DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread
Submitted by iryan on Tue, 2012-04-24 23:39 | ||
This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World. Full version Installer version DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB Split version Installer version Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01 Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't. The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below. Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules; Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link; Mod Game Manual Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine. The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread; https://siegetheday.org/?q=node/1330 Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions. Partial Language Translations Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions. forums: |
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The weird issue we have been discussing via PM I think I know the cause. I will do some additional testing to verify my theory. If I am correct it is not something that will require fixing, It will just require training this elf to play the game a little more fairly by rewriting a few of my weapon and armor mods.
Hi Irwin
I was wondering how I was getting characters with levels above 100, because it seemed like every time I had more than one character over level 100 and I clicked on a direct connect teleport and then saved the game would stop running. I did not think I had any mod installed that would give me players over level one hundred. I was using the more hair plus for some of the combat magic spells and a few other goodies. However when I read the read me file it stated that it had the algorithms to boost a character to level 500. When I removed the mod and started over with a new character level 98 and then picked up several npcs and boosted their levels to match my primary character. I had no issues what so ever saving at any time. I have made it to Stone Bridge with the last updates you sent me to test. The only issues I have is that the Scrubb the beach quest does not complete (see pm) Also the location of one of the new direct connect teleporters (see pm)
@ Iryan
Since I am no longer having problems with saving I have gone from Norick's House to Glitterdelve without any problems at the Direct Connect Teleports or saving in general.
1. The additional Save Points (Direct Connect Teleports)are all nicely placed between the Farm House and Glitterdelve except for the one just outside Stone Bridge. I have not gone beyond Glitterdelve yet.
2. The hire-able NPCs that have quests between the Farm House and Glitterdelve give you their quests even when you do not hire them. I checked this before hiring them.
3. As I noted before the "Scrubb the Beach Quest does not Complete. All of the other primary and secondary quests complete or advance as they should.
(again this is to Glitterdelve only).
4. I am not sure if it is my weapon mod or endemic to the Legendary Mod but it seems the weapons, armor, spells given to hire-able NPCs either very basic or just wrong. For example Naidi being equiped with a basic bow or a bow beyond her skill level. She often will get one of my custom bows for a wizard or melee character. Is it because the weapon selection is random?
In general everything is working great!!
1. The D.C. before Stonebridge was for testing purposes and was left in by mistake. It'll be gone before the next release as well as several others that were accidentally left in.
2. Strange, they were working for me. Will check once again.
3. This quest has always completed for me but I will check once again.
4. The weapon selection for hireable characters is random based on their level when boosted compared to the hero. I've never had a problem with their gear so I would suggest it's because of the weapon mod you are using.
I will retest the current version again before releasing it though it'll cost me some time. I'm working on the Goblin Cave, Warren or whatever I decide to call it now. I've made some steam/gas effects that seem to do the job though placing them correctly will probably prove bothersome and the Proxos now work better and will hurt you when they explode, both in DS2 and Broken World, though the special effects don't seem to work in DS2- just the damage.
My apologies, an error did creep into the Black Scrubb Quest. I put a line in Alanna's flick in the wrong place. It is now fixed.
You can now choose to refuse Alanna's quest as well as Ordus and Ella Riverstarn. Though why anyone would want to do that is beyond me but many players think its important to have the option.
You can not refuse Gyorn's quest however. That's arranged differently so works as expected. Though these upgraded quest flicks are a work in progress and I'm still learning a lot about them. What would be better for Gyorn and similar situations is that the Main Quest component is updated automatically when you talk to them but you have to choose to help them to get their secondary quest and then the option comes up to hire them if you choose too. Would this be a good way of arranging these quest givers?
That is, I've reached Glitterdelve but in 31g: still worth reporting on? (Update: @Iryan's posts came in while I was preparing this.)
