Dungeon Siege Adepts 2 for Broken World
Submitted by iryan on Wed, 2013-04-17 07:08 | ||
Some of us here at Siegetheday have been working on making an anime version of Dungeon Siege 2 like Dungeon Siege Adepts. This has been made possible by the recent release of the Cat Mansion Boys mod by AlphaDD which ports the models made by Hamcat, back around 2003 for the original dungeon siege, into DS2. This completes the set since the Girls were released in 2011 by DDlullu (AlphaDD former avatar). An Beta version has just been completed which converts all of the npcs in DS2 and Broken World into Cat Mansion people (including the half-giants and dwarves). Not just a partial conversion replacing all the npcs in the game with Cat Mansion models, DS2BW Adepts is also the largest compilation of mods and new art available for Dungeon Siege 2 with over 1500 new character and npc skins, armor, weapons, spells and gameplay changes from some of the best modders from DS2/DS1 (a lot of DS1 content from 3rd party modders, publically available artpacks, Yesterhaven and Return to Arhok, etc) such as Hamcat, AlphaDD (DDlullu), Phoenix (Volkan), Darkelf, KillerGremal, Theresnothinglft, Lurker, Omniscient_Colossus, Ikkyo and of course GPG themselves. Over 30 mods are incorporated into DS2BW Adepts. You also have more freedom in playing the campaigns. You have full access to Acts 2 and 3 once you have been cured of the plague in DS2 and in Broken World you can access Part Two straight away if you wish. Note that this really needs the Level Adjustment Mod installed to be viable. There's also a new town and associated quest needed to unlock it in DS2. There are two versions of the Mod. A custom folder version which is 166Mb download and requires 876Mb to create the custom folder installation of DS2BW Adepts and a basic version which is a 156Mb download and requires 247Mb to install in your Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World Folder. Both versions at this stage require the Broken World expansion for Dungeon Siege 2. They are also not very compatible with other mods. If you choose to install the basic version you will have to manage the conflicts with other mods yourself, saved games will be mixed up with regular saves and there'll be no custom presaves to play Broken World straight away. *Custom folder version (166Mb download, 876Mb uncompressed). *Separate Modules. *Aranna Legacy Compatible version Elys DS2 Broken World All*Saves is required to launch the mod. *Readme (full of useful information) The mod is ideally designed to be played with the Monster Level Adjustment Mod Thanks to Techiem2 for hosting the files to spare us having to go through Mediafire. Remember that this is a Beta and as such is mostly feature complete and stable but expect some imbalances in weapons, armor and spells. Suggestions, bug reports, fixes, new skins, etc very much welcomed. forums: |
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This is an Adepts specific failure!
I am playing Mod-DS1Map-Diabloish-Beta02a with Adepts The blacksmith in the town of Tristram will not speak. I tried using a standard character and all worked correctly. I took a look at the templates for Blacksmith Griswald in both Diabloish and Adepts Logic and found that the only difference is the talk flick that is being called. So I changed the one in adepts to the one from Diabloish Beta 2a and he now speaks. I attempted to find the talk flick that was being called by Adepts talk_flick = npc_blacksmith_griswald_talk; and was not able to located it.
In my search for all things Dungeon Siege, last year I came across this mega pack (2.33Gb) of Dungeon Siege 1 mods, maps and tools.
I decided to convert some of the included art assets to DS2 and discovered that some of them from one particular mod are extremely high quality, which makes me wonder where they originated from:
The only clue is the art asset names which for all the shields and some of the weapons refer to Allods. Looking on the net there's an online MMOG called Allods Online but searching through the images from it I can't see anything like these particular models.
It would be very nice to use some of these models in DS2 but unless their origin could be verified legitimate and free to use I'd be reluctant to use them publically. One reason to suspect their origin is that there's a number of DS2 shields and weapons included in the mod which have been backwards ported to DS1. The mod's name is zWeapons_&_Items_mw.dsres and the language is not English.
Incidentally I have ported some of mcarps' strange weapons for use in the mod which should be interesting.
nice... they look really sharp and clear. even better than the char textures. looks like we need high quality char armor/clothing textures or else the char textures will look quite out of place when equipped alongside with the high quality weaps and shields.
There's a new beta release of DS2BW Adepts;
http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/Adepts_Beta1v/DS2BW_Adepts_Logic_Beta_1v.ds2res (16.5Mb)
Hopefully all the recent bugs reported have been fixed, plus improved support for VoiceSets and also includes 40 new weapons and shields, see earlier post.
