 wrong version?)" along with a windows error message saying Protection Stub has stopped working.

Confused, I tried to install it on my own Windows 7 PC and I've encountered problems as well. While I can get the game started the main menu's text font is Arial I believe, all I know for sure is that it isn't right, and once I launch into the any map, I find that left clicking ellicits the "can't do that" sound, but, I can right click on barrels and my character will run over to them and break them as usual. Also, in all of the non DS2 maps the sky is completely red. Meanwhile, in the bottom left of the screen I am being spammed with death messages using my character's name.

I am using Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World, he is using Dungeon Siege 2 v2.2.
Anyway know the solutions to either of these problems?

First of all welcome.
Concerning your brother's Laptop
Does your brother have Windows 8 or 8.1?
Has Dungeon Siege 1 been installed and patched to version 1.11.1462?
Did he use the installer or install the files manually?
If he installed the files manually did he convert the DS1 files as directed in the readme file?
A working Dungeon Siege 1.11.1462 is a requirement for the DS1 Legandary Map Pack
Can he play Dungeon Siege 1 and Dungeon Siege 2 and Broken World?
You stated that his copy of Dungeon Siege 2 is version 2.2 is that correct?
Is his copy of Dungeon Siege 2 downloaded through Steam?
Please have him submit a list of the files in the DS2 resources folder including all the file names and their revisions, something like this
In the DS2 Resources folder

Plus the converted ds1 files, the standard ds2 files

If you could do the same for your windows 7 System we can attempt to figure out what is going on.


Firstly, thanks.
Second, yes, both computers have Dungeon Siege 1 installed, non-steam.
Third, I did the install manually.


McBeanie wrote:
Firstly, thanks.
Second, yes, both computers have Dungeon Siege 1 installed, non-steam.
Third, I did the install manually.


Rename DS1_Objects.ds2res to Objects_DS1.ds2res
Then try your system again.

bare_elf wrote:

Rename DS1_Objects.ds2res to Objects_DS1.ds2res
Then try your system again.

That fixed the death message spam, but all of the other problems are still present.

Expansion.dsres or Expansion.dsmap? if you converted the dsres file you need to remove ds1_expansion.ds2res and convert the dsmap file.


Oh... I converted the .dsres. I just did the map and that's solved my issue.

glad I could help out McBeanie. Have fun with the mod. If you find any thing that is not working or odd when you are playing the maps we would like to know as the Legendary Map Pack is a work in progress.


Trial of Galus completed, now to go stomp the Shadow Jumper Dwarf

One thought, maybe put the lorebook in The Pit of Despair to initiate the quest before you reach Quilrabe

While testing out some changes made to DS2BW Adepts, I remembered to take a screenshot of an oddity that may be linked to the barrel problem reported recently by Mantella and Hardless.

The Lang Mosquito Stone is nearly as big as the characters (makes you wonder how they could fit the stone into their inventory but then again how do they fit all of those oversized weapons, etc?).

The stone should only be about half that size. This only occurs with the latest version of the legendary mod running with Mod-DS1Content.ds2res. Nothing has been changed in the base template in the latest version of the Legendary Mod so something had to have changed in Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10q.ds2res.

Perhaps this is linked somehow to the barrel problem, especially the bigger barrels (there's no problem in picking up the Lang stone into inventory or with the quest updating and lore showing)?

I did play around a bit in the self hosted network game and didn't strike any problems with any barrels between Elddim and the Crypts. Then again it's probably not a host issue.

I wonder if Mantello and Hardless have had a chance to try playing just the original Utraean Peninsula without the Legendary Mod installed as I recommended a few days ago to see if the problem exists there?

iryan wrote:
. . .
The Lang Mosquito Stone is nearly as big as the characters (makes you wonder how they could fit the stone into their inventory but then again how do they fit all of those oversized weapons, etc?).

The stone should only be about half that size. This only occurs with the latest version of the legendary mod running with Mod-DS1Content.ds2res. Nothing has been changed in the base template in the latest version of the Legendary Mod so something had to have changed in Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10q.ds2res.

Perhaps this is linked somehow to the barrel problem, especially the bigger barrels (there's no problem in picking up the Lang stone into inventory or with the quest updating and lore showing)?

. . .

Well, I'm not at home right now, but as far as I remember core/base templates haven't changed on my side neither. Puzzled

A bit strange is that on one hand the Lang Stone (or treasure/quest items generally?) have changed its size (with Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10q.ds2res and DS1_Mod_Logic_Beta_24.ds2res and I noticed this too in v2.2) and on the other hand obvisiouly some barrels are affected by size-changes as well (which I didn't experience myself for the few barrel I encountered recently).