DS2 vanilla (2.2), Logic 31g, World 31g, Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10w, MLA 5L
In reporting places where more could be done, I've not taken space to applaud the so-many places I've noticed as having been worked on, that are working well and are enjoyable to play. Anyway, Gyorn's, Zed's and Gloern's hire conversations now work perfectly, both accept-1st-time and 1st-decline-then-accept. (Apologies, I haven't tried refusing Ulora.)
E31g#070 Naidi is giving the right on-screen response when hired but the wrong voice-over: the original's sample = s_v_bt_naidi3 from conversation_naidi_accept_no_money ("I appreciate your vote of confidence, but ..") instead of sample = s_v_bt_naidi2 ("Naidi the archer is at your service...").
The original failed to provide a conversation_naidi_rejoin to follow the conversation_naidi_reject (for if you approach her again after initially declining or failing to hire her), so for her second-time sales pitch she repeated her initial conversation_naidi_join ("Sorry for looking such a mess..."). While this has been rectified on-screen ("Looking for someone? Or are you here to share stories .."), again the wrong voice-over: what was s_v_bt_naidi6 from conversation_naidi_disband_rejoin, "I know we parted badly before.."
UPDATE - reading the new convo (Naidi's re-interview), the hero has three choices.
1. "I am here to ask you to join me." - good
2. "I seek a strong fighter. How skilled are you?" - strong fighter? the hero already knows she's a dextrous ranger!
3. "Just passing through, Lady Dryad" - wrong race
E31g#071 Though Gyorn is marked by quest stars on radar, he still has only the three shields above his head, no yellow question mark.
E31g#072 Alanna the quest-giver for "Skrubb the Beach Clean" (nice title) starts with an orange ! overhead which correctly changed to a gray ? when one accepts the quest. When after completing the first task you return for your reward then her ? should have turned orange but was still gray.
E31g#073 Needing the spider key to leave Wesrin Cross - another excellent idea. As a test I deliberately didn't pick it up so found I had to go back for it (as expected). The issue here is that the "Giant Spider" legend comes up too soon, as one nears the door, even if one cannot open the door.
By the way, it disconcerts me (as it may not disconcert seasoned DS2 players) that mucosas and skeletons in the great hall re-spawn even as my party moves round the room. This can include the skeleton mini-bosses. (Maybe this is an opportunity to use Killer-Gremal's option to have them re-spawn as something else, e.g. Rats the size of those from crates, scorpions ditto (neutral) or Yellow Spiders.)
DS1 doesn't always give hire-able NPCs state-of-their-art stuff; what they have is enough to get by on but leaves scope for spending money (or handing out items from party's inventory that could otherwise have been sold). Same with the NPCs I've been hiring recently in DS2 KoE: equipment usually a level or two below their maximum, that is to say about right.
I've just hired a level-12 Gloern with a melee-7 sword but then he is dual-skilled at melee 10 plus nature 7. I reckon he grabbed whatever was to hand in the emergency. Gyorn was level 5 with gear from melee-1 to melee-3: perhaps a bit low but then in the original his stuff is not as good as Rusk's.
Now that the monster stats make the hero only level 6 at Stonebridge, so Naidi is generated at level 5; once not given a Dryad Bow (ranged 5) she suffers from the big gap down to Scout Bow at ranged 1.
The problem to watch out for - I'm trying to determine if I've encountered it recently - would be a mage being generated with a melee-fighter's staff- or lance-like weapon.
I'm going to release a new content pack soon).
There will be a Proxo based on an 'explosive component' created some time ago, out-sourcing the explosion actually on a spawned object.
The exploding, no-more-existing Proxo (or just for 1 frame) doesn't seem to be a good carrier anymore to perform damage or effects from (and there must be a difference between such actors and explodive barrels, but I couldn't resolve this yet).
Also a 'unified' Barkeeper/Blacksmith base template will be included, it may be quite usefull since all of the 3 existing models can use the same animations.
