Dungeon Siege Adepts 2 for Broken World
Submitted by iryan on Wed, 2013-04-17 07:08 | ||
Some of us here at Siegetheday have been working on making an anime version of Dungeon Siege 2 like Dungeon Siege Adepts. This has been made possible by the recent release of the Cat Mansion Boys mod by AlphaDD which ports the models made by Hamcat, back around 2003 for the original dungeon siege, into DS2. This completes the set since the Girls were released in 2011 by DDlullu (AlphaDD former avatar). An Beta version has just been completed which converts all of the npcs in DS2 and Broken World into Cat Mansion people (including the half-giants and dwarves). Not just a partial conversion replacing all the npcs in the game with Cat Mansion models, DS2BW Adepts is also the largest compilation of mods and new art available for Dungeon Siege 2 with over 1500 new character and npc skins, armor, weapons, spells and gameplay changes from some of the best modders from DS2/DS1 (a lot of DS1 content from 3rd party modders, publically available artpacks, Yesterhaven and Return to Arhok, etc) such as Hamcat, AlphaDD (DDlullu), Phoenix (Volkan), Darkelf, KillerGremal, Theresnothinglft, Lurker, Omniscient_Colossus, Ikkyo and of course GPG themselves. Over 30 mods are incorporated into DS2BW Adepts. You also have more freedom in playing the campaigns. You have full access to Acts 2 and 3 once you have been cured of the plague in DS2 and in Broken World you can access Part Two straight away if you wish. Note that this really needs the Level Adjustment Mod installed to be viable. There's also a new town and associated quest needed to unlock it in DS2. There are two versions of the Mod. A custom folder version which is 166Mb download and requires 876Mb to create the custom folder installation of DS2BW Adepts and a basic version which is a 156Mb download and requires 247Mb to install in your Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World Folder. Both versions at this stage require the Broken World expansion for Dungeon Siege 2. They are also not very compatible with other mods. If you choose to install the basic version you will have to manage the conflicts with other mods yourself, saved games will be mixed up with regular saves and there'll be no custom presaves to play Broken World straight away. *Custom folder version (166Mb download, 876Mb uncompressed). *Separate Modules. *Aranna Legacy Compatible version Elys DS2 Broken World All*Saves is required to launch the mod. *Readme (full of useful information) The mod is ideally designed to be played with the Monster Level Adjustment Mod Thanks to Techiem2 for hosting the files to spare us having to go through Mediafire. Remember that this is a Beta and as such is mostly feature complete and stable but expect some imbalances in weapons, armor and spells. Suggestions, bug reports, fixes, new skins, etc very much welcomed. forums: |
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Hi iryan and DrakeisGod.
I have found a problem or two with both the legendary mod and DS2BW Adepts.
Not sure if this problem is specific to Adepts or has something to do with the legendary mod. If you pick an Adepts Character from the Pre made characters all level 47 or one of the pre made characters of broken world you end up in act 3 of the dungeon siege 2 map. Remember I am using the custom folder version of adepts so starting a game of the DS2 Map using broken world does not activate any of the adepts mods. Starting DS2 from broken world with a pre made character or a saved character above level 40 automatically puts you in Act III Kalrathia with all act 2 and 3 quests completed even if you have not done any of Act 1 or 2. With Adepts you end up on the beach with the pirate ship after getting the special quest from Bare Elf (the other one not me). This never happened in the past, that I can remember. Think it might have been a change made somewhere in the Legendary Mod. So since this was happening I decided to kill the pirate captain and sink his ship. Because I really wanted to visit Yadehtegeis since I had not been there in a very long time. Now all the male characters be they dwarf, Half Giant, Human or Elf appear fine. However all the women characters, except for Thereisnothinglft and the other bare elf are pretzel people. Now Thereisnothinglft has a white face with no eyes, nose or mouth and is not a cat mansion character as she was two versions back. Bare Elf is fine but she is using a totally different mesh so I would expect that. Oh yes the kids are fine to both male and female.
Think I will go back to the x version of adepts logic and resources and Level the version of the legendary mod unchanged to see what occurs.
UPDATE Going back to version X of adepts corrects the Starting Location back to Greilyn Beach and I also believe that it will correct the pretzel people in Yadehtegeis. Why because on Sharkull's Test Map when playing adepts the pet seller and inn keeper are pretzel women when using version x and are standard farm girl characters when using version y of adepts. This may also correct how Thereisnothinglft looks but now it will take some time to get there.
UPDATE 2 Silly me. I was able to verify that it is version Y that causes the pretzel people and thereisnothinglft to not be cat mansion. I started a new character using version Y of Adepts played quickly through to where I would meet myself, take the town portal that my other self cast, defeated the pirates, went into Yadehtegeis and saved. then changed to version X and started the game again. The result was that Thereisnothinglft was now cat mansion and all the pretzel women where fixed.
