Download Elys DS2 Succubus Manager v10 12.7MB (Installer)
Updated and smaller installer than previous version, and the new Manager fixes the unfamous "dsiege2.available.gamespy.com" error preventing to use multiplayer functionalities.
Elys DS2 Succubus Manager for:
Dungeon Siege 2.2
Dungeon Siege Broken World 2.3
Elys DS2 Succubus Manager is a package all-in-one for DS2*AllSaves/DS2BW*Allsaves/Elys DS2 Succubus Modlet/Elys DS2BW Succubus Modlet.
You should uninstall prior version of all these applications before installing Elys DS2 Succubus Manager.
Installation & Use
Install by running the Elys_DS2_Succubus_Manager_v8.msi installer.
Then use the new created "Elys DS2 Succubus Manager" shortcut to play.
To uninstall, just use the "Uninstall DS2 Succubus Manager" shortcut.
Version 10:
Frontend Options:
( Open ElysDS2SuccubusManager.gif to see a preview all at the available options )
Game Modifications:
- Five additionals playable character races: Succubus, Vampire, Nymph, Daemon, and Drow.
- Existing races have their starting statistics modified.
- Max character level has been increased from 100 to 125.
- Passive Skills have their progression table modified and their max level increased from 20 to 25.
- Master Powers have been added. They are represented by the 4th level of Powers.
- Max character resistance have been increased from 80% to 100%.
- Your characters and pets will automaticly use potions when their Health Points or Mana Points are down to 33%.
- Monsters Experience and Life scales related to the players party size have been tweaked to be proportional.
- The maximum additional buyable party slots in Single Player are now available from Mercenary difficulty.
- You can now release NPC from the innkeeper. ATTENTION: This will remove permanently the NPC from the current game, and some NPC are required for secondary quests.
- Allow existing standard or "modded" characters to be playable with the modlet.
Multiplayer Modifications:
- The game can be now played with a team up to 8 players and 12 characters. The followind modes are available:
8 x 1 = Up to eight players can play using only their main hero.
6 x 2 = Up to six players can play with their main hero and one additional party member or pet.
4 x 3 = Up to four players can play with their main hero and two additional party members or pets.
3 x 4 = Up to three players can play with their main hero and three additional party members or pets.
2 x 6 = Up to two players can play with their main hero and five additional party members or pets.
- Fix the now infamous "dsiege2.available.gamespy.com" network error, since the Gamespy service does not exist anymore.
Interface & Inventory:
- An experimental "SeeFar Hack" slider has been added to the loader so people can play with it to enjoy far view while playing.
- The camera has been tweaked to be less restritive whatever are the internal map settings.
- Change the max gold cap in inventory from 9.999.999 to .
- Reserve Spells Slots are now Autocast Spells Slots.
New Regions:
- The Pineapples Island ( You character has to chant "Pineapples Roxx" to get access to the island.)
New mercenary:
- Angelys
- Pinkie
New items :
- Angel Guard (shield)
- Ice Snake (sword)
- Lightning Sword
Special notes:
- If you are updating from Elys DS2 Succubus Modlet v7, all your Holy Teleporter Scrolls will be replaced by Summon Teleport Spells.
- If you are updating from Elys DS2 Succubus Modlet v8, v9 or V10, all your Teleporter Scrolls will be replaced by Summon Teleport Spells.
- You may notice bad textures beeing applied when you are creating a new race character. Just click "NEXT" hair or appearance, or etc to correct it. This is caused by DungeonSiege 2 saved character texture preferences which are not verified to be valid, when a modlet modify the character textures.
Crimzon Eagle, for the "Ancient Sword", the "Ice Snake" models and skins.
GraveDigger for the loading screen background.
MCarp for the "Pinneapple chest" model and skin.
Omicron for his work on the Release NPC modification.
Shocked for better Pineapples Island radar maps.
Thanks to:
- Crimzon Eagle, Dan, GraveDigger, MCarp, Omicron, Omniscient Colossus, Shocked, sjr, xmen90s .
- All the girls & guys who maintain websites and forums to make a living community and provide lot of infos.
Certainly worthy of stickyness.

Well in fact i just made a new version again.
Version 4: The launcher does not require Admin rights anymore to run properly.
(Topic and link updated)
During last July, I was playing DS2BW again with folks from #siegetheday.
At that time, I ended up modyfing the succubus mod again, mostly adding two new recruitable mercenaries: Angelys & Pinkie.
(The way the loader plugs itself into the the DS2 engine have also been modified, which may be more reliable for some people)
So there is an "underground" new version floating around for the curious souls:
Download Elys DS2 Succubus Manager v8 21.21MB (Microsoft Installer)
Well very cool, heey anyway i can join your games ?? i still have the desire to play the game sometimes
I don't play the DS anymore.
Succubus mod v8 resources are not only tank protected but also encrypted.
Since I've been recently asked for these, here temporary links to the source files for v8 (the latest version I have ever made):
Thanks Elys
New version 9: Updated and smaller installer than previous version, and the new Manager fixes the unfamous "dsiege2.available.gamespy.com" error preventing to use multiplayer functionalities.
Thanks for the updated. Also to those wishing to play come join us on irc. Trying to get things set up to play coop with people.
Game now works in a virtual lan setting.
Guide for getting Setup with Tunngle here http://www.siegetheday.org/?q=node/2431
Is it possible to play succubus but with nospacecheck = true parameter ?
Hello. I'm a keen fan of dungeon siege serie (well, dungeon siege 3 is not to be called a part of the serie..)
