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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

Kingdom of Ehb 33B

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Dungeon Siege 2

Dungeon Siege AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location

Chamber of Stars

Quest Log
Act 1
Primary Quests – Complete
Secondary Quests – Complete

Act 2
Primary Quests – Complete
Secondary Quests – Complete

Act 3
Primary Quests – King and Castle, The Chamber of Stars
Secondary Quests – Complete

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters are leveling as expected.
3. Quest arrows working correctly.
4. No problems hiring people.
5. Everything seems to be going okay monsters are very nasty at level 35
6. Have abandoned Summoned Creatures as they where using to much mana, which I need for magic against the Seck.

Party Members

Lili Level 35 Sharpshooter

Naidi Level 35 Sharpshooter

Phaedriel Level 35 Sharpshooter

Ulora Level 35 Sorceress

Zed Level 35 Sorcerer

Sikra Level 34 Magus


Kingdom of Ehb 33B

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Dungeon Siege 2

Dungeon Siege AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location

Gom's Domain, after his disposal.

Quest Log
Act 1
Primary Quests – Complete
Secondary Quests – Complete

Act 2
Primary Quests – Complete
Secondary Quests – Complete

Act 3
Primary Quests – Complete
Secondary Quests – Complete

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters are leveling as expected.
3. Quest arrows working correctly.
4. No problems hiring people.
5. Everything seems to be going okay monsters are very nasty at level 35
6. Gom Quest went well and the portal after the battle worked great. However the Dragon Rathe was harder to kill than the Gom. I still think the Gom must be harder!

Party Members

Lili Level 37 Sharpshooter

Naidi Level 36 Sharpshooter

Phaedriel Level 36 Sharpshooter

Ulora Level 36 Sorceress

Zed Level 36 Sorcerer

Sikra Level 36 Magus


Yesterhaven 33B

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location

Halls of Winter

Quest Log

Primary Quests – Mysterious Ruins, Salvation and Damnation
Secondary Quests –

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters leveling correctly.
3. Radar looks good so far.
4. Quest arrows to this point seem to be working correctly.
5. As yet have not encountered anything not working or odd.

Party Members

Bare_Elf Level 7 Archer

Fiathna Level 7 Archer


Yesterhaven 33B

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location

Yesterhaven start of Act 2

Quest Log

Act 1

Primary Quests – Completed
Secondary Quests –

Act 2

Primary Quests – Defend the Town
Secondary Quests –

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters leveling correctly.
3. Radar looks good so far.
4. Quest arrows to this point seem to be working correctly. They do get a little bit confused in the Halls of Winter do to all the twists, turns and doubling back the path takes.
5. As yet have not encountered anything not working or odd. The first and second encounters with Snow Queen went as designed.

Party Members

Bare_Elf Level 13 Marksman

Fiathna Level 13 Marksman

Tajj Level 12 Magician


At the start of Act 3 of Yesterhaven 33B there are two quest arrows. One points to the elevator down to the path to Mount Underforge. The second one points to a locked gate, that we do not have a key for.

Finished Yesterhaven with Dwarven Brigade level 49/50

Used multiple summons and changing types. Most went well EXCEPT the LUNGER witch did nothing.

2 Quest arrows at start are a little confusing.

LoA: Tower of Kmethket went mostly fine. Like that the Dopplegangers cannot be attacked until they take form they die fast but can do a far amount of damage.

Hat trouble damaging Octodraks ranged seemed unable to damage as well as some spells. will try a previous save and try with a variety of spells


iryan wrote:
. . .
The solution is to make the monsters disappear shortly after they die. This is easy enough with the Unguis family as they disappear under the ground anyhow, though the scid reference to the template is still there so the environmental hazard effect will still occur.

With the Lectar's its more difficult. Just having them disappear after dying isn't realistic. Currently I have them spawning a body after they die and disappear but that's not much better.

I've tried making the body spawn act realistically like its dying but hadn't had any success and I don't know if its even possible. I'll ask KillerGremal about it as he's a wizard with these sorts of things.
. . .