If there's any complaints about some of the new weapons and shields I will just remove them and apologies to the authors. However they are so nice that I believe it would be a shame not to let players enjoy them and of course if the original authors contact me regarding them I'd only be too happy to give due credit.
There's a lot of other nice DS1 stuff still not converted but they are tank protected and even though it's easy to bypass the protection if you know how, I won't do that. It's just a shame that the original authors are no longer able to be contacted for permission to convert them to DS2/Broken World.
Guten Tag
I must say I am happy to see new patches comming out.
I would not like to sound impolite but... It would be nice to have the option to play the mod with vanilla weapons and armor or added mod weapons, that way people could decide to chose what they like. I am talking about "If there's any complaints about some of the new weapons and shields I will just remove them and apologies to the authors. However they are so nice that I believe it would be a shame not to let players enjoy them..."
I ask in time about animation problems with weapons, specifically the Chu Ko Nu, and I thought "If it is possible to port DS1 in DS2 Brocken World engine, with the effects and monsters... Could it be posible to port effects of spells and weapons to DS2 Brocken World? That may be an answer for that "Chu Ko Nu animation problem". And also DS1 arrows are better than DS2..."
I have a two questions:
1.-Does all bows have fast attack status or are there normal and slow attack bows like in DS1? I mean short, normal and long bows.
2.-Is steam's DS1 compatible with physical format DS2? And is steam's DS2 compatible with physical format Brocken World?
In the early versions of Adepts Mheagan and her sister where not Utraean then in the last two or three versions she was Utraean now it appears she is back to being human again. Any reason for the reversion to a non Utraean character? Not an issue she will work as dryad, human, elf, utraean, or whatever.
Sent you a PM with a silly question that I did not want to take up space with here unless necessary.
There's now a version Beta 1w of Adepts available to download:
Mheagan is now an Utraean which was always the intent and hopefully now she won't go and change race again.
More importantly there's a fix to the helms in the mod. Nobody has noticed but they weren't working, noticed it during testing. There's also a little cosmetic addition when you start a new game and go to select the map mode.
I am at Jherkal's Crown and have just encountered The Sacred Guardian. It appears that he is not Utraean but a redheaded sea elf (blue elf).
Funny thing when I examine the template for the Guardian located in the gas file ds1_dsx_npc.gas the correct files are being called
model = m_c_gah_amr_suit_cb_a6;
0 = b_c_gah_cb_skin_utraean_01;
1 = b_c_gah_amr_suit_cb_a6_utraean-01_01;
the images for both located in DS2BW_Adepts_Resources_1H are also correct and are being used on several other utraean npcs and ambients.
so I am not sure why the silly guardian shows up as a blue elf, is it a trick of the light?
I looked at the template for the guardian in the current logic file for the Legandary map pack and there the guardian is an elf male. Now I assumed that the Legandary Map Pack Files where all priority 0 so as not to conflict with anything and the files for Adepts where a priority of 35767 so that they would override files of the same name. I know that the latest logic file for Adepts is saved at a priority of 35767 because after I fixed things noted in my last post it was retanked at that priority. So Iryan how is the Legandary Map Pack Template for the Guardian overriding the Adepts template for the guardian?
Update -- into the underground section of the city. Jharmaya has the correct skin and still is a very powerful combat/nature mage praise the iryan :P
So after the guardian things look as they should. Will move into the underground section tomorrow and save the teleport system.
Please update to this version as there was a critical error in the last beta that caused some npcs to disappear including the recruitable npcs. My apologies. Out one day and already superseded.
I also fixed this skin. The answer was simple, the actor was still using the old template from the Legendary Mod instead of the proper one. While the old template shows a cat mansion actor, it doesn't display the utraean skin.
I did not notice the disappearing NPCs but did install update x to fix the guardian
Currently at the fortress gates. I just picked up a rustguard evocation. I think it is one of the best so far definitely as cool as the ice warrior and ice archer. The conversation I will have with Nosirrom when I meet him.
"Hello Nosirrom may I drop a rustguard or two on your head?", said the elf.
"Rustguard what is a rustguard? Is it something to keep my ax from rusting?", said nosirrom.
"ha ha funny lizard it is your doom", said the elf.
The rust guard drops out of the sky hits Nosirrom in the head and the battle is on.
Just finished Legends of Aranna a few seconds ago. Things went just fine from the guardian on ward to the death of the shadow jumper. Now I will spend a few minutes in the nightclub then off to either The peninsula or ehb.
