it's been one of those days, y'know the sheriff's on my trail..
From the play by Lord Tennyson:-
Let be the 'Earl.' Henceforth I am no more
Than plain man to plain man.
Well, then, plain man,
There be good fellows there in merry Sherwood
That hold by Richard, tho' they kill his deer.
In Sherwood Forest. I have heard of them.
Have they no leader?
Each man for his own.
Be thou their leader, and they will all of them
Swarm to thy voice like bees to the brass pan.
They hold by Richard--the wild wood! to cast
All threadbare household habit, mix with all
The lusty life of wood and underwood,
Hawk, buzzard, jay, the mavis and the merle,
The tawny squirrel vaulting thro' the boughs,
The deer, the highback'd polecat, the wild boar,
The burrowing badger--by Saint Nicholas,
I have a sudden passion for the wild wood--
We should be free as air in the wild wood--
What say you? shall we go? Your hands, your hands!
Oh noes, the sheriff? What did you do?
He shot the sherriff...but he did not shoot the deputy. He shot the sherriff, but he swears it was in self defense.
don't mind me, just thinking of some old song.... :P
Total absence of humor renders life impossible.
I'm going to refrain from making the obvious comment that would go with that.. :P
huh - where did that picture, go?

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!
Now that sheriff part makes more sense, but only a little.
Is that "Brave, brave Sir Robin..."?
I will spank if necessary... (JOKE!)
Total absence of humor renders life impossible.
After the somewhat chunky graphics of DS2, the delicate graphics of DS1 make a welcome change.. besides Zaramoth lies dead amid the ruins of Broken World for a while - at least until I've plucked up the courage to venture back in Elite mode..
1. Autoload using Kilarin's amazing Journal (-never fails!)
2. Alt-Tab out and call up Xaa's HTML Help pages.. (- the Mageworld Holy Scriptures!)
3. Back to game and find strange floaty Lanista in white's KR1..hmmm..
- man, this game never ceases to amaze me.. :woot:
To think that the huge "My Little Pony" thread concerning it's design and construction at SiegeNetwork still exists in the archives.. well it just warms the heart!!
..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!
She looks like she is waving to us. *waves back*
Total absence of humor renders life impossible.
she actually is waving..
it's one of those little animations that Xaa programmed in..
I love this game, it's so intricately made..
- you simply can't rush it..
- Pookah has been trained in swordplay, here in the tower..
- and I've just remembered that there is more training at the other Rook's Castle
- I'll have to get back there and complete unarmed combat training, I don't mind though..
- not in a hurry at all..!! :woot:
..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!
How is the game going?
Total absence of humor renders life impossible.
I can't play at the moment, as the CD/RW-DVD combo has mysteriously stopped working..
I was heading back to White Queen's Rook and realized that I'd have to travel North from QB1.. it was 3:30am by then, so I saved..
Today when I booted up, the device just failed to run anything at all..
I'll get the case open and check all the connections first, but I fear a replacement is due.. I've seen an exact replacement really cheap, so hopefully it won't be too long a wait..
I hope I don't suffer withdrawal symptoms, though - I spend a lot of time in DS-land!! It's a shame the DS1/LOA game hasn't gone disc-free via patch (- legally approved, natch!)
- as for the game itself, version 3.00 runs superbly and the graphics look great!
..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!
- before I go off and buy a replacement, I just thought I'd ask if anyone has any recommendations on what to get..
- the choices are
1. A fancy DVDR/W which hopefully does everything, including recording CD's and playing DVD's
2. A CDR/W-DVD combo - like the one that fritzzed.. ie. no DVD recording
3. A dedicated DVD-R/W that can record CD's as well - plus a separate DVD Rom just for playing DVD's - this would need two bays and a head-scratching session over master/slave settings and connections, etc.. there any real advantage in taking the No. 3 option?
- I've got a 550watt PSU, so powering the two wouldn't be a problem - is that set-up easy to configure?
- any suggestions..? :construction:
..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!
I am not really sure where you are located (ie in the US or not) but you can buy a dvd burner for about $30US. Here is a place I have bought a lot of computer parts through: Dvd burners at The last one I bought was a $120 burner but it was a top end Plextor drive. The main advantage of 2 drives is then if you copy something you can do it directly as opposed to going copy to hard drive then copy to media on optical drive, this saves a bit of time otherwise there is no real advantage other than if one fails you still have the other one you can use. Frankly if I was going to put 2 optical drives in now they would both be dvd burners. Currently I have a cd-rom only and a dvd burner. If the cd drive ever fails I would put a second dvd burner in.
Abstraction Webpage
Abstraction Forums
- do you mean two times option No1..??
- would they each R/W back and forth in both directions?
- sounds interesting..!! for location..
- well, I've had to travel to the mainland..
- Jon in Stonebridge didn't have anything
- and old grumpy in the woods just kept telling me that I was as welcome as a badger in a stone-cold outhouse..
- I think he meant the outside loo..!! :woot:
..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!
I just found this site:
- everything's about Robin Hood!!
- and there's some really lovely pictures!! :woot: