DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread
Submitted by iryan on Tue, 2012-04-24 23:39 | ||
This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World. Full version Installer version DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB Split version Installer version Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01 Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't. The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below. Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules; Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link; Mod Game Manual Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine. The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread; https://siegetheday.org/?q=node/1330 Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions. Partial Language Translations Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions. forums: |
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Thank you Lukawh for your post. The images are viewable so no problems there. Any bug report is welcome no matter how long. The cosmetic issues will be looked into as time allows.
If that's really the case, just saving the mod file in 'resouces' folder would cause this.
Perhaps somebody could recheck this.
Thank you. Ofcourse I forgot the DS2 patch, but it was the same. So I removed Level Adjustment mod and now it works fine.
The Legendary Mod VoiceSet has been revised and updated and now there's a voiceset for heroes and DS2/Broken World party members.
http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/VoiceSets_Beta1/DS1_Legendary_Mod_VoiceSet_Beta_1.ds2res (32 Mb)
http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/VoiceSets_Beta1/DS2BW_Mod_VoiceSet_Beta_1.ds2res (16.2 Mb)
The Legendary Mod VoiceSet obviously requires this mod but the DS2BW VoiceSet is entirely independent and can be used in the vanilla game (note will conflict with any mods that alters the starting heroes or party members).
Whenever focused or selected the party members will give an audio response. Whenever orders are changed (wait, rampage mode or mirror mode), there's about a 20% chance that there'll be an audio response. This was to stop all party members sounding off the same time which was disconcerting with a full 6 member party.
It would be great if the characters could be made to randomly give out an audio response during gameplay, like moving to a user selected point - like what used to happen in Legends of Aranna. But I suppose that is impractical in DS2 and KillerGremal has indicated that he isn't going to develop the skrit that introduces these audio responses any further.
VoiceSets are a popular modding feature with Baldurs Gate 2 and Neverwinter Nights, where some of these voice samples actually came from, as well as many other games but never a feature of the Dungeon Siege series apart from LOA (made by Mad Doc) and the banters in DS2 and Broken World.
For some reason the computer put this Zurrask in-between three rocks so it cannot move. Are starting positions fixed site ore area?
Actually there are numerous situations immaginable to play additional sounds depending on each party orders or on the new job request, or depending on other things that may happen in-game (like a collective 'hurray' after a hard/long battle for example).
However if you like, check out once the WE_MIND_PROCESSING_NEW_JOB trigger at the end of actor_audio_response.skrit yourself, it would be good point to start with.
Right now only switching the standing orders is covered by an audio comment, but each standing order could be treated independently (or the way they change, comparing old and new standing order). Standing orders can be SO_MIRROR, SO_OFFENSIVE (for rampage), SO_GUARD and SO_WAIT.
You also could include the current job or health state, so using checks like Mind.IsGuardingTarget, Mind.AmAttacking, Mind.IsLifeLow could help here, or owner.Go.Mind.FrontActionJat would deliver the current job concretely (JAT_FIDGET or JAT_UNCONSCIOUS for example).
One reason could be extreme All*Saves settings for fog and sight ranges (on maps at least where the 'region puzzle' doesn't really fit).
Larger value settings could cause regions to overlap - regions originally not loaded simulantiously, but now due to huge sight/fog ranges forced to do.
So the monster next to your party could also be the monster from/on the overlapping region. Such a region overlap would also explain the really dense jungle - I don't think it should be/look like this on the LoA map!(?)
Could you retry the 'Rune of Decay' once too with the Level Adjustment mod?
Legends of Aranna Map, with all of the latest updates by iryan and KillerGremal. upon reaching Illicor I attempted to pick up the Map of Illicor in the first building and was unable to do so with any character in my party. At this point I saved and exited the game to report this issue. However I forgot how to spell Illicor that second I tend to forget. So I went back into the game and to the building with the map, just for grins I clicked on the map and was able to pick it up. I noted when I first looked at the map before exiting there was the name but not the object. After returning there looked to be a map under the name. The map really is not necessary, since moving around Illicor is easy if you remember what bridges you have already used.
