I'm back, and I have DS1 modding questions
Submitted by Rehtael on Fri, 2018-02-02 07:03 | ||
I'm back to the site after over a year! I know I'm shooting myself in the foot by not having the disc set, but are there any known working mods/ modding tools for the steam version? forums: |
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Additionally I've been doing everything I can to edit the .dssave file with the renamed character. When I edit the file, then compile it, then extract it again just to make sure the change stuck, it still shows the new name. But then when I boot the game up, it's using the old name still.
Hi there and welcome back.
You really can't make changes in the regular saved game file (dssave). However, you can edit a multiplayer game save (dsparty). You could try making the desired changes to your single player game and then retanking it as a dsparty save.
Once you have your changes in place, you can transfer your edited char back into a single player game via the DSLoA map transfer. This requires the DS toolkit as well as using the DSLoA exe to play your maps on. There are extensive directions and tips on the page the mod is posted on as well as the read me text.
I know there was one mod from Monsoon that allowed one to change the character's name but we don't seem to have it here. One mod that does make that change also (in adddition to other "console" commands) is the Dark/Light Elves mod. That, however, is a character mod and that may be much more than what you are looking for.
I looked for Monsoon's Mod that allowed name changes and could not find it even using the "Way Back Machine"! Also I could not find Monsoon's Website there used to be an active link on SiegeNetwork.
Yeah, it's unfortunate that so many DS resources are gone. Sucks. I was sure I had that Monsoon mod floating around somewhere...
So earlier this evening when I was watching the Super Bowl, I found myself thinking about custom parties (mmm, not a big football fan, lol plus the NE Patriots lost. boo). I've always liked customizing my game as much as I can and that does include a few NPCs.
I think the modding tools will work regardless if the game is a steam version or not. I don't know how picky Steam is about adding content to the resource folders. I think people have had luck with the legendary mod and the Steam version of DS2.
You can make up a "custom" npc to join your party. For example, I took Zed's template and made some changes. After making the template to your liking, you can tank it up as a dsres and use one of the mods I mentioned earlier to add this character to your party. There are a few other ways to accomplish this, one is using the code from the summon NPC mod. That mod is here, in the DSLoA section I think.
So here is Zed's template-
Here is the new NPC, Robb's template, that is a re-work of Zed's template.
For textures, you can use the many type1 clothing ("underwear" so to speak) and face textures that aren't even being used in the farmboy folder. You can also create your own. I just went with a preexisting texture/portrait.
I find this mod (very easily) and I put inside the ZIP: MonsoonsUI.dsres (37,7 Ko) + MonsoonsUIReadMe.txt + 6 pictures which demonstrates that the file works very well
That's great Ulyss, thank you for posting that. Nice job.
Thank you all so much for the help!
What remains now is the massive problem of how to capture DS1 decently while screensharing it on discord. Discord is SUPER GOOD about screensharing fullscreen applications, but DS1 and 2 do not play nice. And again, I have the non-LoA steam version (Because fucking steam and squenix don't offer it) so I'm not sure which mods will/ won't apply.
Just check the following internet link:
But this site: www.dsabstraction.com is dead snif
I'll look into these and let you know if they work! Thanks a bajillion.
Does anyone know if there is a viable way to get DS1 to run in windowed or borderless windowed at a decent size?
Using the usual steam resolution setup works in fullscreen, but Discord screenshare can't pick that up. If I run it in windowed mode, I have to run it really small.
Search for this site to have Dungeon Siege + Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna + Dungeon Siege II: old-games.com
And use dgVoodoo2.54 (I put the file Zip with this publication). And use DirectX (you can use Glide at your own risk)
Anyway since I have a Ultra HD monitor + Displayport, DS run very bad. No choice to use DGVoodoo version 2.54 and always full screen.
Windowed mode: Everything is too small (and I run it in 1600 x 1200): inventory to small, game menu too small, and so on... - not playable!
See this picture to be convinced: http://www.casimages.com/i/180205085427889202.png.html
Size of this picture: 1601 x 1229
And use "Fraps" to take nice Print Screen. But the best is Action! version 2.8 (but $$$)
I might be misunderstanding how to use this mod. I took the zed template, put it in as a txt, used tankcreator to save it to resources as a dsres and I have the summon NPC mod installed, but I have no clue how to use it. Does it create SPELLS that add party members? If so, how would I acquire them at the start?
EDIT: Okay, so they ARE spells, now what I'm trying to figure out is how to change this. I might be able to get it...
EDIT EDIT: Yeah, I just don't understand what these numbers mean without context, nor do I know the different portraits and models. I'm not trying to become a DS1 modder, I'm trying to use a mod :C
Mmm, dumb question on my part, but did you change the .txt file to .gas? The game won't recognize a .txt. Also, I apologize for not being clearer in that post. The second template (Robb) was the customized template that was loosely based on Zed's. I edited the original post to be clearer. I wanted to show how easy it is to change and customize templates.
Anyway, you still have some options.
Warning! A long, wordy post coming! I hope I am not being too pushy, it's just a weirdness of mine to be, well...extremely and overly helpful and also to write long wordy posts.
Please feel free to ask questions, give suggestions about names/skills you would like to see and maybe jump into doing modding yourself. There are many talented folks here that I'm sure would be happy to help.
BTW, It seems that people on Steam *are* using mods, they just have to be placed in the Steam directory.
Option 1:
There is a modder on Steam who created a fix for the Steam DS version that enables the DSLoa expansion. You can download the fix Dungeon Siege I Killah Fix.
There is also a visual guide for the fix HERE
(Just as a side note, I would make a backup of all the folders that the guide tells you to replace. No disrespect to the author of the mod, I just am very cautious.)
If that fix doesn't work for you, try this fix. I was reading over the Steam DS forum and found this post.
(oops, I JUST NOTICED THAT Ulyss POSTED THE SAME THING ABOUT dgVooDoo2's fix and attached it to his post. My bad for not paying attention.
Once you have LoA up and running that should enable you to use the map transfer mod. After you assemble your party (single or multiplayer) and save the game, you can either remove the veteran dsres (or whichever version you throw into the dsloa folder) and proceed with your regular game, or use one of the difficulty settings included in the mod. As I mentioned before, the instructions on utilizing the mod/toolkit are very complete and detailed.
Arggh, I cannot find the toolkit in the download section, probably due to having a senior moment. Just in case you need it, you can download it HERE
Option two: Download the Dark/Light elf mod and use the very handy +plusparty console command which adds whichever npc or character as long as the resource file is there. If you don't like the elf, you can disband her as soon as you have another npc in your party. The mod is one of my personal favorites, but may not be everyone's cup of tea.
Option three: use the updated Summon NPC mod and then monsoon's ui mod to change npc names. The summon npc spells randomly drop from mobs and are available at magic vendors. If you are creating a new character to play, I can upload a version of heroes.gas with the spells already in your character's inventory.
Option four. I am currently working on my own version of the Summon NPC mod with custom characters and should have it finished later on today or tomorrow and upload it. Not trying to be conceited by suggesting my mod here, just showing it as an option.
Again, I can upload a version of heroes.gas with my custom spells already in your character's inventory. I am making the requirements to summon the characters low, since it is meant to be used in the earlier part of the game. Here is an example of some of the characters.
I also included an updated Naidi in the mod:

