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A shot of my hero Merik Swiftblade from the demo.

I forgot to give Thestrin the Sword in the Heirloom Quest - can't do the MM Quest yet.. boo!

Got some some nice outfits for the crew, though..

[left-click to enlarge]

..the world is full of beauty, and life is wonderful!

a nice wintery scene from the Azunite Burial Ground..

(left-click image to expand)

- Vet level is much more of a challenge.. I've had to start using tactics
during combat - and the powers are getting very interesting..

- actually looking forward to Elite level, but there is still much to do,
- it's odd seeing the dialogues again - some of them don't make sense at all
- given that you are heading back through the game for the second time..

PS - Im going to make some Christmas cards using DS2 screenies and MS Publisher
- there's nothing like personalized cards, is there? :wizard:

..the world is full of beauty, and life is wonderful!

That is a pretty winter pictur. So blue!

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

I have also some 'cold' screen shots, not very dignified for X-Mas cards but perhaps nice to see nevertheless.

Wow, you guys sure are posting some nice winter screenshots.

And you are making it difficult for me to focus on my schoolwork.
I really want to make a nice winter region or start up a game when I see those shots. :P

Strider978's picture

Definatly feeling that urge as well sol...

If I fail this course I'm blaming Blondin and KillerGremal. Laughing out loud

Sharkull's picture

I'm waiting for someone to post a picture of a dwarf with a white beard, and a red outfit...

Laughing out loud

While the ones are disputing who will get the X-Mas presents, others are celebrating a cheerful ceremony:

By the way, good luck for all your courses. Wink

The second one looks very...festive. Laughing out loud

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

ha, ha!
I love the Dark Wizards screenie, KG - very festive! :woot:

a couple more showing the smart outfits in DS2..
Amren's swapped armour with Deru, by the way
because he's about 10 levels below her, and she's
starting to acquire some very high-rated stuff..!!

I've heightened the brightness a bit, just to highlight the detail..
(mind you, my monitor is set quite dark..)

BTW: my 6600GT runs better with the NVIDIA driver services disabled in "services.msc"
- just a tip to those using NVIDIA AGP..

- gotta keep an eye on card temperatures, though
as this messes with the sensor readings, apparently..

- brilliant game!

..the world is full of beauty, and life is wonderful!

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Wink I hear Amanlu has some really nice christmas trees Wink
...That must be why the archmage brought his axe staff...

Well, he's a lumberjack, and he's OK..
Sleeps all night and he works all day..
Laughing out loud

I was checking out some enchantments in Aman'lu, and I just noticed..
Enchanter Khailen has quite a complex animation routine..
he's very busy, with little nods and shrugs and things.. very clever!

..the world is full of beauty, and life is wonderful!

..hmm - do you get the feeling we've been here before?

..oh well - next stop KalrathiaII: The Revenge..

- dragon fricasee, anyone..??
..dragon a l'orange, maybe..??

..dragon, dragon, dragon, spam and dragon..??!! Insane

---------------------------------------------------------------------- is a wonderland of joy and beauty!

@Blondin235: I hope you won't mind my question, but do you probably have an old CRT monitor!?

Your imgaes are great however at least with me they often look much too bright, backgrounds assumed to be black look grey on my LCD (well indeed i don't really trust in it neither).

It is a CRT, and it's quite old - but that's not the reason that they look kinda overbright and washed-out..

it's cos I usually tinker with them using PhotoDraw - probably overcooking the thing..

I'll post an "original" for comparison..

I always run with very low lighting - I just like the deeper shades I can get.. the DS2 game itself looks magnificent like this, by the way..!!

I'll get a screenie and post it up without any "fiddling" - tell me if it looks clear enough for you to see the detail..

- back in a mo' :woot:

- back again.. this one has not been processed at all..
- it's just a conversion from bitmat to .jpg format..

- how does that look - if it's better, I'll leave them vanilla flavoured in future..

PS:- and of course I don't mind, KG - I'd rather it pleased your eye than mine..!! :happy:

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

..just reached Darthrul, again..
- Morden everywhere..
Vet level is a real struggle, the enemy are very powerful
- some are way over 100,000 strength!!

- ever onward..!!

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

personally i prefer the dark ones. i think they look better

What if the hokey pokey really is what it is all about????

Blondin235 wrote:
It is a CRT, and it's quite old - but that's not the reason that they look kinda overbright and washed-out..

it's cos I usually tinker with them using PhotoDraw - probably overcooking the thing..


Indeed i prefer it rather dark/original, they look a bit less foggy!? :happy:

But of course it's ok if think you should enhance a screen shot for web presentation - actually i often do it too, while something can look good in the game, it may loose some of its impression as 'stand-alone' image.

Unfortunately i'm not familar with PhotoDraw, but i guess it has any automatic picture enhancing function, and if not 'good old' gamma, contrast and saturation slider will often help too. Wink

I've run a party (all the girls, now including Ressa) through Vet level and got them all to Uber level 100. So for an interesting challenge, I'm taking them out naked (no armor or weapons) and seeing what they can do with their bare hands!

They can handle a single Volatile Boggrot provided one of the party can heal as they go. It takes forever when they are doing only one or two points of damage at a time, and you have to knock off 12,000 hit points! They get swarmed easily with zero armor, even though they have decent quantities of hit points themselves. To start with, the mages and rangers levelled up really quickly in melee, which helped by resetting their health, too.

No pictures, because with my skin mod they really are naked!

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

Wow, ghastley - that sounds really difficult!!
I guess you'll be using hit and run tactics..
- better make sure that you leave a clear exit from the battlezone..

- I trust that you're using a camera mod with a decent zoom..
- at least you'll get a good panoramic view of events!!

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!


..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

Nice! But I must not play just yet..

- hmm, very swish!! :dance3:
..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

Yikes, defeated Valdis a second time..!! :woot:

- now Finala has a brand new crown..

- and very fetching it looks too..!!

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!, I think we've been out in the sun too long..
- didn't I just see a Christmas turkey fly over..??

heh, heh! :woot:

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

I've just failed in my first attempt at Valdis' Archmage on the way up Zaramoth's Horns..

He has 1,529,999 hit points - yes, over 1 million!!

- anyway, here's an action pic of a battle that I did win!!:woot:

- DS2 is still the most excellent, challenging game around..!!

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

the long-range camera control is just amazing..!! :woot:

- I took this spooky screenpic in Windstone Fortress..
If you look closely, you can just see Deru - she is the selected CHR and the
camera is dropped over her, and then panned back through the hole in the wall ahead..

- Lady Femme's mod is very powerful.. Cheer

volkan's picture

I like the scenery in the Ice caverns (even with the stalactites dropping on my head) Laughing out loud

@volkan: Even cool blue your ice cavern screen shot is very atmospheric. Smile

Although GPG's maps are not tuned for this (beware of the end of the world! ;)) it really makes fun to play a bit with non-default camera settings Laughing out loud - so once i have modified the camera to reach almost satelite altitude (well, flying at 15fps...:-o)