I've been gone awhile dealing with life issues, and I hope to get back into this lol. Sorry for my long absence. I'm not sure if the links on this page are all updated; I noticed a great deal of work has been done since I've been gone, and I wanted to get the latest files to start testing right away.
Iryan you may remember my opinion that nine (one per chapter) secondary quests are spurious and should not be there (including the one from Gyorn). The DS1 quest log had chapter headings in-stream as a half-way house to DS2's full-blown quests-summary/quest-details structure. The conversion process made from this two quests (in the primary and secondary sections respectively), each then needing a summary/heading and a task, of two entries where the story-line only justifies one entry becoming a heading (in the primary section) and the other its detail.
So: Main Quests, all automatically accepted:
1. from Norick to seek Gyorn in Stonebridge (updated, no option, by Skartis)
2. from Gyorn to tell the Overseer in Glacern
3. from the Overseer to search for Merik
5. from the Overseer to reinforce Fortress Kroth (updated, no option, by the soldier after the goblin caves: save the fort from Gresh)
4. from Merik to get his staff back
6. from Captain Tarish at the fort to the Droog village
7. from the Droog leader to Lord Bolingar (earlier ending than expected)
8. from Lord Bolingar: "save the king" [this could be an update to 7]
9. (and 10?) from the king to reach the Chamber of Stars and then to fight Gom.
Omit any of those and you've abandoned the game. (Without Merik's quest to go after the staff, the hero has no cause to choose the goblin caves instead of the easier way east - there must be one, off map.)
No secondary quests from Norick, Gyorn, the Overseer, Merik, the soldier, Captain Tarish, the Droog leader, Lord Bolingar or the king. Except that the other soldier saying you'll have to fight the pirates is a genuinely secondary quest, as is the other Droog quest-giver (Gooqua) wanting the dragon killed.
The only scope I see is to leave fighting the Seck as the last main quest but make the Chamber of Stars an optional secondary detour like Ordus' axe (maybe even for Merik only). That would mean amalgamating the last two chapters.
The question is, should clearing Glitterdelve Pass and delivering Torg's report be retained as (secondary) quests in their own right? since the hero must go through Wesrin Cross anyway and go to the Overseer anyway as part of the main quest, and DS2's log retains the full list of tasks completed.
Gloern wanting to rescue Torg is a different case.
I don't think it important to have an option to refuse even secondary quests (except in games with mutually exclusive quests, e.g. because they entail choosing your side in a dispute), but if an option is there then it should work.
By the way, I suggested Act I should be farmhouse to Glacern only, with Glacern to the Droog village a long Act II. This is not just to keep the Fortress Kroth quest within Act II from receipt to completion, but because the story shifts gear at Glacern much more than it does when you meet Merik. Up to Glacern the hero is reacting to the Krug uprising. From Glacern to the Droog village the hero is being asked to get to the bottom of who is behind the trouble (Merik has fallen victim, the goblins were exploiting not instigating, the Droog were intimidated). After the Droog village the hero knows it is the Seck, knows where they will be and only has to defeat them.
PS I'd like this to be decided on more say-sos than just mine!
Hi, the link titles are out of date (I don't know about the actual files behind them) so to be safe scroll down until you find the 31g announcement. And go to the Utraean Seizure of Hopless Mapping topic for content pack and MLA. (I had a serious failure a little way back from being out of step on those.)
31h I guess is a private EM from @Iryan to @Elf with e.g. extra DCs for easy re-testing at certain points.
The related code updates in the Level Adjustment mod are marginal, but did also the monster assignment on the map change recently!?
Specially trivial monsters are no good exp providers, already weak monsters would be notably better.
Concerning Naidi, as long as actors to hire don't rely on the auxiliary level adjustemt, it shouldn't be a problem to realize a minimum level in the hiring flick.
Also for the gizmo responsible the random equipment it will be bit easier to find pleasant pieces if the level is not too low.
Yes there was significant re-assignment of monster stats at the beginning of the game, up to and including the area around Edgaar's cabin, in order to avoid the generation of low level "blue coded" monsters around the cabin.
