DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread
Submitted by iryan on Tue, 2012-04-24 23:39 | ||
This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World. Full version Installer version DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB Split version Installer version Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01 Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't. The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below. Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules; Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link; Mod Game Manual Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine. The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread; https://siegetheday.org/?q=node/1330 Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions. Partial Language Translations Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions. forums: |
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How about a game of Dire Wolf Polo -- the only thing required is a ranged weapon and a full grown Dire Wolf.
Kingdom of Ehb 32H
Monster Level Adjust Status LOCAL
Save Location
Pirate Cove Direct Connect
Quest Log
Primary Quests Act 1 – Completed
Secondary Quests Act 1 – Clear Edgaar's Basement, Skrubb the Beach Clean, Find Ordus' Axe, Clear
Glitterdelve Pass, Rescue Torg, Sister's Message, Book Return, Homeless Blacksmith.
Primary Quests Act 2 – Warding Staff
Secondary Quests Act 2 – Mysterious Relic, Merik's Staff, Confront Bandit Boss, Shades of White, Purify the Temple, Deactivate Goblin Machines, Pirates,
Comments, Fixes That Work, Errors, Problems
1. All quests appear to be working correctly
2. All Monsters appear to be leveling correctly.
3. What site range do mature Dire Wolves have? Sometimes even in mirror mode they will run off after monsters that are out of the range of my Rangers. In rampage mode they always do.
Party Members
Ha'jara Level 41 Sharpshooter
Naidi Level 41 Sharpshooter
Ulora Level 41 Magus
Lorun Level 41 Magus
Lili's Dog Level 41 Dire Wolf
Bare Elf's Dog Level 41 Dire Wolf
Kingdom of Ehb 32H
Monster Level Adjust Status LOCAL
Save Location
Fortress Kroth
Quest Log
Primary Quests Act 1 – Completed
Secondary Quests Act 1 – Completed
Primary Quests Act 2 – Warding Staff, Acient Evil
Secondary Quests Act 2 – Completed
Comments, Fixes That Work, Errors, Problems
1. All quests appear to be working correctly
2. All Monsters appear to be leveling correctly. However Googore harder to kill than Fury Spawn.
3. Odd break in radar image Hall of Skulls
Party Members
Ha'jara Level 44 Sharpshooter
Naidi Level 44 Sharpshooter
Ulora Level 44 Magus
Sikra Level 43 Magus
Lili's Dog Level 44 Dire Wolf
Bare Elf's Dog Level 44 Dire Wolf
Thanks, should now be fixed in the next version.
Yes that's an old bug from back when I first added the extra room to the Hall of Skulls. It's the same as the crypts, adding extra rooms mucks up the radar layout.
I have redone the radars as per the method I used for the Ancient Crypts in the Utraean Peninsula but I haven't had time to test them out in-game.
I'm just about through the long list of fixes and tweaks, so should get to test them by the weekend if no other bugs surface.
But I know it's famous issue, and I think even Blizzard 'suffered' this (during the Beta of Diablo 3, wasn't it!?), bypassing this discussion however for Diablo 3 by naming this pre-crafted type of items 'exceptional items' and not 'unique items'.
So a matter of name definition, and if you communicate that these items are items of an unique resp. superior quality level, there seems to be much less critisism if you find items with the same name twice (...inprobable anyway with the drop rates Diablo had/has).
If there are feedbacks, then 'Crap complaints' are more probable...
Basically however I think that item balancing is a core task within the item creation - even if making a cool texture or a spectacular item effect takes much longer.
So comparing the new item with existing items, pcontent.gas bonus system/restrictions, and respecting the formulas in amr_bases.gas or wpn_bases.gas would be a good and representive base to start the balancing of an item or its bonuses.
In this context, as cool it might be, I consider a bow range of 15m as very critical as soon as you add first few skill points 'Far Shot' skill.
Remind maybe, many monsters can only see ~16m, unable to react on such attacks. Perhaps GPG had this in mind, once - when they designed bows with 9m and 10m ranges (although, 10m with >16 skill points becomes sight-range-critical then too).