Wizard!? :o *cough*
...I don't even know what hazard you are talking about (and how it's set up).
In the Lectar template at least I didn't find anything.

Of course you could spawn a dead or dying body (depending on Lectar's animation), but trying to deactivate this hazard would perhapbs be the better way


iryan wrote:
. . .
The strange thing is that the Ice Caverns region where this is happening isn't faded out or anything like that so it isn't a trigger problem. The game just sometimes thinks that the region is faded out. What fades do is essential makes all objects and terrain invisible and replaced with a black void. However the objects and terrain is actually still there. That's why some of your characters can walk into the void and actually attack monsters there.

One solution I can try is to put a redundancy trigger to unfade that Ice Cavern region anyway. If it appears naturally this won't hurt. If it doesn't appear then this may make it appear. I wonder if KillerGremal agrees with me that it may be worth a shot.

In a shorter test I could not reproduce this blackness either, but I possibly didn't try all ways to access/leave this area.
I'm not sure if the 'core' of the Arctic Cavern is really affected, but there are at least a few spatial fade triggers for the AC-regions (ac_r2/0xAAA302000, ac_r3/0xAAA303000, ac_r1a/0x5C6C406F and ac_r2a/0x00BECD4C), they all care about fading out and fading in again, perhaps now that the fading in part doesn't work or can be bypassed anyhow.

Maybe opening a Town Portal inside the trigger range (improbable though) and teleporting away will cause fading problems.
A custom DC portal/station in a dungeon (fade trigger probable) could be another conflict source (upper dungeon area usually faded out, but what now if you walk back to the entrance on the surface?).

Yesterhaven 33B

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location

After game ends

Quest Log

Act 1

Primary Quests – Completed
Secondary Quests – Completed

Act 2

Primary Quests – Completed
Secondary Quests – Completed

Act 3

Primary Quests – Completed
Secondary Quests – Completed

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters leveling correctly.
3. Radar looks good so far.
4. The Yesterhaven Map played very nicely using Broken World, Now for a run through using DS2

Party Members

Bare_Elf Level 22 Marksman

Fiathna Level 22 Marksman

Shalindra 21 Raider

Tajj Level 21 Scholar


The first encounter with the Snow Queen in Yesterhaven 33B differs between DS2 and Broken World. When playing from Broken World, the first snow queen encounter she goes through her NIS and vanishes. When playing from DS2 She goes through her NIS and then attacks. Not sure which should happen, but I do not think there should be a difference.


bare_elf wrote:
The first encounter with the Snow Queen in Yesterhaven 33B differs between DS2 and Broken World. When playing from Broken World, the first snow queen encounter she goes through her NIS and vanishes. When playing from DS2 She goes through her NIS and then attacks. Not sure which should happen, but I do not think there should be a difference.


Bare_Elf, I am running BW and had that problem, that's why I posted the screenshots of it

Glad it's not my personl gremlins at work :goofy: :fishslap:


I finally had a chance to test this mod again. Ehb is what I'm mainly focusing on for now as this map is my childhood :3
Anyway I just started out on this map again, and I love how the mimic is fixed btw and the D.C. Teleporter added close to the bridge Smile it seems like a muuuch more stable beginning in the long run. Although this time I died at the start of the path2crypts and respawned all the way at the beginning of the map. I guess I hadn't noticed it before. Is this intentional? It seems like an awful long walk after having unlocked the D.C. Teleporter and checkpoint lol.
I noticed that you fixed the spelling error with necromancers though when I needed to retrieve my stuff :3 So far from what I see, you've covered a lot of stuff in this update Smile Smile In an hour I'll continue my journey through the path2crypts and through the crypts as well, I'll try and keep you posted.

Dead Lectars do do damage now - I haven't lingered long enough to see if the hazard ends when the corpse vanishes eventually - but live Lungers do not. They come forward - maybe slower than they used to - but once in position to melee just stand there as if bewildered.

"Alpine Caverns" is official, so "Arctic Caverns" is wrong. GPG may not have named the ice caves in the Locations file, but they did in "Fedwyrr's Way Volume One" lorebook.

