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TUTORIAL – Playing DS_LOA Online using IP Address Method

# Resume

With this Tutorial you'll be able to ‘Host or Join a game on the Internet using an Internet Protocol (IP) Address’

Official method offered by the developers of the Game. Just Follow the tutorial and its images examples

For Hosting a Game, read it all. For Joining, go directly to Step 5.2

This is not just another way of playing online. It's about connection quality and a better gaming experience

# First things first

Since I’ve been looking for a tutorial here with this subject and I didn't find it, I decide to create one very simple which anyone can follow and do it, step by step. It’s very easy.

The concept is universal. In my explanations I'm using a TP-Link TL-WR941hp router. However, independent of the brand/model, the method works with any Router – If you do steps rightly.

Divided in 6 steps, the tutorial it looks big but in practice the steps are quickly.

# How is this possible?

- Direct IP Adress Connection (Does not uses any third party apps)
- Dungeon Siege uses Direct Play 8.1

# Pre-requisites

- Internet Connection (Host and Players).
- DS or DS LOA installed – Same version for the Host and Players.
- Your Router's IP address to access the Main Menu and navigate to the Sections:
• First, Network > DHCP Server > IP Adress Reservation
• Second, NAT Forwarding
- Your Public IP Address on the Internet to share it to the players
- Game and DirectPlay allowed through Firewall


1 – Accessing and Managing your Router

• Follow the instructions below / Check image file ‘Img 1 – Accessing and Managing your Router’
- Open your browser and Enter the IP address of your Router.
- You can find the IP address in the label sealed below of your Router (My TP-Link Model has as Default IP Address, Depending on the brand of your router, it can be a different IP.
- Now you must login in your router. If you didn't change anything, check the same label of before and use the default User/Password printed there.
- Perfect! You're in!

2 – Accessing Network Management

• Follow the instructions below / Check image file: ‘Img 2 – Accessing Network Management’
- This step it’s very important considering next one.
- For default, routers change the Internal IP Address of the devices automatically. We don’t want that.
- We want to reserve the IP Address of the specific Machine you'll use to create the server (Host Game).
- Now that you're logged into your router, go to the section relationated to,

> NETWORK > DHCP Servers

- In this place You'll see the list of all connected devices into your Router. Also you’ll see a field named as,

> Address Reservation (Or something else with the same meaning).

- Add the machine you’re using to create the Host Game in the list of reserved IPs.
- Write down the IP of this machine. You'll use this IP in the next Step.

3 – Managing NAT Forwarding

• Follow the instructions below / Check image files: ‘Img 3.1 – Managing NAT Forwarding’ and ‘Img 3.2 – NAT Forwarding Status’.
- Here’s where we do the magic trick: We’ll open the UDP 6073 Port (inbound/outbound) in your router. This step makes your future Host Game visible for the other players.
- Your router probably supports a few forwarding rules. In my Router I selected the one named ‘Virtual Servers’. But I believe that the rule ‘Port Triggering’ it could work too.
- It’s more easily to understand seeing the Images of this step. You just have to fill the fields as the images shows.
- In written way, go to the section,

> NAT Fowarding > Virtual Servers

- Select Add and fill in the fields exactly as below:
• Service Type: Type, for exemple, “DS_LOA” (without quotes)
• External Port: 6073
• Internal IP: That one you reserved for your Machine in Step 2, remember?
• Internal Port: 6073
• Protocol: UDP
• Save configurations. Done!

> NAT Fowarding > Port Triggering

- Select Add and fill in the fields exactly as below:
• Apliccation: Type, for exemple, “DS_LOA” (without quotes)
• Triggering Port: 6073
• Triggering Protocol: UDP
• External Port: 2300-2400 (or you can try '6073,2300-2400')
• External Protocol: UDP
• Save configurations. Done!

- In most situations this is enough to players find the Host Created. If it’s not, don't worry, there's one more trick. Wait until we’re testing the server in Step 6.

4 – Identify your Internet Public IP Address

- One or other method bellow will work.
- Be in mind that the IP Addresses changes after a few time – not during the match, at least it never happened to me.
- The changing or not and the time of changing it depends of your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Anyway, probably, next day you're gonna play, you'll have check it again, ok?

4.1 – Method 1 – Googling ‘My IP’

- Last year (2020) this method was the one which was working for me based on my ISP of that time.

• Follow the instructions below / Check image file ‘Img 4.1 – M1 – Identify your Internet Public IP Address’
- Type on google: My IP.
- Open the first page below and there you'll find your Public IP Address.
- You'll share this IP with the Players later.

4.2 – Method 2 – Main Menu of your Router

- Nowadays (2021), this is the method which is working based on my new ISP.

• Follow the instructions below / Check image file ‘Img 4.2 – M2 – Identify your Internet Public IP Address’
- In Main Menu in your router look for the field ‘IP Adrress’.
- You'll share this IP with the Players later.

