Dungeon siege III Rant hub
Submitted by Raymus on Sat, 2013-12-14 00:06 | ||
Never have I been so infuriated by the destruction of a cherished video game saga as this! Not even the Crap-for-brains fable III followed by the Fail-on-a-platter Fable the Journey pissed me off so much! Not even the way Diablo III Took everything good about the classic gothic-medieval-fantasy experience and warped it to suit the casuals, how it turned from Goth to W.o.W in ONE game! (Yes, in my opinion it was Goth...) Never have I truly ranted about it, but now that GPG's dungeon siege websites are GONE and now everytime I go to dungeonsiege.com I'm greeted with the god forsaken SQUARE ENIX LOGO, Screw it, time to scream! I may be young, but in my short time on this earth I've become a devout gamer and because of these games I have been given the inspiration to draw and write and R.P and CREATE, and each time I see a franchise that means so much to me go down the tubes I... You understand. In my short time on this earth I've seen several of my favorite saga's crumble and it's time to let it out, maybe then I'll feel better. Dungeon siege was the first game I called 'My favorite game', The first game that inspired my love in medieval-fantasy art and story alike. The gameplay was challenging and addictive, the graphics were beautiful then and hold up pretty well even now, the lore.. To me, at least, was amazing. The way Dryads are portrayed in Dungeon siege II is my favorite out of any game or story or legend to date. My first time journeying through the kingdom of ehb was action-packed and fulfilling and so was my second.. and my third... and my fourth... When I fought my way through Greilyn Isle only to meet the harsh desert of Aranna and eventually find my way into the color-rich jungles past Aman'lu, An amazing experience. So much inspiration comes from these games, so much of my story is derived from this series. Not copied, mind you, but still. So here, for those of you that have played it or even for those who haven't, please spit out your thoughts of Square Enix and what it's done to this series here. Don't worry, I'll be adding a lot more. forums: |
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To take something as wonderful as Dungeon Siege - Legends of Aranna - Dungeon Siege 2 and Broken World and rip out its heart and soul to create something as vile a Dungeon Siege 3 takes a real lack of talent. I took one look at the game and decided that I must protest. So I went to my local game store, Purchased a preowned copy of DS3 played only once. I laughed out loud when the sales person asked me why would you want to buy such a crap game? I told her to watch. I went out to the parking lot put the DVD on the ground covered it with lighter fluid and burned it. Cursing the Square Enix at the top of my lungs. The sales person gave me a gift card to starbucks for what I paid for the game. When I think of Square Enix I see in my mind a Eunuch that lacks taste, and hates both gamers and modders. I find it evil to take a name of something that many people have enjoyed and still enjoy and use it as a tool cheat people out of their had earned money. However part of the problem is with gamers tastes changing from a game that had a story line, a goal, characters you could identify with to something with no story, no goals but to kill things and characters that you can easily forget. Also games moving from Desktop Computers designed just for gaming to games on smart phones and tablets. Games from on line sources. As I have said over and over again life is not a bowl of cherries its the pits. Now to end my rant for now I must thank those of you that are still playing games like Dungeon Siege, Diablo and modding the same.
pulls an arrow from her quiver, draws her bow and shoots the evil game companies ceo's in their collective lack of intelegance.
Yes I agree with everyone as well. The only thing DSIII has in common with the earlier games is the brand name and a bit of lore borrowed from the series. The story is even quite poor and doesn't make much sense.
DSIII was made primarily as a console game to try to get Square-Enix a foothold in the Western culture, something they don't understand very well being Japanese, which is why they sub-contracted it out to Obsidian. They should have set it in one of their propriety brands like for instance, the Last Remnant universe. Instead they choose to purchase a well known brand to put clothes on their misbegotten spawn.
As a console game it's okay I suppose, I never had the inclination to get very far in it. That's not because I don't like console games or don't play them because I do and some of my favourite games of all are console games - the Grandia series, Star Ocean, Golden Sun and even Final Fantasy VIII, X and XII. So I'm not anti-Square_Enix or anything. I've even finished Final Fantasy III on the ipad!
I don't expect there'll be any more Dungeon Siege branded games from Square-Enix after this attempt.
yes i suppose we can all blame the current game publisher system. thats why things like kickstarter came about. they wudnt exist if there wasnt a reason for them to exist.
also, i believe the greater depression financial crisis also claimed many victims and i think we can include gpg as the list of victims in that recent financial crisis. i think this is just pure bad luck and nothing to do with gpg's skills or competency as a game dev.
next, i didnt realise square enix was a japanese brand. im hoping since they flopped miserably on the ds series, i'd bet they are just begging to offload the rights again to an interested buyer to recoup the losses from poor sales. i hope the next buyer of the ds IP doesnt have balls for brains so to speak...
so i shall pray to the deities of the elder scrolls to bless ds with the might of akatosh and skyrim and that ds may one day rise again as a great rpg and be even better than skyrim or wowcrack ever was.
When I first heard that Dungeon siege was bought out by the same Japanese company that made kingdom hearts and final fantasy, I almost screamed. I mean, those are good games (Up until they went past KHII, in my opinion.) but they are a TOTALLY different genre from a TOTALLY different company with a TOTALLY different view of what a game should offer. Here's the thing, had Dungeon siege III changed a few things about it's lore and took a different name, it would have been a fine game on it's own for fans of that type of game, leaving Dungeon siege's dignity untouched. But to call it an extension of this saga is no more than sickening to me. At least in Fable III the story itself was interesting, the idea of a hero building a resistance from the ground up wasn't particularly well-executed in Fable III to make up for it's many many many flaws, but it was playable enough to where I didn't smash the disk to smithereens. There are so many more things I'd love to point out now, but all in due time I suppose.
