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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

Does anyone know if its possible to deactivate this gizmo?

Its the reason that the 3 Krug are reappearing if the player goes through the end of the Crypts of the Sacred Blood in Kingdom of Ehb again as it automatically spawns whatever actor is defined in its instance. However as the trigger that originally turned the Krug evil is one shot only, the Krug reappear but are neutral.

Looking at the options the generator provides, there's no one_shot only option or anything similar that seems to be able to turn it off after it runs the first time.

The generator itself doesn't respond to the options of the MLA mod ( so gold_value = -1 doesn't work) and as the Krug it produces have no scid, they will continue to be produce everytime the player goes back through the Crypt I suspect.

I do have a couple of options, one is to scrap the generator, use actors with a scid and a property changer to turn them evil and the second is to make the trigger, turning the generator produced Krug evil, work everytime the player is detected by the trigger. Meaning the 3 Krug will always appear but will turn hostile and can be defeated by the player.

However it would be more elegant if the generator alignment changer itself could be made to work only the once.

Unbreakable at cd_r1, 1.3001/-2.000/-0.492/0x3f3e7e90


The problem is with how the characters are put together. I tried another old hero (from 32m Yesterhaven) and the locker worked fine. I started another new hero (whom I called Davey Jones!) and the locker did not work. Then I started him again, trying something else, and it does work. What did I do differently? - I'd renamed DS1_Mod_Content_Beta33a.ds2res to come alphabetically after Objects.ds2res. Remember how the old converted file had to be called Objects_DS1 instead of DS1_Objects. What other issues did this resolve?

So I determined that 33a-created parties must be different from older parties. I found that changing the file order is the way to get future parties the same as old ones, so that the problem locker works - I hope the chests further on will too. I'm thinking that this has come too late for the 33a-created party I already had - but realised I should test this in the ice dungeon. As expected, with the Contents file renamed this party still could not open their chest, but I did discover something else - a nifty new color scheme for converted armors. Not the crude black-and-yellow wasp imitation, but a neat black-and-white chequerboard.

Another test result: with the Contents renamed, the locker does still work for an old pre-33a hero, as I hoped.

A by-the-by from one of my earlier attempts at the ice dungeon chest - fighting my way through the frostnid spiders and frost golems, I managed to get both my hero and Naidi happily shooting away at the spot on the ground where one of the golems had been destroyed. This in follow mode. I remember it had brushed past Gloern to attack one of them, or perhaps Ulora, whoever had first hit it, so I told my hero to move away (which moved the whole group) then to attack it again. I think it may have been destroyed (perhaps by a firebolt Ulora had launched earlier) during the instant it took me to depress my mouse button, or maybe the instant after, so by a timing hole the two rangers accepted the now-vacant spot as a valid target. Ulora and Gloern, slower off the mark with their attacks (Gloern because he'd have to move back into melee range first) realised before starting to attack that there was nothing to attack.

I wonder if this is the same timing hole that bare_elf's rampaging rangers fall into against killer vines.

@iryan: Please explain why is this Krug neutral at all? - a NIS!?

In theory there also exist the possibility to add a spatial actor trigger onto the generator starting a flick (will receive the actor as catalyst) in order to turn all neutral monsters within generator range to evil.

So I've gone back to my save file from the DC at the Wesrin Cross entrance. This reloaded my trio at Stonebridge but instead of using the portal I made them repeat their land route to the DC.

  • a small proportion of the Krug actors had re-spawned (including the raider mini-boss, by the by)
  • at the place just starting up the hill where lots of dogs come from the bushes, none came, so if the bushes are generators they are strictly one-shot
  • the Stonebridge militia were standing where I'd left them before and this time no Krug were triggered to ambush them - what is the difference between those Krug and the ones who turn on Ulora when you defeat the Ruby Gargoyle?
  • no skrubbs emerged in the valley before the Cross, so if skrubbs are generated then these too are generators that remember not to repeat

P.S. I complained long ago about the quest in UP to practice using the DC outside Ma Kettle's House - if one does reload the game and try the portal it lands the hero (and any companion) in a nasty ambush. At the time, knowing no better, I blamed re-spawning monsters but now realise the problem there - not fixed despite iryan's attempt - is due to generators that do reset ready to trigger again spawning their monsters anew.

Onoc's Magicatorium, apprentice Marelle's text says she's with a customer but there's no one else there, you can either change the text or you can plant a customer there, or just leave things as they are. Wink

The underground building after you clear Orlov's house of monsters has a combat mage door in it, the bug is that you can walk straight through that door without breaking it open.

I'm outside the ice caverns and I'm using BW with no other mods, all quests have been completed without any problems apart from the Glacern Legionnaire tower elevator which seems to have a mind of its own, but you already know about that. Smile

I was keeping my Glacern comments for a full report later. Good for you Moros about the door in Orlov's cellar - I saw it was a sanctuary door Ulora could open, so immediately had her open it without testing other possibilities.

Glacern's tower elevators (south and north towers) are the way GPG had them in DS1, but I agree life would be simpler all round if they worked by handle only. (Unlike the grating-elevator in Edgaar's cellar which is meant to come as a surprise, likewise the one in Castle Ehb dungeons that takes us to the escaping prisoners.)

Merelle's convo is as in DS1 and I believe was GPG's little joke - her customer is one she is communing with in the spirit world so of course hero cannot see that. But now she has been made one of the extra merchants for DS2, hero's reply option 1, "Onoc it is!", is quite wrong for opening her shop. It should be the negative option 2. Also, since she is serving (counselling, not selling reagents to [UPDATE]) the spirits of the dead, surely that makes her the one who should be necromancer, then her remarks would suit a positive reply something like "This is about the dead - can you retrieve my party's corpses?". Leave out the standard spiel about it costing a quarter of the gold - players ought to know the basics by now.

Utraean Peninsula 33A

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off
I did not convert this computer to the version 1 of AllSaves

Save Location


Quest Log

Primary Quests – Elddim Town Stone, Crystwind Town Stone, Fallraen Town Stone.

Secondary Quests – A Farmer's Scythe, A New Way to Travel, Orchard Cellar, Hovart's Folly, Travel to Crystwind, Dwarven Secrets, Fallraen Barracks, Travel to Fallraen, Dornek's Quarry, Pirates of Meren, Travel to Meren

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters are leveling correctly.
3. Radar looks good so far.
4. Quest arrows to this point working correctly.
5. No problems hiring people.
6.Giant Hydra in Crystal Caverns does no damage, My party stood under him while shooting other monsters.

Party Members

Dryad 33A Level 28 Sharpshooter

Tiahna Level 28 Sharpshooter

Xavier Level 28 Sharpshooter

Arisu Level 28 Magus

Stonepicker Level 28 Magus (decided to use Stonepicker as a combat mage)

Briahra Level 27 Sorceress


KillerGremal wrote:
@iryan: Please explain why is this Krug neutral at all? - a NIS!?

In theory there also exist the possibility to add a spatial actor trigger onto the generator starting a flick (will receive the actor as catalyst) in order to turn all neutral monsters within generator range to evil.

No its a GPG created encounter with Ulora after you defeated the Ruby Gargoyle. Before you enter the room, you'll notice them just standing next to Ulora.

As soon as you enter the room, the Krug turn hostile and attack the nearest good character to them, which is Ulora (she now defends herself when attacked).

The 3 Krug here originate from a generator alignment changer. They spawn neutral and when triggered, turn hostile.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

the Stonebridge militia were standing where I'd left them before and this time no Krug were triggered to ambush them - what is the difference between those Krug and the ones who turn on Ulora when you defeat the Ruby Gargoyle?

I tinkered a lot with this encounter and ended up using a property change command gizmo to turn them from their initial neutral state to evil.

As these Krug start off as actors, I was able to put the gold_value = -1; line in their aspect block for their instances to make sure they spawn only once.

