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There is someone who sent me an email looking for advise on modding but as Windows 10 has left me without modding capabilities I referred him here. He says he tried to register but the registration page is showing as a blank for him. I wanted to pm you his email but the pm function is also not working.

PhoeniX wrote:
There is someone who sent me an email looking for advise on modding but as Windows 10 has left me without modding capabilities I referred him here. He says he tried to register but the registration page is showing as a blank for him. I wanted to pm you his email but the pm function is also not working.

I checked out both the PM and the registration created a new member and sent myself a pm and both worked. Check your in box as I sent you a PM if it works for you send me the data for this person and I will make things right.

Phoenix I was able to create a new account so your friend should also be able to if they can not I for sure can fix it.

Woof Woof

♪♪Who let the dogs out?...Who? Who?♪♪ Smile

Intrinsic Dragon wrote:
Hello there,

I have signed up to this site but can only log in by requesting a password replacement every time - when I then log in, it asks me to create a new password, but there is no functionality to do so. Clicking 'Edit' does nothing, and clicking 'Submit' says there was no email address entered. But there is nowhere to enter an email address. Please see attached screenshot.

*Edit - I have attached the file twice, and it doesn't appear to show up in my comment.

The only way I can think to correct this is to create an account for you. I would have to use a slightly different version of your user name. Such as Intrinsic Dragon omitting the space and then entering a password for you. If you would please PM me with How you wish the user name to be spelled and what you wish your password to be I will fix it.


I've spent the last 12 days in hospital with a serious chest and lung infection and I require a new password to log into the site. Like a fool the day before I was taken ill I changed the first password I was given to a newer one but I forgot to write it down in my little red book.

I don't want to create a new account as I quite like my current user name, is there any way that you could provide a new password to go with my old user account, if so I would be very grateful.


I'm sorry to hear about your illness, Moros. I published your comment, so hopefully someone more tech savvy than myself will be able to help you out. Feel better soon!

kathycf wrote:
I'm sorry to hear about your illness, Moros. I published your comment, so hopefully someone more tech savvy than myself will be able to help you out. Feel better soon!

I sent you a email at the email address that the site has for you. Read the email and do as I say and all should be well.

Thankyou to kathycf and bare_elf its much appreciated.
Suki and the gang will sing songs of gratitude in your honour. Laughing out loud