I will post screen shots for the disbelivers tomorrow
I will look at what this does with a standard ds2 game tomorrow.
In my last post I showed you how the female characters in Yadehtegeis where pretzel people when using the Y version of the mod. Going back to version X of Adepts things are better.
No more pretzel people in Yadehtegeis
Thereisnothinglft is back to her normal cat mansion self.
I think there is a possible issue with one of the actor gas files, maybe the ones related to Yadehtegeis. Since the problem only seems to occur in Yadehtegeis. I will look around for a file problem within the actor gas files by comparing the x and y version of each. I thought it might be the ambient actors for Yadehtegeis but after comparing those files it is not likely.
Now to my other question which is more pressing. Has it always be true with DS2 and not the maps of the legendary mod that when you start a character in the game at a level over 36 you end up in the last act with all the quests up to the final act against Valdis are completed? Why have I never noticed this before now if true.
I assume you mean starting with a premade character? They are specially created to start a new game in Broken World, skipping the DS2 campaign if the player so wishes it. The Adepts premade characters are the same, I just modded the Broken World premade characters. They are marked as if they've completed all of DS2, including knocking Valdis off his big perch. So all quests should be marked as completed and all locations enabled from the teleporter (minus the secret dungeon).
Otherwise you'll start from the very beginning in DS2, even if you have a level 100 character (I know as I just tried).
Well iryan there must be something different between the version of the game you are using and the one I am using. I have found that any character above level 36 automatically starts in act 3 with all quests completed. I created a level 100 character. When playing any map except DS2 the character starts at the beginning of the map. With DS2 however they always start at the end of act 3. Great for getting to Yadehtegeis but nothing else. For me any character acts like the premade characters of BW and Adepts.
I expect it has something to do with one of the mods or patches I will start pulling them out to see if I can get back to how it worked in the past. It has to be something other than the Adepts Mod or Starting from Broken World. I will first remove the mods not related to Adepts and the Legendary Mod. If that does not correct the issue I will start pulling the legendary mod files.
UPDATE I found the problem with the characters starting in act 3 - I checked the size of each of the files in the DS2 resources folder and the Adepts resources folder and discovered there where two files -- a DS1 file that did not belong in the adepts resources folder and xLogic.ds2res that was larger by 40 mb than it should be. I do not think the problem was related to the ds1 file as it was a. not necessary and b. not converted. The problem must have be xlogic.ds2res. I deleted the file and then replaced it with one off the CD and things work now. I must have incorrectly tanked something when messing with things.
Still have not solved the issue with the pretzel women.
@ Iryan
You where correct once again Iryan. Why should that suprize me? I have no idea its your mod and especially your town, It looks as if you dreamed it he he. The pretzel people where caused by the Y version of the mod not having its priority set properly. I extracted resources version Y and Logic Version Y and re-tanked them at a priority of 35767 and now 99 % of the issues are corrected with the people. There are still several people running about on the various beaches around town, that can not be reached. One of them being the innkeeper and she is still a pretzel. there are also a few others outside the wall on the beach side that I can not reach.
Remember when working with the DS2BW Adepts files They must have a higher priority than anything else or mostly everything else so please set the priority of the resources and logic files you posted to 35767 so I do not loose any more of my mind
I will look into the innkeeper still being pretzel like. The people outside the walls or blocking objects at the beach edge either need to be moved inside the town or some of the blocking objects need to be moved or removed. Oh I know how to get beyond the walls I have not forgotten that trick iryan, but once outside the walls I could not move.
Thank you again for all your help iryan, I am glad one of us still has an operational brain.
She is not the innkeeper, she has the innkeeper icon however and she is a pretzel in both versions X and Y. So the problem has existed for some time, I just never noticed it. I will see what I can find out.
Okay the problem with Dasha is that she is a Female Child (she is in the adepts_yadehtegeis_npc.ds2res and not in the ds2_female_child_npc.gas) why she has the innkeeper icon over her head might be the same as why the girl in Merin had the innkeeper icon over her head. Wonder if they are the same person.
I guess I could modify the template in adepts_yadehtegeis_npc and make her an adult female. But that would be up to you iryan.
Here is the template that Dasha uses found within yadehtegeis_npc
I can see nothing in it that would give her a pretzel shape or the innkeeper icon. Because she is based on townsperson_hf_child_act3 could she be picking up attributes from that character even though Adepts is tanked at a higher priority than DS2 or the Legendary Mod. What the heck am I missing.
Cecily has the same problem out side the Inn in Eirulan not pretzel like but with the inventory icon over her head. The only real difference is what the girls are wearing.
From this I would guess any child based on ds2_child_female_01 on any map would display the InnKeeper icon.
I think you're right about the priority. Even though Dasha is based on a different base template she initially inherits from a DS2 template. Her pretzel like attributes will be coming about as the DS2 human child is based off a completely different model to the human female and so uses completely different set of animations.