I did not have any of the problems others have had with Alpine Caverns regions being faded out.

Both the chest with the Caverns map and the chest with the Fortress Kroth lorebook still will not open for me. Their sparkles go out when I try but nothing else happens. Perhaps revert them to the positions and use points they had up to 33a (but with their new triggers).

About bare_elf's problem with Gloern: at Glitterdelve shanty town, the NIS in which Gloern runs out of the shack ends before the battle does, with not just the Krug still alive and fighting, but some of the miners too. Nothing wrong with that, except that as the combatants move about, and the party can join in, Gloern moves from under his quest-giver icon (that turns into the recruit-me icon); it does not track him but stays where it was first put. Nor does he return to it.

About to leave Stonebridge, somebody spoke up saying perhaps we should have brought the archer - I hadn't recruited Naidi - fine except that the speaker was Gyorn, who wasn't there either! My party was farmer, Ulora, Zed and Rusk.

Trivia report to follow, including some more of those non-blocking doors and walls.

Last night I finished Act 1 of Yesterhaven 33B (playing from DS2) Got back to town via the elevator. Killed all the spiders and skellies in town, hired Tajj. Verified the quests had completed. Saved and went to bed. Today when I restarted I was in snow town with all the act one quests completed, A party of three. However the set up was still as in act 1, the mayor standing out side his building. Tried every thing I could think of but nothing worked so it is time to start over.


QueenEmi wrote:
Although this time I died at the start of the path2crypts and respawned all the way at the beginning of the map. . . It seems like an awful long walk after having unlocked the D.C. Teleporter and checkpoint lol.

I believe that to make the portal to the D.C. appear, you must unlock the D.C., as you did, and also save, exit and reload. So you could have saved yourself the walk after respawning by saving and exiting the game then.
bare_elf wrote:
Tried every thing I could think of but nothing worked so it is time to start over.
Obviously a problem with the new restart point not triggered, but did you try teleporting forward to where Dante is, running and riding all the way through the towers to the defeated queen's throne room, and taking her elevator again? (working the lever to fetch the elevator if it isn't there). Assuming that is that iryan has either removed the cheat elevator beyond the cemetery or fixed the far gate so you cannot reach it.

2.2, Beta33b (over 33a from Installer), MLA Local Monster-adjust-declared. All*Saves v1

DS1 summon spells I've tested jade gargoyle, skeleton, darkling and darkblood (combat), rat, dog, gray wolf and killer gremal (nature). The gargoyle and the skeleton are the only two of these that cannot be replaced immediately when they die. Darkling is fun but why are both its armor and its quoted attack worse than the gargoyle's? (If to match one of the DS2 combat summons then is the gargoyle too good?) Killer gremal costs far too little mana to summon.

Kb09. (general problem) Magical Plate is too widely available (I'm still of the opinion). A Krug at the start dropped some that anybody could use. Armor only =12 (less than Altan's Leather will be) but still both looks out of place and is better than one should have so early. Slightly higher levels (e.g. requiring Combat Magic 4), when one keeps finding them, unbalance the game in favor of combat mages, in their own little way, and detract from the fun of looking for and choosing other robes/armors to upgrade to. I'd like to see the base template in unique_ds1_amr_bdy_magical_plate given the same properties as e.g. the imperial plate one, thus screen_name = "Magical Plate"; base_screen_name = "Plate Armor"; rarity = unique; allow_modifiers = false; is_pcontent_allowed = false;

NB Ka02 to Kb08 are my retrospective private references for remarks I posted unnumbered.

Kb10. The pitchfork always found before Edgaar's place has a sell value of only 1. Surely 6-10 damage should be worth more even allowing for it being slow attack?

iryan wrote:
(2016-04-15) The phrak cages now should correctly say cage instead of target.
(Update). Still not so in 33b. On the other hand I can at last get the meat from the spit after the crypts, hurrah.

Kb11. “Would you like to save the game?” prompt that occurs when you activate what was the first D.C., before the crypts, could be moved to the new D.C. at the ruined bridge.

