where are the pet shops
Submitted by Templarian Arch... on Tue, 2006-10-31 19:49 | ||
Could someone tell me where the templates for the pet shops are? You see, i am making a new pet and i need a way to add it to the game. ^_^ forums: |
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In the gas files here:

perhaps this article at the garage can shed some light as well,
Okay, for some reason, my DS2 game is having trouble, as it all of a sudden tells me that i have innsufficiant memory every time i start up the game, so i cannot test this pet.
This pet is concidered a beta at the moment, and I was wondering if i could ask a big favor of someone here to try out the new pet (its a fire beetle), and review it with screenshots here. Pretty please? ^_^
The best way to test mods is to use DS2Mod and untanked \bits... It gives error messages where DS2 just doesn't work / crashes.
Why is 446 MB of free ram still not enough for DS2 to run?
Ds2 is such a RAM hog....
That's just a generic error message... there's problem somewhere (in a template or tank), and the error details aren't being given to you.
Then why does it give me that message even when i remove the mod?
If you get an out-of-memory error when you are using absolutely no mods, then either your DS2 installation is corrupted, or there is something wrong with your system (hardware or system software). I'm assuming you have plenty of disk space for your swap file...
Hmmm. One other possibility, a corrupted save game. You can try moving your saves somewhere else as a test to see if that's the problem.
For what it's worth....
"Out of memory" does not mean that it's all used up, it means that an address used was outside the known memory occupied by the application - it should probably have said "outside memory" but that would be just as confusing - "But all my memory is on the inside!..." Treat it as "bad memory address" instead.
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Dungeon Raider
actually ya may have enough ram memory but by looking at the picture of task manager, i suspect its the other memory ya dont have much of and thats virtual memory windows uses on your harddrive... your windows swap file may not be big enuff.. have windows manage it... if not that then one of your sticks of ram may be kinda flakey, ya can test ram with a memory tester program, i dont have a link for it, but im sure ya know how to use google, so it wont be hard to find... anyways good luck solving this memory problem.
So it has been written, and so it shall cometh to pass! Quothe The Darkelf, forevermore!
/me only has 7GB of free space on his hd.........
And how much do you use for swap?
How do I find out?
click on start button, then click control panel, then click performance and maintenance, then click System, then do Advanced tab, then under Performance, do Settings, then Advanced tab, and at bottom is Virtual Memory, hit Change and that will tell ya how much it using.. I use system managed which is default...
So it has been written, and so it shall cometh to pass! Quothe The Darkelf, forevermore!
I am so happy!
It works now!
All i needed was a reinstall and start a new game. My theory is that I removed a mod without removing the content, so it corrupted the game, basically.
The pet is *adorable*
Ill work on it some more and release him soon.
Very cute.
I am going to turn this into a "petpak" instead...
I have just completed the beetle and i am working on a "Slime Devil", a nasty green creature that is a master of "debuffs", and he spits slime too.
the more pets the better.... but the question is, what skills will they have and how many pages etc...
So it has been written, and so it shall cometh to pass! Quothe The Darkelf, forevermore!
Firefox looks pretty cool, TAS. If you are going to do more, then I too would be interested to know what their powers and abilities are.
Total absence of humor renders life impossible.
The giant fire beetle :
Attack: Volcanic blast - Launches a wide spray of firey projectiles
Spell: (not so much of a spell, but...) Kamikaze - The fire beetle becomes enraged, generating enough body heat to ignite nearby monsters
Power: Until i learn to code my own powers, it is the same as the fire elemental
Emanation: "Fire Shell" Fire immunity for the party, and if i can code it properly, perhaps attacks will do extra fire damage.
The Slime Devil :
Attack: Toxic Spray - He spits a twin blast of acidic slime from the "appendages" on the side of his body
Spell: (curse) Slime Rot - A deadly curse that lowers all attack speeds and damage by 66%, reduces health by 66%, and death damage does 2.5X
Power: none, i think that with a spell like that, he doesn't need a power :P (balance)
Emanation: "antivenom" Party is immune to curses, death magic, and they regenerate health faster
Just made an Earth Elemental pet....
