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DS1 Legendary Mod - French Translation

Here's a French translation template mod similar to the German one I posted a week ago for SeriousToni. This is primarily for Gemeaux333 but may be useful for anyone else who may be interested in translating the Legendary Mod into different languages. I'm sorry it taken this long to get this prepared for you.!pt1DECpR!YXL18MYFtW00CkmI0SujyhNJoVi6uC5gWd1C_YDPvXc

Like the German translation it's broken up into different gas files corresponding to different folders and files in the Legendary Mod. Like the German translation all items in the interactive folder in DS1_Logic.ds2res have been translated using Goggle's on-line translator up to trs_stone_ds1.gas. If you load the mod and visit any armor store, all armors should be translated into French now.

For demonstration purposes, I've also partially translated some other files as well. For instance all ambient creatures in the ambient folder under the actors folder in DS1_Logic.ds2res have been translated. Some conversations from Dialbloish have been translated as well as the items from lorebook.gas from Legends of Aranna's map, etc.

Any questions you can use this thread rather than the general DS1 Legendary Mod Thread to ask them so things will be less cluttered and easier to find.

What about a zip version of this mod, as it would be easier to modify it ?

Gemeaux333 wrote:

What about a zip version of this mod, as it would be easier to modify it ?

I sent you a link by email with a zip version. Keep in mind that for testing your changes you will need to create the mod by using Tank Creator. You will also need to extract the files from the various Legendary Mod modules in order to find the text to translate.

It's not realistic for me to provide all the English text in the language mod ready for translation as such an undertaking would take ages and be a very tedious process, though I suppose I could collect all the relevant files and organise them to make the translation process easier for you. Let me know how you would like to proceed.

Well, as I don't have the touch with ds1 or ds2 modding tools, I will have to rely on someone else for providing the text we are most likely to find in a playthrough and translate them, as well as retanking the files...

Perhaps killergremal could help in this matter...

Here is the updated version with the translations I just made, just need to add the french dubs/voices for now :

@Iryan: Indeed, doing this manually will not be a maintainable approach i think.
There may be only ~20(?) typical/identifiable places though where expressions to translate can exist inside the game content, nonetheless across all game resources (incl. all maps) too much to copy+paste it manually into a file to translate then.
So any tool would be required to extract all the expressions automatically. Also auto-untanking the existing mods would be nice and of course a cross-check with exisiting translations mods (not to translate thins 2x) too.
Unfortunately I can not provide such a tool, and most things I have tried out 4 years ago don't seem to work as intended anymore... Sad

@Gemeaux333: You actually could create a translation mod yourself !?
If you like to try it out, download (2mb).
There is the TankCreator inside and a batch/command file called 'RTC.MakeMod.translation-french.bat' to double-click/produce the mod with the content found in the 'translation-french' folder (which already contains the content from your file).

The content of '' is virus-checked though, but there were reports that some releases of the TankCreator do not work in newer Windows... :o:

And I just have seen, the files from March/April 2015 are still online:
- (509kb)
- DS1_Map_World_Beta31p_FrenchAuxGoogle.ds2res (3.4mb)
- DS1_Map_World_Beta31p_ConvAdded.html (296kb)
- DS1_Map_World_Beta31p_ConvTuned.ds2res (306kb)
This may be obsolte, but perhaps portions of it still may serve as (technical) reference.

Well, I did this all this teddious translation work inside the mod files in the first place, but look like it wasn't viable on the long haul...

Maybe I could try, but perhaps I should wait Iryan to add the sound files first in order to not make redundance, although I can still test what I have done this far...

UPDATE : I manage to repack the mod this way, it allowed me to make a few changes after my discoveries, and updated the file I linked :
-Campaigns descriptions and interactive object doesn't accept characters like äàâéèêëùûüôöîï ...

Gemeaux333 wrote:
. . .

UPDATE : I manage to repack the mod this way, it allowed me to make a few changes after my discoveries, and updated the file I linked :

-Campaigns descriptions and interactive object doesn't accept characters like äàâéèêëùûüôöîï ...