Again I am going through Legends of Aranna Map with all the latest updates and Adepts active. I did not see any problems getting to the hidden valley or in the valley itself. However once in the cave to the entrance of the shadow realm (Note See Far Hack Disabled) I kept finding my view blocked by a black fog. As I moved forward the black fog moved back until I reached the gate where it would not go away. Before I fired a shot at the portal I was told the quest had completed. Way way to easy last time I was here it took a good 5 minutes to defeat the portal, now it took less than a second.
I am sorry, but what do you mean by Rune of Decay? I only noticed Rune of Sacrifice not having any effect. Other powers work fine for me or I don't use them. Also now I'm playing with the level Adjustment mod not using Rune of Sacrifice.
Yes you're right about possible variations. One I managed to get working was using WE_ENGAGED_KILLED so that party members would give an audio response whenever an enemy was killed.
Still the issue is how to limit the number of responses. The above scenario, as per the changing orders, results in all party members speaking at once, which is messy with a large party.
I could try what I did with the beta and just have a 20% chance (only 2 of the possible 10 sound responses are valid). Or maybe have a check to see if the party member is focused (selected) or some other check. Is there a more elegant way of doing this, like randomly selecting a character in the party?
I've managed to incorporate WE_ENGAGED_KILLED and WE_ENEMY_SPOTTED successfully into the skrit and limited them to the focused (selected) hero or party member and also limited them to play only about every 15 seconds or so. Sounds a lot better though some of the voice samples get drowned out by the general battle sounds (monsters, spell effects, etc). It would be nice if there was some way of getting a response to the party moving to position as per the original Legends of Aranna.
I play with farsee hack off as well as shaders
Legends of Arrana stuff
Basically, all the containers in this section where unbreakable
Unopenable chest
Shrine missing on Compass Map.
The Compass Map shows the Icon for a skill reset Icon here but found no one here.
(and I wonder how soon my party will be run over by a certain rampaging Elf
Replying to my own post how weird. I went back to the hidden valley and cave of the shadow realm portal this time with the see far hack on and set at 50
The black areas within the cave where no longer there and the places in the hidden valley that appeared dark where not dark any longer. I will play with the see far hack on and set to 50 until I have time to look into my video settings within the game. The portal is still way to easy to kill.
I was wondering if the quest "The Scourge of Cicatrix" would be granted if I did not hire the Dwarf Konus. It appears that the only way to receive the quest is to hire Konus. So I sent one of my party to the inn. Hired Konus got the quest, jumped back to the trader camp, booted Konus to the inn and rehired the party member I had sent away. If I chose not to hire Konus could the quest be given either when the door or elevator near Konus is activated?
It seems to me that quests should not matter who is in your party however I have wondered this for years ever since the original Legends of Aranna.
I've an old save at just that place so have tested it (in the original DS1-LoA). The dialog with Konus had two pages. The first ran from "Quiet fool .." to "..abominations". You received the Quest when you pressed the MORE... button for the second page (starting with "I have journeyed here..."); it was on that second page that you got to choose whether to accept or decline him.
If you'd remembered him from a previous play-through, had already decided not to hire him, so pressed CLOSE on the first page, that is how no Quest.
Yes Richard you are quite correct, I started up an original LoA game at the traders camp to check it out as well, there were two pages to his conversation and you did receive the quest when you pressed more and You did not need to recruit the dwarf.
Iryan could we do that for some of the people who we currently have to hire in DS2 LoA to get the quests. Since I normally make my parties of rangers heavy on combat magic or combat mages with ranged skills training a melee fighter or nature mage to be combat mage/ranger takes a while. Not complaining mind you as I have ways to do this quickly on a special map but it would make the game easier to understand if the quest was not a benefit of recruiting a character.
If I'm not misunderstanding your idea, you could use WE_ANIM_STEP_LEFT or WE_ANIM_STEP_RIGHT, so you get those events when the character is walking.
