DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread
Submitted by iryan on Tue, 2012-04-24 23:39 | ||
This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World. Full version Installer version DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB Split version Installer version Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01 Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't. The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below. Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules; Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link; Mod Game Manual Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine. The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread; https://siegetheday.org/?q=node/1330 Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions. Partial Language Translations Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions. forums: |
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I'm sorry but I can't find references to E31c#017 at all looking through Siege Editor 1 and the region's gas files. There's only the single rock beast in the early levels. Are you perhaps getting the Glitterdelve Mines mixed up with the Crystwind mines? If not some pictures and id coordinates would help.
I was right about the crane. It's template doesn't exist in the mod so I'll get about restoring it. It's actually an object as it doesn't do anything apart from being decoration and is also missing twice more in the next region.
As for E31c#020 it is meant to be a trap. The trapdoor does exist and will be restored but the lever_reset_delay_01 and chipper gizmos don't exist so the trap itself won't be
I presume how the trap works is that you're suppose to draw some Krug towards you and then pull the lever which opens the trap door underneath the Krug which are then obliterated and the chipper below the machine spits out gibs. So quite clever and obviously requires some timing.
While this trap could probably be replicated in DS2, it would be quite a bit of work and time to implement so probably it will remain on the todo list forever.
@ Iryan and RSimpkinuk57. I do not recall that trap ever working in DS1 or a cover on the trap. Now this could be do to the fact that for years I have always played DSLoA and not DS1 because for the last eight years I have used Legends of Utrae 3.2 and DS1 Adepts. These two mods could have changed how the trap looked and worked. However I think it is more likely the case since it was never mentioned in any of the Walkthroughs even the ones by PapaGamer and SnowFox. That GPG found a problem with how the trap worked and it was never implemented fully by the designers and it was left in place for its artistic value only.
E31c#017 I reckon it is spawned in DS1 by [t:generator_wall_breakable_01,n:0x04e00035] in DM_R10's interactive.gas, activated by [t:trigger_plane_box,n:0x04e0000c] in special.gas
The one in DM_R11: [t:generator_wall_breakable_01,n:0x00100049] - I'm not sure how that triggers.
Rock Beasts aren't quite the same without their rock-spewing area attack at distance. Perhaps give them a Ripple spell attack as the closest substitute? (And in the same vein, if the Ruby Gargoyle cannot have laser-beam eyes, how about Grave Beam magic? Seems appropriate.)
E31c#020 I see it now: in vanilla DS1 there is a floor over the trap, it is a double-leaf metal trapdoor hinged at the sides to split down the middle, dumping ore into the crusher. The lever to work it is in neutral position (middle) and non-selectable.
E31c#011 Phrak from barrel - yes, to avoid confusion, I suggest the Phrak skin instead of the Piercer skin.
E31c#012 Krugs triggered to attack Ulora - the simple answer would seem to be, make them so they cannot re-spawn. (In DS1 one could return to the Crypts and I have done so to finish looting them.)
E31c#016 DS1 armors that are right on Gyorn are badly wrong on Gloern. Ex-typeA2 with a belt half of it at the front of his waist and the other half across the back of his shoulders. Flexible Scale (ex-A3) with the front belt buckle on the part of the belt behind the shoulders, large sooty black patches e.g. on right shoulder, and the front plates that should protect the collarbone at the back of his shins.
Exp split I'm just going by a remark in the DS2 manual under Pets, "Also, when experience points are divided among your party, pets don't take any. More points for you!"
Glacern I can see some items to add to a would-be-nice-to-do list, but maybe you already have them? (Drake, are you looking at the framework for conversations - e.g. setting up MORE... continuations - as well as the texts?)
Now it's generally ok when tutorial monsters aren't too strong, but ~5 life points only for a human-like monster is really low, even the level-zero hero starts with 12x more life - who has a similar size/volume.
Also if a Krug already inherits from GPG weakest template, how much life will then a thin snake have who is ~20x smaller than a Krug?
So the relationsship between body size and life points should be maintained at least a bit.
Related to the generator, right now none of the existing generators supports spawn amounts depending on the number of party members.
It could be added to some generators, or due to the large number of generators, it could be useful to create an extra component to reconfigure the generator components.
By the way, five rats is really bad luck (it's the maximum). The chance is about ~0.5% to encounter so many rats in a barrel, however rats near a farm... so misplaced doesn't look this.