A lot of special letters/characters are support, but you need to ensure that your gas/text file is saved/encoded in 'UTF8' format.

To recheck this, open once your gas file in the Windows Notepad (as primitive it is). Directly try to save this file, so select then 'Save as' from the 'File' menu (may look different for your installed Windows language of course).
In the window that appears there will be some information about the encoding - often this encoding is 'ANSI' (even in a non-english OS this should be/look like this), change it to 'UTF8', save then (and check/restore the *.gas file extension if needed).

Actually you could save a language gas file as an ANSI text file as well, but then it should not contain special characters, or you add the UFT8 encoding of special characters manually.

- Actually you should save the language gas file as an ANSI text file, however with the UTF8 code of your special characters (é, î, ö, ...). There may be one or the other handicap to procude such a file from scratch, most easiest thing is to take one file out of the language.ds2res tank and replace its content - carry yourself/manually about the UTF8 encoded characters should not be required then with an halfway advanced editor.
- You should not really trust Notepad, although the indication of 'ANSI' seems to be quite reliable. But if it indicates 'UFT8' it can mean two things: There can be UTF8-encoded characters inside the ANSI text file or the entire file is UTF8-encoded (so carring an UTF8 file header). , and it's not clear wether or not all localized game distribuitions can deal with the a text file with an UTF8 header.

I don't manage to translate the "Summon Giant Rat" spell name... can someone verify the correct/precise typo of the namein the mod files (its most likely to be the conflictual reason) and copy/past it here?

Gemeaux333 wrote:

I don't manage to translate the "Summon Giant Rat" spell name... can someone verify the correct/precise typo of the namein the mod files (its most likely to be the conflictual reason) and copy/past it here?

Indeed it is "Summon Giant Rat" (in DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res).

Well, I am not natively speaking French, but I think it should translate like this (in an ANSI file with an UTF8 encoding of the 'é').

I have uploaded the zip version of the translations :

It contains now pretty much everything you may see while playing up to the level 50 in KOE, LOA, Yesterhaven and Utraean Peninsula
doesn't contain the lorebooks/bestiary entries, quest or conversations

@ Killergremal : it also contain the french textures for the signs (with translateble texts) you see in KOE, Utraean Peninsula and LOA in the art foldder, but as I said above only a few of them are displayed properly ingame :
-Temple of azunite passion in stonebridge
-Goldsniffer memorial and Cougher Jack at glitterdelve mines entrance
-Dragon rathe directionnal signs
-Neener's emporium in emarad fortress

my bet is the other files have the wrong names... can you verify their names and make them fit the names of their equivalent ingame ?

Gemeaux333 wrote:

I have uploaded the zip version of the translations :

It contains now pretty much everything you may see while playing up to the level 50 in KOE, LOA, Yesterhaven and Utraean Peninsula
doesn't contain the lorebooks/bestiary entries, quest or conversations

@ Killergremal : it also contain the french textures for the signs (with translateble texts) you see in KOE, Utraean Peninsula and LOA in the art foldder, but as I said above only a few of them are displayed properly ingame :
-Temple of azunite passion in stonebridge
-Goldsniffer memorial and Cougher Jack at glitterdelve mines entrance
-Dragon rathe directionnal signs
-Neener's emporium in emarad fortress

my bet is the other files have the wrong names... can you verify their names and make them fit the names of their equivalent ingame ?

Expect of two files, the names and the paths/locations of the files in the archive seem to be OK. Here is what I have noticed after examinging the folders in /art/bitmaps/items/ :

	identical terms (usually English words/labels) on the images as in DS1:

	the following files belong to the ./castle/ folder (probably as replacement):
	identical terms (usually English words/labels) on the images as in DS1:

	Translated (looks OK to me):
	identical terms (usually English words/labels) on the images as in DS1:

	Some files are translated, some do not seem to be!?

  	Identical terms (usually English words/labels) on all images as in DS1.

  	Identical terms (usually English words/labels) on all images as in DS1.

  	Identical terms (usually English words/labels) on all images as in DS1.

So some textures did not change visally (perhaps just re-saved) - is this intended?
To avoid possible conflicts you better should not (re)add files to a mod that did not change (or that are not intended to be changed in a future mod release).

