PnP Dungeonsiege
Submitted by Klandank on Mon, 2018-08-27 12:12 | ||
Anybody ever play any pen-and-paper games based on DS? Like a D&D campaign based in Ehb? forums: |
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hand made?
Well, it could be a whole new set of homemade rules (Although I suspect I’m probably the only person in the world who has ever gone that far: I actually made up a whole Dungeonsiege ruleset for AD&D 2e), but basically I’m just wondering if anyone has ever played a PnP game that the gamemaster set in Ehb. You really wouldn’t need a whole new ruleset for that; pretty much any medieval RPG rules would do.
DM: “So, your characters are passing through rural farmland. Up ahead, you see smoke rising from a burning barn. An old man, apparently wounded, is struggling to cross a footbridge over a creek. What do you do?”
1 lawful good help the old man cross the bridge
2 neutral continue past the old man
3 chaotic evil kill the old man
rolls dice..dice lands on 3
would want to change the chaotic evil choice to: destroy the bridge and watch the old man suffer and lose hope.

Thought I'd come back and resurrect this necro-post, as I finally put this plan into action. I've been running a weekly game of Dungeonsiege-as-RPG on Roll20 for the last couple months using my homebrew ruleset. The group finally made it to Stonebridge just last session, after fighting their way through the Farmlands and surviving a harrowing traverse of the Crypts.
The player running the "farmboy" equivalent chose to be an archer. Joining him was local Azunite priestess (nature mage), a half-elven rogue, and a troupe of Traveler entertainers including a bard, a wizard, a fortune-teller, and their half-giant guard and "strongman".
The crypts were brutal, with several near-TPKs. The priestess fell victim to one of the fire-belching traps, while the fortune-teller was slain by the Ruby Gargoyle's laser eyebeams. Shortly thereafter the party found Ulora, as well as a gnomish tinker, and finished their journey to Stonebridge. Been a hoot, watching a version of Dungeonsiege unfold in which the players are free to try just about anything they can think of. It definitely involves a lot more sneaking than the computer version!!
Hi Klandank, hope you have been well.
Your PnP session sounds like lots of fun and also pretty creative. I don't know very much (or anything at all) about paper and pen stuff. Your screenshot shows an environment similar to DS, how does that work?
After playing WoW and some other MMOs, I wish I could import the kind of stealth those games had with Dungeon Siege. I would love to pick pocket some of the critters in the game too. Not Krug though...I mean, they wear loincloth/diaper type things, yick.
Nice to hear from you. Don't be a stranger!
The Roll20 VTT (Virtual Table Top) is two-dimensional, so I use Photoshop to make 2-D jpegs that have the feel of the 3-D Dungeonsiege environments.
Most of the players in my game have plenty of experience with PnP, but none with Dungeonsiege. I think just one of them played it, way back in 2002. It's been really fun introducing them to the Kingdom of Ehb!
One of the things I always loved about the original Dungeonsiege adventure was how you started out with almost nothing; not as a mighty adventurer but as a simple poor farmboy/girl facing a hostile countryside armed with...a knife. That's a new experience for most of these veterans of D&D and similar games. Really had to use their wits to survive.
As far as your disparaging comment on Krug fashion sense; I'll have you know that loincloths are terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future.
Why wait for the future, now is a good time for loincloths. You can wear them as intended or if you need a mask it is a quick change.
I don't know Klandank. It looks to me that Krug fashion offenses have finally caught up with them...
But after reading bare elf's reply, I can see the appeal of such a versatile piece of clothing. Covering one's loins, a covid mask...You could also wear it over your head it it rains, or you could convert it into a backpack for lugging around rusty daggers and peasant short bows.
That virtual table looks interesting. It never occurred to me that PnP could be played online. I agree it is pretty cool how DS starts out, progressing from a humble farmer to the hero of Ehb.
Personally, I always went for the pitchfork over the knife. I like how you can use it as a staff for casting spells or as a melee weapon. Plus hey, pitchfork.
About loincloths, I was not thinking about the sumo/krug style, as they would be difficult to quickly change from loin cloth to mask. The loincloth that I am thinking of could not be used to carry things. It would have no back, except for a strap. So good for a quick change.
No, I wasn't thinking so specifically. I was thinking only of a square-ish piece of cloth and how versatile it could be. Kind of like the towel in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Your right Kathy, Ford told Arthur if you can only keep one thing and you are torn between your pants and your towel, take the towel.