All the questions are about Original DS2 v2.2
Here i saw a lot of people, who write modes, so i assume that there are few people who understand how mechanics of the game works
1) how "find magical items" work?
Lets suppose wee have a chest, which drop magical item with probability 10%. and we have 2 characters in groupe - 1 human(+10% chance) and other with amulet, +20% chance. how it will modify drop rate?
a) its gona be 10+10+20 = 40% of dropping Mag Itm (direct and stupid)
b) its gona be 10+20 = 30% (only highest bonus counts/direct)
C) Its gona be 10% + 10%of10% + 20%of10% = 10 + 1 + 2 = 13% (all stucks in a percent way)
D) its gona be 10% + 20%of10% = 10 + 2 = 12 (highest bonus in a percent way)
Please, this question is HARD, i asked it on few forums, and all the people say different stuff, SO IF YOU DONT KNOW PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER! =)
2) increase attack speed skill
in a two weapons line there is a skill which increase your attack speed, it affects two-handed weapons? if i ll get it, i will strike faster with two-handed weapons? maybe bows are also affected by this?
3) Same question with +SpellCast skill
for now this is all, but i ave more in fact =)))
for the first one its either c) either d). the main question is - is it stackable between party members, or only highest bonus works?
Good question im also interested in this![Smile](
1) I don't know but I'm still gonna answer it
... it's gonna be whichever character clicks on the chest, its not a group magical find
2) if it melee skill it only for 2 handed melee weapons
3) only for spells?
Calm down man, your negativity is a blight to the good nature of this site. Darkelf was only trying to help, you're lucky you got any at all. There are many ways to find answers to your question, you may just need to rephrase it a bit. Also, you could try respecting other users in this forum, it's a good way to get respect in return.
...anyway, I hope this helps you find the answer to your question in some way. Good luck
I would like to ask some additional questions about your question, however because you said in your post "Please, this question is HARD, i asked it on few forums, and all the people say different stuff, SO IF YOU DONT KNOW PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER! =)" I was concerned that you might become angry if I asked them. So my first question is may I ask questions about your questions? If not I wish you luck anyways.
Hi shimdt,
I would like to remind you that the best way to find the answer is to search by yourself and showing a bit of respect will help us in order to search a bit for you.
For you Second and Third question you could make some tests, we don't know all the mechanics of the game and we aren't here to search for you.
In order to find the answer of your First question you will have to search in the code of the game.
I could help you to find the answer of the First question but I won't do your research.
Please a bit of respect,
See you,
Dont get me wrong, i do not want to offence anyone! =)
Im just trying to be as clear as i can=)
thx for all of your answers this far, i appreciate them and i want to get more!
Any questions ARE welcome. !!! any help is good. i am searching myself about hour a day, but im new to this, so i just randomly go in databases, so i dont have much hope for success myself =) maybe with time =)
maybe i was a bit Injust and overreacted with Darkelf =) dude im sorry if this the case =) i will try to explain why i acted like this =)
about 5 years ago i finished this game first time. I LOVE IT!! i finished everything, all side quests, even the chamber (exept for the password, i found it like this)
so i wanted to know few things about mechanics, etc.... i went to A LOT of forums, cites and communities with this questions, some i got the answers, but the most important - the first question here - the first one which came to my mind was without answer. i asked it everywhere. i got all types of answers. but not the good one. well of course i have the good one, but which is it? =) so i asked again and again. a lot of answers was like - i think its like this, or like that... no justification, nothing =) so i started to act like this, to not get hundreds of answers like "maybe..."
in one book of russian writer there was a wise phrase:
"its better to be 20 times upset, then to trust noone" well, its close to this, my english is not good enough to translate it properly.
i was not following this rule, its my mistake, i am sorry Darkelf, i didnt mean to offend you.
next message i will give all the info i found that far.
You are good friendly community! you was protecting your mate =) this is good!) i like you people)
Shadow Watcher you are MORE than welcome to ask anything! =)
i found this - in file pcontent.gas
in world/contentdb/pcontent/macros folder found in Logic.ds2res in the DS2 resources folder
here we see - this FORMULA!!!
chance = 0.0075 * (1 + (#magic_find * .01));
SO! this #magic_find is a thing i want to know about! this is what affects droprates! but i cant find where its calculated =( and im new to this code so i dont know what even "#" means before this "magic_find"
Your question number 2 Shmidt.
2) increase attack speed skill
in a two weapons line there is a skill which increase your attack speed, it affects two-handed weapons? if i ll get it, i will strike faster with two-handed weapons? maybe bows are also affected by this?
Are you referring to the Melee skill called Alacrity? I am not sure what that would would be in Russian. It is the skill to the right of Dual Wield in the melee tree. It increases attack speed for both two handed weapons and single handed weapons. However it only affects the weapon hand weapon and not the shield hand weapon. When combined with Dual Wield Skill in the melee powers tree to give the power called waves of force it is only a dual wield power. Skills and Powers in the Melee Tree do not effect any other power such as ranged, nature magic or combat magic. In reality the best way to get faster attack speed with melee or ranged weapons is to edit the speed of the weapon in the weapon template and not use the skill or power.