By the way, the UTF8 encodings here usually consist of 2 characters, and also the encoding for à does, however the 2nd character is an (invisble) no-line-breack space - although it looks like a normal space.
So a text editor that can handle itself UTF8 in a ANSI file can be really helpful.

@KillerGremal: entry method of a non-breaking-space : Alt+0160 or Alt+255 (doesn't always work)
it works indeed : Ã + non-breaking-space = à

I used to upload the french textures I have taken form the language.dsres here :
but yes I assume some textures only including a single name like Stonebridge/Glitterdelve/Glacern/Arhok/Illicor/Elddim/Crystwind/Fallraen/Meren/Lang/Quillrabe/Hiroth/Grescal are identitcal to the original, but the others containing at least two words have all been translated into french

Should I re-install the DS1/LOA game and take screenshots for reference/evidence ?

On the other hand, I constantly modify the text files of the language pack and get no prejudice as long as I keep the identitcal name for the final ds2res file (DS1_Mod-Legendary.French-v1.ds2res)

Gemeaux333 wrote:

@KillerGremal: entry method of a non-breaking-space : Alt+0160 or Alt+255 (doesn't always work)
it works indeed : Ã + non-breaking-space = à

. . .
Glad to see you managed to get the à ! Smile

Gemeaux333 wrote:
. . . Stonebridge/Glitterdelve/Glacern/Arhok/Illicor/Elddim/Crystwind/Fallraen/Meren/Lang/Quillrabe/Hiroth/Grescal are identitcal to the original, but the others containing at least two words have all been translated into french

Should I re-install the DS1/LOA game and take screenshots for reference/evidence ?

. . .
I also had the impression that town names did not change from English to French - so no real need to readd these textures.
If you are looking for a reference what textures from DS1 have changed form English to French and that may reappear now in DS2, try this once: (683kB).

Ok, then its :

é : é (works)
è : è (works)
ê : ê (works)
ë : ë
à : Ã (Ã + non-breaking-space(Alt+0160 or Alt+255), works)
â : â (works)
ä : ä
ù : ù (works)
û : û (works)
ü : ü
î : î (works)
ï : ï (works)
ô : ô (works)
ö : ö
ç : ç (works)
° : ° (works)

All the textures are now in french, except arhok cold storage... I have noticed "b_i_glb_sign-cold_storage" is missing among the files...
... the pit of despair "no return" equivalent ("fosse du désespoir") oddly is displayed verticaly (instead of horizontaly as it should) on the sign, making it hardly readable...

I also try to translate some quotes related to the Skill Books, but have no success :
-You can spend skill points to earn Powers. Press P to open your specialties Tab
Something particular to know ?

And what about the skill choice windows/screens opening at the start of UTP and YH (skill names are properly displayed in french, but the welcome title and texts are not obvious to translate)?

Finally, it seems that the splash titles/screens that popup when entering a new place, meeting and defeating a boss cannot be translated by conventional means (I bet it need copies of the files concerned and to translate inside them)

Gemeaux333 wrote:


All the textures are now in french, except arhok cold storage... I have noticed "b_i_glb_sign-cold_storage" is missing among the files...

... the pit of despair "no return" equivalent ("fosse du désespoir") oddly is displayed verticaly (instead of horizontaly as it should) on the sign, making it hardly readable...

Is it possible to get the summoning spells descriptions (quote marks included) ?
And the lorebook entries for KOE/LOA/YH/UTP (maps excluded as I already did them)(quote marks included) ?

Various quotes that need a copy from inside the original files (quote marks included, for reference) :
"Summon Giant Rat"
"Travel to Grescal and Show the Utraean Signet Ring to Utraean Priestess Kylira."
"Pass Through Hovart Folly"
"Confront the Bandit Boss to protect the Traveler's camp.\n\nExcessive force may be needed to change his mind."
"This map shows the path through the Mt. Utrae so is a very handy thing to have."
"A map detailing the layout of the Coastal Bluffs."
"This map shows the path through the ice caverns of Fedwyrr's Way so is a very handy thing ot have."