And even if monsters could see the attacker, group restrinctions by 'couches', faulty path-finding and no 'get away' (or even 'get cover') routine make it inpossible for monsters to attack back or to perform at least a minimum of appropriate actions.
So balacing this 'technical advantage' of a 15m range is quite diffiicult ...much less damage in excahnge? ...much slower speed!? ...more aiming errors? (like 'Blind' curse does), ...
With fixed stats it also would be useful to replace with a rare one if the difference between item level and current hero level is too high.
Kingdom of Ehb 32H
Monster Level Adjust Status LOCAL
Save Location
Cliffs of Fire
Quest Log
Primary Quests Act 1 – Completed
Secondary Quests Act 1 – Completed
Primary Quests Act 2 – Completed
Secondary Quests Act 2 – Completed
Comments, Fixes That Work, Errors, Problems
1. All quests appear to be working correctly
2. All Monsters appear to be leveling correctly.
3. New upper gate Cliffs of Fire works great. Will not open without speaking to Nonataya, and opens once you have spoken to him.
Party Members
Ha'jara Level 46 Sharpshooter
Naidi Level 46 Sharpshooter
Ulora Level 46 Magus
Sikra Level 45 Magus
Lili's Dog Level 46 Dire Wolf
Bare Elf's Dog Level 46 Dire Wolf
2.2, Mod Logic Beta32h, Map UP Beta32g, MLA Beta5r set to Disabled
Level 45 party, becomes 46 in forest
Party's trips to eastern island and to lava caverns "never happened", i.e. I reverted to the save when they'd just returned to the surface at Hiroth after clearing out the Maljin dungeon. This time they returned to Elddim and completely explored both the Lang Mire road and the Great Northern Forest. (I started by drawing my own map from my old DS1 game in which I'd previously emptied the forest of monsters. Nice banter in the fairy meadow.)
Party banter on the road to Lang: it used to be a busy route, but since the few legionnaires left cannot keep it open, everybody uses the Basilicus teleport system instead. So why is party on foot? Because in this version of the map the teleport works only for those who've registered themselves at both ends, remember - so no inconsistency.
Side ledge where raider mini-boss is (FARMLAND_AND_CHAPEL 0.916/0.000/-2.204 0xFC6B5E68 to FARMLAND_AND_CHAPEL 0.092/0.000/2.586 0x41D66020): here in particular are many generators but they are slow to operate, party could be long gone before extra Krug appear from hiding.
Great Explorer? Tourist more like, with that new ugly great path to follow (making the quest arrow and the waypoints it aims at unnecessary, and the signposts, and all the slightly-cryptic instructions it must have taken time but been fun to write). Good fun for the player chasing after those jump-all-over-the-place Ha'ku. DS2 and/or Elys' All Saves (even with See Far Hack disabled) let one see more than in DS1, making things easier. With the advantage of hindsight I'd say a competent player should be able to find Maegwin just from one instruction, "The forest has many rivers but all from a single source. Keep going upstream and uphill besides any river until you come to the tallest waterfall; look above it for Mitromus and I".
Party banter on sighting Maegwin is likely to be interrupted by monster attack.
Party then went by Loolah's elevator to Eastern Island and by the tunnel from there to the desert. The Eastern Island and Lost Pyramids quests both completed correctly when done this way. Going along the tunnel, however, there was no quest star at the end and, doing the pyramid in reverse, the "entered Lost Pyramid of the Spirits" message came up only when party was on the threshold of exiting. Exiting triggered correctly "entered Endless Dunes".