As has been mentioned earlier, the fh_r1 region is shaped like a horseshoe. This means monsters around Edgaar's cabin are loaded in the frustrum when you reach the first bridge and before monsters around the bear cave for example. I believe bare-elf has remarked before how she can snipe some poor monsters hovering around Edgaar's cabin with her super bows.
By the time you reach Edgaar's cabin you will already be around level 3 or 4, especially if you kill every monster in sight. Thus you will be fighting level 1 monsters around his cabin.
Two factors are at work here. The first is the Seefar hack of the launcher. Even if its turned off, All*Saves increases the frustrum radius pass what is defined in the region's mood (perhaps it uses the default from the map's main.gas?). I've tried specifically reducing the frustrum radius in the starting region's moods with no apparent effect on the monster levelling behaviour and it is also futile if the player enables the seefar hack.
The second factor is of course the MLA mod. All monsters as they are loaded into the frustrum have their levels adjusted to match the party's current level. Since the starting region is shaped like a horseshoe, this causes the monsters around Edgaar's cabin to start off at level 1, which the player is when they reach the first bridge (another quirk of the MLA mod is that monsters don't have to be more than 2 levels below the player to be blue coded, even 1.5 levels is enough).
My current implementation to avoid this quirk is to make all the earlier monsters give about 50% of trivial level experience so you reach level 3 only after you finish Edgaar's quest. All the monsters from that point are un-adjusted.
An option is to generate the monsters from generators triggered as you move through the region. I did try this and it did work until I inadvertently override the regions index with the last intro update from KillerGremal.
Well I have arrived at the Direct Connect Teleport just after the Alpine Caverns and at the start of the Alpine Forest. Nothing unusual to report and no problems with anything after leaving the back gate of Stone Bridge. All worked correctly in Glacern all quests completed correctly even the Axe quest. Will get on with other things now and get back to the game later tonight or tomorrow.
The Mod has received a partial update to Kingdom of Ehb.
These files are now also available on the main thread post under Work in Progress Files.
The start has been rejigged yet again to use generators to spawn the monsters to avoid distortions to the monster levelling caused by the horseshoe shape of the starting region. One bonus is that the vegetation now seems to appear properly around Edgaar's house.
Recent comments made by RSimpkkinuk57 haven't been implemented yet but will be worked on in some future revision, which will also incorporate some of the features in the recent updates to the DS1 Content Pack. The quests will be worked on a bit more but to restart now will be a bit discouraging as already its like taking 2 steps forward and one step back in progress.
One comment however is Alanna's quest icon. I've found out that using flick it is quite easy to change the quest icons as seen in the Book Return Quest but it doesn't seem to work when using triggers.
Hi Irwin,
I have made it to the Traveler Camp in KoE with version 31H. I will continue on from the Traveler Camp using 31i. Things have been going nicely since leaving Glacern, No problems to make note of other than the silly rain drops stopping arrows. (I know this has been an issue for a very long time but I had to make note of something) :P Just to test to see if this also happens in the real world because it was raining here today I took out my bow shot an arrow into the rain and ended up putting a hole in my relatives fence.
I told them it was a Halloween Tradition in many countries to shoot a fence to keep the evil spirits away. They looked at me as they often do, shaking their heads and rolling their eyes. I just giggled silently.
Happy Halloween
So if a quest (de)activation doesn't toggle the specificed radar icon from the quest book, these function probably can. On Retrun to Arhok I used them several times in flicks launched by spatial triggers.
Hm, this just comes up with an idea...
The problem isn't with the radar icons (stars) but with the main overhead icons. So how did GPG manage them? Consider Arianne in Eirulan. She goes from no overhead to green ! to gray ? (with two different conversations, one before and one after you get the Ceremonial Blade) to orange ? (when you've killed the garganturax and the quest's last task, return to Arianne for your reward, is active) to none.
