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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

2.2, Beta33a (from Installer), MLA Local Monster-adjust-declared. All*Saves v1

Farm to Stonebridge, making my Farmer primarily ranger. It all played very well. Got a Lyssa's Bow off Klandank but I consider the Heartstopper's magic to be better so used that for the run into town. Have hired Naidi at Stonebridge (and put Gyorn into the inn); leaving Stonebridge she and my hero will both be using Spidersilk Bows because the shop had two of them, but Altan's Leather is good enough that the shop had nothing my hero wanted to change it for.

No juvenile delinquency from Krug scavengers this time.

MLA randomly made Skeleton Captain in the crypts level 10-point-something which was red level but only just - two arrows into it was enough to raise my hero bringing the mini-boss into orange range. (The other mini-boss came out at level 7 and the Ruby Gargoyle at 9) What's wanted here is for KillerGremal to make MLA handle bosses differently in Local mode: random variation between region mid-level and region max-level, never higher.

KOE Changes Log Beta33a (excerpts) wrote:

  • 2 Krugs at FH_R3 get stuck near where the path drops down a level from the watch tower and is curving left around a rock face.
  • Edgaar should have orange ! Quest-giver icon
  • Cage_glb_breakable gives name of target instead of caged phrak or similar
  • Meat not working at way to Stonebridge below Watch Tower
  • Sparkle effect on special chests still appearing when region loaded again
  • Alanna's icon doesn't change color when returning for reward *maybe
  • Alanna convo portrait has right hair color but wrong style

  • one Krug stuck there this time
  • Edgaar has orange icon (good) but ? (not good)
  • cages still show as "target" (but the Phraks from them are now all at the right level)
  • still cannot get potions from the meat - could it be too many stones around the fire putting meat out of characters' reach?
  • sparkle never disappears from chest in Farmer's cottage when worn dagger collected for journal, nor from bookcase in the next house when History of Crypts lorebook collected (I've now tested reloading at Stonebridge and running party all the way back to the farm - the sparkles that did disappear have all stayed disappeared)
  • Alanna's icon - maybe not. Unfixable?
  • Alanna's portrait hairstyle still the plait-each-side: her actual hair is short

Ka01. (problem now where there wasn't one before) nothing happens when try to open sparkling locker in Edgaar's basement that should yield map of Upper Farmlands

I plan to continue on with the 32q version of Kingdom of Ehb on one computer and make a new character for 33a on the other computer and run through Kingdom of Ehb Think I will name her Elf 33a

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
Yes, in theory a user id without Windows administrator privilege should be able to install the mod. But what about installing AllSaves, which I believe updates the registry?

The old levelling unique items are certainly part of the problem with my saved heroes, I'd established that, but maybe not all of it. Time to shove them all to the back of the cupboard and start out again with some new ones.

I can't comment on AllSaves other than the special hacked version made to work with Steam, which uses the same installer program as does the Legendary Mod.

Sorry you had to put your old characters back into the cupboard. Hopefully there'll be no more issues.

2.3 (Broken World), Beta 33A from installer, MLA ALL mode, All*Saves version 1

I found the same things that Richard reported in his post, except for.
A. 2 Krugs at FH_R3 get stuck near where the path drops down a level from the watch tower and is curving left around a rock face. I ran this part of the map with 4 different characters all rangers, the number of Krug getting stuck was random, once it was two, once it was one and twice it was none.

B. Ka01. (problem now where there wasn't one before) nothing happens when try to open sparkling locker in Edgaar's basement that should yield map of Upper Farmlands. I was able to open the locker and get the map of the Upper Farmlands. However the sparkles did not go out.

I wonder if the two differences might be that Richard is using the DS2 start and I am using the Broken World Start.


The problem is random. (So far, just a one-off glitch.) I've just sent a higher level character there (some of my previous heroes are still useful for quick tests like this) and he did get the map - along with some random treasure. As bare_elf found the sparkle did not go out.

Could the problem be linked to how the locker randomly generates treasure? (Eg one possible result would be nothing there apart from the map.)

Kingdom of Ehb 33A

Broken World AllSaves Version 1.0

Monster Level Adjust Status All

Save Location

Town of Stonebridge

Quest Log

Primary Quests – Seek Gyron in Stonebridge

Secondary Quests – Clear Edgaar's Basement, Skrubb the Beach Clean

Comments, Fixes That Work, Errors, Problems

1.Radar looks good.

