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Looking for a mod

Hikanjoten's picture

Hello, i'm new to the forum and i am looking for a mod that allow me to play with a melee + combat magic enchantment and a ranged + nat magic enchantment.

I was checking the "Ancient gift" mod, it's awesome, (link here: ), but now i need a mod for ranged + natural magic.

I'm ok with just the enchantments, also i can try more multiclass mods.

Is there is not a mod for what i'm looking for, then teach me how to mod enchantments.

I will apreciate your answers

Mart Valdez's picture

hey mate, that spell you are looking for are already included in the Hotfix/Arana Legacy Mod.
nature+range, and combat+melee
there are atleast 3 multiclass buffers for those two.

also there is a combat+range in the original DS2 Broken world

note: these things are for DS2

Hikanjoten's picture

Really? awesome, thanks.

Never used mods in this game before.

Mart Valdez's picture

Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

Cool that someone made it. I was tempted to find my DS2 BW DVDs to install it to make this easy mod.