So why not use this method for the 3 Krug in the crypts? The answer is that I guess I'm lazy and wish to save myself some time in restructuring the entire encounter and testing it. It would be simpler if their was some way to make the generator_alignment_changer gizmo one_shot like in generator_basic.skrit where by default the generator automatically deleted itself after all spawned monsters are dead.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

P.S. I complained long ago about the quest in UP to practice using the DC outside Ma Kettle's House - if one does reload the game and try the portal it lands the hero (and any companion) in a nasty ambush. At the time, knowing no better, I blamed re-spawning monsters but now realise the problem there - not fixed despite iryan's attempt - is due to generators that do reset ready to trigger again spawning their monsters anew

I must admit my memory's rusty as I don't specifically recall the generator bushes resetting themselves.

However those bush generators use generator_advanced_a2.skrit while the generators in some other places like Yesterhaven use generator_basic.skrit.

There is an eWorldEvent permanent_deactivate_msg which is suppose to shut down advanced_a2 generators but I'm not sure what that is so perhaps these generators will reset themselves.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
The problem is with how the characters are put together. I tried another old hero (from 32m Yesterhaven) and the locker worked fine. I started another new hero (whom I called Davey Jones!) and the locker did not work. Then I started him again, trying something else, and it does work. What did I do differently? - I'd renamed DS1_Mod_Content_Beta33a.ds2res to come alphabetically after Objects.ds2res. Remember how the old converted file had to be called Objects_DS1 instead of DS1_Objects. What other issues did this resolve?

Comparing the contents of DS1_Mod_Content_Beta33a.ds2res to Objects.ds2res using Beyond Compare 3 reveals that there's nothing shared between them that should account for this strange behaviour. All chests and similar containers already exist in DS2 Objects.ds2res.

However I wonder if this is why I don't experience these problems as I use Broken World but then again bare_elf complained of it as well and she uses Broken World.

I however can't help but feel this is related to the problems some users have reported with save games not loading.

The Arctic Caverns and Kroduk's text on seeing Merik frozen in ice, ("Kroduck" can free little fellow easy if you want) Kroduk is misspelled in that text.

Subterranean River
Those Dark Lungers are overpowered in my opinion, 3 times Kroduk and Gyorn were knocked unconscious before we got to the first pool of water, and when we eventually got in it all 5 of them were killed before I could get them away from there.
These Dark Lungers are going to turn this level into a long drawn out blinking slugfest. Sick

Starting KoE from both Broken World and DS2 I have not yet had a problem with Edgar's Locker so cannot help their.

Moros: As I posted under 32 the Hard way, The subterranean River is a HARD slugfest for a Melee party due to the Lungers (Have fun with the :censored: Mini-Boss )

In LoA the Lost Queen was a VERY easy Battle.

Did you know the 15 second countdown on the ??? does not start until he takes damage?

Here he is stuck on a Ledge, Screenshot taken 18 MINUTES after he appeared :jawdrop: :wacko:


iryan wrote:
KillerGremal wrote:
@iryan: Please explain why is this Krug neutral at all? - a NIS!?

In theory there also exist the possibility to add a spatial actor trigger onto the generator starting a flick (will receive the actor as catalyst) in order to turn all neutral monsters within generator range to evil.

No its a GPG created encounter with Ulora after you defeated the Ruby Gargoyle. Before you enter the room, you'll notice them just standing next to Ulora.

As soon as you enter the room, the Krug turn hostile and attack the nearest good character to them, which is Ulora (she now defends herself when attacked).

The 3 Krug here originate from a generator alignment changer. They spawn neutral and when triggered, turn hostile.
. . .

Hm, what about this work-around: Spawn/generate normal/evil Krugs but and assign 'aa_neutral' in Ulora's instance!?
I guess there is a hiring flick anyway for Ulora, enough opportunity to turn her good just when hired (only 1 command extra).

I missed this quest item somewhere along the way, what is it about?

bare_elf wrote:

6.Giant Hydra in Crystal Caverns does no damage, My party stood under him while shooting other monsters.


That's strange as I perform some test with the Giant Hydra and it was able to damage a level 39 mage without issues (even though its only level 28 itself).

Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Playing with Broken World, While playing KoE I decided to look at the three Krug in the Crypts that re-spawn as neutral. No matter how many times we went back we could not get the Krug to reappear. I will next try with DS2 to see if I can get it to happen


Moros wrote:
I missed this quest item somewhere along the way, what is it about?

That's the journal entry for Ordus's axe.

In earlier betas you actually didn't get the axe as a reward but in the current beta you should get both the axe and a journal entry.

Did you complete the quest associated with this item?

bare_elf wrote:
Playing with Broken World, While playing KoE I decided to look at the three Krug in the Crypts that re-spawn as neutral. No matter how many times we went back we could not get the Krug to reappear. I will next try with DS2 to see if I can get it to happen


Which way did you come from? Did you save, quit and reloaded the save first?

When I tested it, I went through the entire crypt to reach there and then saved and quit before opening the exit door.

iryan wrote:
bare_elf wrote:
Playing with Broken World, While playing KoE I decided to look at the three Krug in the Crypts that re-spawn as neutral. No matter how many times we went back we could not get the Krug to reappear. I will next try with DS2 to see if I can get it to happen


Which way did you come from? Did you save, quit and reloaded the save first?

When I tested it, I went through the entire crypt to reach there and then saved and quit before opening the exit door.

After hiring Ulora we went to Stonebridge saved the game. Restarted and walked back to crypts. Could not get the Krug to reappear. So we went back through the Crypts to the Farmhouse end and walked back to where the Krug where Room after Ruby Gargoyle No Krug. Tried the exact same thing with DS2 did exactly the same steps and could not get Krug to reappear. However while in DS2 I checked out the Farmhouse chest with warn dagger and it would not open (It did with Broken World). I could not open the locker in Edgaar's Basement (No problem with Broken World). I also noticed when playing DS2 I killed 4 deer near the grave yard at the entrance to the crypts!! I do not kill neutral characters or good characters I was shocked!

Moros wrote:
Bug report in the crypts, I hired Ulora and quit the game immediately, on restart we got back to where Ulora was and those 3 krug had re-spawned but weren't attackable.

That's how I got the krug to re-appear bare_elf.
Ordus's axe is still in the storage vault alongside the Puller Staff and the Heart Stopper bow iryan.

I'm going to start over again to see if these 2 occurrences happens again, I don't mind doing the run through to Stonebridge as that is the most fun part of the game. I'll be using Broken World with some extra armour and weapons I've been given and MLA set to all mode again.

Just one more little thing iryan, the Heart Stopper bow doesn't have the dexterity bonus anymore, is that a new feature or is that something else that's gone a bit wonky.

1. I too have Ordus' axe in inventory (I'm building melee as Ulora's secondary skill and she is using it as one of two weapons she is dual wielding) but do not have Ordus' axe the quest item journal entry. Problem confirmed

2. Deadeye (level 45 - from spare backup with nearly all of Utraean Peninsula followed by Acts I and II of Yesterhaven, with no companions except in the inn) went from the KoE start to the Crypts, destroyed the Ruby Gargoyle, went into the room where Ulora was, saw 3 Krugs try to attack Ulora but she killed them instantly. (On local mode she still comes out 1 level below hero, i.e. 44 whereas monsters there are all below 10.) Deadeye spoke to her and accepted her as a companion. I saved, quit, reloaded (at ruined bridge), teleported forward to the Crypts entrance and ran through to the room where Ulora had started. No Krug there now.

(Moros, do you still have your save file, could you have saved and quit after destroying the Ruby Gargoyle but before going to speak to Ulora?)

iryan, you'd changed Ulora for the Mod. In DS1 she was a prisoner (being forced to translate tomb markings for the Krug, I guess for the Shaman in the circular room two before the Ruby Gargoyle) with good armor but neither weapons nor spell book. (The farmer has to give her the one found earlier.) The 3 Krug were her jailors, they did not attack her (she must have counted as neutral until hired) only the hero.