2.Monsters leveling correctly, so far

3.Quests completing correctly except Skrubb the Beach Clean completes prior to the last skrubb being killed (south end of beach).

4.No Hiring problems – everyone that could be hired was hired and sent to the inn. Then re-added to the party to make sure things where working. Then returned to the inn.

5.Spoke with everyone in Stonebridge, and the only person that would not speak to me was Lavasia Torgelle when she is standing at the stairs to the mill.

Party Members

Elf 33A Sharpshooter
Naidi Sharpshooter
Ulora Sorceress


Additional things found on the way from Stonebridge to Glitterdelve.

1. Elevator in Guardhouse down to Ordus' Axe missing gather points.
2. Wesrin Cross Library -- Books "Swords to Plowshares" and "History of Droog" after being picked up, sparkles remain on book shelves.
3. Wesrin Cross Exit Elevator (one that comes up in Glitterdelve Guardhouse) missing gather points.


In KOE: Had no problem with my saved game.
Monsters are now 2 to 3 levels below Magni's party level instead of 2 to 3 levels ahead.

One legionnaire on Exiting Goblins Lair a scarecrow( as Bare_Elf reporter on previous Map)and upon completing the Pirates Quest the Quest giver star and ? stay grey.

Real Fun in Yesterhaven.

Completed Act I level with Loon and Fiantha level 13, would have been faster if someone hadn't kept stopping to shoot at terrain :wacko:

BIG One Time Glitch

YES I battled the Snow Queen TWICE, NOTE this did NOT re-occur when loading an earlier save The Log did update and She did NOT drop her Staff here, it dropped at the second battle at the end of the Act.

While running around town at the start of Act II I ran THU these gates, I opened them to return to town :wacko: :woot:


2.2, Beta33a (from Installer), MLA Local Monster-adjust-declared. All*Saves v1

Stonebridge to Glitterdelve (bare_elf passed me while I was resting partway through Wesrin Cross). Monsters were satisfying opposition (have been ever since starting at the farm) until the latter part of Wesrin Cross. Above ground at Glitterdelve and on into the mines the levels in the table could do with increasing - I reckon by 4 (e.g. path2dm, currently "10-13", make "14-17"). I've re-done DS1_Mod_Test_Regional for myself to try this out. (I'm not looking beyond the end of the mine yet)

My hero gained 6 levels in Wesrin Cross, 4 of them in the first region, which covers the upper level and much of the lower, as far as the side maze inclusive, with sd_r2 consisting only of the great hall and the room before it.

  • fh_r1 0-3 (bc_r1 2, hc_r1 3)
  • path2crypts 3-5 (gd_b 4)
  • cr_r1 5-6
  • fh_r3 6-7
  • bt_r1 7
  • path2sd 7-8 (path2sd_a 8)
  • sd_r1 8-12
  • sd_r2 12-14
  • path2dm 14-15
(This is lower by 2 - perhaps only 1.5 - than my long-ago MLA-off benchmark. Omitting the side maze and going up the middle of the great hall without clearing to the sides would leave hero a further whole level lower still. NB this is with a party from Stonebridge of only 3)

For my test I'd left sd_r1 alone ("9-12" for monsters etc). Setting for sd_r2 should be increased (from 10-13) but must choose between 13-16 (big jump in difficulty that could catch players out, going through the door from sd_r1 to sd_r2) or 11-16 (risk of the Giant Spider coming out low) - I did the latter since there is still a good chance the Spider will come out in the upper part of its range. I met it at level 15 (=health 2773) but on a repeat test it was only 11 (health 1373) at which level it does distant damage enough - I didn't try it at melee - but dies far too quickly. Even at the higher levels it could do with more health.

On the other hand here in DS2 the two dogs waiting at the top of the exit elevator are quickly joined by lots of Krug coming down the tower stairs. With the local table corrected they provide a prolonged and satisfying battle.

I agree with bare_elf that those two bookcases don't stop sparkling but thought the elevators did gather (but hadn't been testing for this specifically and was always in follow mode).

Quest to Clear Glitterdelve Pass completes without one having to clear the path (trigger point is away from the actual archway). If one does blow the barrel then after a reload the red barrel can re-spawn in the open gateway (not that that matters).

