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..still playing DS1, anyone??

I've left game number 56 on hold for the last few months.. still haven't reached Glacern in that one yet..
yikes, they must be bored with seeing me pass through their town yet again - ha, ha! Laughing out loud

I've got Mageworld, Hyperborea and Utrae games underway as well.. still great fun!! Cool

I don't have it installed but I am tempted to install just to see what my gpu can make out of it. DS1 with 8x antialiasing and 16x anisotropic filtering could make it look pretty sweet compared to the old days.

Such a good looking game. Too bad the characters felt so empty to me.

Arman's picture

I had some trouble installing it, but I finally came up with a solution, and, with a little help from my brother, I can finally play it again! At the moment I'm busy playing Mageworld, but I also play regular DS1. It's such a good game, it would be a shame to not play it :P .

LoneKnight's picture

I have been playing it a lot, and always will. DS1 is still very much alive, as there are many forums and clans out there specifically for DS1.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

I am playing and modding both DS1 and DS2. Cool

Yes, I still do, but to be fair I haven't even owned my copy of DS1 for even a year yet. Smile

I play several times a week and I expect I will be enjoying this game for quite a while.

I have recently started playing DS2 as well

Balderstrom's picture

Gonna play thru a fresh game w/ DSRevived ( by Ikkyo & Omniscient Colossus ), and maybe Dark/Light Elves (by Witness), plus a few UI tweaks, Mules x2 INV (I'm a packrat ho'!) and players x1.5 INV. And some of my multitude of Formulas.gas mods that crank up the difficulty Smile

Yay, go Balders - up a screenie - that sounds like fun..!!

- go careful with that axe, eugene.. Laughing out loud

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Balderstrom wrote:
Gonna play thru a fresh game w/ DSRevived ( by Ikkyo & Omniscient Colossus ), and maybe Dark/Light Elves (by Witness), plus a few UI tweaks, Mules x2 INV (I'm a packrat ho'!) and players x1.5 INV. And some of my multitude of Formulas.gas mods that crank up the difficulty Smile

What ever happened to playing it old school? Laughing out loud
(I shouldn't be talking, I play with all of the custom spells I have made so far)

Playing it old school? I am much too spoiled by all the good mods I have downloaded. I also like the Dark/Light elf mod, plus I have spells, armor, inventory and weapons.

Character mods are a lot of fun. Smile

i don't have ds1 intalled right now but i always played it "old school"
at present i am playing ds2 "old school"
that's right folks no mods at all just the patch
/me listens for the gasps of awe Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

firebat's picture

saraibrahim wrote:
at present i am playing ds2 "old school"
that's right folks no mods at all just the patch

So you can play DS2 again? Smile

not on the laptop just on my home pc Sad

What are everybody's username's on DS and LOA?
Post yourUsername and Which game version you play.

{LOW}Lord Claw II - LOA

That would be a little hard to do, I have several different maps going, each with it's own character, as well as a game of regular Ds. I have just left the mines in that one, headed for Glacern. Maybe I will see some of you at the tavern. I will be the one standing next to the overseer. Wink

Honestly, even though I played through the Kingdom of Ehb several times I have not finished Legends of Aranna even once. I have still to have a showdown with the Shadowjumper. I just found LOA to be sort of a let down, and not as fun to play. I am currently trying to finish LOU as well as RoK, and have just started a game of DS Abstraction.

- I'm usually Blondin Bluehaven..
- occasionally, I go disguised as the Lady Oreanna Bluehaven.. :roll:

- but I'm currently Dweezil in Lands of Hyperborea.. ha, ha! Wink

Do I still play DS1 and DSLoA? Well yes I do and I even still mod it. I play mostly with Cat Mansion Adepts (created by iryan and myself) with my new mod Cat Mansion Armor.

I played DS2 from start to finish of the veteran game. By then I knew it so well I could kill monsters and morden in my sleep. With DS1 and DSLoA I have over 3 gigabytes of mods, maps and siegelets so I can play for a year without ever repeating a map.

I also find it much easier to create an armor mod for DS1 than for DS2 so i guess you could say I am a DS1 fiend and a DS2 Player Laughing out loud

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

bare_elf wrote:
Do I still play DS1 and DSLoA? Well yes I do and I even still mod it. I play mostly with Cat Mansion Adepts (created by iryan and myself) with my new mod Cat Mansion Armor.

I played DS2 from start to finish of the veteran game. By then I knew it so well I could kill monsters and morden in my sleep. With DS1 and DSLoA I have over 3 gigabytes of mods, maps and siegelets so I can play for a year without ever repeating a map.

I also find it much easier to create an armor mod for DS1 than for DS2 so i guess you could say I am a DS1 fiend and a DS2 Player Laughing out loud

Wait until derelict comes out, then you can add another month to that year if you explore everything. (not including MP) :P

I must admit to a preference for the Xaa games - I guess that's down to his story-telling - I just love the way they unfold.. and he's done some pretty radical things in Mageworld.. can't wait for update v3.00.. Cool

I've just restarted in DS2 - with only Lady Femme's amazing camera mod ( and Elys' of course!!) - but I'm afraid it pales against the original Wink

bright colours, for sure - just too much monster-bashing and a confusing plot-line, make it hard to contemplate a third run-through to complete the thing at the highest level...