Yes I like the rustguards, pity they're not more common or quite as spectacular as in the NIS at the temple in Greilyn.
I tried to scale the evocations so the higher your level, the more interesting they become. At low levels you can only summon weak, small monsters but at high levels you get to summon even bosses. I wanted to create something similar to the summons in the Final Fantasy games, especially XIII and X.
I noticed you do not need the DS2 or BW disk in to play Adepts.
Can you go straight to Veteran/Elite in Legends and or Adepts with a group from one of the other maps or does the level adjuster make that irrelevant?
You may never have noticed that because of the way Broken World is set up that thrid party maps do not work in veteran or Elite modes. I believe that is because unless you are playing with a premade character you must play an entire game of DS2 before you can play a game of Broken World, then to advance to a veteran game of Broken World you must first play a veteran game of DS2 and so on. So since Adepts is Broken World Based you have mercenary level only. The Legendary Map Pack should be playable in Mercenary, Veteran and Elite since it lives within DS2. I have tried to locate the code that forces one to play DS2 at the higher level prior to playing broken world at a higher level. But alas I am not a programmer so even if I found it I would not know how to fix it. Not sure if it was ever truly resolved however for anyone interested here is Sharkull's quest to solve it years ago. http://www.siegetheday.org/?q=node/152
Yes you are correct. It's because All*Saves needs to be located in the same folder as the exe to run and since Broken World doesn't support custom folders, Adepts copies the contents of your Broken World game into its custom folder. So the exe needs to be located there as well. Since you need Broken World installed to play Adepts in the first place, there's no issue with copy protection - so not needing the disk is a convenience. Think of it as similar to the way Steam operates.
The Legends maps are coded to theoretically support Veteran and Elite Modes but I've not received feedback on this. Quite possibly you may have to complete the modes in DS2 and Broken World first before it becomes available. Maybe someone can check this out?
Anyhow as you suggested the use of the level adjust mod does tend to make it irrelevant as the monsters and loot will level up as you play the maps. If you started out in Kingdom of Ehb, then play the other Legends maps before finally playing DS2 and Broken World, your party would be near level 100 at the end I imagine. Unfortunately support out of the box, so to speak, for level adjustment in the DS2 and Broken World maps IS flaky at best. I know using ini changes or in-game mechanisms to enable the mod in DS2 and Broken World works but as has been reported in the forums, it doesn't work for everything. I believe you need it enabled in the maps to work as this is the method Adepts uses and in Adepts everything works in DS2 and Broken World, even the sanctuary doors, taclak and undead azunite soldiers.
I did offer to release the portion of Adepts that enables the full use of the level adjustment mod in DS2 and Broken World as a separate mod but there's been no interest.
Hi Iryan,
The following is totally unimportant.
I just started a new game of Utraean Apocalypse with the current version of Adepts active. I took a peak into Regina Bassus Cabin. Town_Center/1.727/3.650/0.723/0x5419DD1B and discovered that Regina has the tombstone icon over her head, she is not the undertaker the undertaker is just down the hill from the armor vendor by the bridge. I made a quick check of the map with Adepts deactivated and she does not have the icon so this is adepts specific issue. I found her template, could not see how the icon was assigned so I did not fix it in my copy. Not important as it has no impact on the game.
The icon for Regina is found in the indicate_emitter block with this line; indicator_texture_1 = b_gui_el_tombstone;
Removing that line will fix the problem. I'll update the actor's file as well.
I would think that Regina was located within Maps/utraean_peninsula/regions/town_center/objects/Actor.gas and she is but I can not find the indicate_emitter block with this line; indicator_texture_1 = b_gui_el_tombstone;
So once again the stupid elf can not find what is obviously there even when she is wearing her glasses. Wonder how I ever got a mod to work? Actually got any thing to work. Looks for the directions on how to breath so she does not pass out.
No not stupid. Most of the actual information for the actors are found in their base templates or leaf templates. For Regina, she's a cm_gypsy_female_02 found in ds1_utrea_female_npc.gas in the actors/good/utrea folder in Adepts.
The information in the maps region/region_name/objects/actor.gas is referred to as instances and while you can modify information here (as KillerGremal does for Return to Arhok and Diabolish), the GPG maps and Legendary/Adepts maps tend not to. Except for conversations, etc, which the Editor will place in the maps whether you intend to or not.