He throws rocks and causes tremors
You have been busy! Looks good.
Total absence of humor renders life impossible.
Very nice work TAS!! I'm very impressed, and hope that ya release this project... anyways.. now i got a few suggestions
for Crushy, instead of using the Mythrilhorn portrait icon, ya can use a Sangor portrait icon (b_gui_ig_m_i_edm-009)...
take for instance the following example code ...
specializes = base_pet_Crushy;
portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_m_i_edm-009;
dexterity = 1, 0;
intelligence = 1, 0;
strength = 1, 0;
.... and for Electrode b_gui_ig_m_i_edm-012 would probably be better than the scorpion queen icon... example code follows
specializes = base_pet_Electrode;
portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_m_i_edm-012;
dexterity = 1, 0;
intelligence = 1, 0;
strength = 1, 0;
So it has been written, and so it shall cometh to pass! Quothe The Darkelf, forevermore!
I'm must say i'm impressed by all these creative pets...
But from what i have readt until now i fear a bit these pet will become a bit too powerful and cheat-like!?
I mean, a baby pet should be rather weak and fragile, and for good balancing of a mature pet eg. its damage per second should be approximately as high as for default pets or anywhere between the damage amounts of ranged chars and combat mages.
Of course balancing matters also are depending on the personal point of view and i have no doubts that a notable number of players/modders will find reasons to see it different, but me at least i try to tune my pets in a way that they don't completely outpace existing pets or party member types.
However, just a simple hint about making more individual icons: you could use e.g. the 'hue' slider of XnView on existing icons, save it then as *.tga and convert it afterwards with Nvidia's DDS tools into a *.dds with an individual name, of course a realted 'referencing' gas files has to be created too (like below).
Both must/should be saved then in art/bitmaps/gui/in_game/main/icons as surely known.
The inspiration comes from reading...lots and lots of reading...
*edit note* ~All attacks are intelligent based, so how powerful they are really depends on how much spells and mage armor you feed them~
*edit question* I wanted to make a pet that was a frost fairy, and that used the snow queen model and textures. When I tested it, it generated exception errors. I proceeded to remove the pet's files until the errors stopped, and it revealed that the models and animations were generating the errors. My question is: Why does the models or animations generate the errors? It is not exactly priority, as i could just make a water or air elemental pet in its place, but I am just curious...
What is confusing is how the Shockweaver(electrode) pet uses an imported model and animations, with the skin being my own, and it does not generate errors - It worked perfectly on the first try.
Please don't talk to me as a diplomat would do it.
Indeed the damage of magical pet spells depends on how much intelligence the pet gets by food - on player's side.
But you are the creator, i guess you know that the damage caused by an intelligence based spell also depends on the damage formula used resp. on the intelligence scalar/multiplier that defines how much influence one further intelligence point will have, eg. static bold and ice strike both are using a scalar of 0.7 approximately.
About the importing models from DS1 i can't say a lot, sorry.
I can't imagine that textures are the problem, some errors you can catch probably by testing models first in the Animviewer of the DS2 toolkit.
When using DS2Mod it's always a good idea to check the error and warning log files after starting the game (if don't do this already). There would be specific command line switches for this:
enable_template_warnings=true skrit_debugging=true
Snow queen may have been an exception because she was based on the human female, but had extra animations unique to her to enable floating above the ground. It's possible that some of the extras' 4CC codes were reused for different animations of the female characters in DS2 causing a conflict. In that case, you'd just rename them out of the way.
Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider
Excellent idea, darkelf. New pets should have new icons
*edit* pets now have their own custom icons
just checking to see how the pets are coming, i would be interested in testing them out if ya ever get them done.
So it has been written, and so it shall cometh to pass! Quothe The Darkelf, forevermore!