I also try to translate some quotes related to the Skill Books, but have no success :
-You have just been awarded 1 skill point!
-You can spend skill points to earn Powers. Press P to open your specialties Tab
Something particular to know ?

And what about the skill choice windows/screens opening at the start of UTP and YH (skill names are properly displayed in french, but the welcome title and texts are not obvious to translate)?

Finally, it seems that the splash titles/screens that popup when entering a new place, meeting and defeating a boss cannot be translated by conventional means (I bet it need copies of the files concerned and to translate inside them)

@Gemeaux333: I have told you what I know so far.
@Everybody: Please see/answer the questions above.

@Killergremal: Don't worry, I know that things are taking time, I have regrouped the questions and cleaned the topic a bit.

Here's all the French Voices I have in both ds2res form for playing immediately and in zip form for further revision if required.

"Summon Giant Rat" issue have been solved finally !

I have tried to translate the content of the popup windows when you strat a new game for Utraean Peninsula and Yesterhaven:

\nDuring the travel to this land you have already achieve the 3rd level of heroism.\nThe time has come now to set your preference:
\nPlease choose now your alternate class preference.\nThis should match your previous selection if you just intend to master one single class.

the syntax is correct, but the change simply doesn't take... any idea of how to do ? a system D ?


I also tried to replace some voices your hired characters are saying when you either select or gave them attack orders in LOA like :

But the change doesn't take effect either

Are you here Killergremal ?

you can find here the french "dscore-ui.gas" :

do you think we could use it to translate some interface bases entries, like some i mentionned above (probably these opening windows at the start of Yesterhaven and Utraean Peninsula)) ?

Gemeaux333 wrote:
I have tried to translate the content of the popup windows when you strat a new game for Utraean Peninsula and Yesterhaven:

\nDuring the travel to this land you have already achieve the 3rd level of heroism.\nThe time has come now to set your preference:
\nPlease choose now your alternate class preference.\nThis should match your previous selection if you just intend to master one single class.

the syntax is correct, but the change simply doesn't take... any idea of how to do ? a system D ?

In worst case it should be possible to use 'dscore-ui.gas', however what you intend to translate is actually is a map-specific text with variables and color tags sometimes too.
Remind that variables and color tags must be maintained at least in the english terms of/inside your translation table/file.

What to translate exactly...:
In this case check all 'command.gas' files of the affected maps for the text/string '[launch_auto_leveler]', you will find there the properties 'map_title', 'message_2' and possibly 'message_1' too - these properties contain the English text to add+translate and in your translation file.

This is what I have done actually, but simply doesn't take !
From the command.gas files :
all_done_event = we_user_object_activate;
d dual_class_ratio = 0.69;
d hero_start_level = -3.47;
message_2 = "\nPlease choose now your alternate class preference.\nThis should match your previous selection if you just intend to master one single class.";

all_done_event = we_user_object_activate;
d dual_class_ratio = 0.69;
d hero_start_level = -3.47;
message_2 = "\nPlease choose now your alternate class preference.\nThis should match your previous selection if you just intend to master one single class.";

And what about the "skill books" template ?

@Gemeaux333: If you did not yet, try it once with the new Content Pack, its translation support is a bit better for this component.

...and what do you mean with 'skill book' template?

I mean the file where you find the visible entries, I know it come from a modified source included in the mod and is not included in the vanilla game, because there are simillar entries in the dscore-text but are not the sames in the end

I have managed to guess the "You have just been awarded %s skill point!" by comparing

@Gemeaux333: I don't know where this text part is comming from, at least it's not content of any of my mods.
Also I was not able to find it inside the logic files Irayn made...

However if a portion of this sentence is colored, you must maintain color tags too.

So if colored partially, try out the term from 'dscore-text.gas' but just without "(s)".

