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More BW screenshots

Time for the next update. This time we have been presented with 3 new screenshots.
And they are some very promising screenshots. Check out the details.

I already posted about it in the community link topic, but I want to give it more attention that the DS Union was created over at Gamespot some time ago. Go there and say hi and give your support.

EvolveTom's picture

Those shots look awesome! Smile

They do. When is the release date, Tom? I want to play this game before school starts again. Smile

I like the elf's armor in that last screenshot. :P

Sharkull's picture

Cool stuff!

:idea: I'm sensing a theme... lots of monsters without sight (stuff blocking their eyes).

LoneKnight's picture

They're blind? Ahahaa. I can own them all with my pwning skillz. Looking good. As Sol said before, do we know a release date?

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

LoneKnight wrote:
They're blind? Ahahaa. I can own them all with my pwning skillz. Looking good. As Sol said before, do we know a release date?

The creatures may have other ways of pwning you besides sight. (example : In Doom 3, a boss enemy is blind, but he summons 2 special sight enemys who see for him.)

LoneKnight's picture

Never played Doom before. I've seen the movie (which was bad for the most part. The whole First-Person-Shooter part was legendary, though) and played Doom 1. I'm quite 'blind' on the subject of Doom. Haha. My humor surprises even me.

Hollywood does a bad job at turning video games into movies, just look at the resident evil movies or tomb raider; they were all terrible, not necessary bad actors, but bad story writing.

Movies that are turned into games generally turn out poorly as well. Sad


Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

sjr wrote:
Movies that are turned into games generally turn out poorly as well. Sad

Not really. I have found all but #4 in the Harry Potter series of PC games to be very excellent. Its like a Third-Person shooter, but you use spells, attend lessons, explore a huge castle, find secret areas, lots of fun. :P

#4 Is not good, because it lacks most of the above, and its more like an RPG rather than a TPS.

LoneKnight's picture

Well, if any of you have seen Doom the movie, the first-person part is awesome.

LoneKnight wrote:
Well, if any of you have seen Doom the movie, the first-person part is awesome.

Its about the only good part of the movie, but yes it was truely great.

- isn't the air usually full of floating numbers and stuff... :?