The template inheritance line for these two actors could be cleaner and I'm confident that will solve the issue. Give me a few days to sort them out.
Iryan could it be something to do with the legendary mod? I started a game of DS2 so that Adepts and Broken World where not being used. Checked Cecily in Eirulan and although she was not a pretzel she did in fact have the innkeeper icon over her head and she kept looking up at it most likely thinking what the heck is that candle for anyway. Could it be that the legendary mod is messing this up?
Believe it or not the problem turns out to be something in the Legendary Mod. Not Sure exactly what file yet. I discovered by playing a game of DS2 with adepts disabled that Cecily had the innkeeper icon and so did Dasha. Removing the legendary mod files Dasha and Cecily where scaled correctly and dressed properly and did not have the innkeeper icon. I will now put the files back one at a time to see where the problem is. I would almost bet it is one of the maps.
Believe it or not it is the latest version of the Loridan Map. Because on that map Cecily is the daughter of the innkeeper and with the innkeeper and all the other adults off to the wedding the kids are left running the town.
I made the following corrections and things seem to be working as they should in Adepts, vanilla DS2 and Loridan maps.
adding lor_ to the start of the template name.
Then editing world\maps\loridan-1.5LoA\regions\galtohar\objects\actors.gas to add the lor_ to the following template.
Now everything seems fine everywhere
I will repost the map shortly.
Is there a reason Hesla is lying under her bed in the Infermerary in Eirulan?
What version of adepts are you using? X or Y or some other version? Hesla is on the bed in my game. It has something to do with how animations work differently for the standard characters and the Cat Mansion characters. Most of the NIS have issues like Telinu sticking her hammer into her head.
I'm actually not quite sure if all instances of this type of glitch has been fixed or not in Adepts. I'm waiting for all the changes to the Legendary Mod to be finalized before updating Adepts as there's quite a few new and changed npcs in that mod that will require a corresponding revamp in Adepts.
The issue is caused by the different model of the Cat Mansion characters compared to the original DS2 models. Getting them to lie in bed is difficult as the game seems to want to place them on the floor. I spent quite a few hours experimenting and trying different things. Lying down is an animation just like all the other animations. For the DS2 models, just placing them on the hammock is sufficient for them to lie there. For the Cat Mansion characters I had to both reposition them and give them a terrain_movement_permissions = lf_hover; to try to make them float in the air.
As bare_elf replied, perhaps something changed in a version of Adepts. Are the injured guards in their hammocks?
It is odd that I can find Helsa on the bed or under it along with the guards doing whatever Helsa does. Dose not matter if I am using any logic file from H through Y it seems to depend on when I go to the infirmary. If I go prior to the quest for the Hak'u being active they are one way, if I go after they are the other. Can not remember which, because I was working on the Cecily problem. I know in the screen shot I posted I already had Taar in the party. I will look more closely.
Using version Y, Talked to Hesla before going to the Elven Shrine. Have just received the Heirloom Sword Quest I, think I will finish I and II of that quest to see how the fix works.
MLA5q is keeping monsters at 1 level ahead so far in Adepts :thumbup:
Please note that Adepts isn't completely compatible yet with third party maps such as Loridan, which have been converted to be playable in DS2. There is often extra information in the npc templates (model, heads and textures) that will cause them to appear as so called "pretzel" people. That is because they will still inherit from Cat Mansion Characters but will be trying to apply the wrong animations to the specified model. Especially heads will be an issue and I suspect there will be a few instances of characters carrying around their heads in their hands.
Also the recent updates to the Legendary Mod also breaks compatibility to some extent as quite a few npcs have been changed or even added that won't appear properly in Adepts or not appear at all.
Unfortunately it will be some time before the above situation can be fully remedied but support for the third party maps will be easier (basically copying the npc templates to Adepts and renaming all references to models and heads to Cat Mansion equivalents. Textures shouldn't be much of an issue but will have to be tested in-game first. I will attempt to get started on this today.
Just for the fun of it Iryan I took your suggestion about the changes in the templates that would be necessary for the Adepts Mod and decided to make a cat mansion version of the loridan map just for me. I made the changes to the magic vendor and the enchantress and now they are proper cat mansion.
I knew that was the solution but I did not wish to change Adepts so that I could continue to test the heirloom quest and a few other things in the DS2 map and not have to worry about a conflict I created in adepts by adding the loridan characters.
Anyway it works and as soon as I can I will be off through DS2 with Adepts enabled checking the quests from the start.
Hesla and the one guard on that side are under the cot's, the guard on the other side is on her cot. Have just retrieved the Azunite Artifact with my female Carhuman archer having fun launching sharp pointy things at bad guys :silly:
:twisted: . DarkElf's new ring and amulet mod works fine in Adepts
Have started keeping a list of items with icons smaller then the inventory space they take up( 3 so far).