Monster levels: Krug Chuckers (like Water Slingers they don't always get their range right, by the way, sometimes landing their shots continuously a meter short - is this a general shortcoming in DS2?) level 15 when most monsters in that part of the Elddim Lowlands about 6 (Krug raiders 10, their mini-boss 11, but they are up on one side ledge and in getting that far hero will have increased from starting 3). In the GNF, Forest Klaws 27 (in large isolated section north of the river at the southwest end of the forest), Black Wolves 36 when Grey Wolves 39. (Wolves mentioned for the record but since there are two black wolf templates already (for Ehb), 36 the higher, "turn on MLA" is sufficient answer.) Raptor Summons (by Ha'ku Witch Doctor) level 9. Low level parties looking around Iliarth Divide before entering the Ancient Crypts will have great difficulty reaching all the Grey Wolves (level 5 ones there) at the forest edge without attracting Ha'ku, perhaps an empty buffer zone is called for.
U32g#90. Eastern island, top of ramp (first level) off south beach, west end, Chomper there won't attack, I suspect it is stuck. ISLAND -1.221/-4.000/-3.958 0x82C4EF8C. (Two more elsewhere might have the same problem, unconfirmed.)
U32g#91. Radar not working across Great Northern Forest boundaries, neither with Elddim Lowlands nor with Illiarth Divide. (Radar outside forest region line does not see in, radar inside does not see out.)
U32g#92. Maegwin's convo "...ballads of in future years.n"
U32g#93. Mitromus Wyman's convo, original reference to bandits has been changed to Ha'ku, but why change from wolves to "enough blasted cats" when there are wolves about, but no cats? NB although he has a sword, if party is attacked (e.g. by wolves) when it is next to him he does not join the fight. Jessa Alberd did. Second time convo, hero's negative is "I didn't want to disturb. Farewell" - disturb you please. (And I cannot promise I've checked every merchant for this shortcoming.)
U32g#94. Loolah greets party with male voice. By the way, two barrels beside her are breakable but I didn't want to break them - too like armed robbery against her. Same for the first few floors up (until mucosas started coming down). It was bad enough finding the Elddim town map by burglary of the butcher's house within sight of his back.
Re-report from the Swamp
This Tretch still does nothing when attacked. It looks like the hill is blocking its sight as well as the sight of non-active party members
(I remembered to mark the sight this time)
All items have been added to the list of things to fix or revise - And I've just cleared up the list as well. Oh well, this will keep me busy for a while.
I'll comment on a couple of the more interesting report titbits.
I suspect because his convo was borrowed from LOU and in that version of the Utraean Peninsula there were cats - cats as in Hassats from LOA. Players who played LOU and this mod would probably noticed that the LOA monsters used in LOU have generally been replaced by monsters from DS2 where they fitted the situation ( personally I love using the Mercrus monsters in the swamps - they fit so much better there than their default desert setting in DS2).
I could probably reskin the Skath Cats and call them leopards, jaguars or panthers or some such and replace the wolves with them? Or replace some of the million or so Ha'ku with them.
I have no such qualms about armed robbery against npcs in rpg games. Especially in Japanese rpgs it's almost a given that you're meant to search around towns for items and weapons to start you off.
But those barrels near Loola could easily be made non usable by the party as is the norm in the shops around the various towns. And it could be a nice variation to get some friendly npc in Elddim giving you the map when you ask for directions, rather than finding it in a chest.
2.2, Mod Logic Beta32h, Map UP Beta32g, MLA Beta5r set to Disabled
Level 46 party
Finished! (Shall I take the Windows 10 plunge now?) Been everywhere - though not in a single sequence, which should get party to level 47, even with the down-level monsters reported. Everywhere except in the endless dunes, that is - I reached the pyramids by the simplest course from simplest starting point.
Lore - all quest items found. Blank spots in lore maps 1.2 (by which I mean number 2 on page 1) which logically should be map of Crystwind, and 2.2 (between Cloud Forest and Mt.Utrae, so no idea what I'm missing there). Blank spots on lore book pages 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.4, 4.1 and 5.1. Are these all books I should have found but failed to? Last filled spot is 6.1, Battle for the Portal which would go better at 2.2.