KOE Changes Log Beta33a (excerpts) wrote:
  • Unique items (snake sword, tangled scepter or green chain mail) not dropping at Wesrin Cross *fixed
  • Wesrin Cross DC outside entrance has inconsistent names, Wesrin Cross when seen but
    Glitterdelve Pass when reloaded *maybe fixed
  • Side room on right (with miniboss corpse) character can stand in table in SE corner 0x45e969e9
  • Green Chain Mail did drop, confirmed fixed
  • General problem - including, I now realise, with the DC before the Crypts - portal destination legend on reload is always that of area in which the DC is located, not the name the DC itself displayed when found and activated. "Area in which DC is located" as per the last "hero has entered" which makes the Glitterdelve merchant nominally in "Wesrin Cross".
  • Character who picks up map of Wesrin Cross still stands through table top. The broken-at-one-end table in the middle of the room doesn't block either

I'm looking forward to trying out 33a when I can download the installer. Right now I'm stuck with 2G internet from a hotspot on my terrible phone :/

Anyway, thank you so much for your hard work on all of this iryan! I can't wait to try out the improvements you've added :3
Could you maybe link the 3rd-party maps to this thread for convenience? I found them once and then I could never find them again lol

I have run into a few major problems.
The first being with Gloren, he was nicely equipped with armor, weapons and spells. I wanted him however to be duel wielding. So we went to the vendor and I found that he had two nice swords. So I made Gloren a dual wielder, removed the two handed ax he had. This caused the spell book and armor to fall on the ground and I could not re-equip them because his character level was to lower than the items. So I used my primary character to pick up his spell book. Removed her spell book from the active slot into inventory, opened Gloren's spell book and removed the spells. Passed them to Gloren and then purchased spell book, and armor that fit his level. I put his spells into the book and all appeared okay. However when I tried to re-equip my primary character's spell book I could not do that. It was a normal spell book that is given to a basic player. I then moved the spell book to my combat mage, I could equip it however the spells that where in it where gone. I spent a lot of money buying these spells and they where gone. So I purchased them again in Stonebridge along with a new spell book for my primary character.
Second thinking everything was cool I went back to Glitterdelve. The monsters where now showing up about 20 levels below my party, I verified that MLA was still set to ALL.
Third it may be because the monsters are twenty levels below my party, but my party can not increase in level any longer.

I am going to park this party and start another from the start to see if this can be reproduced.


Back in Stonebridge with new party, Elf 33A, Ulora and Naidi.
Currently with MLA set to ALL the monsters are tracking my party correctly. Quests are completing correctly. Once I reach Glitterdelve again I will restart normal reporting again in proper fashion.


QueenEmi wrote:
I'm looking forward to trying out 33a when I can download the installer. Right now I'm stuck with 2G internet from a hotspot on my terrible phone :/

Anyway, thank you so much for your hard work on all of this iryan! I can't wait to try out the improvements you've added :3
Could you maybe link the 3rd-party maps to this thread for convenience? I found them once and then I could never find them again lol

You're welcome and I will add the links to the third party maps to the thread.

Please keep in mind that if you are using a saved game, it may not work in Beta33a. I apologise for this but it's too late to fix the issue. The internal rearranging of files and pruning of some no longer necessary does seem to have an effect on saved games. Some still work for some users but not for others.

iryan wrote:
You're welcome and I will add the links to the third party maps to the thread.

Please keep in mind that if you are using a saved game, it may not work in Beta33a. I apologise for this but it's too late to fix the issue. The internal rearranging of files and pruning of some no longer necessary does seem to have an effect on saved games. Some still work for some users but not for others.

Thank you Smile And it's okay, I actually enjoy starting over and playing again. It's all worth it in the long run to me as the new features are implemented. I have also used AllSaves for quite awhile just in case I wanna keep my saves Smile

iryan wrote:
Please keep in mind that if you are using a saved game, it may not work in Beta33a. I apologise for this but it's too late to fix the issue. The internal rearranging of files and pruning of some no longer necessary does seem to have an effect on saved games. Some still work for some users but not for others.

I wish I had read that before I had loaded the new Legendary mod, Suki and her fellow monster slayers are dead now and its all your fault. I'm sure this is just a one off glitch old boy and there won't be any further mishaps with any future updates because my head would not cope with another one like I've just had......

I had a couple of hours free to continue my saved game, I couldn't get DS2 to load to the main menu screen, I spent 5 blinking hours messing with it until I had a brainwave and deleted the DS2 documents folder, lo and behold it worked first time after that.
Its a good job Suki doesn't know that she's dead old bean or there'd be hell to pay, fortunately I've re-created her again and we're down at the broken bridge at character level 4.