But perhaps it really would be appropriate for this special situation to remove the rat-producing drop marco in the SE2 and to add some usedful spells into the barrels (Resurrection Scrolls, Town Portal, Transmute, Embrace Earthen, ...) - this also would relect a bit as it was in DS1.
Also when the adjustment starts to work, life points and exp are already party-size scaled, so only level related changes have to be done.
Concerning pets, with 4 party members whereof 1 is a pet, DS2 will upscale the exp for/to 3 members (based on share-constants and party scaling) and share it then on 3 members - and it's not that the exp for 4 members will be given to 3 members (would be +33% per member).
Nonetheless due to the preset parameters there is still a small exp benetit of (5-)10% per levelling member when having a pet in your party, but because of the steep exp curve this exploit hardly becomes notable unless you have 3 or more pets in a party.
Only the larger crates should be allowed to spawn a Phrak sometimes (where it would fit in).
Notes on Feedback.
When DS1 came out I sent an E-mail asking a bought The Glitterdelve ore crusher. It was supposed to be a trap bur didn't work, just like the ceiling you can fall through near the goblin warrens entrance was supposed to cause damage.
I could see Seck becoming Enraged by potion and/or healing use :twisted:
Hassat and Zurask are other possibilities.
I recall the floor decoration in the Glitterdelve quite well, never knew it was a trap though lol. I think it would be cool if monsters could become angry to some degree, but I worry about getting killed lol.
Checking my notes I see the Phrak was from a crate. Sorry, I wrote barrel when thinking containers in general.
Regarding monsters' health in the farmlands, all are coming out the same (except for those rats) and my hero 1-hit-kills everything. In DS1 SP Regular Normal the farmer starts with 49 health, and the first Krugs (Scavengers) have 8, which means they are 2-hit killed with the Knife or Fireshot, 3 with the Peasant Short Bow, no more than 4 with Zap. 1-hit-kills are for Easy.
Not quite all monsters the same - when level 5 (is that right? - path to Crypts) Phraks, Piercers, Snakes, Turkeys, Scavengers, Scouts, Wolves are clumped between 15 and 17 Health, Krug mages are only 10 (Apprentice) or 12 (Shaman).
Krug Scouts don't seem to be that much faster than other Krugs, which they (and Raiders) should be. This gives one an easy time against Klandank the mini-boss Scout from the hidden cave. In DS1 when you run from him he can keep up. (Mind you, I question GPG's making Krug Dogs and Scouts tactically indistinguishable - same health (12) and speed. Scavengers 8 and slow, Dogs 8 and fastest moving, Scouts 12 and fast but not fastest would be my idea.)
Yes, snakes do add something the way they are hard to spot. Imagine trying to hit one with a bow and arrow: maybe they should be low health but give you a low chance of hitting, or perhaps Resistant-to-Ranged. To compensate, cold-blooded = Weak-to-Ice? Since snakes attack people, why hadn't the farmers suppressed their numbers better? Surely the Krugs cannot have brought them all? Lets have fewer and one not two at a time. Just my opinion.
Then to balance things up Snapper (which is Weak-to-Melee) = from water = Resistant-to-Ice. Turkey Weak-to-Ranged as well as -to-Melee (big target).
Another body size/health problem: gremals. I think turning them from neutral to monster is taking something away from the game (through the bushes you glimpse a white shape moving - harmless gremal or dangerous dog?). But if they are to be hostile, then giving a common Gremal just as much health as the so-much-bigger Killer Gremal, which is what I see leaving Stonebridge, doesn't seem right. And shouldn't the ones the Krugs have in those little cages also be hostile?
We don't get them together in the same place here, but in Training of the Hero where I presume the same stats are being used, MLA makes Farm Skrubbs and Black Skrubbs come out about the same (just like Gremals and Killer Gremals), when in the original the Blacks are so much nastier that players can do with paying some attention as to which is which.
Assuming people playing Legendary Pack will most likely have played Valdis already, so not be total beginners, I think we could keep our heroes alive through a bit more - and if we should mess up and respawn, that is not the end of the game.
A last point on balance - I don't agree with GPG's having made Icebolt and Firebolt spells so much better than Fireshot and Iceshot but as mana-cheap and usable from skill zero. But GPG did, which makes it overgenerous to have Icebolt in the Farmhouse chest. Even if the idea is to guide players into choosing Nature Mage for the farmer's career.
OK, I've said my piece on this one, and will forever after hold my peace.
UPDATE: one more thought: the Realm of Kings author showed just what can be done in the way of resizing monsters, so how about making Krug Scavengers physically smaller, then Grunts, Shield Bearers and Guards progressively larger until we are back to human size?
