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A Sword Model

Arman's picture

I made this sword model, you see, but since I couldn't attach a .gmax file, I posted it at SN. But, since there aren't too many people going over there, I thought I post a link to the thread here:

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Arman wrote:
I made this sword model, you see, but since I couldn't attach a .gmax file, I posted it at SN. But, since there aren't too many people going over there, I thought I post a link to the thread here:

You could just place the model into a zip file and post that. Cool

Arman's picture

Doh, why didn't I think of that? Oh well, you can also follow the link and download it there.

firebat's picture

Siege U 215 explain it pretty good...

This reminds me...

I got a bunch of emails concerning my Website... They were mostly asing me to have someone make weapons based on images... I've hosted all the images that I'd gotten in those emails onto my site.

I hope someone can make these.(Preferably all sepparately and then one combo pack of all compiled into one)

Arman's picture

I tried making that halberd like thing, but it didn't work out that well (I couldn't make the edges sharp). But here's a pic of it:

Could someone please put my sword in game for me? I can't make heads or tails from it myself. :oops: Crying

This is simply a "snapshot" of Arman's sword, not a downloadable texture. If I knew modelling better, I would love to put this texture to work, Arman. Very nice. The only thing I made with gmax was the n00b mace and then this silly weapon with teapots all over it.

Arman's sword:

*edit* This is Arman's description of his weapon (taken from SN)

I made a model for a sword that was used primarily be Egyptians, it's called a "Khopesh".

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

The design is very original...
It looks like a bent katana, and yet it looks like it would still make a good weapon. Cool

Arman's picture

you could see it as sort of an "Axe-sword", as it can be used to chop something really good.
Personally, I would to have one in real-life. :P

firebat's picture

Arman wrote:
Could someone please put my sword in game for me? I can't make heads or tails from it myself. :oops: Crying

I can give it a try, however I only have 3ds max 8 and I don't know if that can open gmax files... If you can save it in a way I can open it I will make a usable in DS2 for you. Yes, DS2, I only have DS2 so you should be able to use the model in both games with a little change in the .gas file.

Arman's picture

Umm, I only have the DS2 demo, not the full game (I didn't like it that much). But still, that might be fun for others.

Arman, if you would like, I can find a ton more images a weapons you can add to the game.

Also, didn't you get that siggy from

Arman's picture

I can only model them, not put them in-game (that's why I started this thread). But I'll be happy to try to model them, though.

And yes, my sig is from

Okay, its alot harder than I expected to find weapon pictures.....

I really like that sword with a skull at the bladeguard with lightning bolts protruding from it... Can you make that one? Damn I like most of the images on my site...


I've added to my picture database... There's more but I've reached my limit to how many files I can hold.

Arman's picture

I'll try to make that sword tommorow, but I don't think it'll work, cause it looks a bit difficult.

I was just messing around, LOL.

You really don't need to.