Kb12. Map of the Crypts of the Sacred Blood shows the first and third secret areas you can open but not the middle one.

Kb13. Two Combat Magic sanctuary doors can be passed through without having to open them (by a character unable to open either, though another character in the party, Ulora, could): the one in the ice dungeon that Moros reported first, and the one in Wesrin Cross. The latter is at sd_r1 -0.370/-1.749/-0.003 0xd989ac64

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
sigofmugmort reported recently being able to go through walls [in Glitterdelve] without having to open them by exploding the red barrels - the only one I can confirm is in the first pair of pits near the end, DM_R11 1.379/-1.799/1.003 0x6DBC7706. (All the others I'd either opened too soon or failed to find anything to click on behind the wall.)
[Ka03] This one is now fixed, but I've found two more: dm_r8 -2.227/-1.992/-3.867 0xf585acd8 which is on the right, with lots of scorpions etc behind it, opposite where the cave turns left (there is a large pack of dogs on the inside of this corner, if I've remembered the right place - was this the one sig found first?); and the entrance to Torg's cave at dm_r11 1.208/-1.978/-2.753 0x5e8746cc. Party can run through into darkness.

Meanwhile up above Torg, the one red barrel outside a crowded cave on the left (is it the second last one before the exit?) was not enough to open it but the wall can be broken by attacking it. dm_r11 0.984/-0.049/3.410 0x236df970

Kb14. Entering Glacern, between bridge and statue the radar blacks out completely (even the party's marker is gone). nt_r1 0.597/-0.349/-0.846 0xcc154d7c

Kb15. Just as whoever picks up the map of Wesrin Cross ended up standing through the middle of the table that was on, so too does whoever picks up the map of Glacern in the first house on the right.

Kb16. The enchanter at Glacern is clone of the one at Stonebridge – same name (Zelda), clothes and appearance, just different convo.

Kb17. The Glacern pet-seller's hair color does not match her conversation portrait (is the latter her original from DS1?). The townsfolk (there for general interest) sport a variety of hair colors to which a limited range of portraits had to be matched as best they could, no complaint there, but the pet-seller has been changed into a standard red-head.

Kb18. Hero has same words to hire Lorun as to hire Kroduk. “I need someone who can smash and crush and you fit the bill”. Good line to Kroduk, echoing what Kroduk himself has just said, but quite inappropriate to the mage.

Suggestion: hero's refusal speech to Kroduk be something along the lines of, "Is it Bodrus and Fretch who owe you? I met them near Glitterdelve, try searching back there." (He was after a wagon that he thinks came towards Glacern, but since they are shady characters who are obviously smuggling arms to the Krug and their teachers - whom Bodrus may or may not know are Seck - it makes sense that they would have doubled back to foil pursuit, whether or not they knew Kroduk was after them.)

Kb19. Some of the breakable containers in the ice dungeons cannot be broken by ranged attacks nor (I seem to remember from before) magic other than area effect (e.g. Ripple spell). Rather they can be but the ranger or mage must stand right next to the container, as a melee fighter does, because something in front gets in the way (like curtains of water drops do e.g. in the Subterranean River section, only here the barrier is invisible). One in the homeless blacksmith's cellar, the crate in the middle between the chest on the left that opens, and the other crate on the right that can be shot. id_r1 1.388/-1.500/-0.875 0x267c47a9. One barrel in a corner in the larger ice dungeon, id_r2 0.657/0.001/1.819 0x39ec6b66, and the two crates at the right-hand end of the three-arch alcove id_r2 -0.524/-1.500/1.477 0x8ee8b91b

Report on convos (spelling etc) to follow.

LoA finished party level 36 everything completed fine

Chicken gun should be fast attack :wacko:

Dopplegangers take damage like they have NO armor and go down fast.


Yesterhaven 33B

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Dungeon Siege 2 AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location

End Game.