3. A new character can open the worn dagger chest in the farm cottage (I've never had a problem with that), but if I save before I've opened the chest then I cannot open it after reloading. (This on 2.2 with the original name for the 33a Contents file)

iryan wrote:
Comparing the contents of DS1_Mod_Content_Beta33a.ds2res to Objects.ds2res using Beyond Compare 3 reveals that there's nothing shared between them that should account for this strange behaviour. All chests and similar containers already exist in DS2 Objects.ds2res.

However I wonder if this is why I don't experience these problems as I use Broken World but then again bare_elf complained of it as well and she uses Broken World.

No, it was Moros who'd also had the problem; bare_elf responded to me then that she (using BW) did not have the problem. Moros then confirmed it was 2.2 only.

The "chests and similar containers" are irrelevant - my hypothesis was that it is the party members that come out differently to cause the problem.

sigofmugmort1 wrote:
Starting KoE from ... DS2 I have not yet had a problem with Edgar's Locker so cannot help their.
But have you started under DS2 with a standard-race hero?

4. If I bring Deadeye to the KoE start from a pre-33a save he can open both the worn dagger chest and the locker in Edgaar's basement. If I save him beside dead Norick without having opened either then after quitting and reloading (CONTINUE) he cannot open the chest but can open the locker. But if before going to Edgaar's basement I recruit Ulora, save, quit and reload then Ulora cannot open the locker and neither can Deadeye.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
1. I too have Ordus' axe in inventory (I'm building melee as Ulora's secondary skill and she is using it as one of two weapons she is dual wielding) but do not have Ordus' axe the quest item journal entry. Problem confirmed

On reflection that's probably my error as I suspect I replaced the journal drop from the Krug Shaman when updating all the unique items to the new versions.

As for the other glitches in DS2 v2.2, its a mystery to me but seems to be associated with my rearranging of the asset files - not to mention causing some save games to break. I'm going to tinker a bit more but suspect I will need help in testing it. If anyone has save games from DS2 (either pre or post beta33a) and wouldn't mind posting them for me to use, it would help me test out various builds to see if I can replicate the glitches and fix them.

One bug I'm on my way to fixing is the Unguis and Lectars not causing damage. I still don't know why they're not doing any damage but have found a better work-around than the curse spell (which can be neutralised with the proper buffs - thus still causing no damage).

I've basically turned them into walking environmental hazards for the lectars and sneaky ones for the Unguis. The illusion is believable enough I hope, especially in the heat of battle. Though if you're very observant, you would have to notice that the Unguis now start damaging you even before they surface.

Moros wrote:

Just one more little thing iryan, the Heart Stopper bow doesn't have the dexterity bonus anymore, is that a new feature or is that something else that's gone a bit wonky.

It's just an oversight and I can add that back in.

There hasn't been any great deal of planning put into what attributes to give to each of the unique items, I basically just went through the list of what DS2 uses (I can't use Broken World attributes even though they're nice, as they'll crash the game if used in DS2) and picked out ones I thought would be nice to see in the unique item. These unique items are a work in progress and I hope they are useful to the player when first obtained but gradually become obsolete to encourage the use of other regular items in the game.

I re-started the game, after hiring Ulora once again I completely quit out of the game and then reloaded it, we strolled through the crypts and those 3 krug weren't there?, this is really weird. :?
When we arrived at Stonebridge I noticed one of the town guards had made his way to the last set of steps just before the town gates and had killed all the krug in sight, should they be doing that or is it another glitch?.


Success, after reloading a saved game I hired Ulora, I saved the game and quit to the main menu screen, then I continued the game as normal, the result is this.

I was able to duplicated the three neutral Krug, that everyone else was seeing. I used the DS2 All*Saves Start. Created a new character and fought my way to Ulora. While on the way to the Crypts of the Sacred Blood I checked the chest in the farm house and the locker in Edgaar's Basement and they both "worked" recovered items, sparkle remained. Once we defeated the three Krug attacking Ulora I hired her and without doing anything else saved and exited the game. On restarting we where back at the broken bridge and I bought some items at the store. We used the portal to jump back to the start of the Crypts walked back to the room Ulora was in and there where the three neutral Krug just standing about smiling. Next we exited the Crypts and saved as soon as we saw daylight. Did the exact same steps and the neutral Krugs where there. Next we activated the next DC. After doing that no matter which way a went through the Crypts from finish to start or start to finish no neutral Krugs. Now I tried the same exact steps with Broken World and there where never any neutral Krugs.