You are right, it is a special template that spawns a rock beast. That would probably explain the hole in the wall you sometimes see. The template was probably lost in transition to DS2 but it should be doable to restore it.
Yes that is exactly what I did or rather I added a trigger at the exit from the crypts which deletes the generator gizmo so they won't reappear again. Problem should now be solved.
As a bonus while fixing this bug I found out that by adding a fades trigger at the D.C. position, the crypts are now faded out properly if you retrace your steps. So a similar setup should solve the fades problem at the exit from Glitterdelve mines to the snow.
See this picture of how the textures need to be repositioned when ported from DS1 to DS2 for the Broken World Dwarf.
All of the female models use the same body which supports the extended armor types ported from DS1, only their heads are different. Same for the male models, even the half-giant is really nothing more than a resized male.
The Broken World dwarf is an entirely new model with little in common to either the other male models or his forebear from DS1. All the extended armor types are just clones of the original 5 armor types from DS2. So using the extended DS1 armor types won't work properly without editing the textures.
The good news is that there's already about 50 or so armors that have already been converted that were used in earlier versions of the mod which didn't use extended armor types (such as this picture). The bad news is that there's still another 110 or so armors that need converting.
Converting the armors isn't very difficult just very time consuming. I don't know what method Phoenix used (he was the author of the Black Widow Brigadine, Lord Hovart's Blood Armor and Merik's Robes) but all I did was copy and resized and repositioned each texture component on a template so it more or less fitted into position. The more accurate and tidy you are with the editing, the better the final result.
If anyone wants to help with converting the remaining armors for the dwarf, I would be grateful and it would free me to continue further development work on the mod (I would provide the images set out properly in folder structure with templates). Otherwise I will get around to it but probably not for a while.
I have had Phraks spawn from barrels
Send them to me I will work on them as time allows.
Thank you Elf for volunteering - otherwise having raised the issue, I'd have had to volunteer myself to learn how to use the tools to fix it.
Why not? All part of the DS2 experience, like resistances and curses.
Darklings casting Blind - that's fitting. Braak Mages - not so sure, time for something different perhaps, but it didn't affect me because by then my nature mage hero was protecting my party with Spirit Embrace. (I have moved on from Glacern to Jeriah's and found where the Dark Klaw now is. No Braak Mages until there are melee Braaks - makes sense. And the icy Krugs now between Glitterdelve and Glacern, aren't they copied from wintry Yesterhaven? that makes them canonical.)
Another thought - Sanctuary Doors. How about altering some of the existing doors (and breakable walls) in the DS1 map's side branches to Sanctuary Doors, to avoid having to add too many more new rooms? Even if this means extending the concept to allow monsters behind some of them as well as treasure.
Why use DS1 screenshots to illustrate points when there are plenty of recordings on YouTube to chose from? Here are the spawned Rock Beasts:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GHFzqj3fUs at 10:45 to 11:10 (this sequence starts with an explosion that in DS2 sometimes occurs spontaneously before the player comes in sight - evidenced not just by the opening but also by treasure drops from Krugs the explosion killed)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve1KR8qBuZ0 at 11:00
and the non-trap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Tv5BjrnslQ at 2:44
I hope this is close enough to the DS1 Version. Legs and arms on the DS2 characters are somewhat problematic because they tend to be about twice as big as the DS1 version and a totally different shape. The torso is easier. Now the hands and feet if they are set to some neutral color (base color of armor in this case) you can save the same drawing three times as skin colors 41 42 and 43. For sleeveless tops or short pants you would have to do the drawing 3 times.
Here is my interpretation of DM A6 024
DS2 Conversion ------------------------------- Orignal DS1
Let me know what you think.
This image is a rush job so I could get the post in -- if I where going to use it in a mod I would be a lot more picky about the edges of things.
Its very good thank you, about as good as one can get without redoing the armors from scratch. Here's my take of the Utraean Plate, b_c_gah_amr_suit_dm_a14_241, which is at the opposite end of the list. I did it as part of a tutorial to help DrakeIsGod as it is a bit overwhelming trying this without a guide.
Here's the quick tutorial I made to help show how this is done.
It is also very much a rushed job to show how it may be done and as with the A6 armor, the a14 armor has elongated arms and leg textures because of the way the textures are displayed on the dwarf compared to the DS1 models.
Great tutorial iryan. Think that should help anyone wanting to convert DS1 armor to DS2. This layout would also work for the other male characters even if the male elf, human, and half giant can use the DS1 armor types directly.
