Dungeon Siege Adepts 2 for Broken World
Submitted by iryan on Wed, 2013-04-17 07:08 | ||
Some of us here at Siegetheday have been working on making an anime version of Dungeon Siege 2 like Dungeon Siege Adepts. This has been made possible by the recent release of the Cat Mansion Boys mod by AlphaDD which ports the models made by Hamcat, back around 2003 for the original dungeon siege, into DS2. This completes the set since the Girls were released in 2011 by DDlullu (AlphaDD former avatar). An Beta version has just been completed which converts all of the npcs in DS2 and Broken World into Cat Mansion people (including the half-giants and dwarves). Not just a partial conversion replacing all the npcs in the game with Cat Mansion models, DS2BW Adepts is also the largest compilation of mods and new art available for Dungeon Siege 2 with over 1500 new character and npc skins, armor, weapons, spells and gameplay changes from some of the best modders from DS2/DS1 (a lot of DS1 content from 3rd party modders, publically available artpacks, Yesterhaven and Return to Arhok, etc) such as Hamcat, AlphaDD (DDlullu), Phoenix (Volkan), Darkelf, KillerGremal, Theresnothinglft, Lurker, Omniscient_Colossus, Ikkyo and of course GPG themselves. Over 30 mods are incorporated into DS2BW Adepts. You also have more freedom in playing the campaigns. You have full access to Acts 2 and 3 once you have been cured of the plague in DS2 and in Broken World you can access Part Two straight away if you wish. Note that this really needs the Level Adjustment Mod installed to be viable. There's also a new town and associated quest needed to unlock it in DS2. There are two versions of the Mod. A custom folder version which is 166Mb download and requires 876Mb to create the custom folder installation of DS2BW Adepts and a basic version which is a 156Mb download and requires 247Mb to install in your Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World Folder. Both versions at this stage require the Broken World expansion for Dungeon Siege 2. They are also not very compatible with other mods. If you choose to install the basic version you will have to manage the conflicts with other mods yourself, saved games will be mixed up with regular saves and there'll be no custom presaves to play Broken World straight away. *Custom folder version (166Mb download, 876Mb uncompressed). *Separate Modules. *Aranna Legacy Compatible version Elys DS2 Broken World All*Saves is required to launch the mod. *Readme (full of useful information) The mod is ideally designed to be played with the Monster Level Adjustment Mod Thanks to Techiem2 for hosting the files to spare us having to go through Mediafire. Remember that this is a Beta and as such is mostly feature complete and stable but expect some imbalances in weapons, armor and spells. Suggestions, bug reports, fixes, new skins, etc very much welcomed. forums: |
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Hi iryan and drakeisgod
The original tutorial worked super well. all of the conversations and explanations are nicely done. Now I did notice that all of the dryads that are not hireable heroes are just regular dryads an not Cat Mansion Dryads. Was this done because most of the NIS that contain dryads did not work correctly in the last version or an oversight? Celia is also all messed up, her head is just a bag of leaves.
I can't duplicate the problem bare_elf. I have a screenshot of my dryads working as fine as they are cute
You may have a conflict somewhere lol
I was running the tests on my new computer where I had just installed Adepts but forgot to add the newer logic and resources files. Now the dryads are better since I have updated both files to version beta X. I must remember that multi-tasking is just a myth or at least I can not do it successfully.
It's alright, I made the same mistake with my new computer as well lol. Multitasking isn't for me either :P
Well so far I have made it to the point where Taar screams BIT MARKS and so I am off to get a vile of elven water or was that eleven viles of water?

Could not locate the back door to Yadehtegeis. Thought there was one on the beach. See PM iryan. That elven water clouds the mind and to much of it rots the memory. It was either a dream or a test version of Adepts. Where oh where has Yadehtegeis gone?
It wouldn't be that easy to find a secret town don't you think?
However you are right in that the way to Yadehtegeis is found on a beach, except it's not the tutorial beach. That portal is simply a way for players to skip the tutorial level if they wish to (and forsake 3 or 4 levels of experience starting in prison at level 0).