Quest Log

Act 1

Primary Quests – Completed
Secondary Quests – Completed

Act 2

Primary Quests – Completed
Secondary Quests – Completed

Act 3

Primary Quests – Completed
Secondary Quests – Completed

Comment Log

1. Quests Completed correctly.
2. Monsters leveled correctly.
3. Radar looks good.
4. Did not encounter the same problem as in the last run through of the map after completing Act 1. Where I found myself in a small fenced in area with no gates that was still covered in snow, and there was no way out.
5. This time the only issue I noted was that Dog ran through the gates to the Haunted Forest before I could unlock them. Fiathna quickly followed him. Now for both my primary character and Tajj needed to open the gate as we kept bumping our heads attempting to follow the other two party members.
6. How long is the reset before the merchants get new items. It appeared to me that each time I went to the various merchants they had the same materiel for sale and mostly very low level stuff.

Party Members

Lili Level 22 Sharpshooter

Fiathna Level 22 Sharpshooter

Shalindra Level 22 Raider

Tajj Level 22 Sorcerer

Dog (Norick's Dog – Adult) Level 22 Knight. I think I like pets in a Map like Yesterhaven as you never fill up the last two slots in your party. Also they do not pop in and out of existence like summoned beings.


Legends of Aranna 33A/Logic 33B

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location

Halls of the Lost

Quest Log

Act 1

Primary Quests – The First Trial, Lost Queen
Secondary Quests – The Trapper, Family Bow

Act 2

Primary Quests –
Secondary Quests –

Act 3

Primary Quests –
Secondary Quests –

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters leveling correctly.
3. Sparkle stays on trunk after item recovered A1_R1A_BASEMENT. 5.967/2.000/-0.452/0XEC2F5181.
4. Radar goes black for a few steps @ A1_R1_TOWN. -0.316/0.000/-1.250/0X3152CD39.
5. I would like to see the class selection menu added to the start of map.

Party Members

Bare Elf Level 9 Archer

Lyssa Level 8 Slayer

Jondar Level 9 Hedge Wizard


RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
I believe that to make the portal to the D.C. appear, you must unlock the D.C., as you did, and also save, exit and reload. So you could have saved yourself the walk after respawning by saving and exiting the game then.
Yeah I found that out of course, I just thought I'd point this out as a "sort of" flaw. I mean it is kind of a hassle to have to exit and re-enter the game like that lol.

Legends of Aranna 33A/Logic 33B

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location

City of Illicor

Quest Log

Act 1

Primary Quests – The First Trial, Lost Queen, Pursuit of the Staff.
Secondary Quests – The Trapper, Family Bow, Recover Ilorn's Amulet

Act 2

Primary Quests – Island of the Utraeans
Secondary Quests – The Wizard City

Act 3

Primary Quests –
Secondary Quests –

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters leveling correctly.
3. Killer Vines are often attacked by rangers prior to them appearing and often they will continue to attack after the vines are dead. I attempted to mark the locations however as soon as I open an inventory to mark the location the rangers will stop shooting, that is a new occurrence when it comes to attacking dead killer vines. (I opened Najj's inventory and Bare Elf and Lyssa stopped their attack.)
4. There are a few locations within the coastal bluffs where radar goes black after exiting the area where Ilorn is. They are so brief I almost missed them, on the way back to Ilorn to make a purchase.

Party Members

Bare Elf Level 13 Marksman

Lyssa Level 13 Marksman

Jondar Level 13 Wizard

Nardulo Level 12 Shaman

Najj Level 13 Mystic


QueenEmi wrote:
RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
I believe that to make the portal to the D.C. appear, you must unlock the D.C., as you did, and also save, exit and reload. So you could have saved yourself the walk after respawning by saving and exiting the game then.
Yeah I found that out of course, I just thought I'd point this out as a "sort of" flaw. I mean it is kind of a hassle to have to exit and re-enter the game like that lol.
Basic idea of these stations is to mark the places where it is safe to reuse the postion data in order to reopen a backwards Town Portal at next session start.

I'm aware that tow two Portal rings/'cranckels' can appear in town sometimes, how for they can be conjoint or consequently co-exist I had to check first.

Generally in critical situations you should rely on the Town Portal spell - that portal you get instantly without exiting/reloading.

