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Corrupted save of a modded game

Can someone please help me recover my modded save that causes the game to crash on startup? I was running through Utraean Penninsula map while using many mods, then saved, then died, then quit the game and tried to launch DS2 again, but it always crashes now (exception window). There are many mods I could list, but I never had this kind of problem with them. I guess the issue might have something to do with the ZhixalomsDS2BWInventory1920x1080Unsafe mod, since some of my characters' inventory was getting pretty full.

My very first time playing DS2, straight out of the box (well, off the disk) with no mods at all, I ended up with a corrupted save not very far into Act 1. Something to do with Lothar whom I'd put in the inn.

(Deru was the one I wanted for my first companion, so I'd taken Lothar first just for my initial side trip into the Ha'ku caves, to get him started on up-levelling. And to open more of those doors/goody boxes that needed a certain amount of the right skill)

How the problem manifested itself I don't remember, but do remember I had to start over. I reckon the only thing to do with a corrupted save is to delete the file. Older saves could be carrying the disease even if not themselves showing any symptoms, so keep deleting until you are sure you only have clean ones.

I mean that if you get problems after looking at who you've got in the inn, you might have to go back to before you disbanded them into it.

If the problem is caused by your large inventory, then go back to when you had less stuff. For example, I believe the game engine was programmed on the assumption that no character would ever have more than 255 items at once (or was it 256?). So if a mod gives you enough space for more than that (e.g. in 1-tile items like potions, spells and rings) then the 256th (or 257th) onwards might start overwriting other data, like the next character's details maybe.

You do know about .ds2bak1, .ds2bak2 etc?

If you crash before getting to the main menu, I hope that means the problem comes when the game tries to show you your current hero. If you have saves for other heroes, try editing [yourself...]\My Games\Dungeon Siege 2\DungeonSiege2.ini - alter "sp_active_party =" and/or "sp_last_saved_party =" to somebody else you have saved. Or just delete those lines if you have nobody else.

Beware - I'm guessing here. An educated guess I hope, but still a guess.


By the way, what resource files do you have? and which come from what mods? The Legendary Mod components I recognise because I spent a lot of time helping to beta test it - because I actually prefer DS1, and for that reason I've never tried any of the other DS2 mods I read about here. So between Adepts, Aranna Legacy, Ancient Gifts and so on I'm rather confused.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
You do know about .ds2bak1, .ds2bak2 etc?

I do not. What should I know about them?

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

If you crash before getting to the main menu, I hope that means the problem comes when the game tries to show you your current hero. If you have saves for other heroes, try editing [yourself...]\My Games\Dungeon Siege 2\DungeonSiege2.ini - alter "sp_active_party =" and/or "sp_last_saved_party =" to somebody else you have saved. Or just delete those lines if you have nobody else.

This does not work. The game will still crash when I try to load the map with my corrupted party.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

By the way, what resource files do you have? and which come from what mods? The Legendary Mod components I recognise because I spent a lot of time helping to beta test it - because I actually prefer DS1, and for that reason I've never tried any of the other DS2 mods I read about here. So between Adepts, Aranna Legacy, Ancient Gifts and so on I'm rather confused.

Legendary Mod (includes Adepts), Aranna Legacy, Ancient Gifts and many other smaller ones. I've been playing with all these mods for a while, and never had this kind of problem, so I'm convinced that this happened because of the inventory mod. If someone could explain to me how to clear my charaters' inventory by editing their files, or did it for me, it would be great.

Go to: Documents\MyGames\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World [or Dungeon Siege 2]\Save\Single Payer\"name of your hero". Open it and you will find 5 "nameofyour hero".ds2party.ds2bak1, ds2bak2 until ds2bak5. Same thing for "nameofyourhero".ds2radar.ds2bak1, ds2bak2 to ds2bak5.

Just change "hero".ds2party.ds2bak1 to hero.ds2party. Same job for Hero.ds2radar.ds2bak1 to Hero.ds2radar ...

Try it inside your game. Must to work, if not try again with: ds2party.ds2bak2 and ds2radar.ds2bak2 ... and so on until you find a good save


In short: delete the ds2party and change the name of the ds2bak1 to ds2party (and do the same thing for ds2radar ...)


Corrupted save happen when you change something in your game like: remove files (mods) or put new files (mods).


DS2AllSaves.exe or/and DS2BWAllSaves.exe must to "repair" your save game.
Version 2: "Allow any savegames to be loaded by the game. This program will not fix Dungeon Siege 2 crash related to savegames. It will just allow the game to recognize any savegame version"

About Inventory mod: just respect 255 items max!

Thanks, Ulyss, I replaced the files like you said and managed to get one of the backup saves to work.