The first GAMEPLAY-related issue is something you'll notice right away. There's NO character customization! No, you pick from an assortment of four different flat characters with about as much definition as [Insert analogy with gratuitous amounts of cursing and Ben Affleck references here]
Oh, you want your character to have black hair? Sure, go with Lucas. Oh, you want him to have silver eyes? OH I NO NO HOW TOO DO DAT. Dungeon siege's character creation was never exactly it's strong point, but at least there was SOME choice. Double the character customization of Morrowind and you've got Dungeon siege and you know what? That's fair. I'm content with the way my character looks in all of them. But then you get to the most recent 'addition' to the series and you have four preset looks with four preset names. What? You argue that now the NPC'S can say the characters name? Why not pull a bioware and have a set LAST NAME so you can still have a first of your own? Come on, guys! Get with the program! That's what you get when you put a game where you play YOUR hero into the hands of a company that has hardly had a drop of customization to their games. Some people don't need customization, they like playing as the set character and that's all fine and dandy, to each their own. BUT I NEED CUSTOMIZATION! And so do a lot of people, that much is a fact.
And now, a break.
When I purchased the steam versions of DS1 and DS2 I was also given DS3, since the package was under five dollars US (christmas sale on several other games too). I decided to install DS3 --
I assume it is a joke, since I have not seen a RPG that used almost all keyboard controls since windows 95 when most people had not figured out that a mouse was useful. To be able to use all the controls you really need three hands. One for mouse, one for left hand keyboard controls and another for right hand keyboard controls. I know I can change the bindings of the controls to other keys on the keyboard but I like how games like DS1 and DS2 work. camera orientation, character movement, attack commands all controlled by the mouse and things to click on at the bottom of the screen for things like inventory, quests and so on.
The other thing I found silly is the path to the first quest you can not get lost by making a wrong turn. you follow a narrow path, click on a door to a big house and bang first quest completed. The look for survivors was not much harder. I wish there where modding tools that would work with the game so that i could change the user interface, the characters and well everything.
bought the dvd version when first came out, waste of money...did happen to get to play Multiplayer, as there was lots of player when game first came out. thought wow these guys-gals are good, but then when close game and restart u find the loot all gone. tried modding the game but most of the assets are not useable by ds2, could use some of the textures for some new colors in the game but for the most part no. surprising they made a dlc for this game, glad I didn't waste money on dlc...this game is more a console version of ds, worse part is it don't have packmules and well its not ds either..if this is future of ds, I hope there is no DS4...so playas don't waste time on this game, play DS or DS2 and use mods made by the great people on this site, don't let this game die!
I took one look at DSIII and got sick. I HATE locked in character templates. The real Dungeon Siege game has a decent customization system kind of similar to Arcaenum of Steamorks and Magic Obscura if you could take it's alignment and background options and add it to DS the system would be great. I would like to find those responsible for the FALSELY named DSIII and use a LARGE rubber Mallet to play Whack-A-Mole with them :twisted: :bat:
I was devastated, so much that I flat out turned to piracy, and I don't usually do that. Pissed off a few obsidian forum moderators with it too.
*sigh* I've gotten as far as "Stonebridge" before my my stomach, sanity, and love of all good demanded me to quit.
The reasons:
It's painful to play, as click to move is more ergonomical than this controller scheme. The quintesential parts of dungeon siege, the leveling process, customization, and the strategic scale offered by the party system, like a more action packed Baldur's Gate, and oh the dialogues in DS2, the pinnacle of a game engine, were all missing from DS3. Optimization was nonexistent, it made my computer choke on it's video card.
The story? Well, clockpunk stonebridge with "gobbo" stuff, except goblins were different, more practical, and 121% cooler (Total goblinnihilation). Zed's lucky slippers. Some crappy drama and all these "archons" pulled out of their arses being in the center. Yes I know archons were in the original game's files, but they weren't used in the end. And at the end there's a... whatever.
Combat is crappy. Looting is nowhere near as fun as DS1, because the options are so limited. Gear becomes obsolete, change to better, repeat.
i might finish it one day...
That is why most of us still play ds1 and ds2. The legendary mod is a project that a good number of us are working on to move the major DS1 maps to DS2. If you have ds1 and ds2 installed you should check it out. We agree that DS3 is just a mess, but there is no way to mod it to make it better.
Well, from what I've read, there is a way to unpack the .oaf files and then edit the XML to make combat around as fast as DS1-2 (because slow-mo enemy attacks just... are terrible.)
But then on, it can't do amazing things like click to move, elevators.... sigh. :wacko:
In 2013 they failed with the kickstarter campaign of Wildman, Chris Taylor sold company to Wargaming, Chris Taylor quit in 2017, and in mid 2018 Wargaming close the company and lay-off every employees...
Got back to it !
There have been a few improvements since I came last... they made one mistake : There were 15 heroes to hire in DS1, not 14 (they forgot Andiemus)
Never tried to play it. It didn't look like Dungeon Siege and wasn't moddable. I really miss GPG
The gameplay belong to usual Hack N Slash games, a precursor to Diablo 3, but have nothing to do with the Action RPG that define Dungeon Siege games !
The scenario rather look like fan-fiction to me, where the hell are all these new elements comming from ?
The only way to mod the game would be to extract the contents from the .oaf files and modify them...
I was thinking about 2 modifications that could be done, and both are text/dialogue related :
- Change the stupid statistics names into something easy to understand
- Change the text colour to green for sentences/dialogues that allow you to increase your influence with the character in your group at this very moment, as well as the sentences/dialogues that lead to them