Conceptually, activating a D.C. should open a portal from town. It should be there whenever party returns to town, by any means, whether reload of game, respawn on party death, town portal spell or walking.

Example: farmer activates the D.C. at ruined bridge, buys town portal spell from Skartis, walks as far as the small secret crypt, claims the puller staff, decides to stash it in the vault so casts town portal and returns thereby to the start-out farm. What player will see currently is the return half of the town portal. What the player should see ideally is two portals, the temporary spell-created one to wherever around the crypt it was cast from, and a semi-permanent one to the ruined bridge D.C. (semi-permanent because it should endure until the next D.C. is activated).

Example: farmer and Ulora activate the D.C. on the path to Stonebridge. They reach Stonebridge where player saves game. Player then exits game. Next session, player takes enlarged party to the Wesrin Cross entrance, activates the D.C. there, and continues. Shortly after, somewhere in the dungeon, party casts town portal so as to go shopping in Stonebridge. There, player sees two portals, the return half of the temporary spell-created one and a semi-permanent one not to Wesrin's entrance (last D.C. activated) but to Path2Stonebridge (last D.C. prior to game being loaded)! The latter had been there for player to see when reloading; as a further refinement it should have been cancelled not relocated when Stonebridge checkpoint was reached.

(This does not mean each D.C. should be hard-linked to a specific town, e.g. the ruined bridge, crypts entrance and path2Stonebridge D.C.s to the farm. That would work for KoE but not for a non-linear map like UP)

Maybe a save should be taken automatically, or at least offered, every time a D.C. is activated or a town checkpoint reached. (That way there can be no mistake over whether or not party is far enough into town, as there might be in the Droog village for example.) Remember to make the town checkpoint trigger single-shot though.

@RSimpkinuk57: Indeed this would be a nice and versatile feature upgrade.
For the time being however, perhaps another expression should be used not to imply a concept that does not exist (yet), so instead of 'Direct Connect(ion)' rather something like 'Session Start Town Portal Destination' resp. something else that would make it more obvious what it does and what not.

Actually the expression 'Direct Connection' was just used because the core functionality came out of the Hotfix mod where it was important to use an existing expression that DS2 automatically can translate in any installed distribution language of the game.

KoE, 33b: Made it to the travelers camp with little trouble (except when Naidi got too close to some Lungers :rip: )


I noticed in my newest playthrough of KoE that when I got to the ice caves (which I only just passed), there was a major difficulty spike. At this point I've already paid for a full party, all of which are spec'd and equipped properly.. Yet, we got butchered every step of the way. In fact, there was one stretch of cave that I almost HAD to use +drlife to get through it in a reasonable amount of time. I didn't, in fact I did the old fashioned "Lead a few out, kill them, lead a few more out, etc" but that took a long while, because there were so many pods of respawning little ice fly b*stards.

Now, I have the Monster Adjust mod sent to All. And with the Aranna Legacy mod, in the .ini, I have the difficulty set to 70%. And even then, we were decimated in just about every individual 'room' of the cave. For the first section, the biggest issue was those respawning flies. For the second, both the flies and the archers became a major problem. Now, I enjoyed the challenge mind you, but the curve was rather sudden, especially considering I have my difficulty set to such a... forgiving level for this playthrough. (It still kicks my arse if I get cocky, though. As painfully evident in the Glitterdelve mines.. -shudder-).

Now I feel like this cave has gotten a lot harder since Beta 30. (Which was the last version I played because I was terrible at keeping up to date for a long while, haha) And I'm leaning toward the issue being, not the amount of monsters, but the fact that some critters do somewhat ridiculous damage. The archers, for instance.
Have I just gone soft?

KillerGremal wrote:
@RSimpkinuk57: Indeed this would be a nice and versatile feature upgrade.
For the time being however, perhaps another expression should be used not to imply a concept that does not exist (yet), so instead of 'Direct Connect(ion)' rather something like 'Session Start Town Portal Destination' resp. something else that would make it more obvious what it does and what not.

Actually the expression 'Direct Connection' was just used because the core functionality came out of the Hotfix mod where it was important to use an existing expression that DS2 automatically can translate in any installed distribution language of the game.