The mystery continues bare_elf, I got those 3 neutral krug and I'm using Broken World. :?

A couple of bugs, Gyorn's text outside Wesrin Cross has a spelling mistake, he says "I've heard frightening rumours about Wesring Cross"

The guard captain gives you the quest "Clear Glitterdelve Pass" and his ? mark disappears, it still isn't there when you've opened the gates and spoken to him again.

Moros wrote:

The guard captain gives you the quest "Clear Glitterdelve Pass" and his ? mark disappears, it still isn't there when you've opened the gates and spoken to him again.

When playing DS1 you had to go through Wesrin Cross and blow up the red barrel open the gate and talk to the guard captain. With the DS2/BW version you do not need to speak to the guard captain a second time. It was my understanding that once the gate was opened the quest would complete. As it is now the quest completes when you near the gate, this I believe is wrong.

I will start a new character in Broken World and see if I can reproduce the neutral Krugs.


Okay I was able to reproduce the neutral Krugs using the All*Saves Broken World start. This time I made sure not to open the door out of the Crypts before saving.

I really do not think the Neutral Krugs in the Crypt of the Sacred Blood are really a problem. Why? Well if one exits the Crypts and then saves at the save point a short distance away, the neutral Krug do not reappear no matter how hard I try both with Broken World and DS2.


Utraean Peninsula 33A

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off
I did not convert this computer to the version 1 of AllSaves

Save Location


Quest Log

Primary Quests – Elddim Town Stone, Crystwind Town Stone, Fallraen Town Stone, Meren Town Stone.

Secondary Quests – A Farmer's Scythe, A New Way to Travel, Orchard Cellar, Hovart's Folly, Travel to Crystwind, Dwarven Secrets, Fallraen Barracks, Travel to Fallraen, Dornek's Quarry, Pirates of Meren, Travel to Meren, Confront Bandit Boss, Travel to Lang.

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters are leveling correctly.
3. Radar looks good so far.
4. Quest arrows to this point working correctly.
5. No problems hiring people.
6. I found a portal on the Lang Mire side of the Sulfur Tunnels that takes you back to Dornek Firehammer. I know the reason for it being there. However maybe a sign saying where it goes might be a good idea. Otherwise you have to make the trip from Dornek's location to Meren and take the Teleporter back to Lang.
7. Sent Stonepicker to the inn for a few drinks and a nap and hired Sheba

Party Members

Dryad 33A Level 31 Sharpshooter

Tiahna Level 31 Sharpshooter

Xavier Level 31 Sharpshooter

Arisu Level 31 Magus

Sheba Level 30 Magus

Briahra Level 30 Sorceress


I used this party to test the neutral Krug and since I did not have a low level party operating I decided to use them to play the game.

Kingdom of Ehb 33A

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S LOCAL Mode

Dungeon Siege 2

Dungeon Siege 2 AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location

Wesrin Cross

Quest Log

Primary Quests – Seek Gyorn in Stonebridge,

Secondary Quests – Clear Edgaar's Basement,

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters are leveling as expected currently at level 8
3. Radar looks good so far.
4. Quest arrows to this point seem to be working correctly.
5. No problems hiring people.
6. Was able to reproduce neutral Krugs in Crypt of the Sacred Blood

Party Members

Lili Level 8 Archer

Naidi Level 7 Archer

Ulora Level 7 Hedge Wizard

Zed Level 7 Theurgist


I now have one party operating from Broken World playing Kingdom of Ehb. One party operating from Broken World playing Utraean Peninsula SE. One party operating from DS2 Playing Kingdom of Ehb. Hopefully I will be able to keep them in my mind as to which party is which. With this combination of parties I should be able to track down oddities and see if they are common to both DS2 and Broken World or just with one game.

