Dark_Elf's Custom Pets Reloaded v7.0a for DungeonSiege II and Broken World
This mod combines Custom Pets Alpha 1.2, Vampiric Trasak, and my stfpackpetsds2.ds2res to make them compatible and no longer needed so they should be removed prior to installing this.
Also users of v1 of this mod, may want to unload those pets and start new, especially the pixie since i had to split it into 2 thus eliminating its original code from the petshop.
This mod makes a Haku Shaman, Battle Gorilla, (original gold values), Vampiric Trasak, Fellspine Mage, Pixie, Shadowy Naldrun, Skath Cat, Hyena, Birath, Vampire Carver Bat, Black Scorpion King,
2 Rust Guards, Happy Frog, Grizzly and Polar Bears, Garganturax, Haku Elder, plus male and female Druid Mercs, lertisk, ralatar, tharva, klask, ketril, taugrim, ganth, grimreaper, ghost, maguar, thrine, maltratar, mystic protector,
pack rat, pack wabbit, and dog available at the act 1, 2 and 3 pet shops for 666 gold.
The pets have the potential for 3 inventory pages but have to be fed to get them. the Shaman and Gorilla should do 6 pages if the original code is correct.
The pets should be available in act 1 provided no mods interfer, the petseller will be a Darkelf if the mod loads correctly.
The power the trasak uses is soul harvest and the aura is 10% leach life.
The powers on the other pets are pretty much original DSII powers as its too time consuming to code new powers.
The Haku Shaman now has new spell graphics.
Added 4 summons: Gargantuax, PolarBear, Grizzly Bear and Spirit Wolf, which the 2 Druids at the petshop have for example.
The Druids have Diablo 2 LOD spells (well not quite but similar to) - Fissure, spirit_of_barbs, inferno, tornado, druid_spirit_embrace, molten_boulder, surge_of_healing, oak_sage, heart of wolverine
and unlike the pets they are true mercs that come with armor.
The Elder Haku (red) used Jolt and Blind as its spells.
The Pixie is a combat mage Naldrun that gives mana instead of life, the Mana Rain spell works but casts every 30 seconds for some reason.
The Pixie has a new spell called Rip Mana which is like leach life except it steals mana instead.
Shadowy Naldrun is a combat mage that uses Fork Lightning and Static Bolt like its evil counterparts.
Birath is melee and has a powerful Infect spell.
Fellspine Mage is ranged and has a new spell called Acid Bolt to go with its Jolt spell.
Happy Frog is ranged and uses a spit spell.
Scorpion King is ranged and is similar to Scorpion Queen except black.
2 Rust Guards, lertisk, ralatar, tharva, klask, ketril, taugrim, ganth, pack rat, pack wabbit, and dog are melee.
grimreaper, ghost and Vampire Carver Bat are melee but have a leech life spell.
ghost is combat mage with leechlife-gravebeam combo spell
thrine and maguar are ranged
maltratar and mystic protector are nature mage
Skath Cat, Hyena Polar Bear, Grizzly Bear and Garganturax are pretty much like Direwolf and melee.
A pink pack rabbit as a summoned animal and as pet.
Bare Elf’s wolf, Dog himself as a summon and as a pet.
A pack rat summon and as pet
6 new merc hirelings - Elenda - melee axe
Fenella - Combat mage with nature secondary
Explorer Taiesse - melee mace
Ithirrenne the Fletcher - ranged crossbow
Lady Femme - ranged thrower
Drevin - back from the dead, melee shield
Author: Dark_Elf
Special Thanks:
1. Dulac, for Custom Pets Alpha which this mod incorporates
2. ReadMe Template by Sharkull
3. Bare_Elf, Charietto for SummonTheForge mod, without which this ds2 version of the packwabbit, pack rat and dog wouldn’t have been possible
4. Elys for the tampon club graphic
Mod Version Number: V7.0a
Release Date: 12 Nov 2016
Contact Information:
Web Sites:
1. SiegeTheDay - http://siegetheday.org/
Files included:
1. custompetsreloaded7a.ds2res (2,704,548 bytes) the main mod file required for both DS2 and BW.
2. xbwcustompetfiles.ds2res (60,216 bytes) - for brokenworld users only, adds the battle gorilla and haku shaman's powers to active_skills.gas also changes the dryad town pet seller to include all known custom pets.
3. custompetsreloaded7.txt - your reading it, I hope!
Installation Instructions:
1. Place custompetsreloaded7a.ds2res into the resources folder where Dungeon Siege II is installed. (Program files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources)
2. if you are using broken world then you must also place xbwcustompetfiles.ds2res into the Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources folder this file isn't required for ds2 users just broken world users.
3. Please use AllSaves or Elys Succubus Manager without the succubus modlet checked to play this mod... can use regular DungeonSiege 2 too, but don't blame me for messed up saves.
