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The game is nigh!

Got this in a mail from Tom. The wait will soon be over for the lucky denizens of the north americas. ^^


-- Add-On To Critically Acclaimed RPG Dungeon Siege II ships to North American Retailers on August 1st --

New York, NY – July 18, 2006 – 2K Games, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), and Gas Powered Games, the renowned video game developer, today announced that Dungeon Siege II: Broken World for PC has gone gold and is off to manufacturing. The game will ship to North American retail stores on August 1st.

Dungeon Siege II: Broken World picks up right where Dungeon Siege II left off with an all new campaign that concludes the story and adds two new character classes, terrifying beasts and monsters, and a newly refined tactical battle sytem. Dungeon Siege II: Broken World will require the full version of Dungeon Siege II to play.

They had better hurry up here in Sweden..

edit: While we wait you can download this video showing off the Blood Assassin.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

sol77 wrote:
Got this in a mail from Tom. The wait will soon be over for the lucky denizens of the north americas. ^^

-- Add-On To Critically Acclaimed RPG Dungeon Siege II ships to North American Retailers on August 1st --

New York, NY – July 18, 2006 – 2K Games, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), and Gas Powered Games, the renowned video game developer, today announced that Dungeon Siege II: Broken World for PC has gone gold and is off to manufacturing. The game will ship to North American retail stores on August 1st.

Dungeon Siege II: Broken World picks up right where Dungeon Siege II left off with an all new campaign that concludes the story and adds two new character classes, terrifying beasts and monsters, and a newly refined tactical battle sytem. Dungeon Siege II: Broken World will require the full version of Dungeon Siege II to play.

They had better hurry up here in Sweden..

I am a "lucky" person. :P

Sharkull's picture


I hope I'll have the laptop I want to buy by then... otherwise my gaming time will be severly limited (summer / fall trips to the family cottage, with no computer).

Wow, the release is closer than I thought. That's only - *counts fingers* - 13 days from now.

It's crazy how late they announced it.

Ok, so how many think that the release date will be moved back? :P Hehe, just kidding of course.

Nobody else knew it was set to release on August 1 before this announcement? :/

Sharkull's picture

I was actually thinking August 32nd... :tease:

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Sharkull wrote:
I was actually thinking August 32nd... :tease:

*error* Impossible Date Detected.

LoneKnight's picture

Well, I'm sure they wanted to avoid the whole situation of DS2 where they would have a release date only to miss it.

Sharkull's picture

Timelines are a lot easier to predict with an expansion (vs. a whole new game engine). I expect that they put the date of Aug. '06 only when the game went to QA for final testing of Release Candidates... at that point it would just be a matter of ironing out enough of the remaining bugs (which wouldn't likely be major...).

BTW, the date I gave was my way of saying I was expecting a delay... :P

LoneKnight's picture

Anyone know the cost, and if it comes with original DS2?

Sharkull's picture

I doubt it comes packaged with DS2...

Dungeon Siege II: Broken World will require the full version of Dungeon Siege II to play.

...but there might be a battle chest type combo box available too.