DEmothra works in Adepts just fine, put it in the adepts resource file.
Eva, with frying pan
:woot: in my Favorite past time
Bone Minion Bashing :twisted:
Time to scream "AAAAARGH". Agallan Trial, First waterway opened circle checked. second waterway same, third waterway ditto, fourth waterway done, all circles marked told to proceed to the Agallans and only 3 sstone slabs in place
Finally!, Beach Vacation time (Mothra makes a fine sunshade :silly: ) before going after Valdis.
Hi Iryan
The Agallan Trial
Dungeon Siege 2 version 2.2
DS2BW Adepts version Beta 1X
DS2BW_Adepts_Aranna_Legacy_Logic_Beta3.ds2res – Disabled
Level Adjustment Mod – Disabled
I completed the trial and raised all 4 sections of the bridge. However when I went back up the long stair way and spoke with the Sprite and then entered the room with the bridge only the far section of the bridge was up. I believe this is the same problem Sigofmugmort had a few weeks ago.
I know if I start a BW pre-made character and start a game of DS2 the bridge is complete and I could get to the Agallan Peaks and the town of Yadehtegeis without any problem. Even so I believe this is a problem with Adepts since I never encountered this issue with DS2 or past versions of Adepts.
Seems Sigofmugmort got three bridge sections up I only got 1
I exited the game with the bridge only part way finished. Then As I was typing the last post I said hey wait a minute and restarted the game. went back down to the trial and checked the bridge and it was all there. So now I just spoke with myself and I am off to the save the city of Yadehtegeis
The pirate captain is dead everything in Yadehtegeis is okay when using version Beta X of Adepts (things are still a bet weird with version Beta Y). So I figured it was time to get back to the Agallan Peaks, so I went back to the Yadehtegeis teleporter -- There were 5 locations that I could travel to the cities of Eirulan, Aman'lu and Kalrathia plus the Agallan Peaks and Surprisingly Lush Cave. So never having been there before I decided to visit the cave. However I was not able to open the door. I guess I am missing a key or some other quest item. Based on a comment from bare elf (the one in the game and not me) that the towns people would be very grateful and help me. So I went back to town and spoke with everyone except Butch, Dasha and Miranda all of whom are on the beach and can not be reached. I also looked for batteries for the remote control the pirate captain dropped. Could not get in the door. So I guess I will wait for a clue and head off to the Agallan Peaks.
Surprisingly Lush Cave? Missed that somehow.
That's the secret cave from DS2. You need four items to access it, see the DS2 secret level guide in the menu to the left under Game Resources.
I just made it easier to get to as all 4 items can be obtained in Yadehtegeis for those players (like me) that could never find them all during a regular game (I suspect like all monsters with the Monster Level Adjust Mod, the Loot Thief levels up so doesn't get any easier to kill as you progress through the game).
A question for Bare_elf, did the portal open after you finished the Pirate Quest and saved Yadehtegeis? The other items can be obtained from the storekeepers.
If you are referring to the portal behind my house to the left of the archery school, yes it did once I talked to myself. I picked up the mysterious teleporter activation stone there. Got the required bucket, token and book. However the door still will not open even if I place the items on the right place. It should be noted that three of the four item show up in inventory and one shows in quest items.
Thanks for the tip Iryan I collected the Mysterious Set and have made it to the last door. The Walk Through and the DS2 secret level guide both say pretty much the same thing.
On the west side of the pillow fight arena, stand in front of the door, equip the three Mysterious Set items and manually incant: Requo furtivum ixo
So with the set on and I manually incanted the chant. Forgot for a minute how to do that. In DS1 it was Ctrl Enter for got it was just Enter to open the window in DS2
So now in the last room looking in trunks. Hope there is something worthwhile![Smile](https://siegetheday.org/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/Roving/smile.png)
Well DS2 with Adepts is complete. The final battle with Valdis took less than 5 minutes whereas the prairie dogs in the Lush Cave took every bit of my parties powers and a second trip to Yadehtegeis for more mana potions from Kathy's coffee shop. Maybe the final battle should be with the Boss Prairie dog and not Valdis. But then again how could the prairie dog use the Sword without any thumbs. All the Primary and Secondary Quests functioned correctly, The town of Yadehtegeis was fine (except for the three people you can not reach) I am not sure if the pretzel people those poor souls carrying their heads in their hands have been fixed in Beta 1Y yet but are okay in version Beta 1X except for 3 in the lush cave (I would guess they really do not need fixing since they are only some of the game designers). Iryan I would suggest that you still verify that the poor pretzel people do not exist in your version of Beta 1X since I may have corrected the one or two that existed in my copy. As you remember the issue was being caused by the Loridan Map. What would you like me to look at next Iryan?