The only changes necessary would be for skin colors As humans and elves use
01 02 03 11 12 13, half giants 21 22 23. The layout for female characters is different in DS2. I am glad that all characters except the BW Dwarf can use the DS1 armor directly so long as it is correctly named.
Here's an incremental update for Kingdom of Ehb up to the start of the Subterranean River pass Jeriah's cabin.
http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/Betav31/DS1_Map_World_Beta31f.ds2res (46Mb)
http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/Betav31/DS1_Mod_Logic_Beta31f.ds2res (7.2Mb)
There's heaps of additions, some minor and some more substantial such as restored Book Return Quest in Glacern and most quests now have a few sub tasks to guide you along.
I've killed the Lost Witch - and her coven! nice one - and am ready to head into the swamp proper. Difficulty has been about right.
DS2 vanilla, Logic 31c, World 31c, Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10v, MLA 5j
E31c#024 Save, exit, restart and teleport: the D.C. in the Subterranean River landed my party in the middle of half a dozen re-spawned monsters, with some Trogs right besides them - a serious fight. In my opinion, ideally monsters should start at least 20 meters from D.Cs.
Is there a gap ahead between one group of Trogs etc. and another?
Why not have the previous D.C. right outside Jeriah's door instead of by the new quest-giver? Where it is isn't too bad though: of all the monsters attacking Marcus only one wolf re-spawned when I tested that restart, and it went for dying Marcus again not for my party. (To use the Incantation Shrine, however, I had to re-kill another wolf behind it.)
D.C. by the Azunite Scholar at the start of the Eastern Swamp - no such problem, perfect place.
E31c#025 Save, exit, continue on entering Traveler Camp (immediately after "Check point reached", before reaching Nong): at the end of Preparing World the game stopped responding and I had to kill it from Windows task manager. Re-launching, "Continue" went from Preparing World straight into Nong's new quest-giving NIS.
E31c#026 Traveler Camp: when I teleport in (by summon spell) my party arrives in a compact group, but when I restart there they are spread around, not all in buff range of each other (31c Glacern the same).
E31c#027 Traveler Camp: every time my party came out of a merchant's tent I triggered the "check point reached" message again.
E31c#028 Gypsies: GPG never used that word in public, it does not belong in Aranna (occurs both as new label for the two men whom GPG left anonymous, one of them now the undertaker, and in new NPCs' conversations).
By the way, my opinion: Hafart and Zinna as stray refugees the Travelers have taken in, great but enough, lets have the other new NPCs as extra members of Nong's group. (The child Ethel had me confused me until I realised she could be one of the strays.)
E31c#029 Bandit Boss quest narrative: "Traveler's Camp" should be either "Traveler Camp" or "Travelers' Camp".
Running from Broken World -- KoE versions 31E or 31F.
Mod-Erthos-MonsterLevelAdjust-Beta5 sub versions K or L
Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10 sub versions V or W
1. I am not sure if it is because I am seeing things because I have been helping Gingercat with a darkness issue but the glitterdelve mines seem much darker than I remember. This is occuring on both the XP Laptop and the Win7 Desktop since I installed version 31E. Did you alter a mood?
2. In Glitterdelve Mine in the miners haven there is a yellow star on the radar map and nothing quest related in the room.
in the image you can see how dark things are and how the radar map has a yellow star.
There is one more missing check mark in the secondary quests but I did not take a screen shot of it and its time for me to get some sleep.
31f notes, I must have missed a couple of updated since I updates from 31c to 31f.
Radar Map not in sync with map
No exclamation point over head
Travelers Sanctuary's are great :thumbup: but not showing on radar map
Takes longer to get to first level and am level 8 at Stonebridge. Noticed that the weapon rack in Wesrin vanished when looted instead of becoming an empty rack.
@sigofmugmort: Concerning radar matters, please be aware that a portion of the radar data is saved with your savegame.
So to see Iryan's latest radar/quest tunings, you should consider to delete or remove (temporarily) the 'MyHero.ds2radar' file in the savegame folder of your party.
Ms. Ant Farmer and her friends have arrived in Glacern. From the exit of the Glitterdelve Mines to the gates Glacern I did not encounter any problems. The book quest works great and it is nice to have it again. Apprentice Marelle has a yellow ! over her head, but she doesn't have a quest. She just tells you she is busy with a customer and to speak to Onoc. Then her sales menu opens, so she can not be really busy.