Uninstall Instructions:
1. Delete custompetsreloaded7a.ds2res and xbwcustompetfiles.ds2res from where there were installed, or use ds 2 mod manager to turn it off.
But please be sure to remove items from the pet's inventories and send them to wild before prior to removal.
Requirements / Compatibility
Requirements: DungeonSiege II or BrokenWorld
1. This mod is compatible with DS II or BW and should work with most mods with some exceptions below.
2. can have compatibility issues with other pet mods that modify pet sellers thus may not be available at all shops.
the act 2 pet seller however should work fine with all pets as I have included them in my vendors.
Also conficts with mods that change active_skills.gas since the battle gorilla and haku shaman add powers to it to give them thier own power.
Please dont use this mod with hotfix, aranna legacy or Elys succubus modlet loaded or problems may occur.
Known Bugs:
Mana Rain dont seem to want to stop casting but works otherwise. If you have problems please let Dark_Elf know!
Mod Details:
Single Player: Y
Multi-Player: Y All players will require the mod in order to play
Difficulty Settings: N
New Graphics: Y, new spell icons
New Sounds / Music: N
New Weapons: Y
New Armor: Y
New Spells: Y new spells included - Tornado, Rip Mana, Mana Rain, Acid Bolt and other pet spells
New Misc. Items (Rings, Amulets...): Y new merc armor
New Character(s): Y new pets included and new pet shop character
Modified Experience / Attribute System: N
Modified Loot Drops: N
Modified GUI: N
Modified / Custom Map: N
Modified other: ...
Modding Tools Used: Siege Editor 2, Notepad, TankCreator2, Irfanview and DXTBmp.
Content provided by: GasPoweredGames and Dark_Elf
Other Credits:
1. ReadMe Template by Sharkull
2. Killer Gremal for his pet seller code.
3. Dulac for his custom pets alpha v1.2 which this mods incorporates.
4. Ghoulz for using the mod and reporting errors, which helped quite a bit in fixing this.
5. ravenloren for requesting new mercs.
Permission is not given to use this mod's content.
All title and intellectual property rights to the content of this mod are the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties.
Gas Powered Games and Dungeon Siege 2 are the exclusive trademarks of Gas Powered Games Corp and Microsoft. Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World is the exclusive trademark of Gas Powered Games and 2K Games
The author(s) of this mod accepts no responsibility for damage to data, or physical damage to hardware, caused by the appropriate or inappropriate use of this mod. Use this mod at your own risk.
Future Additions:
Fixing any bugs and or making more balanced
Version History:
v1.0 - first release
v2.0 - added new pets, removed spells that were not saving from code in v1.0, reworked all pets
v3.0 - added lertisk, ralatar, tharva, klask, ketril, taugrim, ganth, grimreaper, ghost, pack rat, pack wabbit, and dog!
v4.0 - added mystic protector, maltratar, maguar and thrine
v5.0 - added 5 new merc hirelings
v6.0 - added Drevin to pet shop for 0 gold and added merc armor plus drevin armor/weapons to shop
v7.0 - removed Resurrect from Rust Guard
v7.0a - re-textured Birath, Ganth, Garganturax, Klask, Ralatar. Maguar, Maltratar to a different color to make unique from enemy monster
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I like this mod, especially the Birath pet.
I would also like the Wabbit and the Dog, if they didn't keep using there buff spells once they have there emanation.
Now i can't use my buffs because i'm maxed out on buffs.
There also seems to be a graphic problem with the Wabbits Emanation, unless it's something else following it around. Btw, the Wabbit looks very much like a Gremal.
I'v included some snapshots and there names are pretty self explanatory.
I'm using your Naiad Same Size v1.0 for DungeonSiege II and Broken World ( http://www.siegetheday.org/?q=node/2411 )
Can that cause a problem?
Could i use your Dark_Elf's Pack Pets Broken World v1.0 for DungeonSiege II and Broken World ( http://www.siegetheday.org/?q=node/1515 )
Are your pet mods compatible and if not could you make them compatible?
What pets does your Pack Pets mod offer?
This might be of some help:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\custompetsreloaded6.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\de4xskills4xexp.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\GQ Arena Treasure.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\GQ Skill Retrainer in Eirulan.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\GQ Skill Retrainer in Eirulan.txttxt
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\GQ_Sanctuary_Doors.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\GQ_Sanctuary_Doors.txttxt
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\GQ_Shops.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\GQ_Shops.txttxt
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\Logic.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\Movies1.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\Movies2.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\Objects.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\Sound1.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\Sound2.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\Terrain.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\Voices.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\GQ Arena Treasure
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\GQ Arena Treasure\world
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\GQ Arena Treasure\world\contentdb
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\GQ Arena Treasure\world\contentdb\pcontent
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\GQ Arena Treasure\world\contentdb\pcontent\macros
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\GQ Arena Treasure\world\contentdb\pcontent\macros\act2_macros.gasgas
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\GQ Arena Treasure\world\contentdb\pcontent\macros\ds2x_macros.gasgas
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources\GQ Arena Treasure\world\contentdb\pcontent\macros\gq_arena_reward_macros.gasgas
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\BW Auto Engage Drink v0_9.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\GoldBW.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\Mod-Erthos-MonsterLevelAdjust-Beta5b.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\naiadsamesize.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\Six_Slots.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\Treasure_Seeker.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\xbwcustompetfiles.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\xde4xskills4xexpbw.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\xLogic.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\xMovies1.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\xObjects.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\xSound.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\xTerrain.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\xVoices.ds2resds2res
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources\ZhixalomsDS2BWInventory1280x960.ds2resds2res
I hope to hear from you.