Oh well, maybe with enough tea and doughnuts.. :roll:

I think I know what you mean. There was something that really captured my imagination right off when I first started playing DS1, that has not happened yet with DS2. Granted DS1 has it's flaws and drawbacks, but it is still a good game to me.

I think the original charm is still there in DS1, the characters are believable - the sequel has turned into a brutal onslaught against a tidal wave of enemies..

in DS1 we are presented with a beautifully crafted world in miniature.. with just enough room to explore and confuse.. LoA extended the world and offered a much bigger world - a bit more difficult to negotiate.. and a slightly more fragmented plotline..

I really like the wide-open and varied Utraean map in lands of LoU, and the feeling is much more like a logical extension from DS1- a nice story line and lots of ways to get around..

Xaa's games go into areas that the Editor can only just cope with.. undoubted masterpieces both, they really push the boundaries of the Adventure game genre - real milestones..

I'm confused by the constant relentless pace of DS2 - I love playing DS1 at about 0.9 speed, it flows and bounces along really beautifully - perhaps the lack of a speed control might be what's missing in DS2, I don't know - I can't quite make up my mind about it..

Balderstrom's picture

Not to turn this thread into a comparison...but to reply
A game sequel should build upon what was good (gameplay wise) and expand upon it, and possibly update the graphics. With DS2 what we have is for the most part a completely different game w/ some similiarities to its forefather.
So while DS2 is a good game, its no where near the experience that the original was -- it just looks a little better.

Theres enough threads elsewhere that expound upon what was missing or problematic in DS2 no need to rehash or list it here Wink

Oh, well said - that dwarf..!!

- I really think DS2's best regarded as a different game set in the same era - and not as an extension of the original..
- but LoU does that better than LoA anyway, in my opinion..
- comparisons over.. :roll:

- the gentle music and beautiful scenery of DS1 (..especially the snow scenes!) keep me coming back to it..
- I love the spell-making, crafting and alchemy in Xaa's games, though..
- makes you think all the time, while you're playing.. Cool

Aren't those snow areas great? Winter is one of my favorite seasons and I snagged one of the screenies from the official site a while back. Yep, I am a dork. Wink

clickable thumbnail:

- that's very evocative, and beautifully lit - Kath..

- those traders huts you find are a blessing, aren't they?
- and a hearth fire looks so beautiful and cosy, when it's snowing all around? Wink

And, after having fought for so long and hard in that field just before Fortress Kroth,
I get a real sense of achievement when the party finally arrives there safely..
there's a little cut-scene as you get to the bridge, and suddenly the lute music is just perfect..
- it adds a very rustic, medieval atmosphere - so simple and yet so heart-warming, its utterly excuisite!!

- you can almost feel the the loving care and attention that's been put into the detail.. :roll:

LoneKnight's picture

Kathy wrote:
There was something that really captured my imagination right off when I first started playing DS1, that has not happened yet with DS2.

That describes me, as well. Under no circumstance does new mean better.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

I'll always (hopefully) play DS I, Yesterhaven, and LoA, and I'm still working on armor and weapon mods for them. DS II, like many have said, has more attractive graphics, and some additional features that appeal (the Dryads are a nice option for PCs, and the Powers are fun), but for actual MP gaming experience (and modding), DS I and LoA are tops.

I'm not as happy with the Ehb map as I am with the LoA map, and I like UP better than either, but I think that's just because UP is so big and so easy to get around in. There are several different ways to get to any given place, even without using the displacers or HUB, and the scenery is breathtaking. (Yes, I like the snowy areas, too.) Ehb is far more limited as far as travel is concerned, and that annoys me, though the storyline is great. I guess the Yesterhaven map is somewhere in between Ehb and LoA, as far as preferences, but that may have more to do with the storyline involved, rather than the map itself.

Other maps and conversions (to say nothing of mods that allow other PC choices --- Witness' Dark & Light Elves, and Elys' Succubus, are truly awesome work) add to the possibilities, and so far, nobody has been able to do much with DS II (as far as I've seen, although Elys managed to offer some additional choices and improved some of what was already there). I have to say I like the DS II map, though (even if there's a little too much desert and not enough forest or snowy areas). Not sure how to compare it with the others above, or even if it should be compared with them, since the game itself is so different. The armor choices are also more varied and generally look better than most (unmodded) armor in DS I and LoA.

To sum up then, I like all of them, but when it comes to choices, DS I & LoA seem to offer the most, and I like being offered a lot of choices, instead of just a few.

LoneKnight's picture

Welcome to SiegeTheDay.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Hi, LK. I was actually here last year, before the site disappeared for a while, and didn't find my way back till January, but thanks for the (re-)welcome anyway. Smile

..with just the two games - the DS1/LOA double pack and now the DS2 Deluxe set, we have access to so many more great games via the mods..

..things are looking good..

..fighting the Fury from DS1

..the world is full of beauty, and life is wonderful!

Heh, I have a screenie of a Fury battle as well. My crew left Fortress Kroth and are in the Cliffs of Fire... Smile Hooray for mods!

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.