Isn't this part of GPG's base game? I've an idea you get one from a Dryad in Eirulan for rescuing a prisoner from Hak'u. So try Logic.ds2res

Its related to the legendary mod actually, the sentence I have put here is the correct one and works : "You have just been awarded %s skill point!" when I use the skill books the sentence appear correctly in french now, it wasn't before with the dscore-text, there is no colour tags in the sentence from the mod and its only "skill point" and not "skill point(s)"

-"Someone ought to take those creatures to task. Teach ‘em that <c:0xFFFFA812>Arhok</c> is not a town that tolerates evil. I'd do it myself, if it weren't fer me bum leg. I already told the mayor I'd fashion a special helm as a reward to the one that would rid us of this threat. Need anything?"
Phelan :
-"Fascinating are they not? The <c:0xFF00FF00>Utraeans</c> left behind many strange and wondrous devices, but chief among their creations were these transport pads... This town was once the center of great trade between the mainland and the island home of the <c:0xFF00FF00>Utraeans</c>, but the island displacers have not worked in generations. Who knows what wonders exist on the island today—or even if the island is still there..."
Francesca :
-"I don't know if you know this or not, but—I overheard some of the guards talking, and they said that the creature who attacked the caravan was a giant, and he was blue! A blue giant—who would have guessed?"
Najj :
-"<row=1404>Greetings, small one. You're not from the island, are you? My name is <c:0xFF00FF00>Najj</c> and I am of the <c:0xFF00FF00>Arammar–The Children of the Mountain</c>. My people came to this island long ago. You seek a dark, skeletal creature? Indeed, such a creature passed by here not more than a few hours ago. If you would take me along, I could show you to <c:0xFFFFA812>Illicor</c>, the <c:0xFFFFA812>City of Wizards</c>. The <c:0xFF00FF00>Utraeans</c> may know more of this creature...And then perhaps you will aid me with a task as well... I have traveled much, and had decided to return to my people with the bounty of my adventures. Last night, my ship was overtaken by an unseasonably violent storm and was wrecked. Now I am lost, as is all my gold. In your search for this dark creature, could you help me find my way to my people? I would be most grateful."
Neener :
-"Salutations! Welcome, one and all, to <c:0xFF00FF00>Neener</c>'s All-in-One Bazaar and Emporium! Any and all manner of arms and equipment for the most daring and dashing adventurer or sellsword in all of <c:0xFFFFA812>Aranna</c>! Ah, you have the look of one with a purpose, no? You seek the <c:0xFF00FF00>Shadowjumper</c>, do you not? I have no problem telling you where the beast is—his creatures pay me in shells and trinkets..."

These lines from LOA are not being translated, and its exactly the same syntax as in the files, not tip on why it doesn't work...

Kellan :
-"Welcome to Kellan and Kellan.\n\nI've got some nice warm armor to sell if yer interested, but I don't have much in the way of weapons. Normally my brother handles that, but his men packed everything we had up the mountain earlier this week to talk some sense into the Queen.\n\nI don't know when they're getting back, but I hope it's soon. Everyone here is starting to get worried about 'em, and the Mayor is fit to be tied."
Gwendolyn :
-"Nobody is claiming it, and even though I adore it, it must belong to someone!\n\nIf you happen to hear whom it belongs to, will you let me know? Thanks!"

These lines from YH are not being translated, and its exactly the same syntax as in the files, not tip on why it doesn't work...

When it comes to the auto-leveling windows of Yesterhaven and Utraean Peninsula, everything is now properly translated except :

"\nDuring the journey to this land your hero already has achieved level %.0f.\nThe time has come now to choose the main preference:"

What is the proper mention actually ?

Gemeaux333 wrote:

When it comes to the auto-leveling windows of Yesterhaven and Utraean Peninsula, everything is now properly translated except :

"\nDuring the journey to this land your hero already has achieved level %.0f.\nThe time has come now to choose the main preference:"

What is the proper mention actually ?

Also with me it does not... Puzzled

That's one of the few (auxiliary) terms from inside a skrit component of my content pack that comes already with a translation for some languages. It is possible though that there is an alternate text finally assigned/used in map files.
However I will recheck this matter next week, perhaps I can find a fix for it.

By the way, in-game the French translation should look like this:
Pendent le voyage jusqu'ici votre héros a déjà atteint le niveau #. Maintenant the moment est venu de choisir la préférence principale