I'm learning here as you people go along. In Tank Viewer I've found her template in Logic, and in the map I've found the questbook, I've found Arianne in the region's actors and I've found her conversations, but there obviously has to be more somewhere.
E31g#074 Another gray ? that should be orange: Torg.
These are quest indicator icons. Here's a good resource that explains them, though when I just checked the pictures weren't showing (I hope that's not permanent);
The quest indicator icons are handled by the indicate_emitter block in the template. Usually the npcs in the mod only have a single quest_indicator_icon as they are the shopkeepers or quest givers. When you receive a quest from a npc, the talk flick then turns off the icon.
With Arianne for example ( townsperson_hf_tola_act1, not the best example as its confusing), her indicate emitter block has an indicator_texture_1 = b_gui_el_exclamation-green; but all the work controlling her icons is done in her talk flick; talk_flick = act1_town_tola_talk; defined in her instance in the map rather than in her template. Accepting her quest turns her indicator icon to a grey question mark through "BroadcastMessage(tola, WE_USER_INDICATE_EMITTER_SWITCH, 3);". Obviously Arianne was once going to be called Tola.
Once you kill the monster, another flick sends a message to Arianne changing her icon from grey to gold (sorry I forgot where this particular flick is located, as I said this isn't the best example to use). The tutorial page is incorrect when it said this texture is b_gui_el_question-mark_orange as that texture doesn't exist, it's actually b_gui_el_question-mark for the secondary task completion icon.
It seems from my experience that changing the indicator icon through flick works well but through a trigger it doesn't seem to work, though I haven't tried KillerGremal's suggestion yet.
Incidentally Torg's icon should be fixed in the current version beta31i.
Greetings Iryan,
From the middle of the Goblin Stronghold. The Eastern Swamp is a good deal more difficult with the changes you made, however it is also a more interesting place with nice goodies to discover. Have not covered the entire swamp in years. Quite a journey of rediscovery. The direct connect teleports are nicely placed. My party is about half way through the Goblin Stronghold. We where almost wiped out a number of times by gas, exploding goblin things and the nasty goblin helicopters shooting and hitting exploding barrels we missed seeing. Quite an adventure so far.
My 31g party saw the Stonebridge guards fighting Krugs in Glitterdelve Pass and got hit by chunks of ice falling from the roof of the big cave in the snow highlands. Now in 31i the NIS coming into Glacern has a moment of sunshine with clouds blowing across blue sky, and thank you for the Legionnaires.
That group is melee-heavy with no specialist nature mage to open the second of the new sanctuary doors in the mines (the one near the end) but couldn't pass red barrels (the ones either side of the door) without blowing them up, which opened the door anyway. Maybe the Krugs had just placed those barrels (from the miners' stores) ready to try breaking in themselves.
DS2 vanilla (2.2), Logic 31i, World 31i, Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10w, MLA 5L re-testing snow highlands with group from 31g
E31i#075 From the elevator shed I went left (as one must) and left again up to the winding shed, opened the chest on its west side, then pulled the camera back for a wide view, almost horizontal, looking east. What I see is some very tall tree-trunks and (worse) the cable from the elevator shed roof keeps going endlessly up past the big winding pulley.
E31i#076 "Klaw or not" (from over two weeks ago) confirmed
Just before the first Incantation Shrine in the snow highlands: in DS1 and up to 31c two Klaws appeared close to a lamp standard and a fallen log PATH2NT -0.128/0.000/-0.950/0c441353167. (I reckon GPG's idea was for players rushing fighters forward to engage the wolves ahead to miss realising that their healers and archers were being klawed to death from behind.)
Two further attacks from behind (immediately after the big ice cave, and a single Klaw at approx. NT_R1 1.786/0.000/1.953/0x05C9C79E) do still happen, though once (31g) the singleton Klaw was too slow off the mark and my party must have moved out of its sight but they went back to look for it and there it was.