Last lot of monster levels - Iliarth Falls section (downriver route from Divide to Crystwind) has the same mixture of monsters as the Hovart Marshes, including boars 14 and hyenas 12. Snappers in the river, the one pool that must be waded, level 5. Krug range from 5 (Scouts and Dogs) to 17, plus a Commander level 20 (comes early on if travelling towards Crystwind). Bone minion 18. Reminder - this party was level 11 at Iliarth Divide (could have been raised by exploring more of the Elddim-Lang road first) and level 18 at Crystwind after Hovart (so then clearing out the river route from that end would have worked quite well, certainly as a way to catch up levels if not enough done earlier).
Trial of Gallus: Colonel Norrick level 47, which matched, but chickens level 30. I've never done Gallus in DS1 - isn't it meant for really high elite? - but from what I've read aren't the chickens all melee attackers except the Chris Taylor one magic? Here it is the opposite, and didn't even have different chickens using different magics. When developing a party I make sure to almost-max-out everybody's elemental resistances, including by sticking with Spirit Embrace once somebody can cast it, which as a side effect means chickens' Drown curses don't stick.
More about those cliff-side elevator platforms - often they don't gather everybody when lever is pulled, but sometimes they do. Sometimes when not, at the top (going up) pulled lever to go straight back down, where the left-behind party members then got on without having to be told. So time allowed for gathering if not the whole answer could be an extra complication.
Reminder - this party has been MLA-disabled throughout. They started at 32d, went to logic 32f leaving Fallraen, map and logic 32g after the Fury Den, logic 32h after the Maljin. Elddim-Lang road (beyond finding scythe), Illiarth Falls river section and Sulphur Tunnels omitted when up-levelling, which also suffered from low level monsters especially from Ancient Crypts to the Crystwind Old Mine entrance. Apart from those omissions, all areas explored completely.
Start level 3. (I like that, don't remember that I ever said so)
entering crypts 11, Hovart's Folly (south) 13, Old Mine 17, snow forest 21, Ancient Temple 26
after side trip to quarry, leader reached level 31 vs pirates before Meren
entering Lang Mire 33, Redwood forest (after goblins) 36
leader reached 39 early in Iliarth canyon
entering dragon catacombs 41, 43 at exit from Hiroth Castle mausoleum, 45 vs Maljin
Party was 4 strong before Crystwind (one of each, with the nature mage added either before or after the crypts and the combat mage I believe after finishing Hovart), added another mage at Meren shortly followed by Sinaht. Sinaht developed as a dual-wield fighter whereas hero was a shield specialist, both with nature magic as secondary skill. Ivlsar put skill points into fire magic and Briahra into lightning. Nature mage had ranged as her secondary skill (switched to throwing weapon later on, maybe not the best choice but fun, first with a weapon from a set then with a worthwhile unique).
Having some DS2 monster types helps say, "yes this is the same world".
Kingdom of Ehb 32H
Monster Level Adjust Status LOCAL
Save Location
Gom's Throne
Quest Log
Primary Quests Act 1 – Completed
Secondary Quests Act 1 – Completed
Primary Quests Act 2 – Completed
Secondary Quests Act 2 – Completed
Primary Quests Act 3 – Completed
Secondary Quests Act 3 – Completed
Comments, Fixes That Work, Errors, Problems
1. All quests appear to be working correctly, except Chamber of Stars, although all 4 sub steps are completed, the quest does not show as checked off and I did pick up every item in the chamber of stars.
2. The Gom was suitably hard to kill.
3. The Mysterious Portal to and from the Gom's Throne works great, went up and down several times to test it.
Party Members
Ha'jara Level 50 Master Sharpshooter
Naidi Level 50 Master Sharpshooter
Ulora Level 50 Magus
Sikra Level 50 Magus
Lili's Dog Level 50 Dire Wolf
Bare Elf's Dog Level 50 Dire Wolf
Utraean Peninsula 32H
DS1_Mod_Logic_Beta32h and DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_Beta32g
Broken World AllSaves
Monster Level Adjust Status LOCAL
Save Location
Iliarth Valley Direct Connect
Quest Log
Primary Quests Act 1 –
Secondary Quests Act 1 – A Farmer's Scythe, A New Way to Travel, Orchard Cellar,
Comments, Fixes That Work, Errors, Problems
1. All quests appear to be working correctly.
2. Monsters leveling Correctly.
Party Members
Habren (it means prickly cactus.) Level 12 Marksman
Tiahna Level 12 Marksman
Arisu Level 12 Wizard
Ivlisar Level 12 Wizard
Path2Crypts Utraean Militia Swordsman conversation refers to the old Displacer Platforms and not the new Direct Connect Teleporters. Conversation could be revised.
