Mod Title: dualwield2hand.ds2res
This mod makes the normal, unique, set and rare 2 handed axes, 2 handed swords and 2 handed hammers available as normal, unique, and rare 1 handed axes, hammers and swords so dual wielders and shield bearers can use them with one hand.
Author: Dark_Elf
ReadMe Template by Sharkull
Mod Version Number: 1.0
Release Date: 7 July 2011
Mod Size (approx.): 9,712 Bytes
Web Site:
Installation Instructions:
Place dualwield2hand.ds2res into the Dungeon Siege 2 Resources folder.
Uninstall Instructions:
1. remove dualwield2hand.ds2res from the Resources directory.
Requirements / Compatibility
This mod requires Dungeon Siege 2
Compatibility issues:
This mod should not conflict with DS2, DS2BW, or any other mod.
If you find any problems please email me or send me a comment at SiegeTheDay .
Version History
1.0 First Release
Mod Details
Single Player: Y
Multi-Player: Y
Difficulty Settings: N
New Graphics: N
New Sounds / Music: N
New Weapons: Y
New Armor: N
New Spells: N
New Misc. Items (Rings, Amulets...): N
New Character(s): N
New Enemy Type(s): N
Modified Experience / Attribute System: N
Modified Loot Drops: N
Modified Container: N
Modified GUI: N
Modified / Custom Map: N
Modified other: ...
Modding Tools Used: Notepad, and DS2 Tank Creator.
Content provided by: GasPoweredGames and Dark_Elf
Permission is given to use this mod for game playing and you may use any of the items contained herein as long as credit is given to the author. This mod can be redistributed unchanged and may not be sold in part or in whole.
All title and intellectual property rights to the content of this mod are the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties.
Gas Powered Games and Dungeon Siege 2 are the exclusive trademarks of Gas Powered Games Corp and Microsoft. Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World is the exclusive trademark of Gas Powered Games and 2K Games
The author(s) of this mod accepts no responsibility for damage to data, or physical damage to hardware, caused by the appropriate or inappropriate use of this mod.
Future Additions or Changes:
Hopefully to correct bugs if found.
work in BW? any link for download??
it is on the first line after the title. It should work with Broken World since Broken World reads the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder for information contained within.
Old mod but still play the game. This mod doesnt seem to work anymore. Game still reads weapons as two-handed and can't be dual wielded.
I will have to reinstall the mod and check it out.
1. thanks for using my mod, its nice to know people use them.
2. sorry it not working for u now.
3. I think there may be 2 issues, but 1 is this a steam version of DungeonSiege2-bw? also it has been long time since it was tanked, may have to retank it to a 2019 version date just to fool the resources.
4. I have win 10 now and ds2 not installed I will try to look at this mod sometime.
Works alright for me. The only nitpick about this mod is that it does not affect new weapons from other mods (such as the Legendary Mod).
Make them fast attack speed,and add sword of zaramoth(proper leight).Someone make it on this site.
Why no one make valdis armor.
I would recommend looking around the DS2 download area. I seem to remember someone made Valdis Armor
Make them fast attack speed,and add sword of zaramoth(proper leight).
I cant find it (Valdis Armor).You didnt respond on changing attack speed and add sword of zaramoth(proper leight).
Can you make weapons from BW-More_Hair_Plus_V4 mod same as Dual Wield 2 Handed Weapons.