E31i#077 coming into Glacern, off the rock bridge (after the second NIS), the radar blanks out for a few paces. I've dropped potion twice and got different co-ordinates but what they have in common is NT_R1 ./-0.350/./0xCC154D7C.
E31i#078 the child Blossom has the same convo as the woman (Rehema) she is standing next to.
E31i#078 the woman Aliera Blesstone in the inn doesn't play scarecrow any more but another NPC still does (if you restart a saved game): the matronly "Legionnaire Guard" in civvy clothes (OK, she is off duty) in the house where you get the map of Glacern, first on the right as you enter town. And whoever in your party picks up the map ends up standing through the table.
E31i#079 problems with the book quest.
(1) I went up the watch tower without the quest from Ardun. The female archer gave me a female voice-over (generic greeting "new in town?"), the book convo, the book (vol.1), the quest, the first task (completed) and the return-to-Ardun task. (The archer does have a stock convo which I can get afterwards, albeit with a different generic greeting in a different - male - voice-over.)
(2) Starting again, I went to Elio first. He gave me his book convo, the book (vol.2), the vol.2 task (completed) but not the return-to-Ardun task nor the top-level quest. When the quest detail is new I can read it by journal hot-key but without the top-level I cannot get back to it a second time.
(3) Starting again, I did things in the right order, that is went to Ardun for the quest first, and received the quest heading and two tasks (vol.1 and vol.2). Completing both tasks (1. first), the third task (return-to-Ardun) did not activate. Returning to him anyway (his overhead icon is grey, which is consistent with not having done enough to activate the final task) the final task does complete (which makes it appear in the journal) as does the quest.
OPINION: the gold and equipment he gives as a reward is too much for a few minutes of my hero's time and surely way beyond the means of an over-worked, under-paid apprentice. (This was a minor quibble of mine even with the lesser reward in GPG's original where I'd do the quest for entertainment value.) SUGGESTION: instead give a bonus Skill Point as sole reward. Rationale if one is needed: reading the books helps prepare party members for what's ahead.
E31i#080 the elevator on the south watch tower stops working if one steps off to talk to the archer, and often stops even if one stays on while talking (if it does carry one straight back down again as in the original then the convo continues anyway). "Stops working" includes the handle at the top vanishing, and the elevator not responding when one steps onto it. A character at the bottom can work the handle there to bring down the one at the top.
The north watch tower has a similar but not identical problem. If one steps off to talk to the legionnaire there (the one who tells you to go away, now a dwarf) then the elevator handle at the top vanishes, but the elevator does still work (descends automatically when one steps back onto it).
E31i#081 Lloyd's Ring improves (is that in accordance with character level rather than any particular skill?) but does not advertise the fact (in contrast to Altan's Leather and Ordus's Axe).
E31i#082 Six legionnaires upstairs in the inn (including the one without a room) all now show talk symbols under the cursor but two including the captain have nothing to say.
(Nice though that one who does talk mentions the secret under Ada's house. The wall to break down there was one I thought might be turned into a Sanctuary (if poss.) so I'd feel my hero was less of a criminal looting it. Also, good riddance to the unexplained "queensmen's sigil" remark downstairs.)
OPPORTUNITY: in DS1 there were two legionnaires standing near the inn door. Each had two things to say that made good cross-banter if a player could get them in the right order (which wasn't certain). Now there is one legionnaire and Marissa (the undertaker) so how about making it so that if one talks to the legionnaire he says he saw a Furok and Marissa responds doubting him (four stages linked by MORE...)
(I could PM the pieces, or even try to put them together myself, if it wasn't I'd be stepping on Drake's toes.)
(Though my personal opinion is that Apprentice Marelle, who is already talking to the spirits of the dead while Onoc serves living customers, would be perfect for undertaker. No need for every undertaker to stick rigidly to GPG's regulation guild words.)
By the way, is new NPC "Zelda" as enchanter at Glacern meant to be the same woman, newly arrived from Stonebridge?