Remember there's a quest tied into finding the town. You must complete the quest before the gates to Yadehtegeis opens to you. It takes about 15 minutes to complete and there's a beach at the end of the quest. You have to wait quite a while before you can reach this quest and its found in the land of giants.
Hi Iryan and Drake
Playing DS2BW Adepts with the following configuration:
Mod-BrokenWorld-ArannaLegacy-Alpha3r, DS2BW_Adepts_Aranna_Legacy_Logic_Beta3, DS2BW_Adepts_Logic_Beta_1y,
MLA off
Working my way through the first act, we now have Deru, Taar, and a direwolf in our party, along with a summoned school girl, and two beach girls.
So far no issues to report about, when I have a few extra minutes I will post a few screen shots.
I look forward to seeing them. I haven't tried playing Adepts with MLA off yet lol. How is it?
Actually I found the backdoor on the tutorial beach by having different AND incorrect world and logic files
Hi Iryan and Drake
Playing DS2BW Adepts with the following configuration:
Mod-BrokenWorld-ArannaLegacy-Alpha3r, DS2BW_Adepts_Aranna_Legacy_Logic_Beta3, DS2BW_Adepts_Logic_Beta_1y,
MLA off
We are off the island and in the desert looking for the stone tablets. Things going well, I wish Taar and Vix where not so annoying -- but their conversations do provide a laugh from time to time. Always at the point where we are being attacked by packs of nasty things.
Have not had time to look at the blue and green dots in the radar, except when hunting hidden doors. So long as I can find the hidden switches and doors it matters little to me if the dots are blue, green, red or otherwise. I rarely pick up items on the ground once I have my crew equipped correctly, and I normally do that using Sharkull's test map, far quicker way then hunting for armor and weapons.
The monsters seem to be working fine never below my party in level by more than 5 points and never above by much more than 20 points. Makes for a very interesting battle when large mobs attack.
Things in general look great.
That would depend on several things,
1 The level of your party members
2 The number of people in your party.
My current party is Deru, Taar, Vix, two Direwolves full grown, my main character, plus a summoned cat matsion school girl, summoned beach girl, a summoned Valkyrie and a summoned monk. So a party that is already hard to kill with some major backup from the summoned characters. All of my characters are skilled in Ranged, Combat and Nature Magic. Levels in most classes range between 80 and 124
I was reading the post over in the DS1 Legendary Mod thread about the balance of the monsters with MLA off. Now I know that Dungeon Siege II and Broken World monsters are not changed by MLA.
However I have noted that several monsters when playing the DS2 Map with Adepts Enabled are balanced differently than when playing with standard characters. I had not noticed this in the past because I was not running parallel games. Could it be that there is something else messing with the barrel hiding rats and other tiny monsters?
The items dropped will always be blue on the radar lol. Yeah, I'm only really looking for the hidden switches and secret levers :P
Shouldn't be anything in Adepts to alter any of the existing DS2 monsters with the MLA turned off. It doesn't directly changed any of the DS2 monsters templates either directly or indirectly.
With small monsters, especially those ported from DS1 like the rats, could be harder for the party to pick up due to either their bounding volume size (i.e. their physical size - smaller things are harder to see) or sight_origin_height. Sight_origin_height is especially important for smaller monsters splashing around in water, remember the shrack fish in earlier versions of the mod? They couldn't "see" the party to attack them and unless you clicked on them, the party wouldn't attack them either, even in rampage mode.
So I would play around with the sight_origin_height first and see what that does. I use a setting of 2.0 for the shrack and other water dwelling monsters in the mod. Incidentally, have you notice that there's no monsters to be found in the water in DS2?
