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Erinon's Axe Mod


Featuring Aram Dol

UPDATE: Aram Dol now functions normally. He now switches to melee, and drops more loot.
Go ahead and download and get the updated version.

This mod makes the Shrine of Spirituality dangerous.
Only install if you're into tough challenges.

What is it?
It is a very powerful axe from Serpent Isle.
And is single handed.

Where do I get it?
A Liche named Aram Dol has taken up residence
at the shrine of spirituality.
The Warriors of Destiny must defeat him
if they are to retrieve this treasure.

Do I have to start a new game?
I think so.
Visiting a place with monsters
can set the encounters for the duration of the game.
And the title sequence has a very secret
invisible journey through all of the
moongate locations.
So most likely yes.

Does it conflict with other mods?

Put the CG_ErinonsAxeMod.dsres
into Lazarus\resources folder.

Remove from that location.

Liche are already pretty powerful in Lazarus.
But this custom version is far more dangerous.
Move velocity is much faster.
The spells it cast are extreme.
A low level Avatar will have terrible time at it.
But if you save the Shrine of Spirituality for last,
you should be strong enough to face it.
Use all the strategy you can.

mod categories: 


Updated the Mod (Erinons Axe).
Aram Dol now switches to melee, forgot to add the job file to the mind.
And he drops more loot now.
Go ahead and download the new version.