Some observations while I was sauntering down there.
Farmhouse chest has sparkle effect after collecting the knife, MLA was on Local is that the default mode for it?.
Bookcase at the next farm also has sparkle effect after getting the sacred crypt book.
Edgaar's basement elevator still goes up or down when walking on it, the locker in the basement can't be opened anymore either.

Now its time to go and kick that mimic's teeth in, :bat:.

Kingdom of Ehb 33A

Broken World AllSaves Version 1.0

Monster Level Adjust Status All

Save Location

Town of Glacern

Quest Log

Primary Quests – Seek Gyron in Stonebridge, Journey to Overseer

Secondary Quests – Clear Edgaar's Basement, Skrubb the Beach Clean, Ordus' Axe, Clear Glitterdelve Pass, Rescue Torg, Book Return, Sister's Message,

Comments, Fixes That Work, Errors, Problems

1.Radar looks good.

2.Monsters leveling correctly, so far

3.Quests completing correctly except Skrubb the Beach Clean completes prior to the last skrubb being killed.

4.No Hiring problems – everyone that could be hired was hired and sent to the inn. Then re-added to the party to make sure things where working. Then returned to the inn.

5.Spoke with everyone in Stonebridge, and the only person that would not speak to me was Lavasia Torgelle when she is standing at the stairs to the mill.

6.The problems I had with Gloern last run through did not reoccur, No problem swapping weapons or spell books between party members of the correct level.

Party Members

Elf 33A Level 71 Master Assassin

Naidi Level 71 Master Sharpshooter

Ulora Level 71 Grand Magus

Lorun Level 70 Grand Magus

Gloern Level 71 Grand Deacon


Iryan just a thought, when you are starting a new character in the Utraean Peninsula SE and Diabloish a screen come up that allows you to select your primary character's First skill and second skill, I would pick Ranged and Combat Mage. Is it possible to add this to all the maps?

bare_elf wrote:

Iryan just a thought, when you are starting a new character in the Utraean Peninsula SE and Diabloish a screen come up that allows you to select your primary character's First skill and second skill, I would pick Ranged and Combat Mage. Is it possible to add this to all the maps?

I have been thinking about implementing it for Legends of Aranna, especially as your character is suppose to be already skilled and the offspring of two warriors - so it would fit.

While the background of the hero in the Utraean Peninsula and Yesterhaven isn't really fleshed out, the suggestion is of an experienced warrior, so the fast start works.

With Ehb, it strongly favours a new character but even then if you notice Edgaar's comments when you talk to him, he indicates he isn't surprised to see you working your way to Stonebridge. This indicates that the farmer must be somewhat skilled in combat arts for him to say that.

So if enough players indicate that they would favour such an approach, I will implement it in all maps. It would make balancing the start of Ehb especially, a lot easier. You quickly gain the 3 levels in the maps anyhow so it wouldn't make that much of a difference I would think. The most unbalancing thing is the amount of gold you are awarded with.

Moros wrote:

Its a good job Suki doesn't know that she's dead old bean or there'd be hell to pay, fortunately I've re-created her again and we're down at the broken bridge at character level 4.

Some observations while I was sauntering down there.
Farmhouse chest has sparkle effect after collecting the knife, MLA was on Local is that the default mode for it?.
Bookcase at the next farm also has sparkle effect after getting the sacred crypt book.
Edgaar's basement elevator still goes up or down when walking on it, the locker in the basement can't be opened anymore either.

Now its time to go and kick that mimic's teeth in, :bat:.

Again my apologies, if I thought it would mess up the old saves as much as it did I would have left things the way they were. However it is a beta version and as such things like that can happen unfortunately.

The sparkle effect has been fixed for the next version, in the limited amount of testing I have been doing its been working well. As soon as you open the chest the effect disappears as its suppose to but if you reload a saved game, the chest will be open and with no sparkle effect anymore.

Edgaar's basement elevator worked like that in DS1 too if I'm not mistaken. When I tested the map yesterday the locker worked properly.

The phrak cages now should correctly say cage instead of target. Alanna's icon has been fixed and her portrait now matches. The truncated ending to the Skrubb the Beach quest was my first attempt to fix the bug when one of the Skrubbs sometimes doesn't appear and so resulting in the quest never being able to be finished.

sigofmugmort wrote:

Real Fun in Yesterhaven.