Old Conversation:
[conversation_guard] { [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_m_friendly_hail;
// order = 0;
screen_text = "Hail, friend. It's not often I come across travelers while out on patrol. This area is crawling with monsters, but it's even worse in the Great Northern Forest to the north. If you don't feel up to it, you can always head back to Elddim through Iliarth Valley. However, most travellers out this way are interested in the Ancient Crypt just to the southeast across the bridge.";
sample = s_vo_npc_m_friendly_hello_there;
// screen_text = "One of the Legion's old Displacer Platforms is located just outside the entrance to the Ancient Crypt. We don't use it much these days, but I just checked it a few days ago and it seems to be working as well as can be expected. If you're missing town life, just touch the statuette and you'll be whisked back to Elddim in a blink of an eye. You'll find it up on the plateau southeast across the bridge here.";
screen_text = "Hello there! One of the Legion's old Displacer Platforms is located just outside the entrance to the Ancient Crypt. We don't use it much these days, but I just checked it a few days ago and it seems to be working as well as can be expected. If you're missing town life, just touch the statuette and you'll be whisked back to Elddim in a blink of an eye. You'll find it up on the plateau southeast across the bridge here.";
screen_text = "Phew! I might be forced to cut my patrol short and hop on the Displacer Platform myself if this stench continues. I'm already sick as a dog, and that's not safe with monsters lurking in the bushes everywhere I turn.";
New Conversation
[conversation_guard] { [text*] { sample = s_vo_npc_m_friendly_hail;
// order = 0;
screen_text = "Hail, friend. It's not often I come across travelers while out on patrol. This area is crawling with monsters, but it's even worse in the Great Northern Forest to the north. If you don't feel up to it, you can always head back to Elddim through Iliarth Valley. However, most travellers out this way are interested in the Ancient Crypt just to the southeast across the bridge.";
sample = s_vo_npc_m_friendly_hello_there;
screen_text = "Hello there! One of the Legion's new Direct Connect Teleporters is located just outside the entrance to the Ancient Crypt. We don't use it much these days, but I just checked it a few days ago and it seems to be working as expected. If you're missing town life, just activate the platform and save and when you restart you'll be whisked back to Elddim in a blink of an eye. You'll find it up on the plateau southeast across the bridge here.";
screen_text = "Phew! I might be forced to cut my patrol short and hop on the Direct Connect Teleporter myself if this stench continues. I'm already sick as a dog, and that's not safe with monsters lurking in the bushes everywhere I turn.";
Also note it appears that the Acient Crypt Radar is rotated 90 degrees left.
Utraean Peninsula 32H
DS1_Mod_Logic_Beta32h and DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_Beta32g
Broken World AllSaves
Monster Level Adjust Status LOCAL
Save Location
Quest Log
Primary Quests Act 1 – Elddim Town Stone,
Secondary Quests Act 1 – A Farmer's Scythe, A New Way to Travel, Orchard Cellar, Hovart's Folly,
Comments, Fixes That Work, Errors, Problems
1. All quests appear to be working correctly.
2. Monsters leveling Correctly.
3. Ancient Crypts Radar rotated 90 degrees left.
4. Hovart's Folly Radar is correct no problems.
Party Members
Habren (it means prickly cactus.) Level 20 Marksman
Tiahna Level 20 Marksman
Arisu Level 20 Sorceress
Ivlisar Level 20 Sorcerer
Thank you for the continuing reports. The radar has been reported before and is now fixed in the unreleased version I'm working on which will have over 80 fixes, tweaks and revisions over Beta 32H.