Another possible feature of the portal_data_save component that is unused at the moment is the game_saving_mode option, which I assume is fully functional?

Currently it's default setting is 0, which is Not Saving the Game. However it also has settings of 1, which is to show the save game dialog box in singleplayer games and 2, save instantly (default for multiplayer).

I believe setting 1 can be overwritten by the player choosing to disable showing the save game dialog box in singleplayer (not 100% sure) but if setting 2 works for singleplayer as well, then that would solve the problem.

I also agree about the description of the gizmo but its a difficult concept to describe adequately anyhow.

Raymus wrote:
I noticed in my newest playthrough of KoE that when I got to the ice caves (which I only just passed), there was a major difficulty spike.

Now, I have the Monster Adjust mod sent to All. And with the Aranna Legacy mod, in the .ini, I have the difficulty set to 70%. And even then, we were decimated in just about every individual 'room' of the cave.

Now I feel like this cave has gotten a lot harder since Beta 30. (Which was the last version I played because I was terrible at keeping up to date for a long while, haha) And I'm leaning toward the issue being, not the amount of monsters, but the fact that some critters do somewhat ridiculous damage. The archers, for instance.
Have I just gone soft?

No, they have always been pretty hard but maybe recent revisions of the MLA has changed them ever so slightly. From my perspective, there's only so much I can do to influence the MLA mod in All mode. Ice Flies actually are trivial monsters so should be very weak with low HP but they are quite fast. Ice Archer's shouldn't be anything special as they are normal monsters. The MLA mod in All mode does seem to ignore the specified damage potential of each monster to some degree though the HPs do seem to scale more or less correctly.

I could make the Ice Flies a bit slower and attack a bit slower as well through their templates and the same for the Ice Archers with their attack speed. Or reduce their numbers a bit.

The worry is that if you're having trouble in the Ice Caverns, then the Subterranean River will be a lot worst going on what players have reported. The Lungers are far worst than the Flies are. I have compiled a DS1_Mod_Logic.ds2res to alter the Lungers here and can add some edits to the Ice Flies and Archers for you to try out if you like.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

Kb09. (general problem) Magical Plate is too widely available (I'm still of the opinion). A Krug at the start dropped some that anybody could use. Armor only =12 (less than Altan's Leather will be) but still both looks out of place and is better than one should have so early. Slightly higher levels (e.g. requiring Combat Magic 4), when one keeps finding them, unbalance the game in favor of combat mages, in their own little way, and detract from the fun of looking for and choosing other robes/armors to upgrade to. I'd like to see the base template in unique_ds1_amr_bdy_magical_plate given the same properties as e.g. the imperial plate one, thus
screen_name = "Magical Plate";
base_screen_name = "Plate Armor";
rarity = unique;
allow_modifiers = false;
is_pcontent_allowed = false;

The problem with the Magical Plate is an error as I forgot to include the necessary rarirt - unique line in the common block and is_pcontent_allowed = flase to prevent it dropping.

I'm also going through the other comments you made but time is very limited to me at the moment.

I've uploaded a new DS1_Mod_Logic.ds2res for mostly Raymus to test for balance in the Ice Caverns & Subterranean River but also containing enough new fixes to make it worthwhile to everyone to download.

The Ice Flies & Ice Archers should attack 25% slower now and the Ice Flies move a bit slower as well. Also keep in mind that these are Ice based monsters and so very weak to Fire spells and fire enchanted weapons.

Lungers should also attack 25% slower and have an additional weakness to death magic while Lectars should now no longer damage you after they die (the Unguis family of monsters as well).

Magical Plate should no longer drop as well (It's an unique armor).

Direct Connection Points or Session Start Portals, whatever they should be called) now call up the Single Player Save Game Dialog Box, unless you have disabled those by ticking the box or in options. Unfortunately it doesn't appear possible to automatically save your game in SinglePlayer Mode using the Session Start Portals (only multiplayer games).

