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Adding faces to DS/LOA?

File facetest.7z126.94 KB

Hope I'm posting this in the right forum--if not, you're welcome to yell at me Laughing out loud

So I tried adding a tweaked face texture to DS/LOA, and clearly have no clue what I'm doing, seeing as my .dsres file crashed the game on startup--it showed an error message reading: "A fatal error has occurred and the app must shut down. Cannot find world:global:sounds:vosounds in gas tree!
Now, the .gas file I made is just a copy of faces.gas (with the name of my texture added so the game can find it), so it shouldn't touch anything to do with the sounds. Can someone explain like I'm five where I messed it up? I'll attach a copy of my .dsres so someone can take a look.

Note: I'm on Windows 10, and my faces.gas file is modified by the DS:LoA Revival mod. The pic on this post is my edited face texture, for reference.

VeganCannibalism wrote:

Hope I'm posting this in the right forum--if not, you're welcome to yell at me Laughing out loud

So I tried adding a tweaked face texture to DS/LOA, and clearly have no clue what I'm doing, seeing as my .dsres file crashed the game on startup--it showed an error message reading: "A fatal error has occurred and the app must shut down. Cannot find world:global:sounds:vosounds in gas tree!
Now, the .gas file I made is just a copy of faces.gas (with the name of my texture added so the game can find it), so it shouldn't touch anything to do with the sounds. Can someone explain like I'm five where I messed it up? I'll attach a copy of my .dsres so someone can take a look.

Note: I'm on Windows 10, and my faces.gas file is modified by the DS:LoA Revival mod. The pic on this post is my edited face texture, for reference.

The attached zip file appears to be empty. Would you please post the faces.gas file. Please show your work Smile Elf

Strange that it's empty for you--I just downloaded it myself and the .dsres (which contains the .gas file--did I do that wrong?) is in there. Ah well.

Here's a new archive, hopefully I didn't do something dumb to this one too. It should contain my .dsres, faces.gas file, and the folder structure with my texture inside.


It worked this time VeganCannibalism. All the parts where in the zip file and it unzipped correctly. I will have a look at it to see what I can find, but right now I need some sleep. Been awake for about 53 hours. To many things going on. Now it is quiet so nap time.

I am not exactly sure why the game is crashing. I tried your mod on both a windows 10 and a windows 7 computer. The results where the same. I received the same error messages you did. I will need to look more at the file tree to see what might be happening.

The faces.gas should be in Logic/world/global/skins, and not a stand alone gas file. I will play around with things tonight, must get back to work.

Thanks for the pointer! I have created that file structure and moved the faces.gas file there, then made a new .dsres file. The good news is, the game now runs! Laughing out loud The... less good news is that my texture doesn't show up; my farmgirl is completely invisible, as if she's a ghost. The texture is in a .psd format, which may be the problem, except I've seen a couple of other skin mods using the .psd format and they seemed to work alright. I'm a little baffled.

Did you do the same thing with the art file that you did with the gas file?

The art file within my updated .dsres is just in art\bitmaps\characters\good_a_heroes\farmgirl. Is it supposed to be elsewhere? (Sorry for all this, I'm just trying to learn!)

VeganCannibalism wrote:

The art file within my updated .dsres is just in art\bitmaps\characters\good_a_heroes\farmgirl. Is it supposed to be elsewhere? (Sorry for all this, I'm just trying to learn!)

No you have the file placed correctly. I know I have seen this problem before with some of my own skins. Put on your thinking cap elf.

Just to be sure, I removed the DS:LoA Revived mod, and made a fresh reinstall of the game. Upon clicking through the available skins on the unmodded game, all seems well. Tossed my mod into the Resources folder, and upon restarting the game... it's still not there. So the good news is, the weird invisible skin wasn't from my meddling. Apparently. The bad news is there's still something wrong with my mod. I'll upload the updated file so you can take another crack at it.


Apparently you forgot to copy the faces name at the start of the faces.gas, see the picture i made from dsloa expansion.dsres and your newfacetest4.dsres.

Also the logic folder is not needed, world\...\faces.gas is enough.


Aha, that was the solution! Laughing out loud It works now, thanks so much for your help!