With less than 1% chance, I think that you could get something nice.
I hope I understood your idea,
See you,
More LoA
1. Tried second party and if you tell the Dwarf no to joining did not get the quest.
2. I noticed the Black curtain effect in the shadow gate caves and it re-occurs in the caves you have to clear for the clearing the healing spring quest.
3. As I reported a few versions ago, This guy does not attach, cannot be attacked, just moves around.
Return to Arhok is now (my first visit to this module :woot: )
I keep getting a character stuck like this with a full party, if I remove a couple, go to the jungle and then use a Summon teleporter to go back to the Inn and re-add them.
@sigofmugmort: Thanks for the RtA feedback, I will recheck the start position of that regions.
Concerning the untouchable/unreachable containers I don't really know a good work-around so far.![Sad](https://siegetheday.org/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/Roving/aw.png)
Evidentially it was possible in DS1 to open or attack a container that already was on a blocked area but still within use/attack range. In DS2 this doesn't seem to work anymore...
For on-the-way-comments (or comments at the end of the movement) you really should consider WE_ANIM_STEP_LEFT or WE_ANIM_STEP_RIGHT as HardLess has mentioned, combined probably with action/attacking (or distance) checks.
However after rechecking the 'Rune of Sacrifice' and its code I think it's technically a quite bizzare and vulnerable implementation, GPG used here a trap generator for something that works like a temporary pet buff - very strange... :o
I have to rethink about a general and more mod-friendly revison once.
Game DS2
Map Legends of Aranna
All modules are current as of mid-night 5/8/14
Although I am reporting this here I am also playing with Adepts Active and some of the Character issues may be Adepts Specific
Uelda, umberteen's wife is has no store_portrait even though one is listed in her template "b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_uelda" could it be that there is an f missing after the second c?
The female doppelgangers are not displaying correctly when playing with adepts they are pretzel like with head in hands, not sure if they are working correctly without Adepts enabled. The male doppelgangers dwarf and half giant are fine, did not notice if the male humans and elves where working, but I must believe that they are since the half giant is just a scaled up version of the human/elf.
Noticed several of the Jars, canisters, ewers or whatever they are called will not open in this area. Whereas trunks, lockers, cases etc. open without issue. Back when I was playing the map in DS1 with Cat Mansion Characters [many years ago] I always thought it was because the items where on a shelf higher than the character could reach and that is why I could not break them. However now I have been told that their trigger is to close to wall. Liked my idea better, but could not figure out how to make a step ladder for my character to climb.
The portrait is probably a typo error and should easily be fixed -- Adepts specific bug
The doppelgangers are using the DS2 model and animations and it appears the female animations are messed up. Will fix -- Adepts specific bug
There appears to be a lot of chests, barrels and vases in LOA that still need revising. The vases on a ledge error also occurred in KOA and placing anything on a ledge, table, etc. needs an use point in order to work properly. As KillerGremal pointed out in another post, objects placed in blocking objects, or on a surface with no pathing permissions, could still be used in DS1 but often not in DS2.
The Cat Mansion models have a different bounding volume and use range than the base DS1 farmboy and farmgirl models. So the game maybe doesn't think they can reach the objects but then again this should occur with the dwarf as well. I don't know as I can't remember this problem occurring in DS1 but you do.
Another thing that comes to mind is the sight origin height. Remember the Shrack fish in the Water Dungeons? In DS1 they work well but in DS2 they ignored you until I raised the sight origin height high enough that "they could see you". Maybe this works for the Cat Mansion models as well.
In revising the vases, etc. it may be simpler to just replace them with something that the player doesn't expect to be able to open or use.
Maybe when things are on a high ledge or shelf and the character looks as if they can not reach it there could be a message like. "Hey Shorty, you need a step ladder to reach that vase." or "never mind about that vase on the high shelf the armor inside is 3 sizes to big for you." Just joking changing the things on shelves to statues or pictures or whatever that a player knows he can not open would work very well. There are way to many barrels, trunks, cases, lockers and things to open for my taste. People normally stash things in hidden places like vaults and safes or storage rooms anyway.