The convos reported in your previous post are new and will be added to the list.
There's no timeline on when the next beta will be released as progress is slow and currently I'm working on changing all of the unique items using a new flick script which will generate them according to the heroes' level. However the old levelling versions will still be available but with a catch - the hero will have to be level 100 or more to acquire them with I believe will be acceptable as there's no levelled items available at that level.
There is no need for a time line on the release of the next beta, since there is a lot of things to do. I like the idea of the unique items being generated according to the heroes' level. I will have to work on getting a party to level 100 to find some of the old leveling versions
(I'm on Windows 10, yea!)
2.2, Mod Logic Beta32h, Map UP Beta32g, MLA Beta5r set to Disabled
+++EDIT+++ Dornek's Quarry
U32g#96. Banter when party is heading from Mt.Elspen DC towards first crossroads on way to quarry - why this way? "The direct route [to Meren] is through the Sulphur Tunnels back the other way." Think you mean Crystal Caverns.
U32d#40. Three unwanted black patches (two on the ground flickering, the other vertical) - fade problem? - north west sector of quarry rim, e.g. QUARRY -0.796/11.835/0.170 0x5EBD39E6: no such problem (when going round the rim clockwise) before going to the quarry bottom. Problem present after having been down, I suspect because the Sulphur Tunnels region starts directly underneath.
Utraean Peninsula 32H
DS1_Mod_Logic_Beta32h and DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_Beta32g
Broken World AllSaves
Monster Level Adjust Status LOCAL
I have found a few problems between Fallraen and Merin.
1. Entrance Elevator Ancient Temple has no gather point. Party when in Rampage mode runs from elevator - if they are in mirror mode and none of them are on elevator when level is pressed all works as it should.
2. Confirming what Richard found. Dornek's Stone Quarry Quest -- After talking to Dornek we followed the path toward Lang. Completed steps one and two of the quest. On reaching the quarry, we killed all the monsters on the first level, then the second level, the down the stairs and we killed the Ancient Troll and his gang at the bottom. checked quest log and steps 1, 2 and 3 completed. Then we spoke to Hogar Stonehammer and he said there was nothing he could do because the mine was a wreck and there where monsters running about. His quest marker is a gray ? and not orange. The quest star remains on the floor of the mine (radar). So quest does not complete and Hogar does not open a portal. I checked this twice by going back to a previous save just before the Ancient Temple Entrance.
Something good on the path to Merin.
Radar in the ancient temple looks great, I can see nothing wrong.
I will go back to that save and continue on to Merin, when the quarry quest issue is resolved I can always go back and have a look.
Utraean Peninsula 32H
DS1_Mod_Logic_Beta32h and DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_Beta32g
Broken World AllSaves
Monster Level Adjust Status LOCAL
Save Location
Quest Log
Primary Quests Act 1 – Completed
Secondary Quests Act 1 – Completed
Primary Quests Act 2 –
Secondary Quests Act 2 – Pirates of Merin
Comments, Fixes That Work, Errors, Problems
1. Dornek's Quarry Quest does not complete - see post Utraean Peninsula 32H Notes 2A
2. Monsters leveling Correctly.
3. Ancient Temple Entrance Elevator no gather point - see post Utraean Peninsula 32H Notes 2A
4. Ancient Temple Radar good.
5. Crystal Cavern's Radar good.
Party Members
Habren (it means prickly cactus.) Level 34 Sharpshooter
Tiahna Level 34 Sharpshooter
Xavier Level 34 Assassin
Arisu Level 34 Magus
Briahra Level 33 Magus
Ivlisar Level 24 Magus
There's a new version beta32i which sadly misses the couple of bug reports from today. Though the Quarry should be fixed and the Ancient Troll has been restored. Killing the monsters near Hogar should allow him to finish the quest.