I will in time be making a mini mod to turn all the Direct Connection Points into proper Portals like in DS2 though they will look quite different, keeping their physical form but creating a portal instead of an effect. I will look at keeping the functionality of the Session Start Portals as well.

iryan wrote:
I've uploaded a new DS1_Mod_Logic.ds2res for mostly Raymus to test for balance in the Ice Caverns & Subterranean River but also containing enough new fixes to make it worthwhile to everyone to download.

The Ice Flies & Ice Archers should attack 25% slower now and the Ice Flies move a bit slower as well. Also keep in mind that these are Ice based monsters and so very weak to Fire spells and fire enchanted weapons.

Lungers should also attack 25% slower and have an additional weakness to death magic while Lectars should now no longer damage you after they die (the Unguis family of monsters as well).

Magical Plate should no longer drop as well (It's an unique armor).

Direct Connection Points or Session Start Portals, whatever they should be called) now call up the Single Player Save Game Dialog Box, unless you have disabled those by ticking the box or in options. Unfortunately it doesn't appear possible to automatically save your game in SinglePlayer Mode using the Session Start Portals (only multiplayer games).

I will in time be making a mini mod to turn all the Direct Connection Points into proper Portals like in DS2 though they will look quite different, keeping their physical form but creating a portal instead of an effect. I will look at keeping the functionality of the Session Start Portals as well.

It has been a long time since I had problems with Ice Archers, Ice Warriors, and Ice Flies. Once I realized that carrying weapons and spells that are counter to the area. In cold areas Fire Weapons and Spells. In Hot Climates ice weapons and spells. Nature Magic against Dead things. Therefore I always equip my rangers with an Ice Bow and a Fire Bow. However I do like some of the additional changes to this version of the Logic file, like slower Lungers and Ice Flies. This will give my rangers a chance to target them at distance instead of waiting for them to be in my pocket. Lectars and Unguis Family not doing damage after death. I am currently at the Dig Site in LoA and will continue on. However I might retry the map again to look at both the ice caverns and underground river.


Legends of Aranna 33A/Logic 33C

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location

Dig Site

Quest Log

Act 1

Primary Quests – The First Trial, Lost Queen, Pursuit of the Staff.
Secondary Quests – The Trapper, Family Bow, Recover Ilorn's Amulet

Act 2

Primary Quests – Island of the Utraeans, Therg
Secondary Quests – The Wizard City, Shadow Portal

Act 3

Primary Quests –
Secondary Quests –

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters leveling correctly.
3. There is no clue any longer as to the location of Lost Valley and Shadow Portal. If I recall correctly in the 32 version of the map Nardulo made a cryptic comment about a turn off.

Party Members

Bare Elf Level 18 Marksman

Lyssa Level 18 Marksman

Jondar Level 18 Wizard

Nardulo Level 17 Wizard

Najj Level 18 Warrior


Legends of Aranna 33A/Logic 33C

Monster Level Adjust Beta 5S ALL Mode

Broken World AllSaves See Far Hack set to off

Save Location

Trader Camp

Quest Log

Act 1

Primary Quests – The First Trial, Lost Queen, Pursuit of the Staff.
Secondary Quests – The Trapper, Family Bow, Recover Ilorn's Amulet, A Giant Task

Act 2

Primary Quests – Island of the Utraeans, Therg
Secondary Quests – The Wizard City, Shadow Portal, Are you safe brother, Therg's Apprentice.

Act 3

Primary Quests –
Secondary Quests –

Comment Log

1. Quests Completing correctly.
2. Monsters leveling correctly.
3. No major issues between Dig Site and Trader Camp
4. Adjusted party, Left Najj with his brothers. Added Algher and Mheagan.
5. I do so wish when I reach this point in the map that 8 party members where allowed by DS2. As there are two excellent recruits just up the road and I will be forced to dismiss two party members to get them. This I know can not be fixed has it is hard coded, I just like to whine sometimes.

Party Members

Bare Elf Level 19 Marksman

Lyssa Level 19 Marksman

Mheagan Level 18 Scourge

Algher Level 18 Scourge

Jondar Level 19 Wizard

Nardulo Level 18 Wizard