Now, do I press on towards the goodies in the swamp, or start a 31j hero to clear out the Krugs around Edgaar's?
There's another partial update including changes to the Goblin Stronghold up to finishing the pirate quest.
No changes have been made prior to the Goblin Stronghold so you should be able to update to this one seamlessly.
The Proxos work better and can be quite deadly now if you're unaware. However they don't self-destruct like in DS1, just explode damaging everyone within distance like the volatile boggrots from Broken World (they use the same component). I borrowed the skrit from Broken World so that the exploding effect should work even in DS2.
The damage output of the exploding barrels have been significantly reduced from the values in the DS1 Content Pack where they were as powerful as the barrels in the Glitterdelve Mines in beta31i. Comments welcomed about this aspect as now they only take off about 30-50% of your health. I'm not sure how well they scale with the MLA mod.
The Deadly gas traps have been restored as best I could (based on the steam effect from the env_hazard.gas in DS2's special folder). Could be better but will do for now.
Tesla Coils have also been restored through a hack. I couldn't get them to work themselves so I used a proxy to inflict damage for them which is deactivated when the coil is destroyed. Seems to work well enough.
The quests have been adjusted again to be more streamlined and a minor duplicate secondary quest deleted though the main quests have more tasks steps to make up for it.
I've only tested this up to the pirate quest after the goblin Stronghold but all the quests should be in place up to Fortress Kroth, though there's still work to be done there, "legionnairing" the garrison.
Incidentally I apologise but there's no traveller sanctuaries in the Goblin Stronghold. I did put two in but got a fatal error which continually crashed the game so they had to be removed. It's a pity Siege Editor is so buggy and difficult to use as it discourages attempts to use it to make new material for the game.
Should this problem be related to actors equipped by the [equip_when_hired] component, the weapon code should '5' for a mage staff and '6' for a cestus (actor Saul on 'Return to Arhok' may serve as an example).
However, actually the all-blowing barrels from the 'Mine of Kaderak' (in DS2) served as reference, and since the barrels on the DS1 have the same look, similar damage seemed to be appropriate.
But indeed, even if their damage would be 10x lower nominally they most probably would still kill everything.
And no panic about such hacks, it's not that unusal in DS2 that a (visible) damage source spawns an auxiliary object to assist. That's possibly the only way to create a Tesla Coil damaging everyone. Only if the Tesla Coils only should hurt the player, perhaps in immoble monster with tesla-coil-shape would work too.
Beta 31i plus oddities
Cecily in Eirulan
Altan's Leather shows different on a Dwarf, probably due to the differences between a drarfs skin and all other races.
Normal look
For some reason the stream doe not show on the radar map.
As you descend the path 3 hostiles suddenly appear on the Radar Map
Has anyone figured out why NON-enchanted armor and NON-enchanted jewelry do not show on the Radar Map?
The Radar Map is out of sync in the Crypts.
Thanks Iryan for the DC I have been wanting at the beginning of the Crypts :thumbup1: :dance3: :dance2: :dance1:
Weirdness, My Dwarf died while fighting the Phrak Ballista and upon returning found that in a couple of areas he had not yet cleared like the Skrugs near the Bear Cave and the hostiles around Edgar's house had doubled :jawdrop: . Could NOT duplicate this (and I did try, that's why I am only at Stonebridge)
Ruby Gargoyle does not attack if you stand far enough down the hallway, killed it with Jolt and took no damage. Now to rest my Mage in Stonebridge and shift to the Giant :twisted:
The map of the Travelers camp is nicely placed. Like the new swamp. I like Lurkers(lightly broiled with honey and butter :silly: )
I have to say, I'm EXTREMELY impressed at the development of this mod
It's totally amazing. I did notice a few bugs though on my run to the Crypts.
The two Krug here did not react to me whatsoever, I killed the Krug Scavenger the Krug Scout is standing on. They were both just standing there overlapping each other.