I hope this helps.
hehe I was just being a sm@rt @$$ to get u some replies looks like its working![Tongue](
I can tell u 1.0 = 100% so at 0.0075 chances aren't very good to get that but #magic_find is your magic find percentage from your character(s)(still not sure bout that one lol) which humans have the best chance with the extra 10% + there is ring and amulet so say we got human main character by itself with 10 +10 +10 = 30% magic find we use the formula
0.0075 * (1 + (30 *.01)) so .0075 * 1.3 = 0.00975 don't think chances are very good getting unique from the chest, I can tell u though the best character to put magic find on is humans though.
yes alacrity does affect all melee weapons as its a passive skill that requires only 1 point for dual wield and grants more % for each point u put into it maxing at 25% increased attack speed so technically it should make a 2 handed sword swing faster than it would if u had 0 alacrity.
type = melee;
summary = "Gifted Elven Blademasters can harness the wind itself to hasten their attacks. Masters of this skill appear to be no more than a blur as they cut through their opponents.";
description = "Melee Attack Speed: +~increased_melee_attack_speed~%";
icon = b_gui_ig_skill_m-alacrity;
max_level = 20;
screen_name = "Alacrity";
level_1 = 3; level_2 = 5; level_3 = 7; level_4 = 9; level_5 = 10;
level_6 = 11; level_7 = 12; level_8 = 13; level_9 = 14; level_10 = 15;
level_11 = 16; level_12 = 17; level_13 = 18; level_14 = 19; level_15 = 20;
level_16 = 21; level_17 = 22; level_18 = 23; level_19 = 24; level_20 = 25;
[skill_requirements_0] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_1] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_2] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_3] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_4] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_5] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_6] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_7] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_8] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_9] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_10] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_11] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_12] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_13] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_14] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_15] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_16] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_17] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_18] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
[skill_requirements_19] { melee = 12; dual_wield = 1; }
the combat mage skill does effect natures again that's a passive skill. but still gotta have level 24 in combat mage and 1 in brilliance so be hard to get nature mage to be as effective but can be done and rest points in quicken_casting to advance
type = combat;
summary = "When the legendary archer Alamus became too old to string his bow, he sought a new life in magic and learned that principles of battle meditation could drastically increase the rate of his casting.";
description = "Cast Speed: +~increased_magic_attack_speed~%";
icon = b_gui_ig_skill_cm-quickened_casting;
max_level = 20;
screen_name = "Quickened Casting";
level_1 = 4; level_2 = 7; level_3 = 10; level_4 = 12; level_5 = 14;
level_6 = 15.5; level_7 = 17; level_8 = 18; level_9 = 19; level_10 = 20;
level_11 = 21; level_12 = 21.75; level_13 = 22.5; level_14 = 23; level_15 = 23.5;
level_16 = 24; level_17 = 24.25; level_18 = 24.5; level_19 = 24.75; level_20 = 25;
[skill_requirements_0] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_1] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_2] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_3] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_4] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_5] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_6] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_7] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_8] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_9] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_10] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_11] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_12] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_13] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_14] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_15] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_16] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_17] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_18] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
[skill_requirements_19] { combat_magic = 24; brilliance = 1; }
Based on this post/discussion it's important to concentrate all magic find bonuses on one actor, then it shouldn't matter who is one who is triggering the drop, at least in singleplayer mode.
However 'Quick Draw' only works with thrown weapons.
Generally I think all 3 skill descriptions (incl. the one for 'Quickened Casting') are quite meaningful.
Yes, thats an answer! so it will affect 2-haded weapon and even 1-hand + shield combination! =)
Thx a lot!
Ok, so it does affect speed of nature attacking spells. and what about heeling? summoning?
Eah, we got wehere i am now=)
i saw this topick, and it REALLY seems that the higher value is working. cause i allways make my Taar hold all this MF% stuff, and get solid drop, and she never open chest, or kill. But still MAYBE it stacks between them all? like taar have +50% and lothar +20% and its +70% total works. this may be interesting, cause u can do really crazy TREASORHUNTING party! =)
if not you should concentrate as you said. we need to find the code, to be sure, cause this is the only 100% proof =)
Now to Darkelf =)
yeah, the bonus seems to be small, but lets take a closer look =)
0.0075 is a basic chanse to find SET item
lets play with it a bit
10% bonus make it 0.0076(not presize =) ) not a lot, true
pismatic bable make it +15% of MF its 2*1 charm. so we can make a legengary ring with +120%. and book, and amulet.
So 4xRing book and amulet gives us a 720% chanse. we have armor boots weapon shield helmet, and we can be a human.
So let us suppose +800% best chanse u can get for character
0.0075 turns in 0,0675! ITS 6% CHANSE! More than 1 of 20 chests will give u set drop. and monsters. and bosses (who in fact have better chanse) so, u can change gameplay a bit =)
You can't really find the code of this it's hardcoded in the executable. The only thing you can do to pretty much find the code of this is to disassemble the executable and having fun finding the little piece of code.
increased_magic_attack_speed isn't only for attacking spells it's cast speed in general.
Just want to do list of answers we got.
1) MF chance works by following Formula
total_Chance = basic_chance(1 + 0.01* MF%_of_party)
MF% of party is probably the highest value between party members.
2) +atack speed skill from melee tree of skills(alacrity) affects all melee weapons.
3) +casting speed skill from combat mage tree of skills affects all spells(attack, heal, summon, curse, combat and nature).
since MF% is still not defined for sure, any additional info ll be appreciated! (like code of exe file =) )
I'm not really good at assembly reading so I can't find this piece of code or it could be really time consuming.
BUT in skrit there is a function named "SetHighestMagicFindChance" so we can assume that the game get the highest magic find chance in order to use it in the pcontent. So as you said
I just hoped that there is a uncompiled code somewhere =)