Onoc is Onoc pushing his spells and potions some nice combat magic spells in his shop. All the other in town quests work as they should now we are off after Merik in the morning.
One thing to note is that Kroduk the half giant in the inn, can not be hired or spoken to. He has the right icon over his head and when pointed at he shows the ! talk icon. However as I said before he has nothing to say.
Yes it would appear that several things aren't working properly when using this incremental update that aren't manifesting in my games.
So no more incremental updates until the map is finished. The changes appear to be a little bit too severe. I can't be specific when that will be but in the meantime feel free to continue providing feedback on Beta31c.
I will be as thorough as I can be but some things won't get fixed. For instance the sanctuary rooms not showing on the radar or the radar being a little off centre. The time investment isn't favourable.
More on 31f
I like adding the Miners Haven to the Find Torg Quest, but a line needs to be added to the Quest log telling you to check the Miners Haven.
Am now at Glecern (Hi Bare_Elf :goofy: :wavey: )
Krodok won't talk to me either
Like the falling Ice in the Furok cave, nice touch. And the exploding barrels in Gliterdelve now explode when they should(like when shot with a Jolt spell with lots of Krug near :twisted: ) :thumbup:
Notes, observations and screenshots
Not sure there is anyplace you can put this shrine without part of the base not showing given how the floor is put together.
Oh no! The mist is vanishing the poor mules lower half
since it is only the mule and Packram, KillerGremal's thought it must be the Alpha channels is the best bet.
A second mimic popped up on another group run through, I think I am seeing a pattern(or just going more bonkers
Between Gliterdelve and Glacern there were fewer Klaws(including a missing ambush)
My Giant is now at Jeriah's cabin
(DS2 vanilla, Logic 31c, World 31c, Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10v, MLA 5j)
Those of you at Glacern in 31f, is the soldier at the corner table opposite Kroduk still standing up with his legs and sword through the table-top, and is the old woman (Aliera Blesstone) still standing frozen with arms outstretched to either side until you talk to her?
E31c#024 D.Cs. landing one in the middle of a fight after restart - the D.C. outside the goblin cave entrance and the two inside might have given the same problem, except that the gobbots etc. around them seem to have been stopped from re-spawning.
E31c#026 clarification - my spread-out party sometimes (maybe always if I didn't interfere) regroups automatically when I restart, but the problem is that mages auto-cast buffs before regrouping, when not everyone is in range to be buffed.
E31c#030 in the old temple that has become a bandit stronghold (secret side area) there is another of those altars that characters can walk through or stand in the middle of.
E31c#031 Journal-Lore-Quest Items: Azunite Artifact is described to the right as a Fury's Eye.
E31c#032 Immediately after Verma's shop, off the board walk head to the right to where the gargoyles are, DS1 has a trigger point for some zombies (four, I think); in the new map no such zombies appear. (Have they been removed deliberately, which would be OK, or is the trigger broken?)
E31c#033 If characters fall through the collapsing roof of the swamp's side-dungeon, what is the thumping sound that keeps repeating?
E31c#034 "Red oil drums" in goblin warrens do explode when broken but are hard to break, do little damage and there is no visual effect. In DS1 they are as spectacular as the red barrels in Glitterdelve and do serious damage to goblin machines, killing Goblin Grunts outright.
E31c#035 Goblin Proxos do no damage when destroyed - in DS1 they are walking land-mines, having no other attack.
E31c#036 None of the pipes in the goblin caves that leak damaging gas in DS1 are doing so in DS2 - which means that the valve-wheels you turn to stop the gas are superfluous.
E31c#037 Though none of the gobbots drop their special weapons, there is one alcove that always contains a Lightning Gun to be picked up: it is still there, can be equipped by characters but does not work, and can be sold to a shopkeeper but only for 1 gold.
E31c#038 In the goblins' first secret side-area I found a Lore-Map of the "Traveller's Camp" (should be Traveler Camp for consistency, or Travelers') - no use so long afterwards!
(None of the Lore Maps are much use on 1024x768 setting, and the Camp is too small to need one anyway.)
E31c#039 In the second secret side-area are some light-stands. Under the cursor they show as TORCH-GLB-STAND-02. When turned on they correctly unlock the previously locked door and give the right sound effect, but do not give all (or even any?) of the light effect they do in DS1.
E31c#040 That side-area comes after the long ride on the travelling platform and just before the next platform, which is a simple little elevator down to a lower stretch of floor. A gather point on the latter platform would be nice - especially if going back up (running away).
A few Klaws were changed into snow Krug quite a few versions ago now but all ambushes should still be in place. Co-ordinates would be nice.