It can be further complicated by the knowledge that indicator textures can be placed by indicator_emitters and not the actor. Useful for certain situations.
Iryan, how do you keep track of all the places information on a specific character might have a template, when the templates in question do not contain the name of the character in question? Do you have some sort of cross reference list for these things or just the largest mind on the planet? No matter in any case.
The information stored in the map/region/objects/actor.gas's refers to the instances where the templates occur in the game and are organized like this;
cm_gypsy_female_02 is the leaf template that the actor instance originates from. For monsters these can repeat quite a few times as the same monster also encountered quite a few times in the region - think of Krug and Haku, etc.
The number next to it is the index number that the game uses to verify that the actor actually exists and is written by Siege Editor when the actor is placed into the map. It is always unique for that region and map.
Following that is additional information that the author or Siege Editor may enter for that actor to make it more unique. In this case there's the aspect line, conversation and name. Placement is always required.
Most of the information regarding actor's portrait, skin, any accessories, store information, etc. is stored in the base or leaf templates found in the folders under world/contentdb/templates/actors in the logic.ds2res file.
For the maps I released I try to categorize the npcs into folders referring to some way the map they're from, so arhok, diabolish, ebh, loa, utrea, yeha, etc. The actors in the npc folder overwrite the DS2 and Broken World npcs.
So for Regina Bassus, she's a renamed cm_gypsy_female_02 found in the utrea folder and since she's female, her leaf template is found in ds1_utrea_female_npc.gas
I thought I would check out the secret at the bridge (assuming it was the broken bridge on the way to Stonebridge) So I started a new character and about half way between the start point and the big farm house I got killed by some nasty bugs. When I respawned back to the Norick's farm house there was no tombstone with my name on it to get my gear back. It appears that where ever one dies is the place where the tombstone is placed. Thinking this could be a problem with adepts I started a game without. It appears on the Ehb Map prior to the broken bridge where ever you die is where your tombstone is placed. and without weapons and armor there is little point trying to return to the location where you died. from the place where you respawned. Can this be fixed? maybe placing an undertaker in the barn or something like that. Or just make sure not to die before reaching the broken bridge might work too.
It is really to bad that the path leads only to a mimic and not to the other side of the crypt. Yes I know Ulora is in the crypt but but maybe there could be a note in the mimic trunk that says to save her from the crypt. Again it would be fun to have another path to follow.
Just arrived in Glitterdelve and I think I will take a nap. Things working well so far. Some radar images are missing but that is expected when things have changed and the radar updater has not been around for a while.
@ Iryan
It appears that the Buster Sword has a greater attack range than some of the basic bows! I picked up a Cloud Buster Sword while looking about Glitterdelve and gave it to the Dwarf. I noticed that he was attacking things at a distance equal to my rangers. Knowing that the buster sword is a melee weapon I checked its template and the sword has an attack range of 10 meters, should it not be 1?
Found in adepts_wpn_swords.gas here is the template
////////////////////CLOUD BUSTER////////////////////////////////////
specializes = base_sword_cm_template;
doc = "short_sword";
model = m_w_swd_ff7_cloud_buster;
aiming_error_range = 1.0;
area_damage_radius = 1.0;
ammo_template = electrode_bullet;
damage_max = 3;
damage_min = 2;
screen_name = "Buster Sword";
equip_requirements = melee:#item_level - 2.0;
inventory_icon = b_gui_ig_i_w_swd_ff7_cloud_buster;
inventory_width = 2;
inventory_height = 4;
value = 0.40;
description = "+40% Melee Critical Hit Damage";
duration = #infinite;
is_permanent = true;
is_single_instance = false;
alteration = alter_melee_damage_source_percent;
value = 0.30;
description = "+30% Damage";
duration = #infinite;
is_permanent = true;
is_single_instance = false;
item_level = 15.0;
item_level = 27.0;
item_level = 48.0;
I will update my copy after checking the other "cat mansion" weapons.
since the buster sword has an ammo template that means its a ranged melee sword so it could indeed have 10 meters
It wasn't my intent for that to happen but you're right as it is based on Cloud's sword in Final Fantasy VII.
I was under the impression, its a combat mage's melee sword, maybe the ammo isn't casting I dunno, but yeah sword wise melee range would be 1 meter, but heck that's a Final Fantasy sword, magic does wonders and this is a game of fantasy where anything can and will happen. to be honest I not sure how many inches are in a meter, but would think a large sword would have more meters than a short sword, never did understand that in this game.