BIG One Time Glitch

YES I battled the Snow Queen TWICE, NOTE this did NOT re-occur when loading an earlier save The Log did update and She did NOT drop her Staff here, it dropped at the second battle at the end of the Act.


Yes that would have been fun, obviously a failure of the trigger which is suppose to make her disappear.

I must have tested this particular encounter close to 20 times in order to get it right (starting from a special start just below where the encounter occurs) and never had this happen. Perhaps I need a failsafe trigger just in case.

As for the quest updating, it is linked directly to her but the staff drop has to be specially triggered (she doesn't actually drop the staff herself anymore).

I have not been listing phantom objects like tables and such as I had a list on the hsrd drive that crashed with more then 50 items on it. Some examples, Tables in Bonepickers cabin, benches in Goblinlair side area, boxes and Barrel's at Fortress Kroth, Most furnishings in Act II in Yesterhaven, Many items in get the idea Insane

Looking for the Lost Adventurers shracks and some lungers still ignore Dwarves, upon completion Gregor still has a grey star and ?

Rescued Sikra and am at the First dessert DC, Temple of Skulls Radar Map is off-line as in the entry tunnel is off-set left and your party jumps to the corridor upon entry and much of the Radar is Blacked out.

Finished Act II of Yesterhaven at Level 18, Act III monsters are level 22 to 24

Insane Dwarf

@Iryan: With regards to the Snow Queen, I had the same thing happen on the previous map.
ONCE ONLY, The First time encountered and did not re-occur with using a previous save or new characters after that first run on loading the new map.

Level 3 starting KoE does make sense with Norick and Edgar's comments

sigofmugmort using a new account (Thanks Bare_Elf :hug: )


iryan wrote:
Edgaar's basement elevator worked like that in DS1 too if I'm not mistaken. When I tested the map yesterday the locker worked properly.
Two reports now of the locker not working - and other reports that it does work. (One of each from me!) So not reproducible to order which will make it hard to fix.

Yes, new players were supposed to be taken by surprise when the innocent-looking grating turns out to be an automatic elevator with enemies waiting at the bottom. With a potion bottle baiting the trap just to make sure.

2.2, Beta33a (from Installer), MLA Local Monster-adjust-declared. All*Saves v1

Glitterdelve to Glacern, with Gloern added to the party (no such problem with him as bare_elf had). My hero was not at absolute max level possible - that would be achieved by an under-par party going round each area repeatedly until monsters stop re-spawning. My party was three from Stonebridge (that the third was Naidi not Gyorn is irrelevant), four in the mine, and explored thoroughly killing all monsters but only once. So my hero was at the max "normal" level that MLA local should cater for. I mentioned earlier I would be using a custom regional table, here are my results.

  • Region........Hero.......MLA local settings used
  • ===================
  • sd_r2...........12-14......11-15 (Wesrin Cross great hall)
  • path2dm...14-15......14-17
  • dm_r10......15-16......14-17 (mine's entrance level)
  • dm_r2.........16............14-18
  • dm_r8.........16-18.....14-19
  • dm_r8a.......16-17.....14-19 (side area: Miners' Haven)
  • dm_r11.......18-19.....14-20
  • path2nt......19-20.....17-21 (snow highlands)
  • fc_r1............19............17-21 (side area: furoks' cave)
  • nt_r1...........20............17-21 (last few wolves and klaw before Glacern)

dm_r2 is a small region, from the top of the entrance level's twin elevators down, to the mini-boss scorpion on the main level. dm_r8 then goes all the way to the first horrid, and the Miners' Haven comes right in the middle, so no justification for setting it any different. Notice the idea here of widening the MLA range progressively while fixing the lower end, so that a player with a max-level party like mine benefits from an increasing proportion of the monsters being blue-level. I think this is fun, considering the numbers of monsters to be faced. I don't think it matters that a few at the end of the mine were green level to the hero (but still blue to the companions, especially Gloern) - but if that is an issue, 15-20 for dm_r11 should avoid it. Up in the snow highlands, on 17-21 MLA randomly happened to give me level 22 mini-bosses which were orange level.

There are two Sanctuaries in the mine, one for melee and one for nature - both required only skill 10, so Gloern could open both, which was good (I'd had him using Ripple spell sometimes before going into melee - as I remember it, the nature skill he'd started with wouldn't have been enough.)

sigofmugmort reported recently being able to go through walls without having to open them by exploding the red barrels - the only one I can confirm is in the first pair of pits near the end, DM_R11 1.379/-1.799/1.003 0x6DBC7706. (All the others I'd either opened too soon or failed to find anything to click on behind the wall.)

