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I'm trying to make a quest but its not activating, these are the files I've edited, does anyone know if I've missed any files out, any help would be most appreciated.



Moros you could always PM iryan. He has written several additional quests for DS1, DSLoA and DS2. I am sure he would be happy to help. You could also look at the quests in psychogun's DS1 maps.


I'd already thought of getting in touch with iryan but I don't want to disturb him until I get totally stuck with this quest thing.

Could someone fix whatever is wrong with this link.
The requested page "/~bare_elf/files/DSAbstractionSiegeletBETA%200.997.exe" could not be found.

I've downloaded the maps which are available on siegetheday and I'll take a look at them later, I'll also look through the Legendary mod files for any clues, if anyone knows of any other maps with quest related things in them I'd appreciate a link to them.

Before I finished messing with the files yesterday I gave it one more try and lo and behold that little minx alanna started to flash me as she was speaking to Suki, (I bet there's not many DS1 players around who have been flashed by alanna I can tell you), so to sum it up, alanna flashes the journal and I can turn it off but that's all it does, the second part of the quest is not activating so I'll look through the files again and search for any errors that I've made.

psychoguns map mods?, I gather there's quite a few them, Is there any links to those mods as I'd like to get my grubby little mitts on them.

Moros wrote:
psychoguns map mods?, I gather there's quite a few them, Is there any links to those mods as I'd like to get my grubby little mitts on them.

Here is Reign of Chaos by Psychogun.