Once I got to the crypts, I noticed that I could kill regular gargoyles and skeletons with one hit aside from the bosses. Hence, it was a bit too easy considering the difficulty of monsters on the way to the crypts.
Also, as soon as you turn the corner after killing the first Skeleton Guard Captain, the radar is really off throughout the rest of the crypt. I had a good screenshot of that but then I accidentally deleted it.
I'm gonna make VERY detailed videos on beta-testing this mod hopefully sometime next week whenever I get my microphone headset.
Goblins and the Fury
In the Mess Hall, the crates to the left need ranged to break
This chest at the second Tesla coils would not open
Apologies for not marking these 2 locations, equipment failure(now have new keyboard
The third gas trap reset quickly after being turned off
2 locations with a standard as a DC
The Quest to find the lost Adventurers. Upon entering the dungeon the quest to enter does not check off, when you return to the quest giver there is no star on the radar map tho talking to him does complete the quest with the second entry in the quest log being checked off
The Quest to find the lost Adventurers at the Bone Picker's Post. I noticed that the entrance under the house is not marked with a star however the back door is. Entering the flooded dungeon by either entrance does not advance the quest. I have looked in every room for the dead adventurers and they are not there (because the quest did not advance?) However going back to the bone picker post and talking to the quest giver who as sigofmugmort said does not have a question mark over his head or is not marked with a star on radar does complete the quest.
The Fury's dungeon was a bit on the easy side. Not sure exactly why but the wraths used to be impossible to kill except with combat magic now they can be killed by blowing on them with mild garlic breath. Other than being way to easy did not encounter a problem with the furies or their minions.
In the fortress, upon entering the gate I received the Unwise Alliance Quest and was told to use the Basement Key that Tarish gave me. This all occurred prior to speaking to Commander Tarish. Upon talking to him I received the basement key to Fortress Kroth. The quest is working so far it just needs a bit of adjusting.
After going into the basement of Fortress Kroth and finding the statue with the opening mouth. on entering the mouth there was an update to Sikra quest.
It said Look for strange forces. Cleared the entire area of all the monsters some of them strange with their purple glow. then used the statue to free Sikra. The quest completed when I spoke to her. however the Look for strange forces never got a check mark or was there a location for it to complete I guess as the only location marked was where Sikra was after opening the door. Not a real issue, you could do one of three things.
A. remove the step in the quest
B. Make one of the monster mini bosses the strange force.
C. Make the statue that frees Sikra the Strange force.
Moving on to find the Village of the Drooling Droog.
They were accidentally left from testing those areas. They are a quick and easy way of getting back to areas for testing purposes. Will be removed in the next version.
This has been overhauled and should work better. I removed the task for finding the flooded dungeon as there's two ways of reaching it and the game doesn't seem to allow using two identical radar icons at the same time.
Now instead there's two ways of completing the quest. If you ignore the quest giver and go straight to the dungeon, you will eventually find the dead treasure hunters and the quest will trigger with a single task, to return to Gregor to report your findings. Once you do the quest will complete but there'll be no reward.
If you talk to Gregor first, he'll offer you a reward to find what happened to the Treasure Hunters. Now there'll be a task to find them. Once you find them another task will ask you to report back to Gregor as before but this time when the quest completes, you'll get a reward.
In both cases the tasks will be ticked off. The only anomalies is the mention of Gregor in the first scenario and that his quest icon is gray and not gold in the second case (I will experiment with flicks to try to change these quest icons).
I've even restored the secret area in the dungeon to act like the original in that you must get the steam boilers operating in order for the lever to work.
Incidentally I wished there was a way to make secondary quests appear more prominently in the game rather than a few lines at the left bottom corner of the GUI. It can make it hard to even know you have a quest if it is suddenly sprung on you like the first scenario of the Treasure Hunter Quest where you bypass the quest giver. This is probably what happened to bare_elf.