It's difficult to say if there is really a link between, however it's probably easier to find out what happened to the stone (or other treasure items). I think there are several more reasons/circumstances why the size of barrels may be different in-game finally (for example, the Level Adjustment mod affects barrels too).

--- Edit:
A short test showed me that the Lang Stone (spawned) is very large in DS1 as well. :o
So for something that covers 1x1 in the inventory it's about 2-3x too big outside the inventory.

I managed to get some of the DS1 helms into the game.

None of these require UV skins so work without any graphical oddities. There's 6 helmet types out of 50. Type47, which is the bone helmet, wouldn't work at all and displayed a red and black error texture.

Efforts to port gloves and boots didn't work. The templates should work but the meshes are invisible.

Reversed missing shrine.
After getting to the Urtrean Island, the firs three incantation shrines(so far) show on the main map but not the Compass Map. See the Screen shots posted in Adepts as the same problem is there as well.

sigofmugmort wrote:
Reversed missing shrine.
After getting to the Urtrean Island, the firs three incantation shrines(so far) show on the main map but not the Compass Map. See the Screen shots posted in Adepts as the same problem is there as well.

If there is a map issue with the DS1 Legendary Map Pack that same issue will exist in Adepts. As Adepts uses the Maps from this mod without any alterations to the map. Thank you for reporting the issue with the radar. It will be corrected as soon as can be done.


The Fourth shrine is correct.
 photo Shrine-correct-0002_zps54cb5eca.jpg

This jar is a respawn that seems to be partly in the wall.

Like my ghost archer :woot:

I was looking around in Wesrin Cross and discovered two wooden trunks that would not open. I would think the problem is an issue with the DS1 Legendary Map Pack because it is map related. Screen shots with location markers follow.


@bare_elf: Thanks for the report!
This type of chest may be prevalent on Ehb, but I really found a general animation bug in Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10r.ds2res (and before). However I will recheck the positions, perhaps there are other chest templates affected too.

@sigofmugmort: Barrels that respawn shouldn't use a position offset, so this placement is strange indeed.
Could you drop a potion with Ctrl+Alt to let me know where it is?

Regarding the jammed chests, the cause is often a problem with the use_point being too close to the chest. This was very common in Legends of Aranna and while it obviously wasn't a problem in the original game, DS2 seems to create the chests with a larger bounding volume which interferes with the operation of the use points. I fixed the majority of such chests in LOA simply by moving the use point further away from the chest. There may be some of these in the other maps as well.

As for the shrines appearing in the radar, they are a very low priority but I will get to fixing them eventually. Unlike actors and other objects, radar images only have to appear in the radar.gas file for the region, you don't even need the original radar_icon used to generate them to still be present.

There's a new beta 25 release of the mod. Apologies but most files have been updated though the changes are purely cosmetic for Kingdom of Ehb, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven maps and the DS1_Mod_Terrain_Beta_25.ds2res.

You will need updated versions of the following; (224 Mb) (57.9 Mb) (1.1 Mb) (72.8 Mb)

There's also an optional Party Voice Pack which enables audio selection responses from your party members. (68.4 Mb)


An installer will be forthcoming in the next few days.

All major bugs recently mentioned in this forum should be fixed. For instance the skill trainer in Fallraen is working for me with these files and also works in DS2BW Adepts. Minor bugs like the shrine radar images haven't been attended to yet.

All the updated armor and helms are in this release and the Pit of Despair has had extensive renovations (still would have liked to do more but time and skill was against me). I hope everyone likes the new boss that lurks down there!

The maps have also had their descriptions updated to try to avoid any misinformation about their multiplayer capabilities, which seems to be broken at the moment (see earlier post on this matter). There is also version numbers for the maps in Broken World but the menu seems to be broken in vanilla DS2 (can select the maps but the map descriptions don't show).

Ah yes, there are also 7 nasty bone minions lurking around the newly renamed Utraean Peninsula. Be careful out there.

I have just finished downloading the new files and will see what occurs when I attempt to finish the Maljin and Explorer quests. Then it is back to finishing EHB.


The Trainer in Fallraen she works just fine.
The Explorer Quest in the Great Northern Forest now completes.
However I could not get the Maljin Quest to complete. I now have 15 ten stones can I trade that for a one hundred fifty stone? I think the quest might require me to play through the peninsula again with a new party before I get it to work.
I will try that after completing a run through of EHB.