I've included two new quests, to encourage exploration of the rest of Castle Hiroth and to encourage finding the Lava Caverns. There has also been extensive overhauls of the Flooded Sanctuary Quest and the Threat to Hiroth. Unfortunately all of the above may mess up with your current saves.
There are also about 70 other fixes, tweaks and revisions to the Utraean Peninsula based on the valued feedback from bare_elf, RSimpkinuk57 and sigofmugmort. A list is included in this pdf;
You may notice that technically you don't need to kill all the monsters in the Flooded Sanctuary to continue. This is because 1) sometimes the accumulate trigger doesn't capture all the kills properly so I added an extra one per task and 2) the shrack fish don't need to be killed at all - it would be mind boggling to try to kill them all.
Purists may not like the changes to the Threat to Hiroth quest as progress is blocked until you clear the bottom level of the castle (even if you don't get the quest officially). The exit of the Mausoleum is also blocked until you defeat the boss so no short cuts to Grescal and then back to Hiroth by the back entrance.
The Pit of Despair has also been extensively overhauled but I've yet to check out the changes in-game (I got lost on my single attempt- have to download a map). The first part should be restored to how the original worked, i.e. you have to find the three skulls to unlock the door to the next maze. All doppelgangers have been removed so there's no opposition in this first section of the maze.
The next part introduces floating monsters for ambience but should be fairly straightforward and the next maze should also require that you collect 4 lost artifacts to unlock the door (you shouldn't need to put them on the altar and collect the resultant ankh, just collect them) and then navigate the stairway maze to the end. Hopefully the boss should also be a little tougher.
The only person in Elddim that I can not speak to is Ivlisar and therefore I can not hire him. I checked and I was able to speak to all the other hireable characters, all the quest givers, all the shop keepers and everyone else in town. When you click on Ivlisar the conversation icon appears but he says nothing. Therefore the error is either in his conversation or the flick that controls it. If he has not been changed since 32g what made him stop working?
If you download the DS1_Mod_Logic_Beta32i.ds2res file again, the problem should now be fixed. Ended up being exactly the same problem as occurred in Ehb a little while ago, his talk flick had an error in it. He now should talk to you fine.
I also believe I fixed Hogar's problem in the Quarry. Again it was in his talk flick, it was referring to the previous task not his task, so killing the monsters stopped the quest from continuing (if you ignored the monsters and talked to him instead the quest probably would have completed - I believe this was stated before by someone when they first reported it).
The banter is also fixed but won't show up in this version as I didn't want a large file to be downloaded for such a minor thing.
I also looked at the elevator in the Ancient Temple. There are gather points already present and I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary with the lever, so it's a mystery why the party is acting that way. It will have to wait until I have time to play through that section to see what's happening.
Eldim Map, suggest it be given by either the Captain or the Engineer as both would realistically have such a map
Starting a new party at level 6 with a blood Assassin Arisu as well as Buttons and Buttercup (2 Mothra's)
I downloaded DS1_Mod_Logic_Beta32i.ds2res again and started a new game just to make sure and Ivlisar still has no conversation. I am just wondering if the link was updated?
Items are not showing a tag when dropped, while the Fire giant Kings Hammer is HUGE, the bows are easily missed.
The Hammer has a LARGE discrepancy between the damage it says it does and the actual damage.
Bows so far have no title in their description, Heart Stopper has a level 74 req. but a damage of 3 to 6.
Starting a new UP game I can speak to Ivlisar with no problem. I'd downloaded 32i map and logic just after 10 but to be on the safe side downloaded the logic again at 10.56 (UTC). It was tanked at 09.33 UTC today (and the map at 06.36).
What I don't know is what GAS file in there has the flicks.
That little test was just an aside I've quit from without saving. For my main test I've returned to my MLA-local party languishing at Meren but wound their clock back to when they'd just reached Fallraen. They'd promised to clear out the barracks but not done anything about it because they wanted to offload some inventory first. They have now kept that promise, been into the Furok cave (by the side entrance) and found the priest dead. They cannot resurrect him but the apprentice (when told the news) doesn't ask them to now so that's fine. They've defeated the frost queen and when I left them had just spoken to Dornek.