Just look this video (55 minutes):
Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World - Starting with 12 custom party members Tutorial {EN}
And to understand a little bit about DS2Editor:
And make research on Google with the word: DS2Editor (good luck)
Ok it's for DS2 but I sure that can be useful for DS1 (??)
Edit :
1) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=278251529
2) https://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/913965-dungeon-siege/faqs/16811
3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7JzzVUjhIY
4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDDw_1lGbBo
Inside the ds2_editor.zip: just README.txt + favorites.gas
Hey, just ignore my previous post. I was being far too pushy and moving beyond the scope of the original post.
Hey, I'm not going to ignore your previous post kathy.

I would be very interested in this new summon.mod you're making Kathy, very interested indeed, modding thicko's like me can learn a lot through perusing modded gas files so upload it up for the rest of us to look at.
You're on, mister.
sometimes me =
x_x Okay, a lot to take in. I'll just state the main end goal first and work my way down from there.
Dream goal:
LoA campaign
All characters with normal starting stats.
-Main character Rehtael (Caucasian, female, black hair, (pretty))
-Character 1: Moses (Caucasian, male, blonde beard and long hair, (old))
-Character 2: Triptolite (Caucasian, male, short black hair, (young/ wide))
-Character 3: Monday (Caucasian, male, short black hair, (thin/ narrow)
-Character 4: Friday (Identical to his twin brother above)
-Character 5: Kziegy (Caucasian, Female, purple hair (If possible, or brown or red), (young/ pretty))
-Character 6: Tales (Asian, male, black short-ish hair, (young))
-Character 7: Galaxy (Caucasian, male, brown short hair, (older (But not OLD)))
and 200g per character so I can equip them all at Arhok.
Here's a few pics of updated/new FG faces I had from a project from a few years ago. Dungeon Siege kept freezing up on me tonight, so I will have to work on it this evening when I have some time. I'm not sure what you might like but I do have more hair colors as well as a bit more variety for FB's hair.
I'm not sure what you mean here:
Wide, thin, narrow? If you are talking about body shape, then keep in mind that for characters there is only one type of "build" or body shape. I can make some shorter or taller, but that's it.
The descriptions were mainly for faces, not bodies (Yeah, I know about the whole same physique thing)
Fourth Face down with third hair down is perfect for Ziegy.
Second Face down with a black bob is perfect for me.
Oh yeah, one thing I forgot to mention is I need this to be able to run at as large as can still fit in windowed mode on my monitor. I don't want to subject my friends to teeny tiny mode for screensharing and cause eye strain. Or if someone knows how to get a borderless windowed mode, holy hell that would be great. That said, I would need to fix things to fit 16:9...
So yeah, I guess ideally it would be around 1800x1440 resolution windowed, but I'll take what i can get.
Best solution I could find was setting OBS to capture dungeon siege, then using the capture screen to enlarge the gameplay. So I was streaming the recording on monitor 1, to discord on monitor 2, while playing dungeon siege one in a window on monitor 2, while watching the enlarged recording screen to help ME see as well.
That's not ideal for a lot of reasons.
There isn't anything I can change on my part that would affect your screen resolution if that's what you were asking about. (?) The particular textures I am working with are always 256x256 and the game won't accept a different size.
Perhaps someone else could suggest ways to work with the screen resolution you want. I'm pretty useless at that sort of thing; I've been using the same 1024x768 resolution for years now.
Anyway, here are some samples of that I've been looking at/working with:
(I had some hair textures I wanted to post, but they don't look quite right-need fixing.)