Yes Iryan I did notice that there where no monsters in the water of DS2. That surprised me the first time I played DS2 an age ago. I was used to monsters hidden in water from the DS1 maps. I am wondering if they (the software people who did DS2) had trouble figuring out sight_origin_height for water monsters and just removed them to make the release date. Something I also noted about DS2 there are very few small monsters. Not many smaller than those pink crab things. We all know there was less effort in each sequel of Dungeon Siege. (3 proves the point I think).
I will look into the sight_origin_height of the monsters my rangers have difficulty seeing and look at some additional perimeters as well. I remember in ds1 the party member's sight range could be altered as could their attack range. Elves having the best site range but at least 5 meters over Humans. If those perimeters still exist in DS2 I may try bending them a bit also.
Sartan is out of the pit at Winstone Fortress, but I sent him off to the inn until I require his services later. So far so good.
Playing DS2BW Adepts with the following configuration:
MLA off
My party has made it through to Aman'lu (with a few detours to act 2 and act 3 when I found quests items but did not yet have the quest). Nasty place to hide Drevin's Amulet!! I kind of figured it might be there but I looked for it in every room and trunk just to make sure. Very sneaky way of getting me to look in detail at things
As to the issue of Sight_origin_height I am starting to think that it is not the monsters that are to short for the Cat Mansion Characters to see, but maybe its the height of the Cat Mansion Characters themselves. (Again this is not something to worry about I will mess with it and see what I see.)
How can I make amazing custom content like that? I mean fans? Fans are my dream for a mage C: And clothes
Is there a program to make them?
As for the custom items like the War Fans and Clothing, there is not a program to make them per say. The fan melee weapons where originally designed by HamCat back in the DS1 days when he created the Cat Mansion Girls. When DS2 originally came out Firebat and I redid the artwork, mesh, animation and size of the war fans so they could be reused in DS2 and Broken World. It took several months to get the size correct, the weapon grip for the off hand (shield hand) set up correctly so the character could duel wield two fans, and the animations working the way we wanted. We did not however create a shield fan. Some of the other custom weapons like the throwing plates, flower dagger, Led's Wrench where much easier since it was only the skin that needed making. Most of the custom armor for the Cat Mansion Characters where my creations. Since making armor is kind of my area of skill. This was later expanded upon by iryan and myself when we discovered that the cat mansion characters could wear both DS1 and DS2 armor. So there are now 14 armor styles for Adepts. 1 through 5 are the DS2 armor -- 6 through 14 are either ds1 armor ported over to ds2 or custom items I created. The other custom weapons where ported over from DS1 and Legends of Aranna by Iryan and others. So to create custom items you need the following tools.
1. Tank Viewer for DS1 and DS2
2. Tank Creator 2
(you can use other tools to extract the files and re tank them but the ones above are what I prefer)
3. Photo Editor/Drawing Program like Photoshop or one of its clones.
4. note pad or skirt pad to modify or create the templates.
There are a lot more images necessary to create armor for ds2 than ds1 because of how the skin colors are handled.
This is a small Cat Mansion Weapon Mod. It has been untanked so that you can see the images, meshes, animations etc. You or anyone else is free to use any or all of the parts so long as HAM CAT is given credit for the original fans, That FIRE BAT and Bare_elf are given full credit for the additional weapons and the converted war fans. Now this is not a request but a warning. I will take you or anyone else down if credit is not given where it is due for any mod created by members of the site.
Iryan thanks for the location of the ring, I walked past that trunk 1/2 a dozen times. Busy in Amen'lu working on secondary quests related to Act 1 and Act 2. Everything going just fine. It is almost time to go after Eva and the caravan. But first the quest about the servant that was wrongly charged with his master's murder. Like that quest.
Vulk summon changes? -
I tested the Vulk summon, to see if it was indeed slow and well it seems to be stuck on the default anim a lot not sure why but I believe all summons use a misc-wake anim for the summon spell reveal code, so I used ds2 anim viewer on the vineman and I picked out a attack anim that wasn't used for attacks as the wake. also I chose to remove the anim durations as most summons don't use the durations for some reason...also I notice that the Vulk is the only monster in the game that uses an elevation_max, I wish GPG would have documented what that means, not sure if it can be removed or not. I added a magic block just for kicks, but the vulk don't use spells so may not ever be needed unless a spell is used in the future. anyways those are the only things I can come up with for the slow vulk.