5 – Allowing DS Game and Direct Play 8.1 through your Firewall

- For Hosting, you MUST allow DS_LOA and Direct Play 8.1 through the Firewall. Players, only the Game (Step 5.2). But if the Player will become Host in other situation, it will be necessary to Allow Direct Play 8.1 too.
- Do this procedure for Dungeon Siege first. Do the same when’re going to play Legends of Aranna Expansion.
- For Direct Play 8.1, it will be required ONCE independent if you're doing first to DS or LOA.

5.1 – For Hosting (DS and LOA Expansion)

• Check immediately the three images, observing them:
- ‘Img 5.1 – Hosting a Game’
- ‘Img 5.2 – Firewall Settings - DS Game’
- ‘Img 5.3 – Firewall Settings - Direct Play 8.1’
- Ok...

• First we need to create a Host Game
- Open the DS Game and go to:

> Multiplayer > Internet > Host Game > Name the Host and click OK.

- The screen may minimize (especially with old OS). If doesn't, force it by using ‘CTRL + ESC’ keys.
- There will be 2 little windows oppened asking to allow or deny DS Game and Directplay 8.1 through firewall of Microsoft Windows.
- IN EACH WINDOW, check the two little boxes: Private and Public. Why? Some users don't know how to change their Network from public to private and vice versa.
- Then click on ‘Allow’. Done!
- Let the Host opened.

• Remember, to LOA Expansion you’ll have to do the same step above (Img 5.4 – Firewall Settings – LOA). Not to DirectPlay anymore.

5.2 – For Joinning

- If you did the step above to create a Host Game, it won't be needed to do this procedure. If you didn't, go ahead.
- Open the DS Game and go to:

> Multiplayer > Internet > Enter Host’s IP Address > Click on Connect

- Your screen may minimize. If doesn't, force it by using the Keys CTRL + ESC.
- There will be a little Window asking to Allow or Deny the game to communicate on the network (Eg. ‘Img 5.2 – Firewall Settings – DS Game’).
- Check the two little boxes (Private and Public) and click on ‘Allow access’.
- Supposing that the Server is working ok, that’s it.

• Do the same procedure if you’re going to play LOA Expansion (Eg. Img 5.4 – Firewall Settings – LOA).

6 – Testing the Created Server

- Once your Host Game is created, share your Public IP Address obtained in Step 4 to the players. Share the IP from Method 1 (Step 4.1) first.
- The Players must open the game and go to:

Multiplayer > Internet, and type the received IP in the field: ‘ENTER THE HOST’S IP ADRESS, IF JOINING’.

- Done! The clients will find the created Host Game.
- IF not, share the IP Address from Method 2 (Step 4.2) and ask them to try to find the Host Game again. Done!

- “OMG! Still not working!”. Ok...

- To solve this situation, we have to make the Host Machine “more visible” using DMZ.

6.1 Enabling DMZ

- As I told you before in Step 3: In most cases all we did so far is enough to play the game Online successfully. However, sometimes, for some unknown reason, it isn’t! Consequence: The players won't find the created server. That’s why DMZ it’s an important tool and should be used.

- Enable it temporarily, just to make the players find the host game. Once they're in, you can turn it off – you can turn it off any time even during the game play. Or you can leave it enabled while you're playing. After that, disable it.

• Follow the instructions below / Check image file ‘Img 6 – Enabling DMZ’
- Now, in your Router, go to:

> NAT Fowarding > DMZ

- In the shown field, type the Reserved IP for the Host Machine in Step 2.
- Enable the DMZ and Save Configuration

• Now we’ll test the Host Game with DMZ enabled in two combinations:

1) Ask the players to try to find the server again Using IP Address from Method 1 (4.1).
- Did work? Yes? Perfect! Noop? Test the second one.
2) Ask the players to try to find the server again Using IP Address from Method 2 (4.2).
- Did work?

- I guess it Yes (probably). Have a nice play!



‘Readme’ file (Topic J. Connectivity Issues, Pages 29 and 30. Located in Default Folder of installation of the game. This reference was the key to find which Port and Protocol DS_LOA uses) and The User Guide of my Router. If necessary, consult yours on the website of the brand of your router.


The method shown in tutorial above works perfectly for me considering my ISP and Country. I sincerely hope that it works for all users from ‘SiegeTheDay’ community too, independent of ISPs or Countries.

Show your modded stuffs in real time, Complete the Campaigns or Do whatever you want in a Multiplayer match through Internet using IP Address.

Thank you all for your attention!

Me and My Friends play online according with the method above.

We're on different cities and states.


This tutorial needs a revision. Me and my friends we're gonna play Online soon. Maybe we'll create a chat on Discord and share the match on it. Or even if someone here wants to play, its very possible. =D

4 or 5 Brazilians playing Online. But the Game allows 8 players maximum.