I also had them portal back to (and forward again from) the "Jessa Alberd" DC at the mine exit. Blocked road, absence of inaccessible barrels and soldier's convo fix all confirmed.
Party in rampage mode gathers correctly onto the Ancient Temple elevator if the selected primary character is already on it when told to pull the lever. If not, that is when everybody else runs onto it and hastily off again.
I still can not speak to Ivlisar, Deleted old files, downloaded and reinstalled both files at 4:38 PST 40 minutes ago. Deleted character. Created new character started a new game. Went to the church and clicked on Ivlisar and he will not talk. Next I will try the game from DS2 since my previous tries have been from Broken World. Can to speak to him using the DS2 AllSaves Start. Now I will start removing mods. Removed all mods not directly related to the legendary mod and I still can not speak to him. I even tried getting so close to him that I was standing on him and he will not talk. I tried three restarts with new character with Monster Level adjust set to off, local and all. That did not work either. So there is something amiss in Elddim.
I found the problem. There appears to be a conflict between Utraean Peninsula ( KillerGremal Map ) and Utraean Peninsula SE (Iryan Map) If I disable Mod-DS1Map-Utrea-Alpha10.ds2res and Mod-DS1Map-Utrea-Alpha10q-Update.ds2res Ivlisar works just fine. I will put the files back one at a time to see which is causing the conflict. The file causing the conflict is Mod-DS1Map-Utrea-Alpha10q-Update.ds2res. For now I will not run KillerGermal's version of the Utraean Peninsula as I am testing Utraean Peninsula SE
Utraean Peninsula 32I
Broken World AllSaves
Monster Level Adjust Status LOCAL
Save Location
Quest Log
Primary Quests Act 1 –
Secondary Quests Act 1 - Farmer's Scythe, Orchard Cellar,
Comments, Fixes That Work, Errors, Problems
1. Issue I had with hiring Ivlisar was a map conflict between Utraean Peninsula and Utraean Peninsula SE. See Previous post for details.
2. Monsters leveling Correctly.
3. Quests Working Correctly
Party Members
Ibon (Archer) Level 5 Adept
Tiahna Level Level 5 Adept
Arisu Level 5 Acolyte
Ivlisar Level 5 Hedge Wizard
Utraean Peninsula 32I
Broken World AllSaves
Monster Level Adjust Status LOCAL
Save Location
Quest Log
Primary Quests Act 1 – Elddim Town Stone,
Secondary Quests Act 1 – Farmer's Scythe, Hovart's Folly, A New Way to Travel, Orchard Cellar,
Comments, Fixes That Work, Errors, Problems
1. Monsters leveling Correctly.
2. Quests Working Correctly.
3. Conversation Fix Near Entrance to Ancient Crypts about DC Teleporters sounds good.
4. Ancient Crypts Radar looks good no errors in orientation.
5. Hovart's Folly Radar looks good no errors in orientation.
6. Unique Names for DC Teleporters good so far.
7. Conversation Fix at exit of Hovart's Folly fits location very nicely.
Party Members
Ibon (Archer) Level 19 Marksman
Tiahna Level 19 Marksman
Arisu Level 19 Wizard
Ivlisar Level 19 Wizard
All the unique items are to be completely overhauled so that they will still be unique and appropriately levelled but won't level with the hero anymore. For example if you play KOE with a new hero you'll get a level 7 or so heartstopper but if you play it with a level 80 hero you'll get a level 79 heartstopper.
Very strange. There was definitely a problem with Ivlisar's talk flick which stopped him from talking as I verified the problem and by fixing the error in the talk flick, he started talking again. And I haven't KillerGremal's Multiplayer world installed (his version of the Utraean Peninsula uses Multiplayer_world for the map's folder name while the SE version uses Utraean_peninsula).
I checked Mod-DS1Map-Utrea-Alpha10q-Update.ds2res and there's nothing there used in the Legendary Mod, so why that's causing an issue I can't explain.