A starting point here.
I think I made his hair a little too dark. He can also look older or younger.
This is basically what he would look like in the game.

Those look amazing! I wasn't even expecting hi rez textures, I was just looking for how to get them on specific characters when making custom characters for the mod.
I haven't forgotten, but my father was ill over the weekend and hospitalized. But, I should have a (rough) testing version ready later on in the week, though.
Take all the time you need. I'm a beggar in these parts.
*edit* I forgot to mention that for right now, this mod is not compatible with any other mod that changes the heroes.gas.
So, this is a testing version of the character mod. I cannot test it, as DS stopped working for me, after 6 years of working just fine. *sigh* I suspect the latest windows update might have something to do with it. I reinstalled the game, but the objects.dsres had something wrong with it. Blargh.
Anyway, you create your main character as you normally would. The mod is compatible with both DS1 and DSLoA, so a choice of maps (even though you can play the Kingdom of Ehb campaign through the LoA.exe some other modded maps may only be compatible with one or the other).
Farmgirl's face and hair selections right now are limited to mostly the new textures. I included a couple of new textures w/ Farmboy's face choices if you wanted to make a male character. Mmm, there's also a few new shirts.
This testing version does not have everybody included. There's Kiezgy, Moses, Galaxy and two versions of Tales, as I couldn't decide between those. Tales-a and Tales-b are their temporary names, which is a pretty clever naming technique I must say (she said sarcastically, haha).
One of the Tales has a tattoo instead of hair, because I've been having some trouble with a few of the FB hair textures.
I put in different meshes for Farmgirl for a couple of the armor types. If you prefer the old style, I can easily take them out. I just personally think they look better (btw, those meshes were made by ghastely and alphadan - not me).

Your starting character has the summoning spells (no magic level requirement) included in their inventory, plus 200g. All characters have basic newbie starter equipment: body armor, weapons, shield and so on.
Sooo, that's about it for now. The file is small, so I attached to the post. Check it out and let me know what you think (whatever...the good, the bad and the ugly). None of the textures are set in stone, I have a few different faces for all the males. If anyone else wishes to try the mod out, please do, I want any feedback I can get.
Hopefully, I can get Dungeon Siege up and running and do some testing myself. Stupid windows...
You have zero clue how incredible this is. I'm going to try and hook it up right now.
Is this bundled with the normal NPC summon mod, or would I need both together?
Nice, I'm glad you're happy.
I took the necessary skrit from the summon npc mod, so you don't need to use it in conjunction with this mod. All you need to do is drop the dsres into your dungeon siege\resources folder. I'm not sure where the Dungeon Siege directory is w/ the Steam version. I tried browsing through my Steam folder, which was kinda fruitless. I only have a couple of demos from Steam.
I really like playing with the textures so it's been fun. I will be able to upload an updated mod later in the week, if I can make my mind up which faces I want to use. I may have to make Monday-a, Monday-b and so on and let you choose. :P
It's actually in your documents folder by default. (Weird, right?)
I'm so hype! I know our channel doesn't garner much traffic, but you bet your ass I'll be boldly displaying this site in the videos.
Here's a sample of what we're like: https://youtu.be/pumVBJVshwU?t=4m7s
I didn't know anyone was actually working on improving the meshes! It would be great to see all of them fixed and to be updated to better match the inventory art.
I counted them Kathy and got lost after reaching elevendy zillion. But I agree with Rehtael - Yipeeee and new mod by You
The elf yells MESH MESH to the modders pulling her bicycle.