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How to Rexture PSD's Preserving The 4 Channel?

Hi everyone its Dj,

Since DS has died out pretty, much lately, I decided to start moddding ds again, (to increase my comp skills). I thought that a new UI for a new mod might be interesting to do. I didn't have that much trouble with it but when i was done with the Logo sword fly-in at the beginning of the UI drop down list and after the screen credit avi's was changed but for the worst! Anyways, It seems when I rehued and resaturated the old UI logo, It destroyed the 4th alpha, bipmapped, grey scale potion of the pict. Not allowing the black portions to animate.
I checked the pict's using 3D exploration and the Gmax texturing tool. Since then i have tryed repeatedly to edit the alpha channeled PSD's without any success. Does anyone know of a link, tutorial, or guide that provides info on editing 4 channel picts. I need to know how the layers and channels are arranged in the ds format also. If anyone has any relevant info please reply. The code seems to be fine but the picture is missing a 4th grey scale channel. I've seperated all the RGB and black-white-grey channels and tryed to edit them to no avail. HELP!

000000 Black = transparency and white will show the image. Anything between the two will make it more or less translucent. That is all the alpha channel will do. I'm not sure if I answered your problem properly. If that is not the solution, I will need more info. DS will read PSD files, but when you release your mod you will want compression of course. When you're at that stage you will want to compress with PSD to RAW. I'm not sure if the tool is uploaded here.

Site Owner of Siegecore a new Dungeon Siege 1 & 2 fansite.

It's not yet but I'll get to uploading all the old stuff when christmas break comes along.

djdniners, you can probably find the pds to raw converion tool at Siegecore or Herena Forge if you need it. Those site's links are found in the left menu.

I forgot to upload it 0.o. Your best off getting it at Forge. If Forge does not have it, planet dungeon siege has it.

Site Owner of Siegecore a new Dungeon Siege 1 & 2 fansite.

Thxz, for the tips ( i got the tools) But i was look for sumthin a little more specific. Ive tryed this with Paint.Net, Deep Paint 2 and paint shop pro 4.15 to no avail. Ive got The GIMP don't really the floating windows, but from reading "Groking the GIMP" last Nite, its seems u can manipulate indidvidual channels and layers a little easier. So I guess i'll re-install it and give it a go. When and If im successful i'll get back to u all on how to do it.

If you are looking for DS1 tools I have several listed here: And pretty much all the DS1 tools are in the Game Editing Tools Compilation listing. I also do have all other tools I have ever seen for DS1, I just dont have them all listed.

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Not to take away from the cureent topic, but what tools would I need if I wanted to try to make some DS1 armor? Lili emailed a list to me once, but that information was in my other compouter that is broken...(I already have SiegeEditor.) Thanks. Smile

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

For most edits all you need is tank creator/viewer and any paint program. For any armors/skins I have done I use Paint Shop Pro 6 & 9 (after I updated a year or 2 back) and ms paint for the paint programs. Also I guess I used the raw to bmp to get the image to work on, then psd to raw to stick it back in the game. Then for any needed gas files you can use any text editor like notepad though I use skrit pad as it looks all pretty.

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Ok, thanks sjr. (moo!) ^^

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Yea the GIMP works fine! Paint.Net doesn't. Sword Logo Flyin Solved! THX