Naiad Same Size and pack pets aren't compatible sorry
pack pets and custom pets should be compatible
pack pets is basically the ds2 and bw pets with 4 pages or more. the naiad same size overwrites the dark and light naiad so they wont have 4 pages.
yes the wabbit is a pink gremal.
perhaps I should fix those buffs, not sure they ever worked right, I wanted to make something new graphically but never had a chance to test.
I could combine the pet mods I guess for v7
The Happy Frog does not spit straight. It seems to be spitting on the floor because it hits nothing that isn't right in front of it.
How do i get rid of Drevin after sending him to the Inn?
Was Battle Gorilla's power fixed? I never got around to fix it.
not sure, haven't tested it, I just know it used the direwolf howl. King Kong's roar if can be found on the internet would be cooler for the sound. Perhaps u can finish the mod u started years ago, make it better.
Ok, I think I was using the howl as a placeholder and broke it. I've been thinking about revisiting custom pets 1.2 for Dulac's Custom Pets (since there are two of us using custom pets as a name).
u can have the custom pets name, mine is reloaded, I will rename mine.
Make this compatible with Aranna Legacy and Legendary Mod (If it isn't compatible with the latter already)
Not just because I've been wanting that for this mod for a long time, but the fact that those two mods are becoming pretty much the standard and I think most of us can agree.
Then, I think that also goes for Adepts.
Unless compatibility means making one mod completely override some of the changes of the other? If that's the case, maybe there should be a merging of mods.
I never actually played this mod and I still feel like I missed out on some different party builds but I don't want to play through without AL now that I've played through with it.
I don't know about making it work with Succubus Modlet, because I don't know how many people actually use the modlet while using the manager.
As for Drevin; him being dead to the story's canon makes finding him alive a wee bit unimmersive (Granted, DS2 isn't particularly Immersive) so maybe he should only be found in a pet store after saying something at an enchanting shrine, to make his existence completely forgettable if you so choose.
All of my suggestions for this mod. I look forward to seeing an update of it, if that is indeed happening, Sir Dulac.
EDIT: Oh, Also varied prices. Yeah, that too.
How a download?
The site as we are moving from one server to another has a few problems, I have to fix the download links manually.
This is the download link http://www.siegetheday.org/files/custompetsreloaded6.zip
Thank you very much
Every now and then, my pet Rustguard would switch to its resurrection spell. Thus becoming unable to attack foes if I were not to change it back to its normal attack mode........ Is there a compatibility issue here? Please reply! Thanks!
P.S. Is there a way to just remove the resurrection spell? hehe![Smile](https://siegetheday.org/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/Roving/smile.png)
resurrection spell can be removed by editing the gas file, and probably should be removed as it is quite dangerous...perhaps I will look into changing that.
mind sending me the edited mod files? he he. I'm new to this and I don't know how to edit things right now. I really want to have a pet rust guard but I currently manually control it to prevent it from switching its primary mode to the resurrection spell. Bit of a bother........
new v7 removed resurrect from Rust Guard changed its attack now taunts.
yo! Do you know where is the original gas files of the game's rust guard?? I want to change its walking movement cause currently it moves a bit skittish. I'm still searching for the rust guard's original gas file in the game's resource directory but alas, no result. Currently I changed its state to floating, so it moves steadily like a ghost. wehehe. Anyways, its just a suggestion! Hope you'll help!![Tongue](https://siegetheday.org/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/Roving/tongue.png)
logic.ds2res world\contentdb\templates\actors\evil\d\rustguard it walks at a snails pace in game as enemy probably reason why they are so easy to beat, I am planning on updating this mod again in the next few weeks
Know that state where summoned creatures just teleport to a character' side if they ever wonder far off? Do you know the codes for that? I think its a good add-on to pets. After all, they are contracted magical creatures. wehehehehe. And thanks for the rust guard info! Don't mind the sluggish movement. I think of it as a balanced punishment. After all, rust guards are powerful. You're the best man!![Laughing out loud](https://siegetheday.org/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/Roving/lol.png)
I note that the Merc's are 10 levels below my character while the pets are at her level of 50