Though I had the Miners' Haven key (quest object in journal), none of the three doors (one outer, two inner) gave a message saying I'd used the key.

iryan wrote:
. . .
So if enough players indicate that they would favour such an approach, I will implement it in all maps. It would make balancing the start of Ehb especially, a lot easier. You quickly gain the 3 levels in the maps anyhow so it wouldn't make that much of a difference I would think. The most unbalancing thing is the amount of gold you are awarded with.

On Ehb for example it doesn't really matter - there are no shops anyway nearby (well, it will take several minutes to reach one).

Basically, former releases of the Adjustment mod did not perform well when player's level was very low (this was the main reason for an starting level >0).
Meanwhile however downgrading a 'Korven Boneslayer' or upgrading a tutorial Hak'u works much better.

And some gold (400-500!?) was needed to let the player buy his entire starting equipment incl. potions ans spells (realized 'down' in skrit with 1-2 rows only, but can be bypassed with a positive level notation) - since on Utrae I simply skipped the (quite common) starting flick, just to speed up the DS1=&ght;DS2 process.

I've added a link on this thread to the thread regarding converting user made maps from DS1 to DS2.

I did this as I don't want this thread overly filled with reports, comments & suggestions about user made maps. There's links on the other thread to the 4 maps currently converted and there's another one I know of that I'll add when I find it (converted by Dark_Elf?).

Feel free to add as many posts as you wish about these maps and any others you'd like to see converted on the other thread.

I uninstalled Dungeon Siege 1 awhile back when the DS1 Legendary Mod took over all of my DS1 needs... I also used the pre-converted resource files you have here to make this mod work on my new computer (which I'm using now) since I don't have a copy of DS1 at the moment. Could you perhaps implement a feature in your installer that could detect the already/pre-converted files just in-case users don't have a copy of DS1? Or maybe add the pre-made resource files to the installer? It'd make it a lot easier on the few who might share my dilemma :P

iryan wrote:
I've added a link on this thread to the thread regarding converting user made maps from DS1 to DS2.

I did this as I don't want this thread overly filled with reports, comments & suggestions about user made maps. There's links on the other thread to the 4 maps currently converted and there's another one I know of that I'll add when I find it (converted by Dark_Elf?).

Feel free to add as many posts as you wish about these maps and any others you'd like to see converted on the other thread.

Yay! Thank you for this, I've been looking everywhere to find it Smile

I should be able to install it tomorrow on another computer and copy the files over then lol

I decided to upgrade to 33A on both computers. So I now have Dryad 33A running about on the peninsula. Things seem to be going smoothly.

Utraean Peninsula 33A

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off
I did not convert this computer to the version 1 of AllSaves

Save Location

Iliarth Valley Direct Connect

Quest Log

Primary Quests – Elddim Town Stone

Secondary Quests – A Farmer's Scythe, A New Way to Travel, Orchard Cellar

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters appear to be leveling correctly – between level 6 to 8 right now.
3. Radar looks good so far.
4. Quest arrows to this point seem to be working correctly.
5. No problems hiring people.
6. Sparkles on lockers and trunks do not go out after opened and item is picked up.

Party Members

Dryad 33A Level 7 Archer

Tiahna Level 7 Archer (Dryad)

Arisu Level 7 Hedge Wizard (Dryad)


RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
When I tested the map yesterday the locker worked properly. Two reports now of the locker not working - and other reports that it does work. (One of each from me!) So not reproducible to order which will make it hard to fix.

An update on Edgaar's locker mystery, it didn't work when I played it with DS2 but I'm playing the mod with the BW expansion now and it did work, can anyone else confirm this.

Moros wrote:
RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
When I tested the map yesterday the locker worked properly. Two reports now of the locker not working - and other reports that it does work. (One of each from me!) So not reproducible to order which will make it hard to fix.

An update on Edgaar's locker mystery, it didn't work when I played it with DS2 but I'm playing the mod with the BW expansion now and it did work, can anyone else confirm this.
Hm, I didn't have the chance to met this locker so far, but assumed this locker is a unique (quest) container, I can imagine setups (as template or per SE2) that are not compatible with a the (limited/random) respawning chance that many trivial container have.
Should this be the case here perhaps, aspect:gold_value should be equal -1 to prevent respawning (as work-around, sometimes some components do not show up in the property list) in order to get assigned a constant target address/Scid.