It appears that I have encountered a problem with A Family Heirloom, Part II quest. I kept the sword and then returned to Amen'lu to talk to Athelas to get part 2 of the quest. He basically tells you that once you reach the Vai'kesh Forest and pass through the first Large Vai'kesh Cavern and go south to find the prison. I entered the prison and there was no Athelas and no demon. This happened once before while playing adepts many months ago, so I do not think it is related to the newest revision of the Mod. Could have something to do with jumping about and not doing the quests in the linear fashion but in the random order the mod allows. Here is a screen shot.
A Family Heirloom, II. As I and a couple of others have reported, that quest has stopped working a few updates ago in Legends as well. My (empty headed :silly: )thought is it seems that the NIS sequence trigger has somehow getting blocked from engaging and you need it to run for the quest to finish
I had forgotten that, thanks for the reminder
Very strange coincidence as the legendary mod as such, doesn't alter any DS2 specific files at all or more to the case shouldn't alter any specific DS2 files.
Keep in mind though that there's two parts to the legendary mod collaboration. KillerGremal's content pack does make some changes to DS2 specific component files but again nothing on a direct basis that should effect the Family Heirloom flick but maybe in a secondary way to some obscure function that the Family Heirloom flick depends on.
Also you have to be certain that there's no other mods present which could influence DS2 data files, something like Aranna Legacy for instance.
The Heirloom Quest is also a very annoying one to debug because a) it is spread over 2 acts, b) has several possible outcomes depending on the player's choices and c) consists of at least three interconnecting flicks.
These flicks are a1_towerdun_old_man_talk.flick which is launched obviously when you first talk to the quest giver. It is quite complex checking several different things, including whether you skipped off and grabbed the sword without even talking to him first.
Then picking up the sword launches another flick. Finally there's a flick at the demon dungeon to check whether you still have the sword or given it to the old man or don't have the sword at all.
It is very strange that everything works until you get to the prison. I always take the sword and it happens only when I reach the prison and the NIS does not run.
The only mods active are The legendary mod - adepts mod - and my own weapon and armor mods (that do not conflict with Adepts, the legendary mod, or DS2) I do not have aranna legacy active, or MLA active. So it must have something to do with the content of one of the sub mods of the legendary mod. Once I finish this run through of adepts I will go back and try again with just the legendary mod. I do not recall having an issue with the legendary mod alone. But my mind has been filled with tons of real world issues and the important things like the game keep getting side tracked.
I don't think its a bug caused by any mod, cause before mods like these existed running ds2 barebones, the darkling prison flick was buggy..not sure if it was level of character, or fact sword wasn't equipped when running up to break the cage, it just seemed to be bugged. perhaps the save games are being corrupted, doubt anyone has any saves prior to getting the sword though.
although if one believes it is a mod it may not be the associated flicks it could be a modified darkling.gas or heirloom sword template as well or even a trigger on the mapside that got overwrote or corrupted, or indeed a modified quest giver flick to perhaps allow another sword as a drop, lots of things could cause, but I pretty sure its a GPG original game doings.
Ahem....Ah yes this is my fault. Profound apologies.
You're right about a few updates ago. Going on the timestamps, its from late 2012 in fact.
The Legendary Mod inadvertently overwrites the same file as used for the Demon of the Prison so it doesn't appear. This causes the prison check flick to fail and so the NIS won't run. Even if it did, the quest couldn't be completed as there wouldn't be anything to kill.
Here's a temporary fix until the next version of the Utraean Peninsula is ready as it will break some quests in current games if you're playing that map.
This fix should also allow the Ruby Gargoyle to drop the unique heartstopper bow like it did in DS1.
I need the Y version of the logic and resources. I was trying to get things to work in steam and screwed something up.

Here you are