E31c#026 I've been fixing these so hopefully none will be an issue next release.
E31c#030 Strange one these altars. They inherit from the correct base template so they should be blocking but they refuse to. I have to place small blocking objects in them.
E31c#031 So it was. Good catch. Now fixed.
E31c#032 Nothing has been removed deliberately so broken trigger most likely.
E31c#033 Not sure, probably wrong sound emitter set to repeating instead of non-repeatable. Many sound emitters were lost in the first revisions of the map back in alpha before they became properly supported in the content packs. Will check it out.
E31c#034 This should be doable and I'll look at it if KillerGremal doesn't beat me to it. More traps would be great!
E31c#035 I think they do a little damage in Broken World but the skrit used there isn't supported in vanilla DS2 so they're just walking decorations. Maybe KillerGremal could advise how to make these work properly in both versions of the game.
E31c#036 The emitters used for them no longer work in DS2 but there are new environmental hazard effects that may work. I'll look into it.
E31c#037 Probably best to remove it.
E31c#038 Actually all the lore maps are just there to fill up the Maps tab otherwise it will remain empty. As you noted they are too small to be useful.
E31c#039 Hmm. I'm not very good on the lighting system used in DS2 and the incorrect name is actually the template name because there's no common name such as light stand for them.
E31c#040 That can be done.
E31c#032 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEMPrtHmSVc zombies triggered at about 12:45
E31c#036 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEp2MMnBfac from 12:00 for the first environmental hazard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKo2jCSanj8 6:20 to 7:20 for the second place, note that the exploding drums trigger the hazard. Same video around 9:15 for the third hazard.
Another recorder's take on the same section, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUawdkWPbTQ from 19:30 shows that trying to turn off the triggered hazard before it has been triggered messes up GPG's sequence. That video shows (0:40) that a 2-drum explosion destroys Copters; see at 13:00 and at 14:40 how much, or little, damage they can do to a Blaster (goblin tank) and to party members.
E31c#037 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrZdtAa04Gs from 4:40 shows where the Lightning Gun is, also a Proxo exploding; there was an earlier Proxo about 2:55, a drum explosion 3:38 and Tesla Coils 8:50 (I'd have to play 31c through again to decide if those are working in DS2).
E31c#039 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PwMLl_LjHg from 8:00 shows the side area ambient lighting, with the first light stand turned on at 8:18
>> E31c#034 / "Red oil drums"
Well, knowing the region or a nearby node would help, in particular because all exploding Goblin barrels should explode as those in the Kaderak Mine on the DS2 main map or like the barrels in the Dwarven Mine on Utrae.
There is actually one broken Goblin barrel from DS1 still in DS2, but I don't think it's placed on a map.
Whether these barrels are considered as (loot) barrels or as attackable objects (barriers, smashable walls, etc.) I had to check first. This will have some influence how much life points the Level Adjustment mod will assign - one group is quite low on life points, the other group has an average life point amount mainly to be better protected from collateral damage (not to collapse when any arrow hits them).
Perhaps there is also something wrong with the life/level assignment in the template(s).
>> E31c#035 / Goblin Proxos
Maybe they can realized with the means of v2.2 as well. Like this there is also a higher chance that the Level Adjustment mod is supporting this handling already.
Hi all I have not been testing much lately as I have been trying to resolve a problem that I was having that when ever I pressed the save button (not doing a control
the game would crash. This was occurring on both of my computers one running windows 7 and one running windows XP so I knew it had to do with a recent software upgrade I knew it was not a problem with Dungeon Siege 2 because sigofmugmort has been running the same revisions as me and had not reported the same problem. So I decided to work on some dwarf armor and some other mods that had been on the back burner. So I started the program raw to psd to convert some of the DS1 armor files so that I could use them and my computer told me raw to psd was a Trojan. I have been using this program for years without issue, so I said hmmm you just upgraded your anti-virus program from the 2014 version to the 2015 version maybe that is what is causing the problem. I confirmed this when the antivirus told me that tank viewer 1.02, tank viewer 2, tank creator, tank creator 2 and tank extractor where malware, viruses or something else and move those programs to quarantine. So the anti-virus has a switch to disable automatic protection. So I tried all the editing programs again and they all worked. However the game was still crashing. so I removed the program and everything worked, so I went back to the previous version and again all is well. So I should be able to start testing again very soon.
Moving right along, we have just popped out of the Crypts and will move on to Stonebridge as soon as possible.