A barrel on a trail makes little sense to me. With all the Krug and other monsters/animals running about unless they where guarded very well they would have been opened long before I ever arrived. Just my point of view.
However maybe there is a way to find out if a urn/vase/pot is standing on a node area the player can't access. If yes, such container could automatically become inselectable or invisible in-game.
That wouldn't be a fix tough, but better probably than 'offering' a selectable object that finally isn't. This would spare the original container placement, and later perhaps, a container also could generate itself an alternate object in-game (unsure if in SE2 too) - supposed there would be some kind of replacement table how to replace (there are actually ~400 containers in DS1, but it also could be a simple (texture-ignoring) model-to-template rule for example, like 'm_i_csl_chest_01' ==> 'obj_m_i_csl_chest_01_aux').
By the way, does somebody ever have tried to open/destroy such unreachable container with a mature packmule (resp. with its emanation)?
So far, Return to Arhok seems to be fine. Love the monsters that sometimes immediately respawm as a mini-boss
I was wondering abought these symbols near the Direct Connect Icons.
Raks was a TOUGH opponent, am now in the maze, nere is what my secondary Quest log looks like.
On reflection the simplest and safest way would be to simply flag such containers as is_selectable = false; in their aspect block in the instance. Just like the containers that are often found in shopkeeper's stores or npc houses that nobody complains about as they are conditioned not to expect to be able to open such things (this conditioning comes from other rpg games and not just DS2, just about all rpg games have non selectable containers lying around town). We just need to condition players not to expect to be able to open containers on high shelves or ledges, especially short Cat Mansion people.
That's an interesting suggestion with the mature packmule though I doubt anybody would have one to try it out with. Though there's a Nature spell in DS2BW Adepts that does the same thing - Reveal Treasure and it's only a level 10 spell so anyone who is playing Adepts and LOA could try it out (it's a bit buggy as it's suppose to last only 300 sec but will last for an entire play session).
Based on your suggestion KillerGremal I created a Mature Pack Mule and went back to the location where my cat mansion characters could not open the things on shelves. Well the Pack Mule works as does any of the pack animals such as Norick's Dog anything they walk by opens on its own. So the problem is not the placement of the vases and jars on shelves but the character attempting to open them "Sight origin" This causes a problem with Cat Mansion characters in both ds1 and ds2. It does not however cause a problem with the broken world dwarf. Maybe a place to look. I have found items that even standard size characters can not open. While typing this I thought of something and I am right. I got a cat mansion half giant out of the inn and tested the same on shelf staches and he could open them. Therefore a solution to opening all things that might contain treasure would to be sure to have a mature pet that can carry inventory or a half giant in your party if you are playing Adepts. I also discovered if I can move back far enough say like 25 yards from the object and attack it with a ranged weapon that allows that range I can also open the item that I could not close up. I do not find it a problem that some things can not be reached or opened. That may be because this occurs for me in the real world too. Still think a step ladder or ramp that you could carry, deploy and then climb would solve the problem :P
With the suggestions provided by Hardless and KillerGremal, I've made a new voiceset for DS2 and Broken World. Characters will now give an audio response every 7 -15 seconds when walking to position, when spotting an enemy and when an enemy is defeated as well as the character selection from before and response to change in orders. There's nearly 500 audio responses for all the party members from DS2 and Broken World as well as heroes.
http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/VoiceSets_Beta2/DS2_Mod_DS2BW_VoiceSet_Beta_2.ds2res (38.4 Mb)
While everything seemed to work with an established party from DS2 in the Utraean Peninsula for an extended period, testing it in Broken World with premade characters did cause a crash (twice) when leaving town. So I don't know whether this is due to this pack or something else (I didn't even bother getting the quests before trying to leave town in Broken World). So consider this pack highly untested at the moment.