I'm now working on pretty exciting ds 2 stuff video and going to move to ds2:bw later as well and had pretty much problems with this game. Now I've been stuck on launching multiplayer mode, cause it's locked, but succubus manager.. is such an awesome tool, working clearly, very nice ( though I'm not a fan of succubus siegelet). Will take me 5-10 mins more to use this manager for ds2, not bw expansion, but anyway thank you very much for your efforts for this game. I really hope that you will watch my video when it comes out and it will warm your heart with a portion of nostalgy
Is Elys still active ? I really want Succubus with nospacecheck :P
just add nospacecheck=true to your dungeonsiege2.ini or dungeonsiege2brokenworld.ini file and it shud work.
Maybe if you can contact the developers to add your mod to the list so it can run it natively that be awesome. lol
Is possible play succubus mod manager + Arrana Legacy, More Hair plus v4 and Monster LevelAdjustBeta5h. I could leveling to 500 lvl. If i use Sucubus manager I can not level up to lvl 500
I use the succubus manager to start games in DS2 and Broken World when I am not using Adepts. As a simple way of keeping track of things. However I must wonder why the interest in having you party be level 500, There really is no point since all of the armor and weapons are delivered at levels below 100.
I can see no point at all in having a level 500 character, there would be no point in even playing the game when you overpower everything and can not be beaten. I know I could make an armor and a weapon for a level 10 player and make them such that the player could not be killed and could kill anything no matter how powerful the monster. But again what would be the point. It is a game of fighting the bad things with skill and daring not killing everything in site. Sorry for the rant, but it is my opinion.
If you use Natural magic character you have on 240lvl 240-260k dmg, mell character 1100-4000 dmg quite unbalanced (I'm thinking to start a party only NM and one CM) , mobs have 89-389k hp. I want 500 lvl because it is challenge.
What to do next in the game if not exp?
And i don´t use OP (Over Power mods) where CM have 407k dmg and kiling everything on one hit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baksleJgkoY. That would make me tired
500lvl character 3 milion hp http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg165/archvolkan/Lothar02.jpg with armor
The answer to this and the other similar questions:
Yes, the Succubus Manager accepts the same command line parameters than Dungeon Siege. So just add the parameters you need to the Succubus Manager shortcut.
hello to all, i have a problem with the inns i got the Zhixalom's DS2BW Inventory but it doesn't work so good how to fix this
What problem are you having at the inns? Also what mods are you using?
the window where you add characters to your party is ontop of the invantory

I encountered that problem with an inventory mod once with the BW Adepts Mod. But then again I was using a more reliable resolution. The resolution of that photo is 1280x1024, are you using that resolution in game? If so, on Zhixalom's site, it even says that that resolution is unsafe, why don't you try a different resolution and see if that works. You can try 1280x960 or lower for possibly better results. What other mods are you using? Some mods have conflicts and can possibly being causing this issue you've posted about.
thanks dude i will try it and come back to tell the results
No problem, good luck.
No luck at all same thing i try 1024x768 Zhixalom's DS2BW Inventory and i got the same Issue. I don't use any other mods just this (Elys DS2 Succubus Manager)
Two questions:
first - You do have other members in your party that you have put into the Inn for storage? If that is the case, you may wish to try removing Zhixalom's Inventory Mod. to see if your party members reappear in the inn.
second - Did you install the mod in the DS2 resources folder or the Broken World resources folder? check the readme for correct placement.
Now in reference to the Elys Succubus manager do you have the succubus modlet enabled? If so try turning it off. If you are using the see far hack (part of the succubus manager) try turning it off. What screen size did you select within the elys succubus manager. It should be the same as the size of the inventory mod.
There are a great number of possible issues with Zhixalom's Inventory mod working with other things. I rarely ever use it as the storage lockers found in every town have more than enough storage for my characters.
Also verify if you are playing using the broken world start that you do not have any mods in your broken world resources folder that are not the two items we are discussing. Remember that DS2 can not see the broken world resources but broken world uses both the broken world resources folder and the ds2 resources folder.
Hello again, bare_elf thanks for the detailed help it was my mistake i had the mod in the broken world resources folder sorry i am a big noob lol..... Again thank you for your help i appreciate it.
also i found that when succubus modlet is on the problem reapear why is that ?
Nob or not glad you could fix it. Would you tell me what mod was in the broken world resources folder so that it can be added to the list of mods that are not compatable? The reason that the Succubus modlet conflicts with the inventory mod you are using can be found in the readme file. It modifies the inventory not in the same way but any time you have a mod that modifies a certain area of the game and you install another mod that modifies the same area there is a potential for a conflict unless the mods have been made to work together. This is not likely for the two mods you are using, because both authors are no longer modding Dungeon Siege.
I'm trying to run Succubis on Windows 8 with DS2 (no mods, version 2), and it keeps coming up with an error saying that my version of ds2 is not recognized.
I've tried running it as an admin, changing the settings, etc.
Is there a way to get this fixed?
Greetings Anonymous - I would recommend that you update DS2 from version 2.0 to version 2.2 which you can download here -- http://siegetheday.org/~bare_elf/patches/DS2_Patch_2.2.exe
Version 10 of the Succubus Manager and in particular the Succubus Modlet expect version 2.2 and not 2.0. As it clearly states in the above text. Once you have applied the 2.2 patch to your DS2 installation I would recommend either reinstalling the succubus manager or at least running the repair function. As running the patch almost totally rebuilds Dungeon Siege 2.
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The advantage of becoming a member as you can post directly to the various forums without waiting for a moderator or administrator making your post active. So welcome to the site please forgive the slow response time with locating your post and answering some questions.