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New map Ehland

Package icon Ehland.zip604.09 KB

Anyone still here & would like to try out a new map?
Here's a little one I made recently.
2 regions, 1 quest, final boss is Lord Hovart.
You can start at level 0 and will gain about 5 levels.
Pretty setting on islands floating in the sky, with giant flowers etc, and some non-euclidean geometry for the fun of it.
Enjoy playing!

Hi foerstj,
I will download your map and check it out. Could you post a few screen shots.

Foerstj I was wondering if there are any NPCs to hire? Not that they are really necessary I can just summon a wolf or two Smile The most important question however is The door to the old tunnel does it open? Must I find a key for it? Complete a secondary quest? The door gives no instructions it just will not open!

Yay, someone tries out my map, thanks so much Smile
I will post some screenshots soon but today I'm busy!

There are no NPCs to hire, except you can hire a mule lol.
I could add an Ulora somewhere Ehwood... I didn't consider it necessary for such a small map, but I'd add it just to check if it's doable, and to give the player more options to play with.
The enemies are purposefully difficult, so in the beginning you have be a bit careful walking around and sticking to easy enemies like phraks, snappers, yellow spiders. Later with more XP & money you'll be able to take on everything including Hovart.

About the tunnel, I locked the door because I want players to go through the whole Ehwood forest, not just steal the money at the end. Also it's good for leveling up a few levels so you are better prepared for Hovart.
You enter Ehwood from the WEST, from the other side. The two regions are stitched in a circle, you go west all the way and you magically come back from the east.
The Old Man tells you to go west, but I was worried it would not be picked up. A) It's a single word in a long conversation, B) There are signs to the "Old Tunnel" pointing eastwards, and C) all the shops are on the east side of the village. So the player is nudged by everything on the map to walk east. I should change that.

A screen shot from foerstj's new map


foerstj wrote:

There are no NPCs to hire, except you can hire a mule lol.

I could add an Ulora somewhere Ehwood... I didn't consider it necessary for such a small map, but I'd add it just to check if it's doable, and to give the player more options to play with.

The enemies are purposefully difficult, so in the beginning you have be a bit careful walking around and sticking to easy enemies like phraks, snappers, yellow spiders. Later with more XP & money you'll be able to take on everything including Hovart.

About the tunnel, I locked the door because I want players to go through the whole Ehwood forest, not just steal the money at the end. Also it's good for leveling up a few levels so you are better prepared for Hovart.
You enter Ehwood from the WEST, from the other side. The two regions are stitched in a circle, you go west all the way and you magically come back from the east.
The Old Man tells you to go west, but I was worried it would not be picked up. A) It's a single word in a long conversation, B) There are signs to the "Old Tunnel" pointing eastwards, and C) all the shops are on the east side of the village. So the player is nudged by everything on the map to walk east. I should change that.


I finish completely this game. Bravo excellent (small) game.

- This game don't work with DSLOA snif
- Very easy (for me)
- Thank God I'm not a (stupid) mule so I don't need this animal (I never use it - too stupid: me or him (or both) lol)
- Soon I want to play again this small game ... and take a lot of screenshots (with the old Fraps) ... and put few here
- Can you make the dungeon bigger with some secrets rooms ... and with a big boss (to kill)?

I must agree it is an excellent (small) map. I also would like the dungeon to be bigger with secret rooms and secret goodies. Maybe even with some additional map areas in other directions. As for me the game worked just fine with DSLoA. (I put the map in the DS1 map folder and the dsres in the DS1 resources folder then started the game using DSLoA).

bare_elf wrote:

I must agree it is an excellent (small) map. I also would like the dungeon to be bigger with secret rooms and secret goodies. Maybe even with some additional map areas in other directions. As for me the game worked just fine with DSLoA. (I put the map in the DS1 map folder and the dsres in the DS1 resources folder then started the game using DSLoA).


I think my game become a stupid mule. Must to install again ... to see if the small map work with DSLOA.exe. Wait and See. And kick the mule's ass at the same time lol

...and thanks for playing the map!
It should work with DSLOA.exe, at least that's what I'm using myself, I'm just a Skrit kiddie not a pro modder Wink
I certainly won't make the dungeon any longer, firstly because it's difficult to do with the DS terrain node system, and secondly because it is mainly a gimmick of non-euclidean geometry so the players should see the other side of the airgap to understand what's happening (and this without see-far mods). Would be possible to add a little something to the sides of it of course.
And the Mucosa and Skeleton Captain are supposed to be the bosses of the tunnel level, but you have to play the map mod-less & start with a new character Wink
I will not make the map any bigger (no new regions for sure), I am satisfied with it being a little standalone 5-level map, and I don't have the time to extend it, but I want to polish it a bit, with the help of your feedback. I hope to finish this tomorrow, so if you want to wait with your screenshots for a bit...
Anyways thanks bare elf for the screenshot. I'll make a few myself as promised but it looks cooler with the camera angle mod you have. Also do you have the hi-res texture mod installed? Sure will look pretty with those giant flowers...
Again thx for playing & wait for my update! Wink

VoilĂ  the new version of Ehland! And screenshots!
- Nudge player more to the west, to find the right way
- Add an ulora to hire (young girl called Lauryn at the beginning of Ehwood)
- Fix bug where you could shoot into the Tunnel from above
- Add nice tombstone on Hovart's grave hill
Enjoy Smile

Fixing the bug where you could shoot into tunnel from above is a nice fix.
Adding Lauryn to the map does provide a lot of extra clues as to what is really happening since only one villager has any clue as to what's going on. She basically completes the story line as to why going into the tunnel is important.
the tombstone is a great touch.
Maybe you could do another small map as I like the way you think Smile

I may have to install DS1 again and try this little map out Smile

The images are pretty damned good as well, I have never gotten my game to look as sharp and clear as that, what are your graphics card settings foerstj?

Just for the record, as I alread told @bare_elf in PM, I am back to work now and don't have time for making more maps, even tho I'd love to.

@Kathy Too: Would love to hear your thoughts if you try it! Smile

@Moros: Uh dunno, ini file says 1024x768, native screen size is 1920x1080. Running it on a small & weak netbook / travel laptop, nothing special about it. I used the builtin screenshot functionality of DS. Would've tried out that enhanced textures dsres but not enough storage left on the little thingy lol.

Finally took the time to publish it on Nexus Mods & Github as well:

I was annoyed by the camera bounds, and the cave mushrooms weren't looking good with Wintermod, so I made a small update:

Ah yeah before I forget it, there's also another update for Ehland to be had
Release notes: